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    Spell's Comp Night 12: Turn on the lucid generators!

    by , 08-10-2016 at 12:57 PM (403 Views)
    Weird how this happened. I guess it was a WILD, but I'm not sure where the stream of waking thoughts ends and the lucid begins. I don't think it would affect scores too much, so I'll do my best.

    I was doing counts after waking up in the night. I don't even think I was very high, but I ended up making a jump by accident and went from 14 lucid dreams *deep breath* 44 lucid dreams *deep breath* 444 lucid dreams *deep breath* 445-wait, how did I get this high? I've had this kind of thing happen before when I count lucid dreams and usually its a sign that I'm about to drift off. I gave up on counting for a daydream-ish stream of thought.

    I was supposed to be inside my own brain, but I was inside what looked like an office building with people sitting at computers controlling me. I think I thought of the movie inside out. I snuck away and took an elevator down to the lower levels. (The lower levels actually looked like they were made of brain material rather than an office building) I remember there being a gray door to the room with the 'lucid dream generators'.

    There were these two guard bots that said that I had clearance to go in but wasn't allowed to touch anything. I went in. There was a large open room with four Tesla coil like apparatuses that I assumed were lucid dream generators. The entire back wall was a huge flat-screen TV with a blue screen crash on it. I tried to read it but it was blurry.

    "I'm sure nobody will even notice if I turn a few of these generators on..."

    I turned all four of them on and that triggered security robots to come in. I hid behind one of the generators but they were shooting lasers at me and I got shot in the chest several times. I was in third person view of myself and was able to convince me that the lasers did no damage to me since they were a part of my mind... or something. It didn't really work. My third-person dream self was acting wounded. I then thought of having an EMP device that disabled all the robots. It appeared in the form of a baseball-sized a white metal sphere with several buttons and panels on it.

    I threw it down and it created this purple electricity arc between all the lucid generators that shorted all the robots. I went out of the room and saw there were many more gray doors labeled 'lucid generators' and figured I would turn them all on. But the hallway vanished into a reddish soup lacking clarity. I saw a purple and blue cat (kind of Cheshire cat vibe) float by and thought of berry blast pop-tarts. I then saw Steven from SU with a pop tart. I then saw my character Raiah driving a U-haul truck.

    For some reason this was the moment that I properly recognized myself as entering the dream. I began getting sensations in my body as I climbed into the back center seat of the truck, feeling the texture of the seats and my foot on the step, thinking this is it, now I've actually gotten lucid and I'm in a dream. We were in the parking lot of a school. I don't know how I knew that, I just did.

    I got into the back of the truck and sat on the hump seat in the middle. Fairly easy to pull in Manei from the soup on the right hand side back seat as I did. She started driving. I don't know where we were driving or why. I had my heart set on a beach location or some kind of adventure. She said she didn't like Raiah because she was a character I made up in waking life. I told her to please drop that nonsense, that I didn't intentionally bring her into the dream and was just kind of going with the flow.

    She wanted me to hold her hand. I could tell she was uncomfortable. She said something about the back of the truck being bad for tall people and the driver being part robot. I got annoyed and so I looked over into the front passenger seat and forcibly manifested another original character of mine. Several highly distorted swirls of mist in various colors and she manifested right before my eyes.

    "There now the two can keep each other company and they won't bother us." I said to her. She seemed more comfortable now and wanted to hold hands. I felt her hand for some dream stabilization and looked down at it.

    "Her fingers look like sausages. I should try and eat them and see what happens- what? Sausages? That was a weird thought."

    I remember being reminded of stabilization. I did a nose pinch for a long time and pondered the dreaming state. I experimented with pinching and un-pinching my nose. It felt like my nose was a lot smaller.

    "Man, dream-me has a small nose..."

    It was a this point I realized we were driving down the median of an avenue. Raiah had been replaced with my friend J who was talking on the phone with his mom. His mom then appeared in the rear left seat and tried to give him a brown paper bag lunch, but he refused it. Six or seven cars crashed around us in a circle and we couldn't move. Some police started coming. My other character was then replaced with Aang. He said he would be happy to get us out of this one.

    "U-haul, Yip Yip." The truck started flying with a jolt and I woke up.

    I tried for reentry but no luck.

    WILD: 10pt*1=10
    Advanced Summon: 15pt*1=15
    Interact with DC: 2pt*1=2
    RC/Stabilize: 1pt*1=1

    Night Total:23
    DreamCafe11 and Nebulus like this.

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    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Great job getting lucid. It was a nice read." U haul yip yip!"
    2. Nebulus's Avatar
      Luv the robots that just come in and shoot everything up! including the computers xD