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    Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles

    So, this is my new journal. (Ask me about a link to my old journal, from 2005 - 2010) Not much to say, that my original intro didn't say. I began lucid dreaming as a response to vivid nightmares, as a kid. Over the years, I learned how to wake myself up, when I knew I was having a nightmare, which later developed into a curious resolve to stay within the dreams, instead of trying to escape. Now I practice lucid dreaming and dream control regularly (or as regularly as my undisciplined ass can stick with it). Most of my lucid dreams are still spontaneous, but I have my fair share of successes with induction methods, when I apply myself. Lucid dreaming has become a beloved hobby of mine, both for adventure and because of my deep-seated interest in consciousness, psychology, and the human mind, in general. It also just happens to be a hell of a lot of fun.

    So...that's about it. I guess all that's left on the agenda is the ol' disclaimer:

    In short; by reading my dream journal, you are hereby in agreement to forfeit the right to use any
    information or situations, herein, against me...for any reason...under any circumstances...

    (After all, they are just dreams.)


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    Todd's (aka My Main Dude) Epic Waking Life Adventure / Blog


    1. 1/2/2016 - "Hallway to Haven"

      by , 01-04-2017 at 08:41 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One
      "Hallway to Haven"

      I was walking through a tile and concrete hallway, metal doors and drawers lining the walls, with the feeling that someone(s) was following behind, searching for me. Eventually, while searching for somewhere to hide, I realized that I was dreaming. (Upon going to work, this afternoon, I recognized the hallway in my dream to be the parking garage hallway I normally do my reality checks in, when I'm entering or leaving the office.)

      The first thing I could think of to do, with my lucidity, was touch one of the concrete structures and ground myself into the dream. Then, I decided to try and change the scenery. Since I've had pretty good luck with creating and utilizing doorways, I turned to the wall and pulled open one of the panels, imagining that there would be some other, random scene within. I don't believe I waited to see if anything showed up, visually. I just moved my head in and 'dove' into the opening, focusing on the intention to simply 'be somewhere else.'

      My forward momentum turned into a headlong dive, and I immediately found myself flying over dark blue ocean in midday. I was moving at a high speed trying to keep myself above the surface of the water. I could sense the feeling of being over the ocean becoming more and more overwhelming, and the water, itself - already a strange and almost 'fake-looking' hue of opaque, navy blue - began to form long strands or tendrils, that rose up from the surface like tentacles as I flew just over it. The entire ocean looked a bit like ferrofluid, writhing and undulating beneath me, and it was starting to freak me out.

      I turned to find land, and saw a large landmass in the distance, completely surrounded by water. I flew closer and saw that it was a sort of plateau, with a raised center. The entirety of the surface was covered with lush, green jungle, leading up at a gentle incline - over what seemed like a few dozen square miles - to a central point in the center that housed some sort of large castle or fortress. The closer I got to the raised structure at the middle of the landmass, the more I could see that there was something flying about it, circling over the top of the building. A dragon.

      The moment I recognized this dragon for what it was, I got the feeling that there was something large coming up behind me - possibly flying, but that could have been moving through the water but standing tall enough to feel like it was breathing down my neck as I flew. Still flying to the island, now trying to escape what was behind me more than what was in front, I saw that all of the color from the jungle trees and tropical landscape was beginning to 'drain' down off of the mountainous incline upon which the building sat. All of the greens and purples, browns and reds that made up the jungle beneath me now began to run like dyed water, down to the ocean that surrounded the island. (It reminded me very much of the painted field from What Dreams May Come, but after someone would have thrown a glass of water on it.)

      I don't remember ever touching down on the island or making it to the building.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was at someone's house, cooking. Standing in the kitchen, I spontaneously remembered that I was just lucid dreaming, a moment ago. I became lucid, again, and felt kind of stupid that I'd gone from lucid dreaming to spending a dream cooking. Before I could really think of anything else to do with my lucidity, I woke up.

      Updated 01-04-2017 at 09:59 AM by 2450

      lucid , memorable
    2. 12/02/2011 - 1) "Trainhopping", 2) Fragment

      by , 12-13-2011 at 08:19 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One

      The first thing I remember is being on an elevated train. It felt kind of like a monorail, in that it was on a single-railed track, and distinctly had that 'theme park' feel to it. Somewhere along our trip, the train malfunctioned. It began to break down and lose speed, but I can't exactly remember the reason why. It was in this moment, when most of the people around me were reacting to the failing train, that I realized I was dreaming. Looking out the window nearest me, I could see another elevated track. Ahead, I could see another train speeding toward us, on the parrallel railing that sat a couple-dozen yards away from ours. Even in this short period of time, I could see that the train was moving insanely fast. It wasn't a regular monorail, but a bullet train. I knew, immediately, that I would much rather be on that train, than the disfunctional PoS that I was on, now.

