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    1. In Search Of a Familiar Bathroom

      by , 12-21-2018 at 07:56 PM
      The two themes of this dream were travel and a search for the bathroom. I was on boats, bike, and even a train, going somewhere. In all of these cases, I also had to pee and was looking for a bathroom. The pee urge itself was likely real, coinciding with that need your body gets to pee after sleeping and just collecting liquid for a long time.

      I remember being on some museum-like tour. If the room was a square, it seemed like my head was centered on a corner of that room, so I could both see the entrance to another room/hall on the wall to my right, and water fountains on the wall to my left that lied between the women and men's restroom, as they usually do. I was with a group of other kids, a procession that was stopping at the front desk (which was in front of and parallel to the wall on my right with a tall white man with a suit, a low-cut haircut, and his arms either behind his back or held across his front, looking down at all the children) and proceeding through the entrance to a hallway whose walls were decorated with painting and lined with ransom small wooden desks/tables/ and stuff. The color scheme of the place made it seem professional. It was decked out in reds and browns, and it wasn't that bright, aside from a less-than-powerfully-fluroescent light coming from a ceiling I didn't see. The hallway seemed even more brightly lit, but still not overwhelming. Warm is the thing that comes to mind. Around the bathroom, the walls were like an extension of the carpet, same pattrern and same fuzz. There was a red carpet-type thing I think I saw at one point.

      Anyway, I was in the back of this group with the group of kids, the hallway, and the bathroom all in my vision. A white lady who may have worked at the museum and was guiding us or who was our teacher or something was also there. I think of her and just see an image of a brunette, 30-something chubbyish white girl with a low ponytail holding bout long dark-rown hair and a white complexion that wasn't extremely white, but also suggested she didn't get any tanning done. She was also wearing a pantsuit, although I never saw her legs. In the image, she's looking down at us with her eyebrows slighly drawn together over her glasses and her mouth closed: not so much a frown or a face of anger, but that familiar white lady 'what's going on here' face. It seemed appropriate, as she was looking at a groupful of children and seemed to be making sure everyone was accounted for. The pantsuit, her hair being pulled back, the glasses, the fact that I only saw her upper body and I saw her from the perspective of a short child looking up at an adult all suggested authority.

      Here I am still looking at the bathroom, trying to get to it. I have to pee. I don't know if I do go into the bathroom.

      Cut to another bathroom scene:

      I'm finally in the bathroom. This is preceded by a dream sequence of me finding said bathroom that I barely remember, but alas, here's a bit of it

      The bathroom was small, and had dark brown computer-desk-like chairs in each corner. I follwed the lady into the side of the room and, at first, only saw the first chair. The layout and my point of view entering the room looked kinda like this

      Problems with flying - theory-bathroom.jpg

      It was a new kind of bathroom that I had to figure out how to pee in. I asked the lady several times how to, and she was no help. At first, I just asked her if I'm supposed to squat and pee directly into the drain. She was like no, and told me to do something else. I told her it had to be something like peeing into the drain, otherwise, if I sat in the chair, I'd simply sit on the chair and ruin it. She offered no helpful response, and I left the bathroom in frustration.(learning ASL and how to sign location could really help me be better at remembering my dreams)

      I dreamed about the beach and the water! I think I was in a bathing suit. Id left everyone just to look around the beach. It wasn't a bright sunny day, it was gljoomy and ark but still the ocean attracted me. I wanted to find some souvenier, like a shell or something. (I'm starting to remember my beach war apocalypses dream, damn I hope I recorded that, that was a dope dream, I love my beach/water dreams)--------------------

      Updated 12-21-2018 at 08:23 PM by 63768

    2. December 21

      , 12-21-2018 at 03:48 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Dream - Really good one but I lost it.

      Dream - On city block arguing with cousin about marble or ugly pattern on truck and "it's just another truck anyway, why does he need to own this many trucks when the public transportation is cheaper in the long run". See a new baby/toddler cousin - his fingers are messed up and he's covered in cheeto dust. He calls me "Papa" which all my cousins laugh about and my aunt just rolls her eyes (?). We walk around this city area a bit, I remember specifically like "zooming in" on a market stall in the distance.

