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    1. 0/1 Mon: Terminator Basketball

      by , 11-30-2010 at 11:03 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      0748: Some residue here from watching Sarah Conner Chronicles lately. I'm playing a 1v1 basketball game against a terminator. It has no skin or clothes, so just the robot body. We are playing indoors. I am leading with a score of 17-16. The terminator has the ball as the buzzer is about to go off. He shoots a long jumpshot and... misses! I win! OMG, I beat the terminator. I was way too proud of this fact. Even when I woke up I was surprised and giddy. Anyway, then I show the terminator how backspin affects the arc of the shot and that's why he missed.
      Tags: robot, sport
    2. Dream of being a Vampire

      by , 11-30-2010 at 11:00 PM
      God, I'm embarrased to write this down, but I've never had anyother dream like this one.

      The dream started off and I was batman, I was hunting a group of vampires. I then began to infiltrate the group and befriend them. They seemed harmless enough, I even liked them.
      I then gave up the batman thing, or rather forgot about it, I was just me.
      I then began helping the vampires evade thier pursuers, the police for some reason.
      Finally, and I don't know where the transformation happened, I was a vampire.
      And at the encouragement of the group I was to eat this woman.
      And I did it.
      The dream was just so real, I could feel her life coursing out of her.
      I was drinking her blood from her neck, and even squeezing her body, encouraging the flow of the liquid, that part really stuck with me.
      And then the wierd part, I never became lucid, but, I had all these powers.
      The best was flying, I never once stopped and realized I was dreaming, which is really the wierd part, normally I never have abilities like that with out being lucid.
      I began flying, and I even picked up a coven member who couldn't fly and put them on my back.

      This dream is bizarre to me for so many reasons,,,,,,I"m not goth,,,I'm not depressed,,,,I'm not into any vampire movies or literature,,,,,,I just don't get why I would dream this, and so completly be immersed in it.
    3. 30 Nov: Art inspired by meditation and lucid Reiki

      by , 11-30-2010 at 10:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:30 GMT

      Group trip on a van
      (Potential SD)--> I was interacting with some group in a van. Like a 9 seat van. I was outside of the van but talking with some guy sitting in the middle row. He is handing me over something. I think there are two girls by his side, but anyway he was in the middle seat. He had a very strong and sexual presence and I felt both intimidated and attracted to him. Then he tells me to hand over or say something to the guys on the back row, so I slide the door to see who's there. At first it’s undefined. I just notice some younger girl near the door but the other people are not yet clear to me. But as I focus, the person in the middle becomes Marco Polo, my ex-boss, ex-crush. Behind him is a guy from the board of his organization. I’m doing whatever I was instructed to do by the other guy and it puts me in a position power towards Marco Polo. He looks me in the eyes and I see he hasn’t forgotten me and he is hoping I also still nurture feelings for him, so I ease the whatever pressure I’m putting on him. I look cold and distant, like he doesn’t mean anything to me anymore, but inside I feel glad that he misses me. I ask them to get out of the van, which they do but he is using his diplomacy and charm to try to soften me. He asks me if I know about the latest project his office is working on and I say no, that I read their newsletter regularly, but either haven’t read the last one or I just missed the news. But I don’t show any interest in knowing anyway. Then the other guy that gave me whatever mission I was accomplishing was also outside the van and we go arm-in-arm guiding the group to some place. It’s some sort of company building and I can only tell it’s in Japan, because they ask us to take off our shoes and put them in a locker they have in the lobby. I had just picked some brochures from the front desk trying to figure out what this place was. I noticed they were written in Portuguese but before I manage to read anything the lady guide really pushes us to take our shoes off. I tell her I worry my feet might smell and she says there’s nothing to worry because they have refreshing wipes in the toilet room for cleaning the feet. Much better.

      00:30 GMT

      So much wrong put together
      At some house with some guy, my dad’s friend I think. This guy is abusing me, he pulled my pants down and he his touching me. I don’t know how I allowed it to happen, I just was there in the middle of it when I became aware of it. My dad comes in exactly on that moment and sees it. Unfortunately he seems to be more embarrassed that I’m half naked, than with the fact this guy is abusing me. The guy loses his grip so I run and cover my body. The guy then leaves and my dad goes to sleep. I play with the dog. To my horror I notice that the dog has his jaw dislocated and I go wake up my dad to take the dog to the vet. But then my cat is also in the picture and I find out he just broke my dad’s chess marble pieces he kept under the bed. He says I must discipline the cat and then I see more broken pieces. On his bedside table I find a particularly weird object – a crucified Buddha - beheaded by the cat.

      02:00 GMT

      Book of memories
      On my way to some classroom (not in school anymore, something for adults) but I want to arrive there flying to impress everybody. Inside the classroom I see Benny, a co-worker with whom I have a communication problem. I want to use the opportunity to break the ice, but I chicken out and first go to toilet. Inside it I enter the first toilet compartment, but I almost can’t move inside so I get out and try the next one. Better, but then I’m being pressured by some lady who’s also in need to use it. Back in the classroom I see some books that were left on a table – I guess related to our class – and I find one which includes a detailed report from a camp retreat where I was as a child. The date on it is 1995, but I know it was even before that, more likely 1991. As I go through it and see the pictures I am immediately transported to those days and I relive the events. Then I realise this book is from Nighthawk. I didn’t even know he was around. I ask him why he has that book and if I can keep it. It includes group pictures where I appear and it’s both embarrassing that others see it and I would also like to have it for myself as a souvenir. But he says no, he won’t give me the book. He knows how much this upsets me.