      I levitated in the air and phased through the roof of my train, landing on top of it. I don't believe my train had completely stopped, but it definitely wasn't moving along at full speed. Ahead, I could see the other train nearing us, breezing along on its own, individual track. Both of these tracks sat so far above the ground that I don't actually remember seeing anything but an obscure blur of green fields far below us.

      The oncoming train would be passing us soon, so I knew I had to hurry, in order to catch it. While it passed my train, I ran along the length of the roof - from one of the first cars, which I had been in, all the way to the caboose. At the last car, I lept from the train, in a vain attempt to clear the gap between the two of them. Of course, I fell extremely short, and I could feel myself begin to fall toward the ground below us. Again (much like the T-Rex fighting lucid I'd had a few days ago), I had to right myself, while falling. I 'pushed forward', to turn my downward freefall into forward flight, sloppily clearing the gap and just barely making it to the bullet train as it whipped by the failing one that I had been on, moments ago. I grabbed the outside of the train, sticking somewhere between the train's side and rooftop, and then crawled the rest of the way onto the roof. The speed of the train made being on the roof very intense, and I figured it might be better if I made my way inside. So, slinking back around to the edge of the roof, I eased myself over the side of the speeding train, and phased myself through the window, dropping silently inside the train car.

      Unfortunately, I don't remember anything after entering the bullet train.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I faintly remember something about winning a minor argument against my mom, and chasing someone through a nightclub or bar or something, with a pistol.
    3. 11/19/2011 - "Extra-T-Rextrial"

      by , 11-26-2011 at 07:58 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      I was standing outside, in a residential area of some large city. There were a lot of other people around, and it seemed to just be an ordinary recreational function; a party or picnic or something. After a little while, I began to notice that there were a bunch of helicopters flying about the airspace around us. I couldn't exactly tell what they were doing at first, but, after some observation, I saw that they were dumping water on a location a few miles away, as if there was some out of control fire raging. I watched for a little while, and it appeared that the vertical cascades of white - that I knew to be water - began turning into horizontal streaks of white - that I knew to be missile exhuast. It was now obvious that many of these helicopters were combat helicopters, and they were firing upon something, though I couldn't tell what, at the moment.

      The people around me began watching the skies, and I could see many of them pointing off in a direction that I couldn't see, because of a large building that was blocking my view. I also saw that many of the combat choppers were heading over in that direction as well. Curious, I walked closer to the nearest group of people and rounded the corner, looking out toward whatever it was that they were pointing at. In the sky, above the skyline of a city that seemed rather New Yorkian, I saw an large mass of alien ships penetrating a firey wall of white and orange clouds, the sun directly behind them, and showing little more than black silouhettes against a golden sky. We were being invaded.

      For just a moment, I stopped and tried to think about this. This had to be a dream, right? Unfortunately, I didn't have the where-with-all to do many reality checks, and I quickly became convinced - because of the vividness of the dream (I had taken B6 and melatonin last night), that I was awake, and that this was really it: Extraterrestrial contact had been confirmed, and we were already at war.

      Giving us very little time to get adjusted to the idea that our planet was being attacked, huge beams of orange light came blasting down from the low-hanging haze of clouds, though in a fashion that wouldn't allow me to see where they were coming from. These beams of light would sweep across the ground, destroying everything (and everyone) in their paths; tearing nearby buildings down and burning the innocent people - that they were obviously aiming at - down to lifeless skeletons. Panic set in, and everyone began to run for their lives. (It was a lot like in the movie War of the Worlds, when they are running through the streets and the alien weapons are just decimating everything around.).

      I knew I had to get out of this field / lot that I was in, or I would be a sitting duck, so I began to run toward a nearby industrial area while these bright orange death-rays were raining down from the sky and just obliterating everything and everyone around me. There were a few times where I kept looking back and forth - from my destination to the utter destruction around me - wondering if I was going to make it. After what seemed like an eternity, I made it across the street to the industrial yard. It was then, though, that my sprint slowed to a jog, and my jog slowed to a brisk walk. I was beginning to realize how crazy this was. There was just no way. Despite how vivid the dream was - and my lack of doing an actual reality check - I was able to finally realize that I was dreaming. Immediately, I turned around and faced the invasion. Some of the DC's that had been running with me asked what I was doing, and I told them that this was just a dream, and I was about to go back and kick some alien ass. Before I knew it, I had an army of DC's with me, looking to get some payback, and we were headed over to the large buildings that decorated the skyline, which had the majority of the alien ships hovering over them.