      Fragment - Role Models actor (Sean) bad trump impression one slice pumpernickel loaf in fridge.

      1x1 + 1x.5 = 1.5 => 169.5
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Dreams - December 20

      , 12-21-2018 at 03:32 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Frag - 3 people, huge white rectangular cube in corner of open room

      Frag - A boss of mine is rumored to be "super buff", and just doesn't look that way because of how he points his webcam

      Dream - bringing F and other person (older?) to the beach. I have to go around on the parking lot once but I pull through to a good spot and vocalize this. We all get out and walk to a beach area. The waves are coming up surprisingly high. There are a few people in the water, one buff dude with grey skin. We get separated briefly

      Dream - T (very immature former classmate) is teaching a human sexuality class (this is near the beach hill from last dream). There are diagrams on the board, of how names change in relationships. Parents become Mom and Dad even to each other, and also baby to each other. There were some other very serious points she was making but I was paying attention to the letters because there was some kond of code in the way words were capitalized

      2x1 +2x.5 = 3 =>168

      Updated 12-21-2018 at 03:46 PM by 95458

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    4. 20 Dec: Alien disguise, gangs, family and letter from my guru

      by , 12-20-2018 at 07:17 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am pretending to be an alien, for some reason. I am wearing prosthetics in my body, which I feel that won't fool anyone, but as long I keep serious about it, people are believing me.

      Living at my mom's with other people. It is a dystopian world, no rule of law, people self-organize, but we have managed to cope. Until someone passing by shows us we should be leaving now and join a bigger community as the gangs who pillage are coming our way and will burn everything. I agree and start choosing what's essential to take, but end up caught up by attachment to all secondary stuff, because I can't stand imagining it all going up in flames. But there is no way I can take 90% of the stuff with me.

      At my paternal grandma's house with my mom. We wake up early morning hearing voices, it's some cousins who arrived and joined us. But although their faces are familiar, I have no idea who they are. At breakfast the group has grown with some 4 more family members, uncles and aunts I have no idea who they are. They all behave very at ease around the breakfast table, leaving a lot of dirty dishes and eating my food without any care, but they supposedly are family and I try to keep it cool.

      At some hotel or hostel during some Buddhist teachings I am attending. A couple of Asian guys knocks on my door. One is a big guy and looks Chinese. He hands me an envelope, but it is already open. It contains some money and a letter from my teacher, but clearly all pages are out of order and I wonder if the money is all there. I get rally mad that the guys opened the letter. I start reading it and despite the calligraphy I can actually understand but with the effort to concentrate on what it says, I wake up.
    5. King Street Staircase, Von Helton, Landlady, 50-Dollar Bill

      by , 12-20-2018 at 10:18 AM
      Morning of December 19, 2018. Wednesday.

      Dream #: 18,993-02. Reading time (optimized): 3 min. Readability score: 61.

      My imaginary dream self, in subliminal mode, minus waking life identity without a viable link to my unconscious mind, is placed on the second floor of a new version of the King Street mansion in La Crosse, the city where I have not been since February 1994. The fictitious situation implies that I am living in the northeast room, the room with the turret windows.

      I find an Australian 50-dollar bill in my wallet. Seeing it does not activate realization of my conscious self identity or my real-life status of living in Australia. Instead, I cheerfully think of giving it to my landlady (without realizing that it is not American money) as a partial payment for overdue rent. There is a thought that I already have enough food, so can pay her. These thoughts are ambiguous, and they almost activate my conscious self identity but are not viable.

      (This fictitious situation is a result of the typical subliminal offset of vestibular system correlation, one of my “crucial three” dream state processes occurring every sleep cycle, to reinduce my conscious self identity and physicality. A wallet is an emerging consciousness thread that links the fictitious dream self to waking life identity.)

      Not of a liminal mode, I still subliminally create a vestibular system precursor to enhance my dream’s vividness. I begin to descend the stairs. The landing (midway between first floor and second floor) is missing. I see Von Helton (this dream’s vestibular system simulacrum), the Internet conspiracy theorist, in the area where the bottom stairs would have otherwise been to join the landing in the opposite direction from the top flight.

      “Hello, Von!” I call out cheerfully. “How’ve you been?”