      Daycare lady
      On a bus or train with my BF and with my cat on my lap. My BF wants the cat to get fresh air from the window, but I say this is no dog and he might jump out, so I actually ask everybody to close the windows that are open. Some people only then notice I have a cat with me and come to cuddle him. One of these persons is Dulce, a lady that took care of me in the daycare when I was a kid and that keeps showing up in my dreams. I never spoke to her on dreams before, so this time I say hi. As I say hi, she seems to notice me also for the first time and makes a big smile and asks me what have I been doing all these years.

      5:00 GMT

      A mystical surreal painting
      I just remember the dream from when I became lucid. I was at a empty room, with a big window with no glass. Outside is a golden light shimmering through the leaves of a tree. I decide to sit to meditate and there’s a pillow right there in the middle of the empty floor. I sit but I don’t feel comfortable. I ignore that and focus on visualizing a Buddha I'm supposed to visualize. I face the naked wall, so it becomes easier than on previous occasions. I see his contours starting to form on the wall, like an ethereal coloured outline. But never a solid figure. Suddenly it becomes a ball of light that hits me and knocks me down. I have this freefall sensation I get when I am falling from the dream but I hold on and I get back in. Once again facing the wall, I visualize this Buddha but his outline figure gives rise to a painting, a perfectly drawn, detailed and clear surreal painting. I feel so surprised that I try to memorize it in all details. I go from the centre to the left and then right trying to memorize the figures, the tones and the words written on it, but it’s not easy. It’s in beige and mocha tones. In the centre a bit tilted to opposite sides are the Pisa Tower and the Eiffel Tower. On the side are the names of European cities, like Paris, Rome, etc. Below a giant pair of eyes and this is landed on a flat terrain with a sea on the left. On the right there are buildings and people, like scenes from an urban landscape and on the left facing the sea is Obélix a bit slender than usual and Astérix with a donkey’s head and wings, hovering above the floor. There’s a black guy in the first plan and on some rocky island in the middle of the sea are some nymphs with wings. Sparse along the picture are what seem to be random words, which I tried to memorise, but forgot. I woke up before I got to memorize all the details.

      Doing Reiki to my mom
      (FA)--> I slide in again but I get convinced that I woke up for good, because I “woke up” on my bed on side position as I had fallen asleep and I do a RC to confirm. I conclude I’m still dreaming. On the bed by my side is my BF, but as usual he is just to inside the dream and kind of dragging me down. I almost wake up again but I hold on and find myself lying down again on the bed. (FA)--> Once again I do RC just to be sure and I find out I am still dreaming. I get up and realise this time I’m not in my room, but in my mom’s. I see her on the bed. She woke up and I go to her side and tell her this is a dream and ask her if I can do Reiki on her. She is again not believing me this is a dream but she agrees with the Reiki. She turns belly down and as I channel energy to her body I wish and visualize that all illnesses and bad energies are cast away, that all obstacles to her health and life are removed. But I strange that I’m not feeling any actual energy flowing, so I decide to do an experiment. I ask her for her flask of vitamins she has on her bedside table and she hands it over to me. I try to energize the pills so they become more powerful and they start moving fast inside the flask as if stirred in a washing machine. It’s so crazy to watch. I try to channel energy to objects and that’s what happens to all of them. So I go back to her and do more Reiki, confident that there is energy flowing, but she is very quiet, as if she fell asleep and then she totally faded away, leaving only the clothes behind. I guess she probably woke up, into the RL. I also slip into waking up, but then slide back in. I find myself in some place with other people, like the empty room where I was first lucid this night, but now is full of people and there’s some event going on. I don’t feel interesting in whatever it is taking place so I decide to keep working on my chi. I remember I did a kamehame in some dream before, but now I want to do it in a serious, non-cartoon like version. Just projecting the chi, not balls of fire. So I target objects that are around in the room and I try to knock them down with chi projections. After a while, the objects started to shake, hit by something, but none actually fell. The blasts were too weak. I felt disappointed and thought that at this pace, I will never actually be able to do this in RL, if not even in dreams I master it.
      I fly through the window, pass by the tree branches of that tree I had seen before through the window, but on the ground a guy I know, Fernando, is calling me. I stop and ask what’s up and he introduces me to some geeky guy he says needs a tour around the town. I agree to do it, just so he would let me go. From above the tree I see a fantastic landscape with green hills and valleys. The sun is already setting and it is becoming dark, but on top a hill I see a flat garden and decide to land there to sit a bit more and continue meditation. But when I arrive there, some blond lady jumps from out of nowhere and tells me this place is closed and I must come back during the day. Then I woke up for good.

      7:00 GMT

      NOTE: Good news is my mom felt the effects. I asked her once again if she had anything to tell me and she just said "I don't recall any dream, but at 3 am I went to sleep full of pain in my shoulders and at 6 am I woke up so refreshed and inspired!" She wrote a 5 pages letter between 6 and 7 am, which she was delaying for about a year (delicate issue with a friend) and she said the words just came out flowing like a river, with no hesitation or corrections. Good for her! Then I told her about my little experiment, she was thrilled and asked me to do some more

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 10:09 PM by 34880

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    4. The Doctor

      by , 11-30-2010 at 08:21 PM
      Had several dreams with much better recall than this one, but they were boring.

      The Doctors
      Clarity: 2/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      Some people and I are with Doctor Who, only he's not a nice Doctor. He's not evil like The Master, he's just not friendly, pleasant or helpful. We're somehow altering the past, which is changing the present. Mostly it's just changing The Doctor. The Doctor changes about 5 times into completely different people before he's back to his helpful self.

