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    1. interpretation needed please!

      by , 03-09-2017 at 12:20 PM
      Good day!

      I am new to this forum, I have had a couple series of dreams for the past few months now and I am struggling to fall asleep.

      Ok let me first give you background of myself.

      I am currently 23 years old living in South Africa, I work for a transportation company and I have recently moved from JHB to Durban with the company, I am living with my girlfriend (19).

      These dreams repeat themselves.

      Ok let’s start.

      1. I have a dream where I am walking home from a shop and I see people casing after me, as soon as I want to start running it’s like my body doesn't want to move and I am stuck in slow motion, it feels like this goes on for approx. 10mins, eventually I will be caught up to and they would pull a gun on me, i would be screaming but nothing would come out, once the bullet hits my head I can feel a sharp pain and everything goes fuzzy and I wake up crying.

      2. I have a dream where I stand on the twin towers (No idea why that building), I stand at the edge and I keep looking down I hear a voice calling me and I jump off the building, this dream has two versions, I either hit the ground and then I wake up in bed short of breath, or I Hit the ground and I’m kind of paralyzed but I can scream, I lay there screaming in pain and people walk past like they don't see me, eventually I can feel the pain becoming too much and I wake up.

      3. I have a dream where I dive into a pool, as I dive in everything is ok, as soon as I open my eyes in the water I can’t seem to find the top or bottom of the pool and it’s like I’m in the middle of the ocean with just water around me, I keep on struggling and I can feel I’m struggling to breath, my head starts paining, just before I drown completely I wake up

      4. I have a dream where I am in my bedroom sleeping, I wake up in my dream and it is dead quite, the walls all turn into like clay and they start caving in on me from all four sides, I try to run through the house to escape but the one door doesn't want to open, all the walls start slowly pushing up against me and I wake up.

      5. I have a dream (This one is very weird and seems to happen a lot), I wake up as normal in my dream and go about, I am surprisingly very happy, I get undressed to get into the shower but I notice I have boobs... it’s like it’s weird for me to know I am another gender but in my dream I go on as if I was born a female, I shower and get ready, I wear jeans, a nice pair of boots, a long sleeve jersey and I do my makeup and hair, I go out and I meet up with friends ( I have never met them in real life) basically the day goes by and I go to bed and sleep, when I go to sleep is when I will wake up in real life.

      6. I have a dream where I am walking and I get called to a side by a man and lady, they welcome me into their home and they then tie me up, the come out with jars of various body parts, They then inject me with something and I can’t feel anything, they start cutting me up and sewing new ears and lips an changing my hair and basically turning me into someone else, at the end I heal up very fast but before I can see what I look like I wake up, Another version they have changed my gender, I am released and no one knows me but at the end I feel happy and start a new life.

      7. This one I am at a part on a double story building, kind of falls in place with the twin towers, I stand on a balcony and I get pushed over, I fall down and I can’t move in pain, people would laugh and keep on moving stepping on me as they walk.

      8. I have a dream where I am meeting up with my girlfriend at a festival, I see her in the distance with another guy, when I get closer she won’t talk to me and leaves with the guy and continues like I’m crazy and she’s not doing anything wrong, she kisses him in front of me and I’m left heartbroken.

      9. I dream I am sleeping but my spirit is hovering over my body, I start walking around as a Ghost, I end up in a girl’s room, she is also hovering over her body, she sees me and we start talking when she has the Idea that we change bodies for a day, I let her follow me to my body and she falls in, when I get to her body I try to fall in and take over but it doesn’t want to work, another version I get it right and as soon as I hit in her body I wake up.

      These are all repeating dreams over and over, some I have had for a few years and some a few months, these are the only dreams I know of.

      I know it’s very weird but I need someone to try tell me what these mean.

      Thanks in advance

      Updated 03-10-2017 at 01:48 PM by 92804

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    2. DC Affection

      by , 11-14-2013 at 01:24 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)

      Fui dormir as 00:30 repetindo o mantra "Eu sempre tenho sonhos lúcidos" até não conseguir mais me concentrar na frase e peguei no sono. Acordei as 4:00 ou 4:30 com o meu despertador para tentar executar a técnica FILD, mas não consegui fazer pois peguei no sono. Despertei as 4:50 com o despertador e o coloquei pra despertar as 5:50. Voltei a dormir e sonhei:

      Eu estava em um elevador, retangular, largo porém estreito, sem portas na frente. Parecia um elevador de serviço com apenas uma "barreira" que se fechava por baixo até a altura da canela. Quando o elevador estava subindo, uma mulher acompanhada de uma garota dizia que a garota precisava subir e a colocava no elevador em movimento. A garota parecia ter algum tipo de dificuldade de locomoção. A garota tropeçou e se apoiou no meu ombro direito, me pedindo desculpas. Eu reparava que era uma garota muito bonita, magra, pequena, de cabelos ruivos e pele branca. Ela me agradecia por eu tê-la "apoiado" e dizia que se casaria comigo. Eu brincava: "Conversa com a minha esposa sobre isso", mas eu realmente me sentia atraído por essa garota e triste por não poder me relacionar com ela. Sentia uma afeição por ela. No momento parece que a Juliana estava do meu lado esquerdo, mas não a vi.
      Daqui eu me via num tipo de parque, me via de frente, mas não era realmente eu. Era alguém mais encorpado, e o rosto não parecia o meu, nem o cabelo. Não lembro o que houve aqui, mas em seguida eu via um prédio, parecia estar de noite, e eu tentava ajudar essa garota, subindo o carro dela pelo lado de fora do prédio(?). Não me lembro como fazia isso, mas era algo como levitar o carro por cima com um raio de tração. Algo aconteceu e o carro desabou sobre o prédio, destruindo completamente ambos. Eu me propunha a reconstruir o prédio, e me via em 3ª pessoa juntando vigas e reerguendo o prédio.
      Depois disso eu via um rapaz gordo, alto, sardento e com cara de chato/folgado (o perfeito esteriótipo do garoto grande da escola que faz bullying). O garoto assistia uma gravação de uma festa onde via um garoto sentado com um capacete em formato de tigela, com alguns detalhes que não consigo lembrar. O garoto sentado parecia familiar, algo parecido com o Tom Hiddleston. O garoto gordo via algo que ligava o garoto sentado a mim. Ao que parece, o gordo estava tentando me encontrar. Nessa hora eu me lembrava dessa festa como se eu realmente estivesse estado lá em sonho antes mesmo da cena do elevador, mas não sei de onde veio essa lembrança. O gordo pegava o garoto de capacete e o levava a algum lugar, como quem fosse prestar um depoimento e entregar o ligamento do garoto comigo, como se mais alguém estivesse atrás de mim. Nessa hora o garoto de capacete não era mais um garoto, mas sim um garota. Ela sentava e o gordo dizia algo como "Ela ainda me ama". Alguém perguntava algo a ela mas a garota não respondia ou não conseguia responder. O gordo dizia "Ela é lésbica...".

      Acordei com o despertador.
      [Ontem a Juliana me contou de um ex amigo que tentava ficar com ela. Disse que o cara era imaturo e dizia pras ex dele "Ela ainda me ama". Recentemente houve uma festa de aniversário de uma amiga dela, Mayara, para a qual fomos convidados. Ela sentiu que não deveria ir. Ontem ela descobriu que esse cara foi, mas como ele já não mora mais perto e nem mantém contato, ela acredita que o motivo foi para encontrá-la e nos irritar. Isso talvez explique o garoto chato procurando alguém na festa e, depois de encontrar dizer para alguém que essa pessoa ainda o ama].
    3. The Yacht

      by , 07-27-2012 at 03:15 AM (Oneironautic Escapades)
      So yesternight was another first, nothing too epic. Mostly just odd.

      I was traveling down an interstate of some kind that was suspended above the water. With a few friends I couldn't make much out other than a girl in the van with us kept eyeing me funny.
      When we reached the end of the highway there was some sort of transition and I gathered that we were all on a mega-yacht now. It was owned by Pakistani business men and there were beautiful women all around who were the entertainment.
      The only one who really stood out to me was a blonde, with slender frame, teased hair and multiple colorful bracelets on. I understood she was 'The head boss's' girl, though he cared not too strongly for her.
      She was all about me, we were all over each other. The amount of detail that was experienced during our 'hook-up' was borderline erotic. She had striped panties on under her miniskit wrapped in leather studs. Holding her leg up on my side I could feel the warmth of her hind against my palm.
      Nothing too sexual occurred before we were found out. Amazing it took so long as we were in an open patio surrounded by people. He was furious with her toying and banished me to a small platformed support beam under the highway. It was slippery and hard to hold onto, I was readjusting my grip watching the boat motor away when my perspective shifted.
      Somewhat shocked I looked back to the pillar platform where I was just standing, and no one was there. Looking down at my hands I noticed they were smaller and dainty, with multiple colorful bracelets on both wrists. I was standing on the boat motoring away from the interstate, I was now the girl I was just hooking up with moments before. The crowd watching the whole situation was starting to disperse and business continued on as usual. Completely confused as to my switch, I just knew that they couldn't find out I wasn't really her. I tried talking to some of the girls and realized my dialect was off but the sound of my voice was higher. I decided not to talk much thinking her friends might wonder why my behaviour was off.
      Realizing I was a girl, I kept trying to pee sitting down. Trying at least three different toilets I couldn't go any of the times. Until the last toilet which was joined next to a shower. The 'main boss' guy came over to talk to me, and he turned on the shower while I was sitting down. It got me wet, he smiled perversity and I told him off. He left and I continued to adventure around the now aged boat.
      Sitting down at a row of computers I decided to look myself up. The keys I was pressing weren't the letters that showed up on the screen. It confused me as I experimented with the obviously broken keyboard. I thought maybe the keys were just switched around so I leaned over to the girl next to me and asked to see her keyboard cause someone must have been joking around on this one, changing keys and whatnot.
      In the smalltalk I told her I was looking for 'Noah' because he was the most amazing guy I'd ever been with. She giggled, and so did I because I momentarily realized that I was Noah, talking myself up to random girls in guise .
      The keyboard wasn't working for me cause every time I looked down it degraded and looked older with more and more keys missing. I was so focused on trying to work the keyboard I got frustrated and woke up. The end.