      “Not good,” he replies, with no emotion, as I descend the stairs. I smoothly jump off the last step of the top stairs, to where the landing would have otherwise been, safely falling to the first floor, and I enter a higher level of dream state awareness, as I had subliminally anticipated.

      “Have you seen Richard?” I ask him. (Richard was a recovering alcoholic who lived on King Street years ago. I last saw Richard long before I ever heard of Von Helton.) Von does not reply.

      A preconscious simulacrum activates in a doorway at this point as an unknown dark-haired woman of about thirty. (The emerging consciousness threads are still subliminal at this point, despite the manifestation of the preconscious in a doorway.)

      “Have you seen Mrs. W____?” I ask her, referring to my landlady. Even though the title and surname are correct, I feel very puzzled, as if I said something incorrect, but the woman leads me into the living room.

      I walk into the empty setting as the preconscious simulacrum vivifies my dream with the doorway factor. I get the feeling that it is late morning. On my right is a doorway into a big empty room (that was not there in reality) as I walk through the living room. It seems the landlady is moving from the mansion and this may be her last day here. She is standing cheerfully on the other side of the living room. I hand her the 50-dollar bill, expecting she will write a receipt, though her desk is not present.

      She is happy to see me. “That is a big room,” I say about the one I passed.

      “Oh, but it fills up quickly,” she comments.

      I am concerned about my living arrangements as well as what will become of my stored belongings in another part of the house, but it seems that I will still be living here, as her nephew (unknown character) will supposedly be running things and taking rent payments from whatever new tenants arrive. I get the impression, from imaginary photographs in my thoughts, that he was a German who fought in World War II even though I also perceive him as about 20 years old. He will be strict and expecting reasonable tenants, and my landlady says he will prefer rent in advance, but I get the impression she will have it paid for me for the entire upcoming year. It seems very kind and generous of her.

      The simulacrum radiates more dynamics of the interconsciousness (telepathic) to the point where I become aware of Zsuzsanna’s love for me though not in a direct sense of identity. Her face is very close to mine, radiating universality and bliss as a precursor to waking coalescence. I still do not viably realize who I am until I wake.

    6. Sunday, August 19

      by , 12-20-2018 at 03:46 AM
      I am at some house with some others (in the dream they are familiar, but I’m not really sure who they are. I think they are younger and family friends/people we’ve known a while but don’t see all the time). One of them is trying to see a picture of my hair when it was longer. I am looking through my pictures, but can’t find one. I then go onto Snapchat’s ‘my eyes only’. I scroll slowly, thinking I have inappropriate pictures on here. The boy is practically looking right over my shoulder, and I wish he would back up a bit. I don’t find any pictures except for what looks like a lot of pictures from Yosemite. I think I must’ve lost some pictures or something. We’ve been outside, but I now go up a slight hill and into the house to use the bathroom. Most lights are out and it seems later, leading me to believe that anyone in here is asleep. I go into the slightly large bathroom, and the door doesn’t shut quite right. I then get it to stay as closed as it’ll get and stand right by it while I use the toilet, since it’s right by the door.

      I am with Melissa and Mom in a small coffee shop. Both Mom and I have cups that we’ve just drank coffee from. I think they both still have ice in them. Mom sets hers on the counter and orders a chai with espresso in it. I ask for an in iced Americano, also setting my cup on the counter. We all sit at the counter and Mom tells us how her and the barista, a black lady a bit younger than Mom, have known each other for a while.
    7. Thursday, August 9