      Now we have to get past a guarded checkpoint. There is a rusted old rocket propelled orb thing you ride in, but it's too dilapidated to work. We get in it, and The Doctor disappears into the past to change things for us. Suddenly, our rocket ride is in working order, the rockets kick in, and blast us through the checkpoint, surprising the guards.

      But it doesn't take us much farther than the checkpoint, and armed guards begin to run after us. We get out and run for it.
    5. Forzare, Giant and back, Keeping Morgan Freeman the same size

      by , 11-30-2010 at 08:16 PM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      30/11/10 I was with 2 people following a “case” we were trying to weed out a traitor in our midst. This all of a sudden means we have to climb a big building and we are looking at people coming down the sides. Although I am lucid at this point I am not able to comprehend that I am able to fly up there, primarily because the plot seems to be oriented around the Dresden Files. I soon figure out by way of my companion pointing out that Morgan Freeman, the other companion previously, has managed to reach the top of the building without getting caught by the bad guys climbing down. Right so I have my traitor and I figure the most prominent way to reach the top of this buidling will be with a spell. I point my hand to the ground and shout Forzare! and I fly massively high into the air. Already as I am on the way up I remember that I tend to have a problem with falling down, I don't freaking like it! However the fact that I am conscious about my fear hitting me, before it actually does so, means I am prepared for it and can control it. I manage a solution which partially means using the same spell, with less juice, to control my decent and partially turning into a giant of obscure proportions. I land on the roof top and Morgan Freeman, the traitor is ridiculously small compared to me. Damn I think, however this seems to be a tad premature as I actually do manage to shrink in size, with considerable less effort than what I have tried before. The only problem is that Freeman sees a way of loosing me by shrinking as well and after. So I stand there for a bit increasing the size and animation, from what is best described as a jelly bear, to a fully functioning version of the man, backwards and forwards. Which although it actually was entertaining to watch, was frustrating as hell because I couldn't keep him large.

      I give up and fly out of the window without breaking it. I feel relieved as I have that amount of control available again plus the fact that I have managed to reduce in size and actually demonstrate some form of control over something external to me, something I am not normally too great at. I fly around for a bit until I can feel the dream slipping a bit, but I can't manage to stabilise it.
      However I have a false awakening as I fall out of my bed and can hear myself talking. I notice that my flat mate can hear me again, but he shrugs it off, because he knows I am dreaming (Here is another great lucidity miss, just coming out of a lucid state, I am aware I am talking in my sleep and I know my flat mate is aware that “I am just dreaming”, yet I don't become lucid again) I wake up soon after.
    6. 27 Nov: Lucid healing a friend and confirmed shared dream

      by , 11-30-2010 at 08:02 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      01:00 GMT

      Harassed at a temple
      I am visiting some new place. There’s a temple and pyramids and on this temple I recall seeing carved in stone what seems to be the Pokémon balls (I don’t know the name of the devices, ‘cause I don’t watch the series). I’m resting, sitting on the floor against a pillar, on a platform on the top of a tall staircase with a view to a square – actually it reminds me of the Inca or Aztec kind of pyramid temples, with view to a central square. A guy comes from behind me and he’s harassing me, trying to seduce me, but I know he is up to no good. Luckily there’s some other cute guy around with whom I decide to stick to get rid of the other and we leave together. Then some scene where I’m drinking coffee and writing a story for a newspaper.

      04:00 GMT

      Coming home
      Coming to my mom’s home by car, with my dad on the passenger side. I am hoping to find my neighbour Carla but she doesn’t show up. There aren’t parking spaces available, but a neighbour who was just looking through the window (I think) came downstairs and parked his car better so we could also park.

      7:00 GMT

      Leaving a friend's house
      I was at a nice home with some friends, maybe someone’s birthday party, but I was actually staying there for a few days already, when my mom and BF come to get me. I was surprised, like they came too early, so when I am at the door to go I remember I have left things behind, so I run back to a room where I was and see some of my clothes lying over the bed and some tupperwares with food. I gather all the food in one Tupperware and some guy who’s in the same room, looks disgusted that I’m doing that over there. I couldn’t care less about his feelings, but then the dream starts to shift and I realize I am dreaming. I almost wake up, but hold on to the flow of images passing by.