      Updated 07-28-2012 at 09:09 PM by 51110

    4. Lucid Porn Class

      by , 05-25-2012 at 01:59 AM
      I liked this dream despite a few strange elements. It's the first dream I've ever had where I purposefully chose my gender during the dream, one of the best transformations ever!

      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The school day has started and I am walking the halls asthough a student, a backpack slung over my shoulder. I feel like a spy, oragent of some police force sent to figure out who is selling drugs or testscores, though nothing I see or do suggests this. It’s just a feeling.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I head down a set of stairs to my classroom, and the area iscluttered with people standing outside the door. It seems class isn’t open yet,and the bustle of people around me is causing quite a jam, spilling onto thestairs as well. Looking over at some of the people coming down the stairs Irealize they all have their blue books, ready to head to their class. I don’thave a blue book, or perhaps my teacher doesn’t use them, but I really feel Ishould have one of the blue books.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]As we stand there it becomes clear that some other teacherhas left the campus for some unknown reason, and their students were sent to myclass as there was no other place to send them. I can’t imagine what it is thatwould drive a teacher to leave so abruptly and cause their class to have tocombine with another. It must have been serious.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]We finally are let into the classroom and allowed to findseats as best we can. Standing there I feel a little anxious about not having myblue book, a feeling of confusion that we should have them but no one in sightexcept for the other class has brought them. I sit down at a desk with my backto the wall, the open doorway to my right and beyond the girl sitting next tome. People in the class start pairing up and sharing their blue books, and Ilook around to see if anyone is near me that will share. The girl sitting nextto me (on the right) is cute and she smiles at me before bumping her deskcloser to mine. A book is open on her desk and it’s clear she means to let mesee it also but I don’t believe it is the blue book we’re supposed to have.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]In the row in front of me and diagonally to my right isanother cute girl, and she doesn’t mind sharing her book with me. She’s not as sexy-cute as thefirst girl but still very pretty, and her willingness to help me out is atremendous relief. At the front of the class a video is showing, displayed onan older tube-style TV on a stand. Not many people seem to be paying attentionto it and I find I am distracted by the girl before me, more so as she reachesback to me and we hold hands on a blanket that has appeared between us. I feelgrateful the teacher can not see us holding hands below the folds of the lumpyblanket.[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The teacher has to leave class for a few minutes, presumablyto use the bathroom, and oddly he puts on his sport coat, a brownish tweedjacket that is a relic from years past. He hands me the remote for the TV and Ipresume it is because I am the oldest, and likely the most responsible, in theclass. It’s long and similar to the remote for my Sony TV so I feel comfortablebeing in control of the video, and I think he knew this. He walks out and thedoor shuts behind him.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]With the door shut and the teacher gone, the paired upcouples in the classroom begin making out. It’s rather surprising for aclassroom that so many people would be able to hook up so quickly, though I’mnot opposed to the behavior. To enhance the mood someone changes the TV programto a pornographic movie though it doesn’t seem to encourage people to watch theTV. The girl I had been holding hands with has gotten up from her seat and hasmoved closer to the TV stand so she has room to smoke her bong. I’m impressedthat she has been able to get a bong into school, and I observe her take in arather large hit of smoke.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]My friend Pearce has also been smoking weed and he seems tobe talking to me about the experience, though I’m barely listening. He hasbecome super-high, he tells me, and he definitely prefers this effect over theeffects of Ecstasy. This prompts me to reach into my backpack and pull out astring of blue pills, similar to a candy necklace, and I break one off and popit into my mouth. I hold the string upto his view and say, “I much prefer Ecstasy to weed.” I then lower the stringinto a film canister, placing a few coins on top to keep the pills from pryingeyes should I ever be investigated.[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Walking around a couple desks and up to the front of theclass by the TV I reach my hand out to the girl I had been holding hands with.She extends her hand and shakes mine. “I never got to properly meet youearlier.”[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]“I’m Cat.” Her hand is soft.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]At this moment I become completely lucid and debate how I shouldanswer her. I could go female or male, and during this time my appearance seemsto take on a fluid appearance, a shifting of colors and swirls that I can seealong my arms and legs. Guessing her to be more attracted to males and unlikelyto be a lesbian I decide to go with male and my form immediately solidifies.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]“I’m Charles.” [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]My clothes have changed, and I’m wearing a light-blue denimshirt. I can feel a goatee on my face and my hair is now short. It’s a weirdfeeling being in this body but it seems to suit the situation better. I feelmore confident that she and I will make out soon.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]Sniffing the air I have a moment of clarity and realize weneed to clear out the pot smoke from the room. I start looking around for some other source of smell, something worthyof opening a window. Behind me is an open doorway leading into a small bathroomand a rather homely-looking boy is sitting on the toilet. My gaze is returnedby a smile filled with braces gone wild, and a slight wave. In my mind Iidentify him as Dumpy-Humphrey, mainly because of his similarity to a boy Iwent to school with. [/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]The pooping boy is a good start but I know we will needsomething more. I really need something stronger, something everyone hates.With a burst of courage and a lack of shame I shout to the class, “I need agirl to throw up!” I request a girlbecause they’re more likely to be acquainted with sticking their finger down their throat and puking.[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Thankfully one of the girls obliges and makes a nice spot inthe corner. Good. I explain to the other girl I thought was cute; “We couldopen up a window now because of the smell, to air things out and not besuspicious.” [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]Knowing the teacher is likely returning any second I take aquick look around the room. The TV is still on and the people on the screenseem awfully familiar, and look suspiciously like the people in the porn movieThe Room which Adult Swim likes to air on April Fool’s Day. Oh my God, I think,is the TV still showing PORN??!! No, it’sokay, I realize it’s just the show from earlier and someone has kindly switchedit back from the adult movie during the time I was looking for someone to throwup. All is well.[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]And then I wake up.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
    5. Star Wars Retold