      Soon, we were climbing some dark stairwell - moving up one of the buildings that the aliens had begun storming on foot. There was a small ordeal with a staircase, where some woman said that the stairs were broken, and she was trying to walk up it, but it was more like she was trying to walk horizontally up a wall, while the staircase was pivoted on some weird angle. It really just looked like a 'clipping' issue in a video game (which makes sense, because this dream came to me after playing hours of Skyrim). We reached the top of the stairwell, and there was a doorway barred with metal obstacles. We pulled them out of the way and, as soon as we opened the door, a lizard-being (which looked a lot like a velociraptor, but seemed to have more human gestures) stood in the opening, snarling at us. I moved positioned myself between the dino and the rest of the group, and he locked eyes at me. I could see him curling back. He was going to pounce on me at any moment. When he did, though, I was ready for him. He lunged and I just grabbed the sides of his head, using his momentum to throw him over the side of the stairway railing. He fell down the center of the stairwell and crashed through the floor, disappearing into the darkness under the building.

      Going into this new area, after walking through the door and trying to look out the window, I could see that there was an enormous lizard scaling the outside of the building. Immediately, I rushed forward and jumped at the wall with both fists out in front of me. Ripping through the concrete wall, I delivered a charging double-fist to the monster's upper-body. We were now dozens of stories above the ground - the giant beast and I falling off of what revealed itself to be a skyscraper, and not just any old tall building. It was then, falling toward the street, that I was able to see that this creature seemed much more like a T-Rex, but bigger - almost going for that Godzilla '98 look. I couldn't take too long to look at it, because I was falling toward the ground, and wondering about how much it might hurt if I hit the pavement, with the dream being as vivid as it was.

      Quickly, I tried to orient myself and get in 'flying mode', because I really wasn't looking forward to hitting ground. It took a moment for me to change my direction, but I was able to fly forward, and land against a nearby building, sticking myself to the wall like Spider-Man. When I turned to look back toward the giant dino, it had already righted itself and was jumping through the air toward me. Immediately, I flew off to one side and the beast crashed into the building. It didn't miss a beat, though, and was soon chasing after me as I flew through the street. Turned out that - even without wings - this dino was more of a dragon (more Skyrim), and was actually breathing that same type of orange beam that I'd seen earlier and thought was coming from the alien ships, themselves.

      The chase went on for a little while, and ended when I flew up to the support structure of an elevated train track. I positioned myself between some of the railings, and the dino/dragon jumped up to get me (and even without wings, this thing jumped like a giant raptor). It missed me, and I moved myself further down. Then, somewhat entangled in the steel structure, the dragon reared its head back and blew a massive stream of fire/energy in my direction, just as the train was coming overhead. Again, I flew out of the way at the last moment, and the dragon completely destroyed the supports, causing the entire skyway track to come crashing down to the city streets below - train and all.

      Watching that awesome sight was the last thing I remember.
    4. 10/08/2011 - "O Goes to the Movies"

      by , 10-18-2011 at 05:58 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "O Goes to the Movies"

      I was hanging out with a bunch of people, in a huge lake or pond type of setting, set next to a large, stone building. We would climb up on the outside of the building and do backflips off of the wall and into the water. There was a whole lot in this dream that I don't remember at all, but it was while we were playing here, in the water, that I became lucid. The water was very murky, and you really couldn't see below the surface. Somehow, feeling a little apprehensive about the low visibility, I'd become aware (or just anticipated) that one of my friends was going to try to scare me by acting like there was something swimming in the water with us. No sooner did I get this presumption, than I felt someone brush up against my leg and suddenly grab one of my ankles. Having expected it, though, it didn't really startle me at all.

      Having had my fill of swimming, I levitated myself up out of the water and floated off to another building. The day seemed to change to night, around this time. There is a lot of this part that I don't remember, but there was some chaotic scene going on, involving angels and demons. I want to say it was a battle, but I'm not too sure. However, one particular moment I remember is being on a rooftop and looking at my shadow, which was cast on a nearby wall. Apparently, I had been one of the demons. When I raised my hands up, I could see that I had a pair of huge, bat-like wings and what looked to be horns, in my shadow.

      There was another set of transitions, here, and I remember a short scene, where I was walking up to the front of a house. It was still night time, and I could just barely make out a figure that was lurking around the house. It was a man, and the moment he saw us approaching (I have the feeling I was walking with someone, but I can't remember who), he suddenly bolted to a nearby, waiting car and sped off.

      Another transition (or gap in memory) occurred, and the next thing I remember is being a bbq with family and friends - my lucidity having pretty much left me, by now. There were a bunch of games being played at the gathering, and one of which was a match-making or kissing booth type of game, but I can't remember which.