      Healing a friend and a confirmed shared dream

      I held on to the passing imagery and I entered a new dream lucid. My first thought was “Is this a WILD or a DILD?”, because I wasn’t really sure if I had woke up somewhere in the transition. But now in retrospective, I don’t think I did and I think it was a DILD.
      So the dream was an amazing Alps landscape. I fly and sit on top of a stone wall, with a view over the mountains and the green valleys. I start focusing to meditate but the wall starts to shake and some stones break apart. I almost fall and I almost wake up, but I remember I can hover, so I do that. I decide to sit back on that wall and hang on no matter what. Nothing will distract me from my intent. The wall shakes violently, like shaking me off and breaks apart and as I fall, I feel I’m being sucked by the dream and I am pushed through a succession of sceneries, violently thrown against walls, cars, trains and everything you can imagine. I keep still, I don’t lose focus and I meditate, hovering through this fast motion attack. Then all stops and I am standing in front of a mirror. I see my image reflected on it and don’t know exactly what to do. I should have continued focused, just meditating, but I remember there’s something I actually want to do. I want to visit Isabel and do something for her. She is a friend who is dying with cancer. So I cross the mirror but this time (lesson learned from last failed attempts) I picture she is right on the other side, no need to go through tunnels or worm-holes to get there. I cross and the only strange effect I feel is that the other side is upside down, so I fall with my head down in the other side of the mirror. The light is a bit dim, but I figure I am in an hospital. Looks quite nice, all the walls are glass and I have panoramic view. This building is in a valley surrounded by high snowy peaks. Looks like the Alps again. It’s still dark, like dawn. I see her in a bed just on the right external corner of this room. She looks sleepy and very skinny and weak. Much more than how I saw her last time in RL. I hold her hands, kiss her hands and kiss her in the cheek. She is happy and surprised to see me. I tell her I want to try something and ask for her permission. She says “Sure”. She gets up and sits on a chair by the side of her bed. I summon and try to visualize the Medicine Buddha coming to heal her and for some time nothing happens. I am getting desperate but then I see a blue star shining bright in the night sky outside. I focus on it and I notice it becoming bigger and moving. As it moves to the right in the sky, all of a sudden makes a U-turn and accelerates in our direction. As it comes closer I can distinguish a translucent blue entity. I don’t recognize a traditional Buddha shape though, but I’m open to whatever it is that is coming to meet us. Then it just crosses the glass wall in high speed, passes through Isabel’s body entering by her back and comes out through her chest and disappears in the air. I am amazed but she asks me “So? What exactly are you going to try?”. She didn’t see or feel anything. So I tell her I just want to do some reiki in her. I am still puzzled and preferred not to tell her the truth. I put my hands on her back for a while but then a friend of hers comes up and they start chatting. I hear her saying something like she would love so much to see Rinpoche (our precious guru) so I think about trying to help her on that to. I ask them to make a prayer with me to summon his presence. We call for his name and then a succession of characters that mildly resemble him enter through the door, but I know none of them is truly him, they lack his presence. But for a brief split second I did feel his energy and I try to pursuit it by flying out of the door and down the stairs. I feel him. I exit to the street and it’s early morning already. I can see the town square in front of me, a morning market being assembled by the locals and beautiful alpine houses. The air is cold but sweet. His presence dissipates in the air.
      I fly around a little bit the market and the beautiful amazing pastry store windows, with very traditional and fairy tale like cookies and cakes arrangements. I marvel at the amazing beauty of this and think that normally I would start a frenzy of eating all I could, knowing it is just a dream, but this time I didn’t feel the need. I fly back to inside the building and on the waiting room I encounter my mom.
      (SHARED)--> She is sitting on a bench, with a piece of cake on a plate, but not eating it. I sit by her side and she asks me if I saw all those amazing cakes and cookies. I smile and say yes. She ask if I want to share (she always does, not to feel so guilty, I guess). She says we can go get a dozen each and then exchange to try more flavours. I say I’m not interested. But then a friend of hers or a total stranger, I don’t know, comes to us and offers a plate with a half eaten sweet. She says she is full and that we can have the rest. My mom says why should she take it, when there are so many fresh cakes outside waiting for us. But I accept and eat it. She doesn’t get it, so I explain I’m trying to live according to this new philosophy: not eating unnecessarily, even if it’s a dream and I won’t get fat or won’t cost me money – and by the way, this is when I tell her this is a dream – but if someone offers me something with a good intention, then I accept it, no matter what, as a humble thank you for the meritorious action of the person. She is trying to digest that this is a dream. She doesn’t seem to believe, because it is so real, but I insist it is and since I am starting to feel it fading I tell her that as a proof, I am just about to exit this dream. <--
      (SHARED) And then I wake up.

      9:00 GMT

      Note: During the day I asked my mom if she had had any interesting dream (it was early morning, so I felt there was a high chance of recall) and she took some time to remember anything, but then she said “Yes, I remember cakes! Beautiful amazing cakes and pastry shops like those we saw in Belgium, those that looked like out of a fairy tale! But I didn’t actually remember eating any cake...” she said with a sad face

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 08:10 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    7. Waves & deformed beings

      by , 11-30-2010 at 06:56 PM (Ruesia's Dream Journal)
      I had a very difficult time sleeping last night. It seemed I could not gain comfort and continued to wake off and on. Therefore, my dreams are unkempt but still very vivid.

      I remember being out on the ocean. The water is dark, but not noticeably cold. There are others with me, at the time I knew them, but I cannot register them in my memory. We are out on the ocean, no shoreline in sight, and the waves are getting bigger and bigger. We are trying to push through the waves, so they don't engulf us. We are afraid of drowning. The waves get bigger and bigger, and we are being swallowed in them. However, through each way, we gain better leverage, are able to right ourselves faster. The waves are monstrous, but we are able to traverse them because we now know how.


      My sister, my cousin, and I are in what appears to be a tree house. Its drizzling out, and cold. The sky is overcast and its evening. My sister's clothing has been strewn all over the gravel below the treehouse. Next to us is a house; my parents home. My cousin, sister, and I are confused as to why her clothes are thrown around. It is dark and we are aware of a presence. We are frightened. I grab a flashlight that flickers on and off; it isn't a steady stream of light. I tell them I'll go inside; find my mother. I open the back door and the house is dark. It is drafty inside as the house isn't well insulated. The walls are dark wood and the home is dreary. I hold the flashlight out, more as a weapon than an intended light source. I continue to creep through the house. I see light coming from under the door in a closet. I hear voices. It is warm here. I open the door and find my mother inside, the room steamy and pleasant. However, I look back and see a deformed, dark skinned figure, his teeth glaringly bright as he smiles a devilish smile at me. He is evil, and I know it. I recoil in horror, but my mother says that she is giving him a bath and that I musn't scare him. I know when she lets him go, he will come to try to hurt me. I flee and run back to the tree house, explaining what I saw. I begin to pack my things. I pick out a dress that is grey and black, and plan to pair it with leggings. I am throwing my clothes around, looking for leggings.

