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    1. Night of Friday 3/22/24

      by , 03-28-2024 at 12:24 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm with Androids 17 and 18 from Dragonball Z, and a coworker.

      King's Training:
      I'm in a warehouse-type area on a metal stairwell going up.
      There is a line of kids, classmates, lined up for try-outs.
      An intercom announces that the King's Tournament will begin soon.
      I remember that the King's Tournament is for basketball.
      A group of 3 kids in front of us recognize me and the person I am with.
      They seem impressed that we have King's Training.
      There is a sense of belonging in the group. Something similar to how I felt in marching band from high-school.
      In this situation I was the senior, inspiring the younger ones.
      The person in front of me in line is up. He messes up his free-throws and become very frustrated.
    2. Yay.

      by , 03-27-2024 at 12:52 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      This will be a shorter entry. Had trouble sleeping lately due to shitty sleeping arrangements where I live. Apperently I was right. I had to call on Raven again to help with Jamie. She fought of some guy who looked like freddy kreuger. That seems in line with what I remember about someone wearing a large hat.

      I had a couple non lucids that I can't remember.


      Fell asleep talking to the Jamie voice... instead of the usual Jamie in a black space where the conversation continues. There's a big fat Demon pertending to be Jamie. I wake up and fall asleep again, this time it's a skinny demon, saying the things that apparently Jamie is saying. Well, great. And yes I have prayed obsessively about these voices. and of course "Jesus," responds as a voice in my head. That's always trustworthy! But according to Him, We may be hearing one another's thoughts. Be careful to speak to it however, other things may be listening... and also might respond. In either case I'll try my best not to respond overly emotionally to it, or take it "too," seriously. I like how, when I pray for Jamie, I occasionally hear a, "Thank you." from her, as if she somehow hears me. That's always re assuring (No sarcasm).


      Me and Jamie are both attending a high-school together. A class or school has ended and I'm in a hallway by a bunch of lockers and a bunch of students are in my view. I notice Jamie talking to a blond girl pretty sternly. Jamie leaves the girl and walks through the crowd. she then takes my hand and we walk away. Before I turn, I notice the blond girl is giving me and Jamie some really evil side-eye. I guess I'm back with my girlfriend... or dream girlfriend. (please send help.)

      Last night: Had a really long non lucid. No jamie. Can't remember what the dream was about. A bunch of people in a large warehouse or something, and I was also doing drywall work. Bleh, not really worth remembering anyway.
    3. 24-03-26 Torching Psychopath, Small Restaurant

      by , 03-26-2024 at 03:44 PM
      I was being chased around by a psychopath trying to kill me. I think he had a knife. This happened in what I think was a big cafeteria? At some point I found a flamethrower. But every time I tried using it, he dodged backwards impossibly quickly, making me miss. I realized he was an NPC and this was scripted. You weren't supposed to be able to hurt him, you were supposed to flee. But I realized his behavior could be exploited. I drove him into a corner with my bursts of fire. He had nowhere to run to, he couldn't go left or right. Now I think he wore glasses and wore a suit, like the guy from Falling Down. I could see the despair and confusion in his eyes. I'd beat him. I tried pulling the trigger but it didn't work. What a cliche. I looked to make sure I was gripping the right bits (there was this inflated bag-thing you were supposed to compress, THEN pull the trigger - weird), then tried again. Flaming hot inferno poured out of the flamethrower and scorched the bad guy.

      I was in another country, looking for a job to supplement my income. I stumbled upon a small street restaurant that served good food. They were very nice and they agreed to hire me. There was a moment I was confused as to when I was actually supposed to be in the restaurant, as there was no one around (no customers). Apparently, dream logic is that when there's no customers around, you can just go home until someone shows up...?
    4. Comp Warm-Up

      by , 03-26-2024 at 03:31 PM (Lucid Time!)
      The dream began where I was in an OTD hospital. I think I was recovering from something though I felt fine and could more around. I was being kept in this barren stertile room near the back of the hospital. It seems to be just a big square room that sort of juts out the back of the building with windows on three sides. There are vinyl tiles and incandescent lights. The room looks to be a storage space for old hospital beds and random equipment that is out of date, but it is mostly empty.