      The next thing I remember is being in a movie theater, with my friends and family from the earlier bbq. I don't remember exactly what got me back on track, but my lucidity kicked back in, while in the theater, waiting for the movie to start. Someone had asked me if I'd won any games at the bbq, and I answered 'no'. Overhearing the conversation, a bunch of other people started ridiculing me, for having not won anything, and I believe it was this ridicule, that reminded me that this was all just a dream (though I'm not exactly 100% positive that it was that particular reason). I scoffed at them and told them that I didn't care about those games, because I had 'more important skills, than winning at some silly game'. Taking this as the perfect time to show off my lucidity, and wow this critical crowd, I raised a hand to the ceiling and focused on the lights, dimming them and brightening them with a simple, mental command. Everyone was immediately silent with amazement. I could tell by the looks in the eyes of those nearest to me, that it was also making them uncomfortable. I said something like "oh, that's not all," and I rose to my feet, looking up toward the window to the projector room. I focused on the beam of light coming out of the window, and made the entire projection flicker on and off with a few waves of my hand, showing all of the DC's that I had full control over this theater, with my mind.

      Suddenly, a large portion of the crowd started screaming in fear and running for the exit, acting as if I was some sort of evil sorcerer, or something, here to steal their souls. I thought the whole thing was hilarious, and just kind of laughed while the people ran. In the mix of it all, though, there were attractive girls, a few rows down, who had been eyeing me, during my antics. One of them was whispering something to the other, and kept looking back at me, giggling. Finally, she got up and sauntered up the aisle toward me, frightened movie goers pushing their way around her. Having sat back down, I looked up at her and grinned. She smiled back and sat down on my lap, saying that she wanted me, and something about how she was good at getting what she wanted. I laughed and played it nonchalant with her. We talked for a little bit, and my lucidity started fading again.

      The last thing I remember is the girl introducing me to her adorable little girl - who pretty much came out of nowhere. The little girl and I hit it off pretty well, and we were all laughing and playing around with each other, after most everyone else had left the theater.

      Updated 10-20-2011 at 05:49 AM by 2450

    5. 09/06/2011 - "Almost Reached the Academy Again...Almost" (Dream Chain)

      by , 09-22-2011 at 09:17 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream 1-A
      "Almost Reached the Academy Again...Almost"

      I was at some fancy dinner party, in a large, extremely luxurious hotel or something. The first thing I actually remember is walking through a large lobby area, and realizing that I was dreaming. I was walking through this dimly lit room, behind 2 or 3 guys. I believe they were friends of mine, but I can't really remember. However, I do recall expressing to them that I was dreaming, and requesting for them to remind me later, if I forget. (I figured it was worth a shot.) That was the last time I saw them in the dream, though, I believe.

      Walking up a flight of stairs, I took notice of all of the DC's milling about. Everyone was dressed up nicely, but I can't remember what I was wearing, myself. I passed by this one, Latin-looking girl in a killer gray dress, and we exchanged a quick glance. Moving on, I passed a table full of women who were having a conversation with each other, and I reached out to the nearest one, playfully grabbing her ass. She looked back as I walked on, and gave me a smile. When I turned away from her, to look where I was going, there was another beautiful girl standing in the doorway of a dark room, in front of me. She was petite and blonde, and also dressed very nicely. I'd remembered my intention to search for the Dream World Academy, and I wasn't really trying to get caught up in dream sex, so I simply asked the girl if she would show me to the nearest portal that could take me to the Academy. She agreed, and brought me into the darkened hotel room. I followed her into the bathroom, and she pulled back the shower curtain, motioning for me to step inside. A little confused, I stepped into the shower, expecting to be somehow teleported to the Academy. Instead, though, the girl stepped in behind me. Before I knew it, we were making out in the shower with the water off, and our clothes still on.

      Dream 1-B (Dream Chain / False Awakening)
      I 'woke up' in a dark room. For a moment, I though I was back at home but, after looking around a bit, I noticed that the room was unfamiliar to me. I could see what looked like an old dresser and TV in the darkness, and a curtain-less window sat nearby. Trying to remember how I might have gotten into this room, I recalled that I had been dreaming, and just woke up here. I recognized this to be a false awakening, got up and walked to the window. It was night out, and I seemed to still be in the hotel, judging by the look of things, outside. The thought came back to me, that I had wanted to find the Academy, so I decided to do some searching on my own. Placing my palms to the glass, I pushed forward and phased through it, stepping out onto the high ledge. From there, I hovered up to the roof, which was high enough that I could just about see above all the other buildings in the area. I looked out over the horizon, to see if anything stood out as an obvious sign that there was an Academy nearby, but didn't really see anything note-worthy.