      by , 12-20-2018 at 03:44 AM
      I am riding my bike up to a lake. From my current perspective, the lake looks small (it reminds me of the bike trail up the side of Fallen Leaf Lake), but when I get up closer to it it looks larger. I think it’s Tahoe. I look to my left and see Dad amongst some people on the fairly long and slightly inclined beach. I ride past him just a little bit, so I can turn back and ride straight down at him in an attempt to startle him. I do so, the sand ultimately stopping my momentum right by him, though I don’t know if it startles him. We end up getting into the water. I still think it’s Tahoe, but it almost looks more like the ocean. It is shallow for a long ways as we wade out. At one point I have my head underwater and am seeing two fish. They are fairly large and an aquatically metallic dark grey with specks of gold or another similar, lighter color. There is a small beak or some sharp protrusion on their faces. I don’t think they’re entirely malicious, but I do keep my distance from them. I surface and tell Dad “tiger head sharks.” We now see the water ahead of us a ways is a much darker blue, so we stop. I then hear what sounds like running or draining water and then see water ahead of us slowly moving. It draws back, increasing in speed, before swelling into a sizable wave. It is white-capped before even reaching us, so I simply plug my nose and prepare to ride it out. It breaks on us, more gently than anticipated, and I let it carry me underwater almost all the way to the shore.
      Tags: bike, fish, lake, water, wave
    8. Tuesday, August 7

      by , 12-20-2018 at 03:43 AM
      I am driving with Makayla and have parked in some small, exposed, and slightly elevated lot. The low walls around are tan and look to be adobe or stucco. I am going to go into a store while she waits in the car. This ‘store’ looks antiquated and like it’s from a different country. It’s made of the same material. It has dirt floors and apparently not much else. I am carrying some sort of red, woven material that folds like a windshield sun screen. It seems worn and is slightly torn in the middle. I think I’ll pick up a case of beer while I’m here. I have now ended up out on the street. It’s busier out here and looks like it might be India. I’m looking for somewhere and can’t find it, when I run into Aly. We look at the map on my phone as she tells me directions. It’s right by where I came from, so I’m not sure how I missed it. This area and its few buildings are built into a slight hill. There’s also a fairly large river running besides and under the streets. Brenton is swimming in it. I think Kassidy is here too. I get into the river too. It is wide and seems very deep. It is not exactly clear, but it doesn’t feel or look dirty. It has a fairly strong current and only a few inches between it and the road it flows under. Brenton easily flows with it, but when I get in, the current and small space to pass through almost catch me off guard. I then relax and start floating. The underside of the road looks more like a small cavern. I am now on the other side and start climbing up a dark stone carving of a gargoyle I think. It’s sloped, but I manage to hang on. I then jump off and bounce on the water a few times and never actually go under. Kat comments on it from above.
    9. Monday, August 6

      by , 12-20-2018 at 03:30 AM
      I am with Melissa at Harry’s house (it doesn’t really look like his house, but it is large and opulent). We’re going to stay the night here. Melissa leans close to me and tells me she wants to take a bath. It does sound nice. I tell her there is a hot tub outside. Rocio now comes over and says that the bath here is not good - that it’s dirty or something (I’m not sure if she heard us or if it was coincidence). I’m now thinking about where we’re going to sleep. There’s a huge tan couch in this room and a large, empty bed in another room. I wonder if we’ll have to sleep separately, but don’t think so. I think I’m going to ask somebody about the sleeping arrangements, but it’s late enough to not really matter because probably no one else will show up here, and everyone who is here will be asleep now or shortly. I do pass a room and see Rocio and Jim Fry sitting in the large, tall bed. Jim is fixing or moving her shirt by her left breast. In another room, Dad and Harry are sitting in a vast bed, both texting. I notice a TV high up on a wall that is turned on. Marilyn is in a wooden chair against a wall a ways back from the TV. She is facing it, but it looks like she might be asleep.

      Mom is driving me (and maybe also Melissa) to the place where she grew up. This two lane highway leads to a lush and rocky coastal point. I think we go past it and come back or something else unnecessary. We are here now, by some docks and a small building or two. I start swimming. I then pull myself up onto the dock; it’s slightly difficult. Tylar is doing the same and having the same struggle. Now Mom goes into a men’s bathroom after two guys come out of it. I see the women’s bathroom door is closed; this must be why she isn’t using it. I, after waiting a little bit, am about to go use the bathroom, then remember that she went in there.

