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    1. 1 Non-Lucid and 4 DILDs

      by , 01-18-2013 at 08:59 PM
      I'm just playing catch-up here a little bit. These are the dreams I have recorded from the past couple of weeks that I haven't uploaded yet.

      #1 - Hmm [Non-Lucid]

      I was in a bed in a dark room with A, this girl that I know through some friends that one of them has a crush on, and T, a different friend's old roommate. T wasn't very involved, I could just hear him moving around. I was giving A a full-body massage. Afterwards we all got up and walked to a classroom, which was just down the hall from the room we were in. Hmm.

      #2 - Kenny Dies [DILD]

      Most of this dream is blurry in my memory now, but I remember it starting with me, my old friend D, and Kenny from South Park all being chased by someone. We were going through some obstacle course connected to a mall or something and we were trying to escape from a room that was filling up with water before it was too late. At one point D and I turned around and saw Kenny floating in the water, having drowned. D looked shocked and said "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!" I jumped up and said "You bastards!!" I tried to go after him but D pulled me away, and then my memory gets hazy again.... The next thing I remember is walking outside the mall in the parking lot and becoming lucid. There was some cool pattern in the clouds, but I can't remember what it was now. I decided to walk through the mall and gathered up a crowd of DCs around me all chanting a mantra of stability with me, something like "this dream is long, vivid, and solid". While we were walking around I was also picking up various pieces of furniture in the store effortlessly with one hand and hurling them across the store. I was really worked up and this girl next to me did part of the chant wrong, so I looked over and said "No!" and shoved her headfirst into a glass wall. It didn't break, she just hit it really hard and then fell over. When I saw that it was actually someone I know and like in waking life I felt bad, and I picked her up and sat her down on a chair to see if she was alright. After that I started getting kind of unfocused and the dream ended.

      #3 - Too Much Energy [DILD]

      The main thing I remember about this dream is that I was pissed when I realized it wasn't real, because it was going really well. I became lucid around the time I was doing all these crazy calculated flips around this huge auditorium that were really fun and impressive as hell, and then when I realized what was going on I just had endless amounts of energy. I got really unfocused and just started grabbing stuff and throwing it all over the place until I woke up.

      #4 - Back Once Again [DILD]

      I was back at my old middle school with O and we were visiting our old orchestra teacher Mr. L. Afterwards we somehow got lost in the crowd and became part of the student body there, so we started trying to find our English class that we were supposed to head to next. We realized that we needed to pick our schedules first, so we started walking to the office and on the way we saw an old friend of ours wearing this cute sweater that I own that looked totally weird on him. X) We were also on the second floor of the building and I could see a tower of people stacked on top of each other coming up and leaning in our direction from the first floor visible beyond the railing. >_> Around this time I became lucid, and I ran into the girl M in the hallway who I haven't seen at least since we graduated high school but who I knew since kindergarten. I walked up to her and said "Hey, girl." She came up to me and I grabbed her and ripped her shirt down and started groping her and kissing her neck, but I got a little too into it and the dream faded away.

      I took 50 mg of zinc at dinner the night that this next dream happened. I like to think that it had an effect.

      #5 - More Summoning And Possession Practice [DILD]

      There was some weird school stuff going on this dream before my memory really cuts in. The first thing I really recall is becoming lucid while packing up my stuff in a dark room. I wasn't immediately lucid enough to break out of this action at first, so I started repeating a mantra "electricity works in dreams" while I kept trying to turn on the lights and use my cell phone light to help me find stuff. It worked to an extent, and some of the lights showed up or got brighter if they were already on. My cat was also in the room with me but walked out it and down the school hallway at some point. I decided to walk out to the hall myself and followed it down to a large open area in a very fancy hotel-type building. There was also a large window spanning several stores to the left of us that was visible because every floor ended in a balcony. I decided to fly forward and grabbed a sofa with people sitting on it with my right hand as I passed by it, and I phased us through the window. Outside I could see groups of people eating dinner at tables below us, and I chucked the couch at one of them and then just moved on without even really watching what happened. I flew higher up to where there was a rooftop balcony with no covering and saw a family eating dinner or something. I decided that I wanted to see if I could summon a whole group of people, so I flew a ways over to the next rooftop thinking that I wanted to see a small group of gossiping women. When I got there it worked perfectly, there were four women in classy dressed gossiping about something at a table, and they didn't seem to take notice of me. I decided to possess one of them but it didn't go completely smoothly, and the other women started looking at me (as her) and asking if I was alright, I was making weird faces trying to adjust the feeling. I finally started getting situated but then my libido started ramping up and it woke me up. Man, if I could just control that feeling without waking up more often....