      by , 04-17-2012 at 05:32 AM (Night Time Musings of Shadowclaw)
      Dream # 1:

      There was a dream, but I forget everything about it! Probably because the second dream was so interesting.

      Dream # 2:

      I wasn't in this dream as myself. Rather, there was a cast of characters, and I got to either observe them or see the dream from their point of view.

      The dream began on the Death Star. It was in the room that the emperor was in with the big window in Return of the Jedi. Luke and Obi-Wan were having a light saber battle with Darth Vader. Luke had his green light saber. It was a very intense battle, and Luke and Obi-Wan were having a hard time. I suddenly got to see the action from Obi-Wan's point of view. He was tired and his reflexes were poor. It was only because of Luke's skills that he was able to stay alive. A few times, he came close to getting stabbed through the head with Vader's light saber. Eventually, Obi-Wan had to take a break. He twirled away from the battle, and Luke kept Vader occupied, even though it was clear he wanted to follow Obi-Wan and finish him off. Obi-Wan sat down and caught his breath. I remember thinking, "Luke's got my back," at this point when I was in Obi-Wan's body.

      The dream shifted to Endor. Han and Leia were hiding out from the Empire at a tiki bar. They were at a long table with several men, having drinks and telling jokes. Han sat across from Leia, and was wearing his white shirt and black vest. Leia was dressed in her Ewok village dress, but her hair was cut short, to just above her shoulders. She was pretty quiet, preferring to listen to everyone else talk rather than join in the conversation.

      Suddenly, storm troopers could be heard coming closer. Han wasn't worried, but Leia was certain she would be recognized because she was the only woman. So she decided to something crazy. She used her Jedi powers to changed her appearance to that of a man! First, a goatee appeared. Then, he hairstyle became a more manly one. Her general shape became more manly, and lastly, her facial features became masculine. She then stood up, and her clothes were men's clothes. She smiled, and Han and she left the bar together. Then I woke up!
    6. Our Last Breath - Dream 02/24/12

      by , 04-05-2012 at 02:58 PM
      This was a pretty neat dream and I feel that I should share it. In my dream I was on another planet, but similar to earth. There was plenty of people around, all human as far as I could tell. As I was wandering about the city I was in I noticed these huge machines set in the ground that were sucking all the oxygen out of the planet's atmosphere. Somehow I knew it was being stored underground in huge vaults. Pretty soon people started running out of air and dying. I didn't die but soon found an oxygen tank I could carry around to breathe with, and other people started doing the same.