      Then, I looked down to the ground, far below. I could see a small puddle/pond of water, positioned just beneath me, and remembered that these were told (in a previous dream) to be portals. Leaning forward from the rooftop, I dropped off of the ledge, and fell toward the tiny pond. During the fall, I turned myself around so that I was falling backward. Anticipating on hitting the water, I was surprised when I actually fell into what seemed more like a rabbit hole than a water hole. I was still in free-fall; dropping like a stone into the narrow tunnel, to the point where I could feel my stomach begin to turn.

      A little uneasy with the unexpectedness of falling backward into this empty hole, I turned back around to fall chest-first. Suddenly, I found that I wasn't falling through a dark pit anymore. Upon the simple act of my turning over, the pit had completely disappeared, and I was now free-falling through the sky, as if I had just been thrown out of an airplane. It was now daytime. Below me, all I could see was blue ocean, for countless miles in every direction, and I was falling toward it fast. A single stretch of island came into view. Even from the aerial view I had, I could tell that it was the Academy! It almost looked like a castle, and the grounds took up the tiny patch of land, leaving really nothing beyond the paved walkways that stretched right out to the docks and into the ocean.

      The closer I got to the water, though, the more I could see that there was some sort of chaos going on. Boats became visible in the waters blow, and jets buzzed in the air around me. I had forgotten all about trying to fly, and just continued my free-fall, which ended up dropping me out into the open water, maybe a couple miles from the docks. After splashing down in the ocean, I lifted my head above the surface and took a look around. I had apparently fallen directly into an aquatic war zone. What - from above - just looked like a fray of vehicles scurrying around the air and sea, turned out to be a full-on battle. (This was reminiscent of the last time I went searching for the Academy, and saw that the area was occupied by two opposing military forces. It seems my subconscious decided to throw them back in the mix.) Speed boats with machine guns were battling jets. Scuba divers were waging attacks on the boats. The water - which looked pretty placid, from the air - was now turbulent with the mayhem that was going on around me.

      I didn't want to deal with this, though. I just wanted to get to the damn Academy. Deciding not to waste any time with this battle, I levitated myself out of the water and bolted toward the shore, flying over the water like a missile and dodging all of the combatants in my way - just trying my damndest to finally get a chance to explore the actual academy, itself.

      Unfortunately, I woke up just before reaching dry land.

    6. 08/31/2011 and 09/01/2011 - Untitled Fragments

      by , 09-22-2011 at 09:09 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)

      Dream Fragment One

      I was hanging out with MJ and my other ex, GV. GV was jealous because MJ and I were so close, and we were just having a great time. At one point, we'd stood back to back and were leaning over each other, cracking each others' backs and laughing, while GV kind of stood off in the background. I also remember MJ telling me she loved me at some point in time.

      Dream Fragment Two
      (I only remember a few seconds of this dream. )

      I remember flying really fast, over an ocean at night. I believe I was flying like Iron Man - with my palms facing back, and being propelled by my hands and feet - but I don't remember whether or not I was actually wearing the Iron Man suit. Spontaneously, I realized how unusual it was that I was flying, and I became lucid. My flight arched down toward the oncoming shoreline, and I brought my feet down below me. Touching down to the water, a few yards before reaching the shore, my feet skimmed over the water, like a skier pivoting to a stop, until I was actually stepping onto dry land. I took a moment to look at my hands, trying to anchor myself into the dream, but I also noticed that the tide was coming in extremely quickly. (Come to think of it, when I was looking at my hands, I wasn't wearing the suit. I didn't notice that until now.) It seemed more like flood waters rising, really. Whereas I was standing on the sandy shore, moments before, I quickly found myself submerged in water, up to my thighs. This made me really uncomfortable, and I starting think about sea monsters, which normally plague me in dreams that deal with a lot of water in them. Getting kind of creeped out by this, I shot up out of the water and flew into the sky again.

      Unfortunately, I woke up, soon after take-off.

      Dream Fragment One

      I remember that I had company over, and my room was a mess. There was also a large spider with a big orange sack on its back, scurrying around.