      Then I wake up.
      nightmare , dream fragment
    8. Shared dreaming, 15-20 minutes

      by , 11-30-2010 at 06:39 PM
      I had an interesting dream two nights ago:

      I am in (the outskirts of?) a village. The ground is sandy. There is a ruined stone building on my right side. WakingNomad is standing in front of me. He says he'll go sleeping so he can share dreams with me. He goes lying on the ground. Soon I get this feeling. It's pretty hard to describe, but it was like a feeling of connection, another entity. I sweeps over me. I become lucid (basically I was dreaming of being lucid i guess, but anyway I had the full control of lucid dreams). We fight but soon I find someone else with whom to fight, though I forget about him, too soon and go flying. Then I let myself drop from about a kilometre. Then I take a stone pillar and smack some people with it.
    9. Shared dreaming, 15-20 minutes

      by , 11-30-2010 at 06:39 PM
      I had an interesting dream two nights ago:

      I am in (the outskirts of?) a village. The ground is sandy. There is a ruined stone building on my right side. WakingNomad is standing in front of me. He says he'll go sleeping so he can share dreams with me. He goes lying on the ground. Soon I get this feeling. It's pretty hard to describe, but it was like a feeling of connection, another entity. I sweeps over me. I become lucid (basically I was dreaming of being lucid i guess, but anyway I had the full control of lucid dreams). We fight but soon I find someone else with whom to fight, though I forget about him, too soon and go flying. Then I let myself drop from about a kilometre. Then I take a stone pillar and smack some people with it.
    10. Weekend away - 29/11

      by , 11-30-2010 at 06:32 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Didn't get much sleep last night, and therefore I had zero recall. I do have two cool dreams from this weekend. Tonight is sleeping night, and I will be taking B6 before bed. I am going to take Calea this weekend, and not G+C as I said yesterday. I will smoke a joint of it, then drink the tea for full effect.

      Life of a Gangster
      I'm in a rectangular room with a few other people. We're all just chilling and ofcourse, dealing drugs. I seem to be someone else, as my skin is black instead of white. A remote is infront of me, and there's cocaine on it. I am just about to let someone try it, when the police kicks in the door. It's just one guy, telling everyone to freeze. Everyone panics and heads for the door, knocking the policeman over.

      I quickly throw the remote on the floor, making the cocaine go away, and head for the door. The policeman is now on his feet and he's telling me to stop. I knock him over and run out. Everyone is going the same direction, and I get this brilliant idea to go the other way. To do the least unexpected! I run to the right and end up at a fence. I have to run back like ten meters before I can dash away at full speed. The policeman still hasn't come out and I look behind me as I run to see if he would appear. I round a corner without seeing any blue, and I slow down.

      I walk around the neighbourhood for a long time, having a hard time staying upright. Darkness arrives and I walk down some stairs. Looking behind me I see a silhouette of a man, but I know it's not the cop. Another gangster perhaps. I hear something on the parkinglot I've just come to and I look around. A small boy comes out from between two cars, and points a gun at me. I reach out with my hand and tells him to relax. He recognises me and puts the gun down. I can see a body on the ground between the two cars.

      Apparently I'm some kind of respected gangster, and we handshake in a gangster kind of way. "Respect kid!" I tell him and he smiles at me and head for the stairs. I take a closer look at the body. He's dead as a stone, and I spot a glock and some sunglasses. I pocket the glock and try to pick up the glasses, but they break. Suddenly I can hear the police nearby. I run towards a road and try to hide my own gun from oncoming traffic as I try to cross it. I have some very soft and baggy pants on, and it's almost impossible to put it behind my back in my pants.

      I cross the road and end up on a smaller road leading into the woods. I stop after a while and look back at the road, twenty meters back. A car pulls up and I decide I need one. Two young guys are in the car, and they pull down the window to ask me the way or something. I take out my gun and put two bullets in the head on the guy in the passenger seat. He doesn't die, even though there is a hole right in his forehead. They get mad and speed off. I continue down the road and I notice an intersection.

      "For fuck sake! Will this dream ever end?" I ask myself and walk out in the middle of the road. "Oh well, I'll just make it end" I say and pull out my two guns. The glock one is empty, but the other one still has a few rounds in it. I start shooting at cars and hell breaks loose. Cars screech all around me as I shoot through their windshields. With a big jump I jump up on a bus and stand on the roof. I throw myself backwards, hoping the dream will end...

      I am in a room with my cousins and I'm doing an experiment on Astral Projection. Apparently I'm doing it right now, and I'm making them hold up playing cards behind my head. I guess correctly all the time, but it takes a few seconds for me to recognise the card they're holding up. It's like I'm seeing them through a mirror. I can see a mirror on the wall infront of me. "Wait, we need a wall without a mirror" I say and look around. There are small mirrors everywhere.

      Cool lottery
      I've won a very weird lottery. A couple of wheels like in jack vegas are spinning infront of me, and the first one stops. It's a picture of a house and I can tell the category is "House-related items" The second wheel stops and there's a rooftile on it. The third wheel stops and a large triangular window appears. I get to see how it would look like on a house. It's just like The Sims. I can tell the window is very expensive and I think about selling it right away. A screen pops up, telling me to text message a certain code to a number. I try to remember the phone number but it disappears before I get a chance. I get anxious and asks if anyone had a chance to memorize the number.