      I go stand by the window. I see a large machine next to me. A big light gray metal box. It surrounded by a tall chain link fence. It is making a lot of noise, rumbling and then whining like a jet engines. There are exaust pipes on it shooting out streams of fire and electrical transformer equipment with electricity arcs coming between the various components. I get the sense that whatever machine this is (my first instinct is to say it was a generator for the hospital) was being pushed way past its intended load. I notice that it seems to sort of stop and start, not like the machine is failing but like somebody keeps switching it on and off.


      I am with a small skeleton crew on a stolen Scirocco class cruiser. Our mission is to steal another such ship of the same class, though we only have maybe half a dozen people crewing our ship. Our ship is also painted jet black compared to the other one which has its orange markings. We have a lot of insider information on the MCRN including these fake ID chips/cards we can use to access their ships and technology. We pull up near to the ship, which is just floating there in deep space, and send fake voice communications about needing to dock to transfer prisoners. The other ship buys this at first.

      I get into a boarding pod and when we get up close they launch me over. But as I'm flying over the boarding pod is shot but I jump out. I'm outside in the complete vacuum of space but I am at least semi lucid so I just sort of float over to the airlock of the ship we want to board. I get there and swipe the ID card on the card reader. It accepts it but tells me I must type in a four digit pin on a little keypad. Our plan didn't account for this extra layer of security. I type 1-2-3-4 on the pad just to see if it will work and it doesn't.

      The enemy ship realizes what we are trying to do and rockets away, probably pulling several g's. Our ship flips over and does the same. Boosters on, I fly after the both of them. I start gaining on them but my flight seems to be stuck in a lower gear. Then both ships make an abrupt turn bout 150 degrees. Turning around but not quite coming right back at me. I flip over and blast back the other way. They are flying alongside each other, exchanging missiles and PDC fire with each other but mostly not doing any damage to one another. I fly up to the enemy ship and grab on near the engine section, climbing into a gap between the armor and the drive cone.

      I squeeze through a couple of claustrophobic spaces between machinery and stuff until I find an important looking power coupling. Its basically a big circular plug maybe about 15 centimeters across. Pulling it takes all of my strength, especially since I can't get a good grip on it with the thing I want to remove being a big slippery metal cylinder but I get it done and the ship stops running.


      I am in my current neighborhood at somewhere along my jogging route. It is nighttime. I am fully lucid now though my lucidity has gradually been building through the previous scenes. I say out loud to myself something to the effect of.

      "This will be a practice run for the competition. Competitions give the most points for dream control so I just need to do dream control feats as quickly as possible to get points."

      I do stabilization first, rubbing my hands together and touching grass along the side of the sidewalk to crank up the vividness of the dream. I also verbally command for the dream to increase in stability. This gives a small result, though not much.

      I notice that it is dark, twilight/nighttime. I decide to change it to day.

      "Set time to day." I command.

      The sun rises in the south over the course of about fifteen seconds. The sky turns some really beautiful shades of cyan and magenta.

      "Okay now I will fly."

      I lift off on my rocket boosters. I check to confirm the visual is still there since it disappears sometimes. The visual is there. I just sort of fly in a circle above the street and then land at the same spot. The dream scene changes to my childhood neighborhood.

      "Okay now I will summon something."

      I dont even have an idea of what I want to summon. I just reach behind myself and expect to grab hold of something. I bring it back around and get a rusty steel pipe maybe an inch thick and a meter or so long. Its heavy but I can hold it with one hand. I drop it in the street and it makes a loud clank.

      I think I will next use my barrier power but I woke up here.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Fragments

      by , 03-25-2024 at 05:46 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      There was an anime battle between a villain and a hero. The hero was saying something about how much more powerful he got. The hero jumped up into the air then the villain threw a strange disk at him. The hero began blocking with a mop he used for a weapon, he couldn't stop blocking the attack or he would die.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-file-ocforhe6z6mvhgwymorwjiyi.jpg

      Unsecured cardboard
      I had stack of cardboard on the top of a car and my brother was telling me it wasnt secure to drive, to prove him wrong i started backing up, the cardboard fell off.

      middle of nowhere starbucks
      My mom wanted to go to a starbucks, living in the middle of nowhere i decided to see where the closest was. I opened google maps and found that there was one within walking distance from her home. (I was surprised at how far development was coming along)

      mom making coffee
      Just before waking up i heard my brother making a pot of coffee, in my dream my mom was making coffee and i was questioning why she was making it if i made coffee yesterday.