      That's it for now!
    2. Domestic Violence

      by , 11-10-2012 at 04:15 PM
      Domestic Violence [DILD]

      I remember becoming lucid in my house with my cousins P and G, although I don't actually remember ever seeing G (at least not clearly). He disappeared at one point while he and P were playing hide and seek. I was gaining clarity as I pulled P out from under the couch, having fallen asleep. He got up and sat on the couch and I decided to walk around smashing things. This lucid was very stable so I was pretty excited that I could get really worked up without waking up. I just knocked over and smashed stuff around the house for a while, like our HD TV, and then I went over to the living room dining table (which I didn't realize until after waking up was actually our old table). It was set up to be a perfect circle (it can be changed) and I picked it up with two hands on the rim and threw it into the air. I did that a few times, then thought to myself "Hold on a sec, what am I doing?" I put it down, then picked it up effortlessly with a single hand, took it into the den, and threw it like a frisbee back into the living room. I ran up to it and caught it on my finger before it hit anything, and I'm pretty sure it actually did turn into a frisbee during that. After that I turned around and saw our DVD bookcases which were kind of treated like one huge bookcase. I picked it up and tried to smash it into the wall but it didn't make a dent. Then I just decided to pick it up like a broadsword and take it back to my room and start smashing my computer and my desk. After everything there was adequately destroyed the dream started becoming blurry, and I woke up.
      lucid , memorable
    3. My Sandbox

      by , 10-05-2012 at 02:34 AM
      Side Notes - This lucid is actually from September 27th, I just never took the time to type it up until now.

      My Sandbox [MILD]

      The main thing I remember about the first part of this dream was that I was at home and we were throwing a party with lots of my family members and old teachers attending. After everyone had pretty much left I was just hanging out in my room and I saw my 11th grade physics teacher coming up to the door through the window so I went to go meet him. I think he also morphed into some random guy at one point.... I went and opened the front door and he wasn't there, and upon seeing that I immediately became lucid. I randomly decided to climb the tree in our front yard, so I sprinted towards it and just ran up it. I'm pretty sure the geometry of this experience was beyond alien, my memory is quite confusing, but eventually I was just standing up on a high point of the tree. I looked up into the sky and saw a car slowly floating through the air way off in the distance and was confused for a second, but I decided I probably shouldn't let myself get distracted with that or the dream will fade. (I've gotten this feeling while staring into the sky while lucid before.) I took one last look at the car and then back down to the ground. Extending out in front of me was a long and incredibly thick tree branch that seemed to be made to resemble the shape of a slide. There was even a little cupped part at the bottom. I slid down and the branch moved to help get me gently on to the ground. I turned around and noticed that the branch was actually in the shape of an arm, and the cupped part was the tree holding its hand like that to assist me. I reached out and shook this massive hand and smiled, the tree seemed nice. I had landed in the road and there was a car coming right for where I was standing, so I crouched down and spread my arms out to try and hold it off. When it collided with me I was pushed back slightly, but mostly I was able to push the force of the impact to the side and the car ended up smashing through the front yard of the house across the street from mine. I turned around and saw their fence running along the side of the street, so I jumped up to it and started running along the top. I was headed toward the nearby alleyway but as I looked at the houses over there my vision started to get really white and blurry and I was afraid that the dream might be ending. I turned around and saw a truck with a pretty empty back turning the corner on to a nearby street (the one that extends directly out from our house, we live at a three-way intersection). I held out my hand and yelled "Stop!" and the driver immediately slammed on the breaks. Then I clenched my fingers almost into a fist as a way of doing a sort of telekinetic or magnetic pull and it totally worked. I was pulled by an invisible force on to the back of the truck and I reached over to pat its side and said "Alright, let's go." We started moving, and I vaguely remember leaning over and starting to say something to the driver and/or passenger, but then I woke up.

      Fun night.
    4. Holding Down The Fort, Aesthetic Lucid And Link Contact

      by , 04-08-2012 at 07:39 PM
      #1 - Holding Down The Fort [DILD]

      I only really remember the part of this dream where I was lucid. I vaguely recall flying around mountain ranges at some park... or something.... And then, I was in a school with a bunch of people and we were doing some kind of intense LARP battle. I run to some small, sealed, closet-sized room but with window and lock myself inside. People would run up to the door trying to open it, then I was suddenly lash out phasing through the door, grab their arms or legs, and snap them with super strength.