      Once almost all the breathable air was gone the machines shut off. There was only certain pockets of breathable air left in the city, and many people had died and their bodies were everywhere. Strangely there were many people left though who seemed not need oxygen. In fact they released sulfur dioxide gas into the air so they could breathe that. The gas came out of nozzles as a greenish looking gas, but once it dispersed it was invisible. It was pretty evident these people were not human to be breathing that. I understood in my mind these beings were called the Sulfarians. They seemed content enough to leave the remaining humans alone to go about our business though. After that I get a group of people together for the purpose of attemting to liberate the stolen oxygen stored underground. It was about when we blow open one vault of air is when I awoke.

      Now I'm a guy of course, but in my dream about 3/4 of the way through I notice I'm a woman in my dream. I have black shoulder length hair, and although I don't see my reflection I can tell I'm fairly good looking by the way others in my dream act nicer toward me. I can even tell I have "the goods" under my shirt even though I don't actually feel them with my hands. How does your brain know what it feels like to have breasts when you're a guy?
    7. Carnivorous Sex

      by , 04-03-2012 at 05:43 PM
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]The following dream has been rated DV-MA, and is intended for mature audiences. It contains strong sexual content, and is not intended for those who might be offended by such material.[/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][SPOILER="Carnivorous Sex"][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The time is mid-afternoon, and though it doesn’t appear tobe a school day my children are not at home. I’m standing in what is normallymy laundry room, but somehow it extends about 10 feet further out to the west,and my view is in line with the sidewalk which normally borders that side of myhouse.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]As I look out my window, four people walk right through myyard, conversing as they do so that walking through my yard is okay. The firstthree people are young black girls, two younger ones, and perhaps their oldersister. The older one is decently attractive, and has her hair pulled backtightly. She is wearing a white t-shirt, shorts, sandals, and has a dog on aleash. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]As she approaches my window, the younger two having alreadypassed, I place my hands on my face and my elbows on the top of washing machineand just stare at her. I wonder what she will do and I’m semi-lucid at thispoint. She walks right up to me, staring into my face at window level, and Ismile at her. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The fourth person walking through my yard is a white woman,following a few feet behind the other three. As the young black womandisappears around the corner and out of view, the white woman starts to pass mycactus garden, and then also moves out of my sight.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Not two seconds later the white woman is in my back yard,and I am not sure if she has climbed the fence or if she came through the frontdoor. This never becomes clear but she does seem friendly, and is looking forcompany. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]My laundry room is more a smoking lounge now, similar to howit is in real life. The deck which is attached to it and the structure of myhouse are not the way they appear when I’m awake, and I really enoy theredesign. Wood plank decking and a further extension to the house look nice,and I sit down comfortably.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]“Don’t worry, you can smoke in here.” I tell the woman. Sherelaxes and lights up a cigarette but it looks like a pipe. We are sitting infolding chairs, like the kind we normally use for outdoor concerts and campingtrips. The room is also more spacious.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Outside the room the wind has picked up and is gustingstrong. Leaves are swirling on the breeze and my hair is blowing about my face.This gets me slightly excited, knowing what such a wind must mean.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]“I think a storm is coming!” I say excitedly, and I lean outover a railing which previously did not exist. Below me is highway 290 east andI can see a storm cloud a few miles to the east of the house, which is startingto rise over the distant hill.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]“Oh, I love storms! My new apartment is over there!” thewoman says this in a coy way, knowing my love of storms. She now seems muchmore familiar than she did when she first appeared, and has taken on theappearance of someone I used to know years ago.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The storm cloud is quite ominous looking. The undersideappears to be rolling, like an angry sea, and is the most unusual shade oforange mixed with dark cloud. It almost looks as if the fading light of sunsetis shining on the underside of the cloud, and images from several sci-fi moviesrun quickly through my head. This is often the sign of a strong storm, oftenaccompanied by hail and strong winds. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Now I’m truly excited.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The woman leaves and tells me to catch up to her. I runaround the house, hurriedly get in my vehicle, and follow as fast as I can. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]It doesn’t take long to drive the two or three miles to thehills that appeared on the horizon from my home. The side of the hill facing meis well developed, with several shopping strips, a pizza place, and severalapartment buildings. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I’m looking forward to taking some pictures of the storms,and I’m almost giddy from being closer to them. The woman, who now seems likemy friend Carla from years ago, has driven behind the pizza place to herapartment building, so I follow. I never park or even exit my vehicle, yetsomehow I am no longer driving and have in fact entered the apartment. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]At first, I don’t realize I have arrived at the locationbecause I am standing on a concrete balcony, or slight hill which is paved andhas a railing to prevent someone falling to the grassy retention area below. AsI turn around I finally realize I am in the apartment, and I begin to lookaround.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The apartment is not atypical, though probably a little morespacious than most, and has high ceilings which slant towards the center wall.A fireplace is on the west wall, surrounded on either side by windows. The deckI was on is behind me, and I am facing the middle of the living room and thefront door beyond. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]In the center of the room, “Carla” is comfortably loungingon the sofa. I start looking around and even peek out the front door, thoughthe only thing I see is a walkway and another apartment building. Some childrenare playing a ways down the sidewalk.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I close the door and walk back towards the sofa. As I do so,“Carla” jumps up and does a little spin, throwing her hands in the air as shedoes. I become aware that I am aroused by this, and even more unusual, I ammale. Looking down I can clearly see an erection making a bulge in my pants.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I stride forward and “Carla” lies down on her stomach on thefloor. Her body is incredible, and her tight jeans accentuate her ass and hug it in a way that makes me want to bury my face between her legs. I contemplate lying down on top of her, and even imagine the act ofpulling down her pants and entering her from behind, but I decide I shouldapproach her from the other side. I circle around her and approach her head,the open patio door and deck now behind me.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Looking over my shoulder I realize that anyone on the roadoutside would easily be able to see us, should they look in our direction, yetthis doesn’t bother me. In fact, I think it arouses me more, and I lie downwhere she was, as she gets up and takes off her clothes.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]She is more beautiful than I remember her being.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]In this moment I become fully lucid, and I want this dreamto go all the way. Too often my sex dreams fizzle at the key moment, and I donot want this to happen, so I tell myself that this time it will work out.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I’m lying on the floor and very erect (remember that I’mmale in this dream) and I reach for her as she straddles me. It’s a wonderfulsensation as she slides down on top of me, and I notice the feel of her skin onher back, the light sheen of moisture clinging to her body as her excitementrises. My hands go to her hips and I thrust deep into her, feeling my dickthrob as she squeezes me. [/FONT][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]I can see out the open patio door and a bolt of lightning appears as I thrust hard, a bright flash that lingers as the air cools following the passage of thousands of volts. This imagery seems to complement my mood and as I stare up at her waves of desire and pleasure wash over me. Her breasts are nice and full, thrusting forward as she arches her back, her eyes closed and mouth agape, begging the sky for air as she gasps in time to my thrusts.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]My perspective changes, like a movie camera panning around,and I can see the two of us on the floor as if I was standing near the sofa. Ican see the sliding glass door and deck behind us, and I really like this newview. I think I see a tattoo on her back, but I can’t make it out. She isriding me, head thrown back, and I am too involved in the sensations as she slides up and down onme, wonderful feelings that I still experience even though I no longer seem tobe occupying my body.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]The view swirls around again and now I’m staring at her faceand chest, as though a camera is slightly over my left shoulder. She is reachingover her head, pulling her hair off her neck to vent some heat, and like me,she too is caught up in the pleasure of this impromptu union. I love the feel of her hands on me, the tickle of her hair, and her scent is intoxicating.[/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
      [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri]Sadly, and regrettably, I wake up, and the words,“Carnivorous sex,” echo through my mind, as if they had some special meaning towhat I was experiencing. I am very aroused, and a little bit sad that I didn’tget to finish. Still, the imagery and experience was memorable, and I lookforward to more. [/SPOILER][/FONT][/SIZE]
      [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/FONT]
    8. The serial charcoal graphiti artist killer