      Note: most of these dreams had a very long and strange story line. I need to get better at remembering these.
    6. Dream Journal Day 36: Night of Tuesday 05.03.2024

      by , 03-25-2024 at 12:12 AM
      A room in the school with a large oval-shaped wooden table in the centre. Books and folders are around, stacked and leaning inside the filing cabinets which line the walls. I am there, another student (who I recognise) and a teacher. We are in discussion, then we leave to head to assembly, shutting the door behind us.

      She and I enter assembly in the hall. There is a stage at the front of the room with floor-to-ceiling red curtains hanging open at the back. Everyone sits facing the stage on blue mats on the floor, shaped like those foam pool floats (kickboards?) that I learnt to swim with when I was a kid. There are three mats on a thick blue runner which are set aside for us two to sit on. I sit in front of her, but there's not enough space so I end up leaning on her legs a little. I look to my right and see that all the blue mats on the floor around seem minuscule, smaller than my fingernail, like scales.

      As the assembly goes on, I'm relaxing more against her legs when she puts her arms around me from behind. I feel her hair brush my neck. I'm surprised - but it feels really warm, and I take it as affection between friends. Soon she starts lightly kissing my head and neck. I feel my whole face heat up and I'm not sure if this is still just friendly. I can't believe no-one is noticing.

      This actually feels nice, but I don't know how to react, so I pull away from her a little. She loosens her arms and says, "Sorry. I just need this right now." I lean back into her hug again and she kisses my hair some more. After a short while I end up pushing her away with a brief apology. I distinctly remember thinking, 'I better remember this when I wake up...'

      Tags: intimacy, kiss, school
    7. not good...

      by , 03-24-2024 at 04:19 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      First night I just had dreams that Jamie found a girlfriend. I always knew she liked both, not going to judge.I have some borderline traits myself, being unsure of your sexuality is a given. I did find these dreams a little distressing. In these dreams it seems I am watching them from a distance, and not a participant.

      Next night.

      another flash of Jamie being with a girl, but this time I can see them having sex... Honestly I don't know why I dream these things and sometimes loathe the connection. (When she moved in 2011, I first had a dream she was sleeping with some guy but wasn't feeling it. Then I dreamed she was sleeping with a woman, a few days later she switched her orientation status on FB. You gotta realize I'm not trying to spy, these things just come to me and sometimes I wish they wouldn't)


      Just a flash of me and Jamie in a western setting. Some big guy in a cowboy hat captured us and we are ties and gagged by a fence. Jamie looks my way in distress.

      Last night


      I was in a crowd at night time and noticed Jamie in the crowd looking at me.


      I get a job at a newly opened seafood restaurant. I'm in orientation with a group of people. Jamie is in the group, as well as some other pretty girl with crazy braids. Jamie doesn't look at me at all, but keeps lingering by. I'm drinking a soda pop from a glass bottle. The top somehow breaks. I go to the sink area to clean it up. Jamie follows me, or is doing something in the same area. She's really silent, but lingering by. I find the silence really uncomfortable as I try to clean up the glass.

      No way

      I'm walking outside early morning. I'm upset. In my dream memories Jamie had told me that she didn't want to see me anymore because I was too, "Emotionally immature."

      I go by a mcdonald's but it's not open in the plaza. I see my brother wandering into Tim Horton's. and decide to follow him in.

      First of all, I'm just going to assume that something is wrong in the dreams. (She's been attacked by dream demons constantly especially since "The Boyfriend." dream). Second. I admit: I have severe emotional problems, they have gotten a lot better since older. I was mentally and emotionally abused and abandoned by my dad specifically. The effects of that abuse have stuck with me my entire life. I know Jamie had similar problems, that she briefly told me about herself. So, I always saw that as an opportunity to relate to one another and be there for one another. Things DO get easier with age. and I've been doing my best to work on that. I'm scared too, if Jamie were to come into my life again. There is a lot of emotional trauma around one another, and how we handled things in the past to work through. It wouldn't be easy, it might be hard. We are going to make mistakes. But I want to do it, and I want to become better and be better this time.
    8. 24-03-24 Songs