      I am with Melissa in what seems to be a building with a very high ceiling. We are climbing up very steep steps/stairs on the side of a huge refrigerator? Others are doing the same thing; we start climbing faster towards the top and are the first to summit. I am now halfway back down, but over the floor, suspended by a rope? There are ready to eat pizzas set out down there. John Blomquist is down there and I’m trying to get him to get a pizza up to me. He doesn’t, and I end up on the ground anyway. We start talking, and he seems a little intoxicated. I imagine things from his state right now. There is a shelf of alcohol here there are little tear shaped bottles of wine with plastic labels over the whole bottle. I see they are 19% alcohol and think it’s a fairly large portion for that ABV.
    10. Sunday, August 5

      by , 12-20-2018 at 03:26 AM
      I have gotten home to Dad’s house (it looks different though - large and antiquated. As I write this, I realize it’s similar to some of the buildings in Old Town Sacramento). I go into a room that has two beds. Dad is asleep on his back in the closest bed, and Emma and Makayla are in the other, laying on their stomachs so they can face the TV that is playing a movie. I see an empty Stone beer bottle or two by Dad and think he must’ve been trying to ease the pain. I then think I’d like to get a beer for myself and go to do so. I think I look in the pantry, but do not find any and realize they’re in a different room. I go into this room, with the beers and my keys with the bottle opener on them, when I hear a fairly loud and disconcerting sound. It sounds like something deliberately tapped or knocked or something. I look at the TV on the wall and instead of being off, it appears to be on, but not on any channel. What’s on the screen is black and dark green, amorphous and moving fairly fast and ominously. I turn the TV off but it simply comes right back on. This happens a few times. There is also a painting of a girl in this room. The fabric where her nose is painted is ripped, and it appears real blood has flowed from it. A few times I look back at it, there is more blood. I think I ‘broke’ the nose. I think there are more noises and instances of the presence of a spirit being strongly felt.
    11. Dream Logs 1329 and 1330

      by , 12-20-2018 at 12:42 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Just been gettin scraps these last few days.

      Spoiler for Log 1329 - Nephew, Axl, Kage, and More Crawl Fragments:

      Spoiler for Log 1330 - Live Action DnD, DV Chat, Jenga Hut, Bears in the Woods, and Slavic Offal Scraps:

      Updated 12-20-2018 at 03:57 AM by 89930

      dream fragment
    12. 19 Dec: Want to adopt a Tibetan girl, Hollywood and food craving

      by , 12-19-2018 at 07:40 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I find out there is an exhibition about the tibetan people and they have a campaign to promote the adoption of Tibetan orphan children. I read about it and tell Riverstone we should adopt a child. He isn't so convinced and tries to change my mind. I insist we should go and we go.
      They have a tent with a few booths where one can see slides with pics and the story of each child. Bit I already know which girl I want to adopt, I have her image in my mind since I read about the campaign. She just popped up. The problem is I don't know her name and have to check all the kids to find her.

      I go check a street market and just take some bucks with me. I eat something at a stall and think about the movie "a star is born", because a lady by my side looks like lady gaga.

      Meet some friend and we accidentally meet some Hollywood actress, I think maybe Leslie Mann, and she invites us to her house. I pick a bag of clothes from home, as we stay a few days there.

      Later I am walking around a studio, there is an open space office and many parallel rooms with mirrored windows for meetings, etc. I go to the toilet to change clothes. My top is very hard to zip on the back so I get outside the bathroom to have some room to move and end up in front of one of those mirrored offices fighting with my top and accidentally showing my boobs to whomever is inside and it's full of dudes. I can hear them commenting and enjoying it. I run away embarrassed and leave my bag there on the ground. I meet my friend again and beg her to go there and get it for me. She forces me to tell what happened in front of another office full of people. I feel so down that I need to be alone and I want to binge eat. There's only a McDonald's in the building. I hate it, but they have some new biscuit cake and are offering test samples, or so I think. I decide to take a bite. An employee comes to tell me it was just being shown but wasn't a sample to eat. They say it comes with a sundae and I have to buy one now.
    13. Comp Night 14

      by , 12-19-2018 at 07:10 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      NLD- I was in a classroom and I was called up to the front of the class to give my presentation. I didn't have a presentation ready, but I went to the front of the class, figuring I would make something up. I asked the teacher what the point of the presentation was to get a clue about what to talk about. She gave an enthusiastic response I couldn't understand.