      Dream Fragment Two
      I was riding in the truck with my dad. He was driving. We were going down some cliff-side pathway, with a steep embankment to our left. The pathway was so narrow that it didn't even seem like the truck would be able to navigate it, without toppling off of the cliff. Before us, the pathway also dipped down into a flooded area, which we were apparently going to have to pass, to get by. The last thing I remember was pulling out my cellphone, to get a picture of these crazy flood waters.
    7. 07/12/2011 - 1) Fragment, 2) "War on the Water"

      by , 07-14-2011 at 12:55 AM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One:
      There was some type of art contest going on. I remember rummaging through some of the entries with EH (a really attractive friend of mine, whom I seem to be dreaming about quite often, lately). It took forever to get to mine, which actually turned out to be of noticeably less quality than many of the others, but it was still somewhat decent. I could have sworn that I had more entries to show her, but it turned out to be only that one. Later, I was sitting on the floor, and she was straddling my lap with her arms draped over my shoulders. I was kissing along her neck and we were whispering some things to each other. My (deceased) dad was asleep in the other room, and we were trying to keep quiet, so as not to disturb him, or anyone else who was in the house. Later, my ex, MJ, and friend, J, came over. I was telling J about the amazing time I'd been having with EH. We all know each other, and MJ was talking with EH. I could tell MJ was plotting something. She came back over, beaming to me about how her and EH were now 'best friends,' and I had a feeling that this was, somehow, going to lead to trouble.

      Dream Two:
      "War on the Water"

      I was a part of (another) special military force (on some G.I. Joe type shit), caught up in an enormous firefight, in a village with high grass surrounding it. The enemy was a guerilla force, which was very skilled in hiding in the bush and using camouflage. They would pop up in random places, and we'd have to be quick to react. I remember having some weapon that fired hundreds of tiny spikes into the grasslands, blindly, to take out whoever might be hiding in them. One guy cornered me with a rocket launcher, around the side of a building. He was too close to fire on me, though, and I ended up throwing a grenade actually into his mouth (somehow), and diving around another corner just before he exploded. (I had watched the end of one of the Rambo movies, yesterday, which had the whole 'hiding in the high grasses' war scene in it.)

      Then, we had to chase down some of the leaders of this enemy faction. We got down to the water, which seemed more like an enormous lake than an ocean. They had a boat in the marina, and they took off down the water, running pretty-much parallel to the shoreline. We had boats of our own, and were about to get into one model, when we were presented with another, upgraded model. This thing was bad ass. It was like a futuristic rocket-boat - all black - that skimmed on top of the water and had boosters on the back. When they started it, it sounded like a jet engine. This boat just soared across the water at an amazing speed. A few miles down the shoreline, we came up to a landmass that jetted out from the coast a little bit. There was a short skirmish with some of the enemy, here - one of whom didn't look human, but like some human/beast hybrid that had long black spines that stuck out, down the back of his head. During this fight, some of my teammates had been abducted. The ship that the enemy had been on suddenly submerged and dropped down into a watery tunnel that led beneath this landmass. We were about to follow, when one of my other crew members said that we needed to go back and get the other ship that we'd left behind, as well, just in case something happened to this one. He convinced me by telling me how deep they were going, and how horrible a death it would be to drown, simply because we didn't have a back-up ship. I was sold.

      Soon, we were racing back, in the jet boat, to where we'd come from, weaving through some of the other ships along the coast. Back where we had docked, it took us a moment to find the other ship, but we soon had it - along with some reinforcements, and were headed back to the mystery land mass. We never quite made it, though. Along the way, we were intercepted by these large, ethereal creatures. They reminded me of Hindu Gods/Goddesses. They were each identical, aside from the fact that they were different colors. They were very large - some 40 feet tall - and seemed to have a sort of glow to them. They had multiple arms, and each one held a very large, curved sword in it. The entities were all clearly female, and had light wisps of translucent gowns fluttering around them. They gave us some type of threat, as they floated there, on top of the water, but I don't remember much of what they said. It seemed that their mission was to stall us there, though, so I don't know if they were working with the enemy or not. After talking for a while, they asked an enigmatic question; whether or not we'd noticed how the water level had been rising, as we were talking. Looking out over the horizon, I could see a swell. The water was definitely rising. But why? I got a really bad feeling.

      I knew something huge was coming. It was just a sudden assumption that turned into an unmistakable awareness. I told everyone on my team that we needed to get out of here - now. These entities were not about to let that happen, though. As soon as we attempted to vacate the area, they attacked, swooping and diving all around us, throwing their enormous blades at us, which rotated around and returned to them like boomerangs. One of them launched a blade at the jet boat I was piloting. Instinctively, I launched myself high into the air, my vessel being destroyed beneath me. Now, boatless, I dropped back down toward the water. Suddenly, though, I stopped. I was hovering - practically standing on the water. I realized that I had the ability to fly! This immediately affected the battle, and I was now flying and fighting and dodging these things and their flying swords. Feeling just on the cusp of lucidity (yet I don't think I ever quite realized I was dreaming), I also began using telekinesis, myself, realizing that - once one of those oversized blades came spinning in toward me - I could mentally deflect it and send it whirling off in another direction, guiding it with a wave of my hand. I also quickly picked up on the ability to loosely control the paths of these weapons, offensively, sending them flying back toward the entities and trying to do them in with their own swords. The fighting was extremely fast-paced, like fighter planes dogfighting over the water; dipping close to the sea and then changing course at breakneck speeds. The rest of my unit continued to fire their weapons from their vessels, unless they had already been destroyed.