      by , 03-24-2024 at 01:52 PM
      I woke up remembering a whole bunch of '80s songs. Or at least I think it was more than one... The last one I had in my head was a fully formed song, every instrument, vocals, lyrics, everything, and I'm not sure if it even exists in real life. I've had this before over a decade ago, when I dreamt a complete Depeche Mode song that did not exist. Not unlike what generative AI does these days, except better. Anyway, this latest song had "don't stop" as a repeating lyric, but that's so vague it was impossible to find on Google even if it existed.
    9. March 24, 2024 7:02 am

      by , 03-24-2024 at 08:24 AM
      I subscribed to a Patreon type of service from a Dutch musician I like, it came with a perk that gave me access to a wooden chair that would float up into the sky. It didn't have straps or anything, I just had to hold onto the chair as it kept floating higher. Eventually it would reach the stratosphere where I would feel the burning sensation in my body as I felt my bones freeze for a split second before the chair would turn right back down, landing as if nothing had happened.

      10/10, would subscribe again!

      As I landed, I went to a German thrift store where I apparently worked as a cashier where they still paid with cash out of a small box instead of a cash register and had to calculate the change while a large queue of people was waiting. A customer gave me €150 in cash for a €38,40 book and I had to pull out my phone calculator. I woke up before I could finish calculating.

      Cashier experience was definitely influenced by my one German speaking job in Berlin where I worked at a classical music festival as a bartender where I had more problems with calculating the change than I had with speaking German.
    10. Dream Journal Day 35: Evening, Monday 26.02.2024

      by , 03-23-2024 at 11:23 PM
      I'm lying in bed, because I'm sick again. My parents had gone out for a walk in the woods or something like that, I feel like they've been out all day. When my dad gets home he comes into my room and sits on the edge of my bed.

      He tells me that my mum is dead. She fell down in the woods and died. I think of my mum falling onto a pile of sticks, breaking her leg. He tells me that the funeral has already been held.

      I can't believe this. I ask him how he could have held a funeral without me - in one afternoon? I protest that I wanted to see her one more time but my dad himself has a distraught look on his face. I think that maybe he couldn't bear to wait. I'm in shock but I feel tears sliding down the sides of my face, wetting my ears. 'How old was she?' I ask, '58? 59?' We share the feeling of her being too young without having to say anything.

      "Try not to think of her body," my dad says. "It disappeared in the fire I burned her in... Think of her soul." I think of a flaming wooden funeral pyre.

      Some time later, there are lots of people over at my house. I seem a lot younger here than I really am. The adults stand talking with my dad and they each drink a vial of liquid that is supposed to make them the opposite of drunk. Some kids climb up onto my bed and we discuss that drink, agreeing that it is evil. We drink something that makes us hyper before knocking us out.

      The news hasn't really sunk in yet, but when I wake up the next morning while everyone is getting ready to leave, I look out of the window at the bright blue sky and it makes me wail and cry out. "I want my mum back!" I say it twice and my dad tries to comfort me, but he doesn't say anything.

      I changed my mind about posting the lucid. I can't piece together the sequence of events and have literally been agonising over it for more than a month which has been causing me to slack off on practicing (trivial, I know). So I've decided to forget all about it. It wasn't even an interesting dream!
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. 24-03-23 Rival, Flying F22 Into Other World

      by , 03-23-2024 at 02:05 PM
      We were sitting somewhere outdoors. There were quite a lot of people. There was a guy speaking to the group, maybe on a stage, or at his table. I know I hated him and he hated me. At some point I had to do something that was confusing, and I didn't do it quite right. I managed to have a sarcastic reaction to this, which infuriated the guy. At one point I think I was speaking from that stage instead, and said something incredibly sarcastic again, a jab at my rival. I think he (or someone else) said in the background "you are so insufferable!". Seconds before waking up, I became aware this was all a movie, and I was an actor performing a role. I really tried to "ham up" my sarcastic smirk for the invisible cameras, expecting someone to yell "cut!".

      In the second dream, I'm flying a F22 Raptor in chase cam, like in a game. I flew into a jump gate like the ones from the X franchise, and ended up in the warp tunnel like in X²: The Threat. I realized that it was possible to fly up and outside of the warp tunnel, seeing it from the outside. There was another "layer" of "something" surrounding it (very hard to explain), but you could fly between them. As the warp tunnel neared its end (where it would normally spit you out into the next space sector), I discovered that staying just above the actual tunnel (but below the other layer) spit me out in a hidden reality: a bright, sunny place, dominated by a HUGE city of futuristic glass towers. I flew around a bit, doing maneuvers and gawking at my environment. I saw the inhabitants on the ground. They were NOT human, but strange aliens, with weird, floaty appendages.

