• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views


    CAT stands for Cycle Adjustment Technique. It involves adjusting your sleep cycles to help you become more aware during the last few REM cycles of sleep. CAT is one of the less popular but newer techniques due to some of the cons it comes with, for example, sleep loss. Although CAT does have cons, it is very reliable and you can get a lot of lucid dreams from the technique.

    The First Week of CAT

    The first week of CAT is all about adjusting your sleep cycle which means you won't get any lucids from CAT during this time. All you need to do is set an alarm clock 90 minutes before you would normally get up each day for seven days.

    Now it Begins...

    After a week of getting up 90 minutes earlier, you can now sleep in to your normal time, but every other day you must get up 90 minutes before you would normally wake up. It is recommended that when you wake up early you do a bunch of reality checks.

    On the days where you sleep in, your body will think you are going to wake up early but you really won't, because of this your body will become more aware the last 90 minutes of sleep. Now everyday that you sleep in to your normal time you will have a big chance of getting a lucid dream!

    Example of a CAT Schedule After the First Week

    Monday: Sleep from 11 PM to 8 AM
    Tuesday: Sleep from 11 PM to 6:30 AM
    Wednesday: Sleep from 11 PM to 8 AM
    Thursday: Sleep from 11 PM to 6:30 AM
    Friday: Sleep from 11 PM to 8 AM
    Saturday: Sleep from 11 PM to 6:30 AM
    Sunday: Sleep from 11 PM to 8 AM


    If you are planning to use CAT for a while, it is recommend you do what you did during week one every few months. This is just to 'refresh' the technique and keep it successful.

    You can sleep in on normal days every one in a while, but not often.

    If you start to feel very tired and can't concentrate, you should stop CAT and try another technique.

    Before you go to bed on a normal day, tell yourself you are going to wake up early even though you won't. This will increase your chances of a lucid.

    Other Links

    CAT: Cycle Adjustment Technique
    The CAT Method


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