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    The Labrynth of the Mind

    Here you will find the accounts of my para-conscious exploits. You will find that some are incredibly dull, and appear to represent an almost automatic screensaver of my mind. Others are rather interesting. It rather depends upon my waking life.

    Lucid dreams are the only ones in which I use a color scheme. I use the conventional Blue for Lucid and Red for Nonlucid in such cases.

    1. Beat Up by a DC

      by , 03-05-2011 at 03:02 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I have been very busy for the past week with exams to study for, and rather stressed. As a result, I have not been keeping up with my dream journal and my recall is getting a little out of shape. Last night I was a little on edge, so I took 800mg valerian. I slept briefly from 12:30am to about 3:00, and then had difficulty getting back to sleep. I took approximately 1/4mg of melatonin at this point. I then briefly attempted a MILD, but my mind was so restless it was difficult to keep any mantra or visualization. Nonetheless, I appear to have been successful in something

      Beat Up

      ... I am part of a much larger adventure. We are in school or a library or something, possibly in Japan. It might even be a hotel. There is a large swimming pool in one room, and we are chasing after some villain. I apprehend this guy in the pool room, which is also some kind of laboratory. Cornered, he turns on me.

      The guy is Japanese, and much larger than I am. I am no match for him, and we circle around a set of shelves containing chemical equipment and some glassware. I think to myself "this is a very odd situation. Not only that, I'm in a school, near a swimming pool, and there are lots of other things that are dreamsigns. I don't ordinarily fight Japanese guys in real life. I'll bet I'm dreaming."
      Sure enough, I soon realize, I am!

      My Japanese opponent takes advantage of my temporary disorientation upon realizing that I am dreaming. As I stand there laughing to myself and patting myself on the back, he jumps around to my side of the shelves and closes in. "Ha ha!" I laugh, "You do realize this is a dream, don't you? You're no match for me!"

      He continues to come towards me. I decide I had better stabilize the dream, so I try a dream posession technique like the one I had great success with in a lucid dream last week. I decide to try to posess my opponent, but he won't stand still. I can see that he won't cooperate for me, and I remember that part of the success last time came from the fact that I posessed my dream self, Monk. I summon Monk.

      "Monk," I order, "Appear right here." I indicate to the spot next to me. I look, and there he is, waiting. I step sideways until I should be standing in the same spot as him, and blink a few times until I am seeing with his eyes. I am starting to get this posession technique down, but it was not easy to complete last night because the Japanese fellow was still attacking me.

      "Wait a minute!" I say, not quite understanding why he is still playing his part. "Let me stabilize this dream." He doesn't wait, but takes a swing at me. I glance around quickly, trying to notice details and activate my senses. I am partially successfull in this, though it is not easy to do a proper job of it with a huge thug trying to pulverize my skull.

      "OK," I say, visiously turning on my assailant, "If that's the way you want it, fine! You're no match for me, this is my dream. I'm lucid, you know."

      The Japanese thug just sneers at me, and swings at me again. "Watch this," I say. I visualize a force of energy coming out of my finger, and into the stomach of my attacker. Not much happens, so I thrust at him, feeling the energy as I do so. He looks down at his stomach, as though I had just poked him. Then he laughs.

      "You really thought that that would work?" he roars, "Well watch this!" He punches me in the stomach and I double over. Then he grabs me by the shoulders, and throws me into the wall. My breath is knocked out of me. This is not going at all well. Pinning me against the wall by the shoulders, he peers into my face (all this time smiling in a self-satisfied way as though he knows DC's aren't supposed to do this). "What about this?" he says, punching me in the face. "How is the dream going now?" Then he slaps my face a couple of times, pulls back his fist, and delivers a punch directly between the eyes that wakes me up.