      #2 - Aesthetic Lucid And Link Contact [DILD]

      I remember something about my dad intending to buy me a new home, and I was walking around some neighborhood with this guy S I knew in middle and high school, though didn't get to talk to all that much. I think he was here because O mentioned that he was going to see him for the first time in years the last time I hung out with him. We walked up to some gigantic building, and I wanted to see into it. It had kind of a cool stylistic architecture that's hard to describe, but we also saw a few other buildings being built that way, including a McDonald's. I became lucid and flew up to the top to look inside, and there's no ceiling - the top is huge and totally open. I went down and grabbed on to a ledge and just let my feet dangle inside the building while feeling the wind blow past me. I spend most of the time here just enjoying the scenery, there were massive open fields and mountain ranges all around me that I could see faaaar into the distance of due to the altitude I was at. It was really cool.

      False Awakening - I wrote down the dream, which almost totally screwed me over because when I woke up for real I remembered being lucid but not what happened, luckily it finally came back. I got up and went to play some Digimon game that I remember very little of now, but I do remember that it was long and intense. I finally beat it in the end and then got up and started browsing the internet on my computer. I was at a site that listed game data for all the different Pokémon. I was looking up Exeggutor's moves, and then suddenly the text on the screen scrolled to the right and new text was appearing in its place. It was some kind of chat log. The first few lines were this:

      This is Link!

      :O I think I saw the word "incredible" in there somewhere too, but I can't really remember the rest. After I started comprehending what it meant, I woke up. :T
    5. Parties And Dancing, Pointless Obstacles, Creepers Beware!, Lucid Within A Non-Lucid

      by , 02-16-2012 at 07:22 PM
      Two lucids AGAIN! Holy crap! This night was fairly bizarre as it was, but I think the last dream was the most interesting for me.

      #1 - Parties And Dancing [Non-Lucid]

      There's a family party going on at my house. Apparently I'm tormenting my cousin G and his brother P is supportive of it at first but not later. I don't remember much of that part of the dream, though. What I do remember is that I was wearing some completely ridiculous dress. Not ridiculous by look (I don't even really remember what colors it was or anything), just by... function. The entire time I was wearing it it was constantly shapeshifting itself and my body, I would look down and my boobs would alternatingly shrink or become pointy or slide around on my chest and stomach and the dress would randomly inflate and deflate and become really light and really heavy, at one point it basically felt like it would if I had a t-shirt on with a really thick pillow stuffed into the front, it was so awkward feeling. For some reason though, I also felt really confident in myself, like the dress looked really good on me or something. There was music playing and my aunt asked me to dance. We did for a bit and then I felt really good about myself so I went to the center of the room and did this dance that I came up with while tripping that I do when I'm alone that I feel is really cool to experience but I've always been too embarrassed to do it in front of anyone. Amazingly, I did the entire thing with my eyes closed AND was spinning a lot and when I finished and opened the scene still hadn't changed. It also made my other dream senses become much more apparent, which I thought was cool. Everyone was impressed at my dance, and I still felt embarrassed but in a good way. This is all happening in the den, and when I walk by the living room I see G still avoiding me. :T After that I walked into the kitchen, and maybe to the laundry room but I can't remember, but then I turned around and walked through the hallway behind the bar which somehow led outside into this beautiful garden (at the time I thought it as a park) with a few tables set up, and apparently my cousin A and her husband P (different P than before, but actually even the same name in real life) were having another family party as a follow-up to the one I was just at. Now I'm suddenly wearing some hard to remember white top and blue velour pants, I'm not sure what happened to the dress, but I actually am confused about it in the dream. I walk past a gazebo and see P sitting down with some random Asian guy at a table so I join them, but then A and other P told us that the Asian guy wasn't with us, so we felt embarrassed, and he looked at us weirdly and asked "Who are you...?" After that, I woke up.

      #2 - Pointless Obstacles [Non-Lucid]

      This one I was a little lazier about making note of so I don't have quite as much detail remembered, but I do remember that I was going to hang out with my friend K and I was wearing the same dress as before, only much more stable and unchanging. I was at his new apartment complex that he just moved in to and it was nighttime and snowing outside. Though one of the rooms of his apartment is apparently on the ground floor (it's not, it's on the top) and I can see through the window, I still start climbing the stairs up to get to the main entrance. Normally there's just a staircase to climb up, but this was like a legitimate obstacle course. And not just a regular one, I mean it had floating and moving panels and big gaps where you could fall through the floor into darkness, it was a like an intense video game map. I don't remember much of the first parts, but I had to work through several floors and finally I got to the top one. I climbed up a ladder to it and opened up a wooden hatch on the ceiling, and T, one of K's old roommates, was there in a sleeping bag in what looked kind of like a cross between a storage room and the inside of a pirate ship. >.> At this point I notice I'm somehow naked, but it doesn't bother me too much. I ask T if I can borrow one of his blankets, and he hands it to me and when I wrap it around myself it transforms into some really crazy anime outfit, and I go third-person and I have hot pink (but sort of almost red at time) hair with those gigantic anime/game character curls.

