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    1. Another DILD (HOORAY)

      by , 10-08-2015 at 04:20 AM (Dimension X)
      I'm beginning to get the hang of this, I think...!

      This was a short one, but while I was in the dream, it still felt like I had a sense of time. I think this was the first DILD I've had where I felt like I was actually there, as if I used the WILD technique.

      I'm not sure when, but I became lucid for no apparent reason in the dream. There was no obvious trigger that made it happen... But nevertheless, I was with my dad outside a store at night and I remember him leaving me at the store, but then I was hiding and I saw him get out of the truck and walk somewhere. I tried to stay hidden behind a fence as I watched him walk into a house.

      This dream was a lot longer than it may seem here, though...

      Does anyone have any tips for the DILD technique, other than the really obvious ones?
    2. Pokedex Gift

      by , 01-07-2014 at 05:42 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      23.11.2013 2/2

      Estávamos em casa eu a a Ju, embora a casa fosse diferente.
      O Sr. João me entregava um presente. Um relógio, ou quase isso, do pokémon.
      Lembro de mexer nesse relógio e descobrir que ele funcionava também como poké-agenda.
      Eu mexia e via que haviam 32 pokémons para consultar, sendo o último o Tentacool.
      Eu procutava mais pokémons mas parece que faltava atualizar o sistema, mas não conseguia fazê-lo.
    3. Grande Pai

      by , 01-07-2014 at 05:39 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      23.11.2013 1/2

      Eu estava numa festa da minha família.
      Parecia ser no quintal da tia Regina.
      Eu via meu pai perto de um tipo de horta ou construção pequena, um cercado de tijolos e havia um garoto jogando pedras para derrubr/destruir.
      Meu pai pedia pra ele parar e chamava o Cisuko. Parece que o cercado era dele.
      O Cisuko aparecia de boné mas nada fazia.
      Eu ia até o garoto e tirava uma padra grande da mão dele.
      Era um garoto negro.
      Eu o ameaçava e o garoto saía, indo para outro cômodo.
      Na hora eu pensava que seria um ótimo pai e ficava orgulhoso.
      Depois estava em um local apertado, parecia o vagão de um trem.
      O Dudda aparecia e perguntava por que eu não estava indo treinar.
      Ele parecia menor e mais magro.
      Eu dizia que a distância me impedia de treinar lá e me sentia triste.
      Nessa hora a Ju estava do meu lado.
      Eu cumprimentava mais alguém, não me lembro quem, e depois encontrava meu tio Ródnei com uma mulher e os cumprimentavam.
    4. Joca Frenzy

      by , 11-13-2013 at 02:19 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      13.11.2013 2/2

      Eu estava na Vivo com receio de ter chego depois do Joaquim. Pouco tempo depois ele chegava e me via fora da minha mesa. [No dia anterior eu saí mais tarde de casa e queria chegar antes dele no trabalho. Quando cheguei, fui pro banheiro, e quando saí o vi passando pro outro corredor. Fui pra minha mesa e desejei que ele tivesse visto minhas coisas pra ele saber que eu já estava aqui].
    5. Matrix, Inception and Almost There!

      by , 11-13-2013 at 02:11 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      12.11.2013 2/2

      Uma mistura de Matrix com Inception. Lembro apenas de eu estar na Avenida dos Autonomistas, me vendo em 3ª pessoa, parece que com roupas no estilo Neo, perto do banco Safra, indo a algum lugar pois precisava salvar alguém. Uma mulher(acho que no sonho era minha ajudante) me dizia que isso era perigoso pois eu podia descobrir a verdade... que eu estava sonhando. Seria isso uma mensagem do meu subconsciente tentando me despertar no sonho ou era apenas parte do plot do sonho?
    6. Insects Infestation

      by , 11-13-2013 at 01:52 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      10.11.2013 2/2

      Eu estava na casa dos meus sogros, na sala, que por sinal estava bem diferente. Estávamos sentados assistindo TV quando eu vi uma aranha e a matei. A partir daí começaram a aparecer insetos de todos os lados da casa. Quanto mais eu matava, mais apareciam. Matei aranhas e escorpiões, grandes e pequenas. Os escorpiões brilhavam como se tivessem uma luz de LED no corpo. No fim, estava tentando matar um inseto que se parecia com um mouse, mas tinha uma caraoaça dura por cima. Lembro-me de tê-lo atingido várias vezes antes que ele rachasse. Acordei com a Ju me chacoalhando. Ela disse que eu estava agitado na cama, mexendo muito as pernas. [Nesse dia, minha gata encontrou uma aranha grande em casa e eu a matei]
    7. Canivete Quebrado

      by , 11-13-2013 at 01:46 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)
      10.11.2013 1/2

      Eu procurava meu canivete na minha mochila, no bolso onde ele sempre está. Quando o tirei de lá ele estava quebrado/desmontado.
    8. Hermes on drugs

      by , 11-13-2013 at 01:31 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)

      Estava em um ônibus, sentado com a Ju do meu lado. Ela reparava em um cara com cara de drogado atrás da gente, e chegava a dizer isso. Eu olhava e via o Hermes de cabelo curto. O ônibus estava na ponte sentido Piratininga.

