• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. <span class='glow_FF1493'>DawnEye11</span>'s Avatar
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      I've never heard of the coin trick before but I will keep that in mind. :3 It sounds like a good way to stay in the dream.
      I told my mom I wanted a huge steak and soda and milkshakes and burritos and spaghetti and sushi and a ton of other dishes.
      Having DCs give you all the food you want is always great.
    2. Tihiti's Avatar
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      Hi Avian,
      If I find my dreams are becoming violent, I repeat this phrase for at least 10 minutes before I go to sleep. The trick is to feel, focus, and believe the phrase to be true. Don't just say it, think carefully about what is being said, "I will realize WHEN I'm dreaming, and I WILL NOT be violent." Anyway, it works for me. Seems the subconscious mind can be reached if you repeat a phrase many times.
    3. <span style='color: #008000'><span class='glow_00FF00'>PercyLucid</span></span>'s Avatar
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      Pretty cool read Thank you!
    4. Avian's Avatar
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      What are tags again?
    5. <span style='color: #008000'><span class='glow_00FF00'>PercyLucid</span></span>'s Avatar
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      Dreams with the moon are amazing. I have a few under my belt
    6. <span style='color: #008000'><span class='glow_00FF00'>PercyLucid</span></span>'s Avatar
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      Nice read. Lots of dream signs my friend, you should use tags to help you identify your signs in the future!