      At the Lake

      My famliy and I are at a lake. It is on that I used to dream of more frequently, but have not for a while. We wade a little bit at a beach, and come across some large rocks in the water. My Dad starts climbing around on them, jumping from one to another. There is one jump he is hesitant to make, but when I get out onto the rocks I attempt the jump. It isn't like you fall very far if you miss, the rocks are only a few inches out of the water. I miss one jump, and splash into the water. My parents chuckle, and that's all that happens. Pretty anticlimactic for a dream after taking valerian.

      There be Giants

      We are in a place with many tunnels. I'm not entirely sure who we are, but I think is it something like the crew of the starship Enterprise. But I'm also at my grandparents' house. Anyway, it is more like a huge sewer system. Many adventures take place that are a little fuzzy when I try to recall them, but they invlolve some mythtical creatures and some robots. A robot crawls inside of the Moon, which somehow causes time to stand still. This does something with a giant.

      We now have to defeat this giant. The location is like a shopping mall now. An element of romance has been added, as I am trying to win a girl I believe. There are other people around. I can't remember what they are supposed to be doing. Anway, we can hear the footsteps of the giant down one of the tunnels. They get closer and closer, and we realize we had better seek cover. I try to run up a narrow set of stairs, but the giant follows. There is a scene where two of us and the giant are running around and around the stairs, jumping down to a lower part of the stairwell and running back up again. Then I run into a department store and hide among the shelves.

      The giant is captured, and some of our group sets to work on performing a labotomy or something. They open it's skull, and pour in some liquid. A few minutes later, the giant wakes up. I am afraid that he might turn on us again, so I stay in hiding (for some reason, I was a big coward in this dream). Soon the giant approaches the place where I am hiding. Some of my companions come running in to tell me that everything is OK, and the giant is harmless now.
    2. Robots and Monsters

      by , 01-17-2011 at 01:41 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Up late again last night, and took some vitamin b-6 before bed. I had to get up immediately after waking up, so my dream recall is not good, but I remember that I had more dreams than I can remember. Here is what I can recall:

      Killer Robot
      I am somewhere where this dream has taken place, and go downstairs to the basement. There are a few rooms in the basement, up and down a hallway that the stairs lead to. I am standing on the stairs, thinking about or talking to someone about a robot that is down there. Suddenly, a woman screams. The robot is coming after me! I turn to run up the steps, but can't. I try to drag myself up the stairs by the railing.

      Then I wake up.

      Little Monsters

      I am in an airport or a school. I get into a long line behind a small monster. This monster is one of many in the room, all of them about the size of little kids, but looking like the Wolf Man, Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula, etc...

      ... I do whatever it is I went to the place to do, and sit down at a table. Around the corner from me are three pretty girls singing a song. I watch them for a while...
    3. Of Babies and Monsters

      by , 11-28-2010 at 04:12 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      My Baby

      I have a baby. My wife (I have no idea who this is, since I am not married in real life) is away somewhere, and left me instructions on how to care for the baby. This baby is kept in a drawer in the wall, and I open it up now and then to do various things with the infant. I open the drawer at one point to feed the baby. I begin to feed him mashed potatoes or something similar, which is a little difficult because I can't find a spoon but only a fork...

      ...I go somewhere. This requires going into a cave, up a long set of stone steps, and through a tunnel. On the other side of this tunnel is a wide open space. Here I come across Frankenstein's monster...

      ...A little later I am leading an expedition up the same path. As we near the top of the tunnel I proceed cautiously because I know the Monster could be lurking about. Sure enough, as we round a bend I catch sight of him. I think he sees me too, because our group begins running back down the tunnel. I know there is one part where there is a narrow doorway that if we can just make it through the Monster will be unable to follow. Of course, it is difficult to run, as it always is in these dreams. Fortunately, the Monster doesn't seem to be that interested in chasing us anyway and we never see him again.

      Now I'm on my own, and I continue to walk through the tunnel. I come into a library. There are people going through files and books. They (and now myself as well) are writing a research paper.