      Ultimately, though, we just weren't making any progress with these things. The huge swell in the water was just getting bigger and bigger. The swell then turned into a wall of water heading toward us. It was a few dozen feet high, and I could see that, after it, the rise in water level would be completely overwhelming. 'Standing' on the surface of the water, once again, I quickly increased my altitude in just enough time for the wave to pass beneath me. On the back side of the wave, the water level was now practically touching my feet again, and I looked back toward the shoreline just in time to see the wave smash into the rest of my crew and the passenger boats in the area, immediately capsizing them and washing them away. I looked down toward my feet to see an enormous black shadow forming. Something massive was surfacing beneath me. I pivoted on the water and shot off in one direction, the surface of the water speeding off into my peripheral vision. I could see that this shadow was following me, though, moving just as fast as I was. Again, I went even higher, arcing up above the water and looking down below.

      Finally, my pursuer appeared - bursting out of the water with jaws wide open. It was as if Godzilla, himself (the 1997 version) came jumping out of the water like some sort of leviathan. (It was, without a doubt, the largest sea monster I can recall ever dreaming.) I frantically increased my speed and the gigantic teeth snapped closed behind me - so close that I actually had to tuck my legs and then kick off the monster's closed maw to fly even faster. The only thing I ever saw was the head because its incredible size blocked any possible view of the rest of its body. This colossus just continued to chase me - diving in and out of the water and keeping pace with me - repeatedly snapping its teeth within just feet behind me as I tried to fly faster and faster away from it.

      I don't remember the outcome of the chase, though. But damn that was intense.
    8. 02/15/2011 & 02/17/2011 - "Turtles in Time, Mudfish and Swine", Fragments

      by , 03-18-2011 at 11:10 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Turtles in Time, Mudfish and Swine"

      I was one of the Ninja Turtles, trekking through an enormous house. There was some kind of scenario going on, and I had to figure out how to get passed a certain point - though I can't remember exactly what the situation was. I remember going down an embankment, into a basement or something, and getting a phone call. The phone call was from us - the Ninja Turtles - from the future. We called back in time to ourselves to tell us how to gain some super-human powers. I believe that I was Leo, and Don was with me, while on the phone talking to ourselves. By the end of the conversation, I had 'learned' telekinesis and levitation. Don learned levitation and I think something else. That last part of that scenario I remember is rushing back into battle, with our new-found powers.

      Later on, I was no longer one of the Turtles (though I still get the feeling it was the same dream), but was myself again, tossing a football around with some friends, on an enormous field. While we were playing, the field turned to murky water, and we continued to play on, about waist-deep. (I've actually played mud volleyball, in a pit like this. I've played football in the mud, but this was actually in a water-filled pit, so I'm guessing the volleyball experience is what inspired this dream.) Apparently, with the water came the wildlife. There were these fish swimming around in the dark water, along-side us. At first, a few of us thought they might have been pirhana, but they weren't. I remember reaching down and grabbing one of the fish with my bare hands, and tossing it across the swampy field like a football. Someone on the other end caught it, and they tossed it to someone else. I remember G and G (V) being out in the crowd somewhere. I ended up talking to them, sometime after the game.

      More time passed, and I was now back at my house. Some girl had come by - either CC or R - looking for bud. I'd gotten her money and went to get some for her but, while I was waiting in the car, outside the dealer's house, an undercover cop car pulled up behind us. I was riding with someone else, and the cop went around to his (the driver) side first. When he went around in that direction, I tossed what bud I had out the window on my side. The cop saw me do it, and started taking pictures. I don't remember if he actually saw the bag or not. They brought a dog in, though, and the last thing I remember is being taken inside (I think just inside the house we were waiting at) for questioning.

      Dream Fragment One:
      I was walking around my high school, with two girls. Somehow, we'd gotten tipped off that there was a bomb in the building, which was going to detonate within a matter of seconds. Immediately panicked, I became lucid. Though I knew it was a dream, I really wasn't looking forward to getting caught in the upcoming explosion, so I grabbed the two girls' hands and flew up through the roof to escape the blast.

      That's all I remember.