      by , 11-11-2011 at 12:16 AM
      (Note: I am one of those people that could be staring Hitler in the face with a gun and still not be able to fire, so dreaming about being a serial killer is really a bit creepy to me. Especially since, in the dream, I felt a joy in the killing and a kind of righteousness.)

      I was a man named Charles Soderberg. I had a brother or a father, I can't remember named David Soderberg. The dream was long but I can't remember it all. I was in some kind of school building that was like an old building in Seattle. It was I think a time when I wasn't supposed to be there, like late at night. I think it might have been a college campus building, I don't know. I had charcoal in my left hand and a gun in my right. Apparently I drew with my left in the dream (In real life I'm right handed.) There was some kind of meeting happening, and I snuck in and shot a bunch of the people in the meeting. Not everyone, as I was specific about who I wanted to kill. There was a security guard with a gun who chased me but I managed to sneak out. I ran down the hall to an area where I had the choice between two separate stairwells and an elevator. I pushed the elevator button and the doors took some time to open. Finally they did, and I stepped in just as someone walked down the hall and went through the door of one of the stairwells.

      Fearing that he would show up about the same time as the elevator would on the bottom floor I got out of the elevator and as quietly as possible took the other stairwell. I found that it passed a door that went outside, and I almost missed it. I went outside, and I was feeling elated at making it outside unnoticed. I probably drew something on the door.

      I don't remember details about the next part of the dream, only a lot of running around with charcoal in my hand, trying to hide and not be noticed but still drawing all over everything. I don't even know what I was drawing, faces I think, possibly somewhat realistic.