      I make my way across some giant obstacle field made of ice, and hear some girls in the corner having some random conversation that catches my attention for a second but then I finally make it to K's door. But he rejects me because it turns out he's busy hanging out with someone else. I turn around but end up slipping on the ice floor and end up falling into the blackness below the floating panels, and that carries me all the way down through the floors I'd made it beyond so far, finally ending with me hitting the ground with very little pain. :\

      #3 - Creepers Beware! [DILD]

      I'm back outside at K's apartment complex, and it's still nighttime but not snowing. I'm walking around waiting to do something, but then I remember it's in what can be considered a kind of shady area, and I'm afraid of getting mugged or worse by just standing around. >.< I start walking back to my car and on the way there a gang of guys who're loudly cracking jokes about something comes walking near me which makes me uneasy, but then I suddenly become lucid and the dream starts quickly ending. The dream is very visibly crumbling around me, my vision is narrowing down to a pinpoint with just blackness surrounding it and frequently the entire dream blurs and looks sort of like a big crystalline fractal image, but not an actual 3D scene or anything. I'm tired of becoming lucid and having dreams immediately end, so I start furiously rubbing my hands together. I also start repeatedly yelling "BECOME LUCID!" and "MORE VIVIDNESS!" and every time it actually works a bit, but the dream is still obviously hanging on to its very last breath of life. I figured I'm going to have to interact with the dream a bit more if I want to really save it, so I walk over to one of the creepers and start talking to him. I act all friendly and lull him into a false sense of security, then grab him by the shoulder and punch him in the crotch as hard as I can. I laugh as he falls, but as he does I see the dream go all crystally again and I'm afraid my efforts aren't working, though my full vision was returning. Next I grab him by the crotch, then blast off the ground with a sonic boom and fly us up right into the side wall of the nearest apartment building, where I position his head directly at it and smash him into it, still applying the force directly to his crotch to do so. There's an incredibly loud impact sound and the side of the building crumbles around his body a bit. I let myself fall back to the ground and am satisfied because the dream seems to have restabilized enough. I walk around and notice that it's daytime now, and there's still really nothing to do. :T But that's okay, I've already had my fun. I flew up to get a nicer view of the apartments from the sky, then the dream ended.

      #4 - Lucid Within A Non-Lucid [DILD within a Non-Lucid]

      This one I only have a short description of, but it was rather interesting. It starts with me in a class but this kid, J, who only went to the same school as me up until middle school. The first part may have been more of a transitional state or a hazy third-person part, because I honestly don't remember much of it at all, at least in any way that really makes sense in my mind, but it was about us fighting robots in class! After that there was some kind of boss, and J handed a magazine that was apparently it. I tried to figure out how a magazine could be commanding robots, and there was some kind of hint in one of the articles about there being a sensor of some kind hidden above the ceiling tiles in our classroom, but then we just kind of abandoned that plot and started waiting for class to end. I go sit down at my desk and get really tired, and fall asleep while waiting. Here's where things get strange! I lifted my head and I was still in the same classroom, but the people were acting weird and robotic (heh) rather than how they had been a second ago, and everything had a really foggy feeling to it. It was extremely trippy. I look around and think, wait, I just fell asleep in this class and now it's different and... wait, is this a dream? :O Yes, that's right... I became lucid based on clues that weren't true. And at the time, though it was a legitimate lucid and felt like one (rather than just dreaming about being lucid but not actually being), I still thought of the non-lucid dream as reality and where I was sleeping. The atmosphere of the lucid was extremely confusing, probably because somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that I was lucid but still very unaware of the situation. It honestly felt like I was the lowest level of lucidity I could possibly be. I decided to just waste time since I was waiting for class to end anyway, so I had everyone in the class start singing a song. The teacher even joined in happily. I wanted to go flying outside a bit after that started, and I saw it happening in my mind's eye but it wasn't really, and then everything got really hazy and I figured the dream was ending, so I woke back up... into the non-lucid dream. Obviously, I thought I was awake at that point so I lost lucidity. Not long after that though, I actually woke up. What a strange experience!