      Updated 11-13-2013 at 01:47 PM by 66176

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. CCB, céu estrelado, fuga

      by , 11-12-2013 at 07:18 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)

      Eu estava em uma grande reunião de irmãos da CCB. Olhava para cima e via o céu mais estrelado da minha vida. Saía para tentar mostrar pra minha esposa e me perdia. Acabava nos fundos da casa da minha tia Regina, trancado. A escada dos fundos estava faltando os últimos degraus, então eu saí me pendurando. Saía pela frente da casa e via que havia alguém no quarto, e a luz estava acesa. No portão encontrei uma irmã de saia jeans longa, blusinha rosa claro, cabelo preso, por volta de 40-50 anos, e seu marido dizendo que o bairro é perigoso, e se alguém me vir pulando o muro pode estranhar. Saía da casa e era abordado por 2 homens em uma moto que tentavam me matar. Eu fugia me jogando em uma grande ladeira parecida com um escorregador. Pegava um ônibus com um motorista louco que quase batia em tudo. Tinha uma criança sentada do meu lado conversando com a mãe sobre o seu aniversário e as bexigas da festa que farão.

      Updated 11-13-2013 at 01:47 PM by 66176

      memorable , non-lucid
    10. [The Underground Club (A Subtle Death)]

      by , 09-02-2012 at 02:11 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Friday, August 31st, 2012]
      I'm now a member of an underground club (that I can't help but relate to WoW guilds) that meets online sometimes... but this is just a ruse/disguise. The real club is located just outside of town, off the out-of-town highway. I go in the first time and I'm pretty awkward. I ask for a cigarette and someone gives me a halfie. I have trouble lighting it but do it a strange way... it impresses someone. (By the way, we are inside a strange warehouse-hideout with ramps and rails like an indoor skatepark. There is a control room elevated on a platform in the center of the warehouse.) Suddenly it's time to go, so we all slowly make for the exit. I notice a blonde hair girl walking way ahead of me and say something to one of the members beside me. The dream fades.


      Now I'm at school. I'm broke and lost, and I'm trying to find my way through a hallway filled with countless kids I know. I come to a fork and follow Jessie Brumley to the right. It leads outside with a sign that has 4 numbers, some of them double digit. These must be room/class numbers. I realize this is the wrong way because of how few classes are that way. I return to the left to find Malakie, she's standing by a set-up table and making sure that kids get food tickets for lunch. Apparently, it is lunch time right now. I approach and am next, but 3-4 girls cut me off by making a line and take my place. I make it obvious I'm annoyed but get back in line. This time when I get to Malakie, she hands me a $5 bill and then a $20 bill. I'm surprised, but thrilled. She notices my confused face, "You have no money! Take it." she insists. I'm grateful, "Thank you." I say politely. I walk out the door behind her.


      [Dream memory first starts to become clear here]
      I'm with my Dad, and he's unhappy about something. We make our way through the same dirt road from the same out-of-town highway. We walk in silence and he slowly morphs into the leader of the Underground Club. We reach our hideout and he takes me to the center room and (memory is kind of foggy here again) he talks to me for awhile. Very slowly and calmly, he turns into a ghost. He's dying right in front of me. When he's dead, he makes me leader for some reason. I only understand that he's dead and he gives no apparent sign of being dead, other than now being very quiet. He doesn't vanish or fall over... I ask him, "Can you at least walk with me?" I'm referring to outside. He stares at me and nods...

      Once we're outside, we meet an RM member outside who is unaware of the ex-leader's condition. He must be early to a meeting. I take a closer look at him and he has a Renji/Excelzior feel to him, as if he's important and experienced within the Club. The ex-leader speaks to him, "I'm done and gone. I'm out of here." Renji casually nods, "Okay." and waves us off. I start to walk a little prouder. I am the new leader after all.

      My memory skips a bit. We're still just outside, but now I'm in front of a fenced off area. To the left beyond the fence is a hole in the earth. It's enourmous. There's one on the right too. Suddenly, I'm with the club, or at least with some of them. I'm extremely different, I have my personality back: I'm Moki, and I talk cute, but with an aire of confidence and knowledge, and a hint of mischief. (Like the Cheshire Cat, or ___ from Tiger/Dragon) In front of eveeryone, I'm so happy I could fly. So I do. I flap my arms and hover face-foward to the ground for a moment before slowly/surely lifting up higher. Except for one Galkan-looking man, the rest of the club is sitting on a platform next to the fence. I try to fly up but the big Galka man snatches me out of the air and sets me up on the platform with the rest of the members before I can make it myself. I wake up.

      + [I record the first half of this on paper, then fall asleep again after failing to WILD.]

      Now I'm back on the dirt road, but this time with Alex, Nathan, Casey, and two other RM's, and it's dusk. I'm going to show them the hideout and the holes. We make our way down the road which seems to take longer than usual. It's different. We finally make it to where the club house is and there's only a... shack. It's not here now. I turn to the holes behind the fences, and instead of finding what I remember, I see a cemetary. We approach the cemetary anyways; I'm not giving up yet. The others stoop down to read the stones while I enter and walk through the gate. Once inside, we don't find what we were looking for... but a normal looking man walks in front of me and says something ironic. (I wish I could remember.)

      (I can't believe I didn't become lucid in the last dream. I had JUST recorded this dream in my journal... )