      I was finally in a park, and somehow I recognized it. It was either a park or a cemetery. I was suddenly not Charles anymore, I was me, but i still had the charcoal in my hand. I saw my boyfriend's dog run up to me, and I was really happy to see him but really concerned that I was wanted and would put them in danger. I stayed there though. That's all I remember.

      (Out of curiosity I did a google search. There is an artist online named David Soderberg. Maybe my subconscious remembers seeing his work or something, because the work even looks similar.)
    9. Female dream body / helping the Dei-ya

      , 08-29-2011 at 06:59 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I'm in Haven, on Teraluna.
      This time I immediately think about stabilizing my dream properly.
      I try to focus on all of my senses and recall some of those very long and stable dreams I've had.
      I do so by sitting in a meditative pose. Yuya is waiting for me to finish stabilizing so we can go somewhere.
      At first I'm a bit worried that I'm loosing precious time by doing this, but these worries quickly fade away.
      Suddenly I feel sort of a click, all over my body.
      It feels as if I was lightheaded all the time and it just went away.

      I investigate my surroundings, an all I can think of is "this is so real".

      "I'm ready... I think?"
      "Yes, you are."

      Yuya stares deeply into my eyes and projects images of a distant world into my mind.
      She grabs my hand and I teleport the both of us to the world she's shown me.

      It's a beautiful world, not unlike some places on earth.
      Buildings are made out of mostly white stone which gives everything a very special and slightly surreal look.
      We enter one of the buildings and meet up with a women who's been waiting for us.
      She talks with Yuya for a bit and another woman appears.
      But this time I immediately recognize who she is.
      I can feel that I am much more aware than I have been in my dreams recently.

      "Hello Faye."
      "Ah, you're learning!"
      "Let's hope that I am..."

      Yuya joins us and proceeds to explain the story of this world.
      It is split into two factions, the Dei-ya, who seek enlightenment, and another race who seeks power.
      The world was originally split in two, but over the past few years the Dei-ya have lost most of it to the other faction.
      However, these lands were not lost through wars.
      There is some sort of council in place, consisting of the leaders of both races, and all decisions require a majority of council members to agree.
      Even though each faction has an identical number of council members, the Dei-ya are physically much weaker than the other faction,
      and they are easily intimidated into taking decisions they do not want to make.

      Only one women was able to stand up to the other faction, but she passed away recently.
      Today is a new council meeting in which the other faction will attempt to acquire world dominance, and there is no-one there to stop them.
      The story sounds a bit familiar, but I decide not to worry about that.
      Yuya explains that the woman who passed away will have to be replaced by a new council member.

      "How strong exactly are those people from the other faction?"
      "Quite strong, but no match for us."
      "I see you're having the same idea I'm having. One of us is going to be on tonight's council session as a Dei-ya member."

      "So who's going to do it?"
      "Well, all Dei-ya council members are women so..."
      "You're going to do it then?"
      "Unfortunately, that won't work, many people around here know who I am. They'll realize I am not Dei-ya."
      "Oh... that's a bit of a problem, what can we do?"
      "Well... I'm afraid you're going to have to do it..."


      "Erm... I'm not sure if I'll pass as a woman Yuya..."
      "Well, not the way you're looking right now, that's for sure..."

      I'm really starting to dislike this. What does she plan? Dress me up as a women?
      Faye bursts out laughing, but then Yuya explains.

      "Your dream body, does it look like your waking life body?"
      "Well, no, not exactly, there are many similarities, but no, it's not the same."
      "So, why is your dream body male?"
      "... because I'm... oh boy... I see where this is going."

      Yuya smiles and summons a huge mirror.

      "Transforming into the opposite gender is actually quite easy, your dream body actually contains the information for both genders."
      "Great... so I'm going to have to turn into a girl?"

      Faye finds all of this highly amusing, me on the other hand, not so much.
      I decide to lighten up though, after all it could be interesting, but it is quite awkward...
      I attempt to shift my form, not really sure what the hell I'm doing, but everything works surprisingly easy.
      I feel the bones in my body slightly rearranging which feels massively weird, but the process only lasts a split second.

      So here I'm standing, in front of that mirror, looking at myself, and I cannot really believe my eyes.
      Faye comments on the situation: "Oh my, you're quite hot Hyu, haha."
      Yuya agrees: "You're adorable."

      Both of them are having one hell of a time.
      I look down and immediately spot my breasts. This is so weird.
      I poke one of them which causes Faye to break out in laughter.
      I'm still wearing nothing but the white pants I usually wear in my dream, it all looks so wrong.
      However I do look cute as a woman. I have long curly red hair and a few freckles around my nose.

      Yuya hands me a white dress. I'm a bit surprised where she got it from.
      I awkwardly put it on when Yuya explains that it's one of her's, she's borrowing it to me.
      Wearing Yuya's clothes makes everything even more awkward. I have trouble maintaining composure.
      This is looking much better already.
      I then proceed to drop my pants, but then I am suddenly shocked because it feels like something is missing.