      But then, I remember about the baby! I was in the middle of feeding him, and he hasn't eaten anything else for a day or two now. I rush back home, wondering how long a baby can go without eating. With relief, I find the baby happily sitting in his high chair/drawer looking at the bowl of food in front of him. I begin to feed him again, wondering if and how should change his diaper before my wife gets home.

      It's too late. My wife is already home! She came back while I was gone, and I just didn't see her. I wonder if I am in trouble.

      Working with Dirty Clothes

      I show up for work at my former workplace. I stand in front of my boss, waiting for direction. He and a coworker are arguing, and I figure out what my job is. Fortunately, it involves traveling about an hour from the office. I hope in the company vehicle, and head down. Then I realize I am not wearing my work uniform. I have it with me, but I can't change while driving. I look for a place to pull over so I can change.

      I drive up a road into the woods, and find a place to get out. There are some ruins of houses on the hillside, and people are digging around as though they were archaeologists. I duck behind a box truck and change clothes. Then I see a few people I know, and go up to see them. They are digging around the foundation of what I find out is my great-great grandmother's house. Some old prospector is looking for shale (presumably for oil), but we are just looking for artifacts. We dig up some picture viewing device that is referred to as a "melodian".

      Now I am in my uniform, but my clothes are dirty. Oh well, my workplace doesn't care as long as I'm in uniform.
    4. Of Babies and Monsters

      by , 11-28-2010 at 04:11 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      My Baby

      I have a baby. My wife (I have no idea who this is, since I am not married in real life) is away somewhere, and left me instructions on how to care for the baby. This baby is kept in a drawer in the wall, and I open it up now and then to do various things with the infant. I open the drawer at one point to feed the baby. I begin to feed him mashed potatoes or something similar, which is a little difficult because I can't find a spoon but only a fork...

      ...I go somewhere. This requires going into a cave, up a long set of stone steps, and through a tunnel. On the other side of this tunnel is a wide open space. Here I come across Frankenstein's monster...

      ...A little later I am leading an expedition up the same path. As we near the top of the tunnel I proceed cautiously because I know the Monster could be lurking about. Sure enough, as we round a bend I catch sight of him. I think he sees me too, because our group begins running back down the tunnel. I know there is one part where there is a narrow doorway that if we can just make it through the Monster will be unable to follow. Of course, it is difficult to run, as it always is in these dreams. Fortunately, the Monster doesn't seem to be that interested in chasing us anyway and we never see him again.

      Now I'm on my own, and I continue to walk through the tunnel. I come into a library. There are people going through files and books. They (and now myself as well) are writing a research paper.

      But then, I remember about the baby! I was in the middle of feeding him, and he hasn't eaten anything else for a day or two now. I rush back home, wondering how long a baby can go without eating. With relief, I find the baby happily sitting in his high chair/drawer looking at the bowl of food in front of him. I begin to feed him again, wondering if and how should change his diaper before my wife gets home.

      It's too late. My wife is already home! She came back while I was gone, and I just didn't see her. I wonder if I am in trouble.

      Working with Dirty Clothes

      I show up for work at my former workplace. I stand in front of my boss, waiting for direction. He and a coworker are arguing, and I figure out what my job is. Fortunately, it involves traveling about an hour from the office. I hope in the company vehicle, and head down. Then I realize I am not wearing my work uniform. I have it with me, but I can't change while driving. I look for a place to pull over so I can change.

      I drive up a road into the woods, and find a place to get out. There are some ruins of houses on the hillside, and people are digging around as though they were archaeologists. I duck behind a box truck and change clothes. Then I see a few people I know, and go up to see them. They are digging around the foundation of what I find out is my great-great grandmother's house. Some old prospector is looking for shale (presumably for oil), but we are just looking for artifacts. We dig up some picture viewing device that is referred to as a "melodian".

      Now I am in my uniform, but my clothes are dirty. Oh well, my workplace doesn't care as long as I'm in uniform.