      Amount of sleep: Around 9 hours

      Supplements before bed: Nothing

      That's it! One of the longest dreams I've recalled that first one, pretty cool aswell! B6 tonight. Sweet. We'll see what my mind has in mind, höhö.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 07:15 PM by 36346

      Tags: guns
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Flying, but with lousy control

      by , 11-30-2010 at 06:06 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid, Lucid, Commentary made while awake

      I'm at Disneyland, in a large, covered outdoor amphitheater, watching a new stage show that consists of Sorcerer Mickey waving an oversized magician's wand around (the black, cylindrical kind with white tips on both ends). Mini-fireworks, red foil streamers, and red confetti shoot out of the end of the wand in turn while the “Fantasmic!” theme music plays. [The part of the music that played in my dream starts at 1:41.] [I don't think I've ever heard an existing piece of music that clearly in a dream before. Awesome!] A few minutes into the show, the wand stops working. Looking between the seats and the other guests at the floor where Mickey is standing, I can see that there's an extra wand there, waiting to be picked up and used if needed. There's also an entire bundle of replacement wands descending from the ceiling in some sort of holder. The show stalls while a replacement wand is selected. While the show is on hold, Cast Members start giving out free stuff by passing it around through the audience. One of the things that gets passed to me is a small basket full of pin-on plastic name tags that are shaped like, and designed to look like, license plates from Cars. They all have different organization names and titles printed at the top and bottom of the name tag, surrounding a blank space to write your name in. I read each one, looking for the one I like best [I could read them in the dream, but I don't remember what any of them said now], so it takes me forever to choose one.

      Dreamskip. I'm in an elevated, landscaped parking lot to the west of my high school campus. I can see the brown car, and I'm walking toward it.
      I realize that I'm dreaming and decide to get to my car by flying, instead of just walking. I try to take off by kicking off the ground and jumping up at the same time, but it doesn't work very well. The move takes me a lot higher than it would have in reality, maybe a couple feet off the ground, but I jump up and then float right back down again in a symmetrical, parabolic arc. [I don't remember how I did it, but] Somehow, I end up flying. I say, “Screw the car. I'm going to fly.”

      I'm flying over the west side of the high school campus, but am now facing toward the center of campus rather than away from it. The view is panoramic and beautiful from up there. However, I find myself only flying sideways and backwards. I can feel myself being pulled in those directions through the air. Why am I not going forward, over the campus? That's the direction I want to go, but apparently, I can't. I don't understand this. I think, “There's going to be a wall behind me for me to kick off of and start flying forward.” The next moment, there is one. I'm being pulled backwards through the air until I feel my feet hit the wall, which stops me. I kick off the wall, propelling myself forward. I fly forward for a little way, but I still find it difficult to do. I end up getting pulled sideways again.

      [I think some other stuff happened at this point, but I don't remember it now.]

      I wake up and I'm lying down outside somewhere. It looks like a park. It's bright and sunny there. There is a cartoon dog looking at me, dressed up in a Halloween costume to look like some other kind of animal. I say hello to it, calmly and happily. Then it dawns on me, Oh, this is a false awakening. I'm still dreaming. I'm going to wake up for real soon. Then I did wake up for real.

      Side notes:

      Last night, I listened to the first 15 minutes of the Subliminal Lucid 3.0 mp3 as I was getting ready for bed and going to sleep, while doing MILD affirmations at the same time. I also had my cardboard-square wristband on my right wrist. I did not listen to the binaural beats file at all. Therefore, I can conclude that the binaural beats file is not a necessity for me to have a lucid dream. I'm pretty sure that the most important factor is the focused affirmations and the desire to have one.

      I'm pleased to see that I still have my previously-discovered ability to make things happen or appear in dreams by quietly, passively expecting them to happen or appear. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't have better control over my own flying, but admittedly, I am out of practice. I actually have a large backlog of handwritten notes on my dreams that I haven't had time to type up and put into my dream journal. I'll get around to it when I can.
    12. DJ'ing at Ibiza beach party

      by , 11-30-2010 at 06:06 PM
      DJ'ing at ibiza beach party(DILD)


      Even though it's a normal school day, I set an extra alarm clock on my iPod at 6:00 AM so I could try to have a WBTB/WILD. When I woke up, I first watched a video of Tiesto playing "Conscindo", and then while trying to WILD, incubated the scene as described below:

      DJ'ing at ibiza beach party (successful lucid)
      method: (WBTB)/DILD
      time: 6:15 AM
      incubated scene:
      standing behind a DJ booth on a beach party on Ibiza, crowd in front of me, sea sunset in the background.

      I failed to WILD because of some noises from downstairs, however
      when I eventually fell asleep and entered a regular dream, I still heard the noise,which made me naturally become aware I was dreaming. (first time lucid in 6 months, not a big shock though)

      I memorized the incubated scene and immediately, I was there. The crowd wasn't very clear (I guess it's just too much for my subconscious when the dream isn't that vivid), however I could see it was there, along with my DJ gear and a nice sea sunset at the background. I was playing One from Swedish House Mafia and mixed it into Conscindo, just like Tiesto was playing on the video. Even though the visuals were a bit blurry, the music was surprisingly vivid.

      When it became a bit boring, I figured I'd spawn a girl I know (also thought of that before) to my left. She stood there, and I noticed how beautiful she actually is. I took my microphone and said "That's it for now. I'll see you people tonight!" and then took the girl with me to my crib (lol yeah, I owned a villa on Ibiza). I was stupid enough to close my eyes there so the dream started fading.
      I still prefer WILD lucids because they're by far the most vivid, and I'm able to think more clearly than DILD lucids! I'm going to keep trying!