      "What's up Hyu?"
      "What? Is something wrong."

      I look at Yuya, and the only thing I can manage to say is:

      "... Hyu?"
      "It's missing, I'm freaking the fuck out."

      Both Faye and Yuya burst out laughing.
      Once the initial shock fades I find it amusing myself as well. This is a dream body... I'm so silly.
      I said penis... pfff this is ridiculous.

      We're on our way to the council meeting and I am given a bracelet with a crescent moon hanging from it.
      It is a symbol that I am a council member.
      The last few steps I have to walk alone, Yuya and Faye have to remain behind, only council members are allowed into this room.
      It feels so weird being a women.
      I have such a hard time not staring at my own breasts, how do women manage not to do so all the time?
      I notice that I am wearing the same necklace Faye got me in the mermaid dream.

      Finally in the room, I sit down in what appears to be the council leaders spot on the Dei-ya side.
      Some of the Dei-ya are very surprised by this, but the only women who is in on it makes a sign that everything is alright.
      The council meeting is very straightforward. The opposite leader requires that we give up all lands and even retreat from the council.

      "That does sound like a rather unreasonable request."

      He's angry, he figured this would be easy, that there would be no resistance.
      I can feel that everyone besides me on the Dei-ya side is very scared.

      "Then what do you propose, woman?"
      "... How about you return all of the lands you have stolen from us, ain't that a more reasonable request?"

      Everyone in the room is shocked, and the opposite leader is furious, but that's exactly what I'm aiming for.

      "If only you Dei-ya had some guts, we'd settle this by a duel to the death!"
      "Should I consider this a challenge?"
      "... are you fucking serious?"
      "If you win, the world is yours, if I win, you go back where you came from and return what belongs to us."
      "... AHAHAHAHAHA you're a fool! I challenge you! Let's duel!"

      I feel bad putting the Dei-ya's world on the line, but they're about to loose it anyways, and I'm confident I can take him on.
      We step outside as he is immediately eager to kill me and settle this.

      "To the death!"
      "Tenjho Tenge!"

      Why did I say that? Is that a common thing to say before a duel?

      He immediately charges me with that stupidly large sword of his, and furry black wings drawn from his body.
      I can easily feel how strong he is, his aura is so easy to read.
      I concentrate a moderate quantity of divine energy into my left hand, thinking it would be too weird to awaken the dragon as a Dei-ya.
      Before he reaches me, I release the energy towards him and he is immediately thrown back.
      His sword shatters from the shockwave of the energy, and his wings burst into flames.

      Everyone is extremely surprised, no-one says a word.

      "I... I give up!"
      "Excuse me what now?"
      "I give up! You can have your lands back!"
      "And you call this a duel to the death? Are you kidding me?"
      "I... please have mercy!"

      Unbelievable. What a weakling.
      All tough when he knows there's no-one to resist him and as soon as he meets someone more powerful he starts crying like a kid.

      "Fine... declare your defeat."
      "I am defeated!"
      "Then begone."

      All of them leave. They aren't going to attempt anything for a long time.
      They always knew that nobody could stand up to them, but now that this is no longer true they're afraid, much more afraid than the Dei-ya are.

      One of the Dei-ya asks me:

      "Who are you?"
      "A friend of a friend."

      I say nothing more and leave, finally my turn to act all mysterious, I like it.
      Before I am able to meet back up with Yuya the dream fades away.

      *Tenjho Tenge is a manga/anime.
      It translates to "Heaven & Earth"
    10. alternate universe remote viewing?

      by , 02-16-2011 at 03:17 PM ("see you in the next dream, brotha.")
      ok....well, i think it would be better to just explain. i was me. i felt a strange feeling, and suddenly i woke up. i was dreading school, and i looked at my self in the mirror. i had shoulder lengh hair, a slender body, quite pretty (if i do sy so myself) and wierdly anough, boobs. i didnt thing anything was odd. my dad called me "olivia!" im oliver, but i went anyways. it wasnt my dad. well it was, but it was my mum. as a guy. i went to school, and it was the same everywere. all my friends who were girls were guys. al my friends who were guys were girls. i didnt think any of it was out the ordanairy. then the intereswting bit happened. "i" got ill and sent home. i finally realized something was f. and i thought "what the hell is going on" only to be retorted with "what the hell" and "my" body stiffining. "who are you" "I" thought. "oliver peter louie spencer-rexin, at your service" i thought back. "but thats imposible" i said, shaking "my" head. "im olivia pauline louise spencer-rexin" "i" looked confused, and then i woke up. all the events happened the same way they did in the "dream"

      is that possible?