      Dream Fragment Two:
      I was in a truck with Joe (At least, I think it was Joe), and we were in some high-speed chase. The only thing I remember is going way out into the sticks, on a muddy trail.

      Dream Fragment Three:
      I was chasing some guy who looked like Will Smith. We were both on bicycles, and I was tailing him all around town because he had stolen his from someone. I remember following him into a Wal-Mart parking lot, and then into the building. I never ended up catching him, though.

      Updated 03-19-2011 at 03:23 AM by 2450

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 12/06/2010 - "Invasion Evasion"

      by , 12-06-2010 at 09:57 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Invasion Evasion"

      (I watched Skyline, for the first time, last night. It was an 'ok' movie, but the visual effects were tight as hell.)
      The earliest thing I remember was being in a camp-like atmosphere, with a few friends, in a trailer. Someone had a dog; like a lab mix or something, and I was playing with her, rubbing her belly. After a short while, the dog began to get really agitated and started glaring at the door. Some creepy shit happened, where a person came to the door and then turned into an alien, and we had to escape the trailer. I believe we pushed the creature into the bonfire and burned it, but this part is all really hazy. Soon after, I was alone, and running through the streets. The major attack had already begun, and there were larger aliens - dozens of stories tall - walking amongst the buildings and roadways. The city was completely destroyed and, no matter where I went or tried to hide, these things would always find me. The creatures that were too big to fit inside the buildings, would send out these long tentacles (like the ones in the movie), and snake them through the buildings to find me. I ended up dying, over and over, in this dream. Every time the tentacles would find me, they would either pull me back into the main body of the alien, or just splatter me all over the place, wherever I had been hiding.

      After respawning a couple of times, I knew I had to get out of the city, so I began to make a bee-line toward the edge of town, sprinting as long and hard as my body would allow me - and I remember being able to run for miles, without losing steam. But these tentacles were relentless. An alien could shoot the tentacles from its "hand", and the rope-like appendages would literally travel for miles - seemingly to endless distances - through the air, to chase their target. Again, I died quite a few times, while trying to escape the city; simply respawning again at the beginning and continuing to run, taking another route. There were times that I would try to steal cars, and some of them would have this "gunk" on them. Whenever I drive those cars, the "gunk" would begin to spread around the outside of the vehicle, trying to 'cocoon' itself in this alien sludge. I would see this happening and have to bail out of the car, before it completely encased me. What's more, is that some of these droplets of "gunk" would actually spring to life, and form whole aliens - each maybe 10 feet tall and built like bipedal elephants - which would then join the chase. Running from these things kind of felt like maneuvering through the game Prototype.

      It was like I was the only person in the city, and this entire alien force was centered on me, the whole time. There were just so many of them, and I was beginning to feel hopeless. After having to repeat this scenario, over and over, upon each death, I just wasn't feeling very confident that I would ever get out of this Hell. Suddenly, thankfully, just as despair was kicking in, I realized that this all had to be a dream. I was still on the run, though, as these things just weren't letting up, and anytime they would catch me, they would just annihilate me before I could do anything about it. Still respawning after each death, I took to flying, instead of running. It took me a little while to get up to speed, in my flying, as this dream was very vivid, and I was having a hard time manipulating it. I tried some telekinesis on the pursuing tentacles, but wasn't able to affect them.

      Once I got the hang of flying, though, the flight/chase sequences were absolutely sick. The easiest way I knew to keep my speed up, was to imagine myself as a missile. The thing was, though, that these tentacles were just as fast, so just because I could fly, didn't mean that I was getting out of the city an easier. I was empowered by my lucidity, though, and was more having fun with it, than frantically fleeing for my life. I weaved through the city at breakneck speed, an expanding trail of tentacles, following closely behind me. It was one of those zigging, zagging, dizzying, high-tech chases that you would see in any major, sci-fi blockbuster - just screaming through the sky, with impossible agility. Sometimes I would land on the street, to gain my bearings - pivoting and then launching off in another direction, just as the tentacles whipped passed me and then arced around to follow once again. I remember being chased at just the same height of some of the tallest rooftops, and then dropping toward the ground, head first, to try to throw off the oncoming appendages. I was going so fast that there was a single moment, there, where I worried about 'what happens if I'm not able to pull up, in time?' Even though I knew that I was dreaming, I wasn't really looking to slamming headfirst, into the street, so I pulled up on my own trajectory, as I could, nearly skimming the ground and then continuing to rocket down the street, the tentacles still keeping pace at every twist and turn. I also recall that the aliens could talk, and they all spoke with the same voice - as if it were a collective consciousness - which reminded me something of the Joker, from The Dark Knight.

      I don't really remember whether or not I ever made it out of the city. I don't think so, though.