      It's quite a big accomplishment for me to have a LD on a school day though! First time ever, because normally my recall on school days just sucks.

      DV journals.
      I was at the DV forum index, and there's this column of Dream Journals to the right. There were like hundreds posted today and only a few from yesterday. I checked out a few of them, and thought about how I hated when people didn't bother to add any paragraphs and just didn't care about readability.
      (Yes, I really had a dream about this but I guess it's a good way to make a point)

      Also, I think by the fact that DJ's aren't posted in the forum anymore, people get less comments (which were actually the most encouraging thing to keeping a DJ)

      Updated 12-01-2010 at 07:44 PM by 30233

    13. Around Town (and french fries, again!)

      by , 11-30-2010 at 05:13 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I'm a little pressed for time today, so I will just make some quick notes and hopefully edit with more details later.


      Driving around a construction zone. An area where there's only one lane, no flagger. I enter and a RV enters at the same time. The RV scrapes against my new truck and keeps on going. I get out and try to find the guy. I think about suing the Department of Transportation.

      Around Town

      With my Grandfather at a country music concert. He stays only for 3 songs, then leaves. He is annoyed because it is at a university that is in the middle of a town (it didn't make sense to me in my dream, either). I argue a little bit about the immorality of having a university in the middle of a town, but he leaves anyway.

      My Grandmother shows up in her car, so I don't have to walk home. We stop at intersection, girl has broken down.

      A brass band is playing, and a new building is being built. I lobby to save the old building from destruction. They aren't going to destroy it anyway.

      There are some pirates in a torture chamber held captive by a rival pirate captain. The rival captain is trying to force them to accept him as their new leader. There are lots of people watching from stands. It is like a stadium of some kind. Now it isn't a torture chamber anymore, but a dance floor. We are watching a documentary about how the Japanese are saving energy by a new form of dancing. One person from each couple sits in a chair and only one person stands up and dances. They still hold hands, though.

      Big House

      I visit somebody's house. It looks small from the outside, but it huge on the inside. One room looks like a cafe` of some kind. Or a hotel lobby. I go in and order food. The people with me are impatient because I'm taking too long. Someone is overcharged. I order a jalepeno and pickle sandwich. And french fries (I seem to be having recurring dreams about french fries).
    14. I throw a snowball to the Vampire Lord and blow up presents at Mount Crumpit

      by , 11-30-2010 at 05:02 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I throw a snowball to the Vampire Lord and blow up presents at Mount Crumpit (MILD)


      I woke up from recalling fragments and I told my self I had to MILD and complete the task of the month to avoid being wingless. I tried to not focus on Astral Projection for one night, just to get my wings.
      I performed my Chest Technique, I focused on Who's Ville and in turning lucid until I fell asleep.

      I was in downtown and it was night. I was inside my car with another DC. For some reason, I jacket the car I was driving but I was still parked. A cop stopped behind me and ordered me to step away from my car.

      I turned on the engine and the cop gave me the last warning. I stepped on the gas and run the hell out of there. I felt it was funny as the cop was chasing me and we were making a lot of noise. The cop was shooting from his car and he blew up one tire from my car. I entered a very creepy neighbor with a lot of allies. I started to drive through them and crushed on one. I still could hear the cop car approaching so I entered a building. The cop did as well. I wanted to enter an apartment to bribe the cop. I tried to walk through the door without success. I walked to the end of the aisle and I found a dead end. I was afraid the cop would arrest me. I found a very old school elevator, so I entered it.

      The pannel looked huge for such a small building. It has most of the buttons from floor 1 to 10. It has some to floor one to 20, then it had one button to floor 96 and other one to 973. I pressed one button and the elevator started to go up making an odd noise.

      I somehow knew I was dreaming so I checked my hands. I had six fingers and I accepted that as reality, but I was not sure. I kept looking at my hands and my fingers changed to five, and then I had the thumb and two more fingers. The clarity of the dream increased and I started to focus, "As soon as this elevator opens, I will be at Who's ville." No luck. The elevator opened in a fancy floor. There was carpeting of all colors. There was violin based music and fresh flowers. The lighting was not intense at all. I looked at the carpets hoping there would be snow so I could throw a ball to someone. There were a ton of white carpets, some bigger, some smaller, some were pure white, some were more grayish, but no snow. My dream started to fade extremely fast. I somehow knew I was not going to save it. I need to fly to save it, however, I told to myself that I saved dreams in a worse situation and I was good about it. Imaginary was gone but I still felt my body in the dream. My eyes were closed and I tried to open them badly with success. I was back in the same hall.

      At the end of the hall, there was a big fancy bar. The tables were Sequoya wood, hand made and beautiful. There were a couple of DC at different tables. It appeared there were having a workshop of something. The bartender approached at me and offered a drink. I told him if he had some sort of iced-drink, snow drink or something. i tried to conjure snow without success so I asked him. He told me I could summon snow if I wanted to. I placed my hands on the table and I focused like if I was going to make a PSI-Ball. My hands were in the position like if I was holding a baseball.

      I started to fell my hands very cold and I had some short of half-melted ice on my hands. I grabbed it, threw it at the bartender and flew away from the window. I was not really happy, as I threw more ice than snow, but I felt it was half a success. I hopped to get to Who's Ville to do the task better.

      It was day now and the cops were gone. There was quite of traffic and my dream started to fade again. I performed same recovery than before with success. I did not want to do big efforts as I knew that my REM was about to expire and I was just prolonging the dream. I tried to catch a taxi. I had no cash, but who cares... I saw a few taxis that were full. I walked in the middle of a busy street and the light turned green. I recalled that someone a few months ago suggested to be ran by a car, but I passed as I did not do my December tasks yet.