      In the next scene, possibly still in this city, I'm in a big house. A whole bunch of sitcom-level stuff happened here that I can't recall, but it was funny. I punched the president in the face! Ha. At some point I tried to escape (I was a prisoner there, free to roam around but not leave?) so I ran into the back yard and go through a hole in the hedge. But I couldn't get through. I quickly decided to abort this attempt and try somewhere else before they (the CIA?) caught me. At this second point, I managed to get over a fence. The CIA was hot on my heels, but they were JUST too late to stop me. Before I woke up, I crowed victoriously, "Aw hell no, I invented that trick!". Random, not sure what I was even referring to (the CIA dudes tried something to stop me?), but dreams are dreams I guess.

      Updated 03-24-2024 at 02:25 PM by 17412 (Remembered another dream.)

    12. 24-03-19 Homecoming

      by , 03-23-2024 at 01:57 PM
      I had a vision of Claire at homecoming. She was walking or running through a long school corridor, until suddenly she was confronted by something that scared her. She wanted to turn and run, but behind her an unnatural wall of darkness was closing in. She was surrounded by it on all sides now. I knew there was no escape. It popped into my awareness that I'd turned on this scene by accident, but choosing to view it in its entirety was my choice. I could pause it, move forward, and back - but never sense my own body. I could, however, feel myself presence in that scene with Claire, but more as a kind of disembodied spirit if that makes sense.
    13. Cats in the driver seat. LD

      by , 03-23-2024 at 02:57 AM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      I woke up from a non lucid dream, all i remembered was i in my underwear fixing something for some reason. I could sense that i would be able to enter a lucid dream, remaining still I ignored the bursts of ringing and eventually my body begin to drift

      Visuals begin to appear as i remained drifting and floating, I was now in a large square corridor with a wooden roof and tacky wallpaper. Im close enough to the ceiling so i reach my hand to feel the roof, to my surprise my hand passed straight through it, like in vr. I then poked my head through the ceiling. It passed through as well, my head clipped through it and i could see through the ceiling as if looking through a texture out of bounds in a game. I lowered my head back down and continued to drift for a short time.

      The dream began to fade out and instead of worrying about it I imagined a song I like, focusing on the music made the dream stable again and i could now see the end of the corridor, it led to a dark outdoor parking lot.

      hel me out-file-h0plha1lhc18kggsgdymajdt.jpg

      I was empowered with confidence as i floated outside. I descended to the ground and began strutting towards a car I saw moving.

      They stopped the car when I looked at them, I couldnt make out any figure driving as it was too dark.
      "Show me the dream navigator!" I gesture point and swinging my arm for them to get out of the car. No response, i pull the door open only to reveal my two cats in the driver seat. Amused and laughing I enter the car.

      hel me out-download.jpg

      They jump into the passenger seat and I reach over to close the door
      I see duplicates of my cats outside the car. As soon as i close the door the dream fades to black and i wake up.

      Note: the "dream navigator" is my attempt at making a Dream character who is aware of me dreaming and can tell me where to go or what to do. So far I'm unsuccessful.
      Tags: cats
      lucid , dream fragment
    14. Night of Thursday 3/21/22

      by , 03-22-2024 at 04:40 PM (Dreamlog)
      Something about a desert.
      dream fragment
    15. Night of Wednesday 3/20/24

      by , 03-22-2024 at 04:39 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm at a party scene. It reminds me of C&B's wedding reception from a few years back.
      I'm standing over by a carpeted area near the bathrooms. It looks like a similar location from work now.
      There is a person telling me that there is a tiny man that lives inside my car.
      I'm in the bathroom now standing in front of a mirror.
      I'm holding a shotgun, and the end of it is formable like clay.
      I'm fiddling with the end of the gun.
      I'm outside at night by my car with somebody.
      We are opening the hood of my car to look for this tiny man.
      We call out to him, and silence.
      Then, we hear a voice that sounds like it is deep underground.
      The voice tells us his name is ____ Stufwell, and he is on his way up. He has a fun accent.
      I notice that there is a rat standing in the hood of the car, and try to warn Stufwell.

      Updated 03-23-2024 at 07:55 PM by 99808

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