      LD- I was on a golf course, near the first tee, waiting for my name to be called to go play. I thought my name was called, but it wasn't. It became nighttime and it occurred to me that I wouldn't be able to play golf. It also occurred to me that I was dreaming. I saw a lake that I wanted to jump into, but the water was too dark. I wanted to be able to see. I commanded underwater lights to be added to the lake, as if it were a pool. The lake turned into a big pool lit up with underwater lights. I jumped in and tried transforming into a dolphin, but couldn't. I woke up in a small circular theater where some end credits were playing. I regained lucidity, jumped up to float and tried transforming into a dolphin again, but couldn't.
    14. 12/19

      by , 12-19-2018 at 04:40 PM
      IWL: I'm currently on a road trip. Travel tends to change the nature and/or intensity of my dreams.

      Dream: In a room. Somewhere public with several tables+benches. Scott (having the face of the person I know) is giving people free drugs ie. Xanax. But he is tricking people into also taking fentanyl. He tricks my boyfriend. This does not fly with me so I report him. Scott has to leave and he tells me that I'm going to pay for doing that in an attempt to be threatening but I assure him no, you are going to pay. I tell someone at the table about the events that just happened.

      Fragment: Same dream. Outside. Black SUV. Members of the fire/flow arts community pull up and say hey.
    15. Lucid and a nice Steak - December 19

      , 12-19-2018 at 04:06 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Dream: In restaurant, maybe FL or Outback. I've asked them to let me use their kitchen to prepare a meal for F, they agreed. I'm cooking a Ruth's Chris-sized steak and while I'm busying myself with everything else (sides, table prep) it burns on the bottom. I flip it and quickly go to serve it. But it turns out they gave me a shitty table, and I know how F likes booths. So I try to move but all they can give me is a less shitty table. So I pick up the drinks and food and move them, I have to get the assistance of one of the waitresses to get it all, then F arrives and the waitress is sitting with us now. Suddenly a boy joins us to get with the waitress, and it's a very convoulted version of the dance episode from "My So-Called Life" which F was watching last night. The steak tastes amazing despite being "well and good" or some other variation of the phrase "well done" that one of the DCs said. It was really juicy, nicely but minimally seasoned, tasted like a solid Medium although it looked black on the bottom.

      Dream: Dream revisits the same area as the last dream, I take F through to the other side of the building, it's a long hallway that reminds me for some reason of the first level map from SW: Dark Forces, while in reality it's just a long, wide white hallway with very tall ceilings and a cul-de-sac-ish area at the end.
      Spoiler for potentially NSFW:
      Fragment: F and I in an upstairs hallway like Laura Palmer's but reversed and open, hiding from someone?

      Dream: FA where I wake up and feel neck-fuzzy and walk around the room clumsily.

      Actual WBTB happens here.

      Dream: I'm a superhero in a library area, my nemesis is Bullet, I have a female partner, at some point I hijack smokey van for a getaway (from a black patriarchal superhero gang/family of Bullet), I have invisibility powers, "NPCs" can't see me but will still avoid me -- thought that was an interesting caveat; an older woman superhero comes in and betrays my partner and is searching for me with the help of Bullet, I fly through paper separators, they won't kill me -- want me alive. Will edit to fill in details later. At some point I could read things consistently -- what did I read??

      Dream: Lanes, bus, swerving. Bus is like 20 feet wide and 30 feet high and has to park outside of the overpass. Sunny day.

      Lucid #81: Revisit table/desk area from Bullet dream. Spontaneously gain awareness but don't want to "cross the threshold" and become lucid. Linger for a second, playing with drawers, then say fuck it and ask "What is my path in life?" or something like that to my subconscious repeatedly. I don't get or feel a response, so I remember some old advice and look down and examine myself.
      Spoiler for decidely NSFW:
      Spoiler for decidely NSFW:
      Tried Numi brand Guayusa tea last night (at bedtime, not WBTB, because I had no opportunity to steep tea for 8-10 minutes in the middle of the night). I half-expected it to keep me awake but in reality my thoughts were just so clear for the first time in a long time that I didn't want to go to sleep for around 30 minutes. Still had no problem relaxing with it overall, it just felt like a fog had been lifted from my brain. Highly recommend.

      5x1+ 1x.5 + 10 (first lucid) + 5 (DILD) + 2 (WBTB) = +22.5 => 165