      After a few failed attempts to catch a taxi, one stopped by me. It was a sports car (but on the outside it looked like a regular yellow cab) there were no back seats and the driving was sitting (almost laying) on the right middle of the car. I tried to open the door without success. I did it with more strength and I finally got in. I said, "Hi" to the taxi driver and, "I need to get to Who's Ville please!" The taxi driver looked at me like if I was nuts. I told him, "Just figure the way, I know you can get me there"

      We arrived to an odd place and my dream again wanted to end. I saved it with the same method. I was in a home with the taxi driver. He was in front of a TV with a PS3 controller. He told me, "This is the closer I can get you to Who's ville" I was somehow upset, but I recalled that the exercise was, "Steal all the presents in Who-ville and toss them off of Mount Crumpit" so if I did it on a "Who stole X-Mas" game, it would be fine. The taxi driver requested payment from me. I pulled something metallic from my pocket and hand it to him. It was more like a piece of junk. The taxi driver looked at me mad and said, "Real cash, please." I looked at him confused and he said, "All right then. That will be a donation! Have a good one!" He left and I grabbed the controller to complete my task. I could not find the video game's character.

      My dream again, tried to fade and did the same recovery ability with success. I was starting to get mad. The dream was too long and trying to end and I was not done. I felt a chill around my body and I realized I was inside the game. The ground was covered by snow and it was snowing. The place looked quite creepy, but at the same time, it looked very X-Mas. I knew I was in Who's Ville. I saw a Who's entering his house and it was very dark outside. I told to my self about how I was going to steal all the presents. I did not feel like entering home by home. I tried to make all the presents to come out the homes from the chimney. I soon started to see colored wrapped boxes... a tone of them, flying from the homes, to me. To make sure I had success, I hit the ground to break the houses. The houses broke and they were totally empty. Not even furniture, however, a few of them had Who's inside.

      I was wondering how the hell I was going to carry all the gifts. I suddenly saw a huge DC next to me. He wore a black cape and had a very mean look. He had claws and a black face. He had vampire teeth and red eyes. He took my stolen presents and flew away. He was very far in no time and I was upset. My dream again started to fade and I allowed it to end. Four out of five of my senses were gone, but I still felt the chill. I realized there was still chance to recover it. I felt double consciousness, as I felt my body in bed, but I focused really hard, it was a long dream and I had to end it with success.

      I was in a huge room on the top of a mountain. It was snowing hard and there was a dense fog. The vampire had the presents behind him and he was laughing. I approached at him but he attacked me. I avoided his attacks and saw a metallic barrel. I grabbed it and it had some sort of liquid inside. I rose it and aimed at the vampire. The vampire's face was black and metallic. He had a very mean look but I was not afraid as I was dreaming it. I approached more at him and he said, "Its fine. Do not throw that at him, get your stupid presents." The presents were piled up in a small cart and I was super happy. I was about to leave to grab the presents, however, I grabbed snow from the ground, made a ball and threw it at the Vampire's face. I was more happy as I felt that the first task was now properly done. Dream once more started to fade, I was very close to awakening, but I could stay in the dream. The clarity was not very good, and I did another RC to make sure I was grounded in the dream. The clarity increased a little.

      I was at the top of Mount Crumpit. I could see Who's Ville from there. It was funny because all the houses were all fine now and it did not look as creepy. The quality of the dream decreased and started to drop, so I just tossed the cart down the mountain. I was not sure if just tossing was fine or if I needed to destroy them. When the cart was going down, I made a fireball and blew up the presents to make sure I did not miss a thing.

      Now that I was done with both tasks I attempted to Astral Project from the lucid, but I knew I was going to fail as the dream quality now was minimum.

      Before I even attempted, I had a FA in my room. I could not see but I felt my wife and someone else was trying to wake me up. I could not move in bed, I could hear only my wife's voice. I woke up for real.

      Updated 12-05-2010 at 04:21 AM by 31830

      false awakening , memorable , lucid , task of the month
    15. manc house

      by , 11-30-2010 at 04:43 PM
      ok so i went back to manchester again and got lucid partly thanks to another parrot flying past..

      anyway i treid to revisit this place i repeatedly dream non lucidly about. it is a big building on the middle of a wooded area that sometimes appears old, but sometimes like a newer industrialised structure. i was even seeing it on maps in the dream as being in the north east of the town. i found the street and many nearby buildings that i had visited many times in dreams before. the was a house that bears a resemblence to one of the places i lived, and also a pub in which this girl told me it was her birthday. she was pretty but i was so single minded about finding this house that i just kind of ignored it as a non lucid dream character. i didnt really find the house, but i think i eventually ended up back inside it or something really similar.

      i have been thinking alot recently about how i have developed a real problem in socialsing, or even wanting to socialise, but in the dream i was back in a party mode and with a couple of old mates. again it wasa really comfortin dream that really reminded me of the simple joys of just being around other people. i wish i could remember more of that part of it though, as it almost seemed like the only reason if was fun was because i was drunk again which i have been off for aout 3 years now. in the dream party imet people who claimed to be my step brothers. i asked why and they said that my mum had had a relationship with their dad. this is odd because a long while back i had a dream at the same location in which my mum was no longer with my dad and was in a relationship with some greek guy who i never saw. odd. either its something like just a reminder of how we are all family and i should be spending alot more time meeting the rest of my family and socialising, or perhaps it is even an insight into another life...?
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