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    1. clxxxiv. Supplements, Playing catch

      by , 11-01-2020 at 06:10 PM
      21st October 2020

      There was a big dream from my first awakening but I couldn't retain recall.


      In a shop with H. There are big standing fridges, the type with glass doors. We are looking at some supplements or something and H points at a few different ones. I want to pick something not too expensive. I think some of these are vitamin B supplements.


      In an old warehouse building? Dark and dingy. But I'm here with a girl, she's white, about my height and age, maybe older, she has loose hair, fake blonde or blonde. Reminds me of Ellie from NCIS and other characters of similar archetypes. We're both naked and aroused as we're playing some kind of sexy game of catch. At one point she's taunting me playfully and because she sticks out her arm towards me I grab her by the arm and pull her toward me. She laughs in her defeat and we get more intimate.

      (Recall gap.)

      Then I'm on my own and I wander toward a dirtier area. The dream starts to mix with BL and there's some area I can't get through because it's claimed and has locked doors. I hear people talking beyond the doors, making plans. I decide to try and dig my way around into their town.


      Walking up a place like the nearby bridge over the station. Rest of recall gone.


      - Although most of my recall of these fragments is very limited now, I still have a bit of the visual recall of the dream in the warehouse. Despite it being a dark and somewhat empty place, there was light coming in through some windows near the top of one of the walls. In a way, this warehouse has some resemblance to the gym space where I had a lot of PE lessons.

      - The warehouse area seems like an odd place to me for something erotic to happen, as I tend to be somewhat averse to dirt, but in the last year I have had to get into dirty areas more often because of helping H with work. The girl's presence and our interactions may have been some metaphor of our relationship manifesting itself in the dream. I often wish I could be more romantic as in that dream, but I am often too tired and too preoccupied with my internal worries to feel like I can initiate something like that properly.
    2. TOTM Success, and LD Meditation

      by , 06-25-2020 at 04:35 PM
      I typed this up in great detail, and then the page reloaded and didn't save any of it. SO here's the much shorter run down.
      MCT oil, raw honey, melotonin, and tincture blend (African dream root, bobinsana root, blue lotus, calea z, mugwort, lemon balm, damiana) around 10:45, asleep by 11. Multiple dreams and multiple Lucids, woke up several times but the dreams continued each time, so here's the important stuff I remember.

      Theres a party in my apartment, lots of people are hanging out. Someone does a hit of coke in my kitchen, causing me to question the situation. I look at my hands. Tooooo many fingers. I tell someone else to look at her hands, she agrees with me, this is a dream.
      I go to my room to go to bed, the apartment is empty now, my roommate says something to me. I look at my hands again, yes this is still a dream. I grab some pillows off my bed, sit on the floor to meditate. Several Om Mani Padme Hums later, I open my eyes. My room is no longer my bedroom, but a concrete industrial type room with floor to ceiling windows on the two outward facing walls. This is sharper, more in focus than any lucid dream I've had in a long time, the meditation was well worth it. I decide to seek the McDouble I've been after in several of my last lucids. I turn toward the windows, expecting to break one and jump out, but to my surprise theres a window that opens easily, and a staircase leading to the ground. I walk down, and think of the task of the month. A breeze starts up, cooler and fresher than it has any right to be.
      As I walk through this city scape, I look at the DCs and am aware they are simply projections of my subconcious. I lock eyes with one, he knows what I am thinking.
      Strawberries grow like weeds against a building. I pick some, a nearby tree whacks me with its branches, these are not my strawberries.
      I see my families old tan van, I climb in, find Mcdonalds bags (clearly full of trash). I search one anyways, hoping to find a McDouble. My mother is in the drivers seat, says she'll take me to a McDonalds. She drives, and as she is on a collision course with a wall, I close my eyes. I open them, and now we're at McDonalds. We're so close, my McDouble dreams are coming true. I place my order, get my burger, take several bites so big I finish nearly half the sandwhich at once. No ketchup. I wander the store, find a ketchup bottle on a shelf, douse my burger, take some more bites. Perfect.
      I sit at a long table, my mother to my right, the people from the party filling the other seats. Soon we are all eating chocolate covered strawberries, which are much tastier than the burger. My mother and I fight about my unhealthy eating habits, but I tell her this is a dream and I can eat whatever I like. She leaves.

      I wake up for the final time.
      During one of the times I woke up, I had my usual false awakening during which I thought I was writing in my DJ, only to wake up and find out that never happened. This occurs at least once every night.
    3. Multiple Lucid Dreams- Honey and MCT Oil

      by , 05-14-2020 at 12:43 PM
      10pm screens off, took melotonin, dreamleaf supplement, and about one tablespoon of raw honey and MCT oil.
      10:30pm in bed, meditation, dream yoga visualization practice, mantra: breathing in, I remember my dreams, breathing out, Lucid Dream TONIGHT.
      3:30am WBTB, only long enough to take galantamine, second DreamLeaf pill, and go back to sleep

      My first memorable dream, I was at a friend's house, and he had told me he had broken up with his girlfriend two days prior, and we started fooling around a little, but his roommate woke up and heard us and shamed him for hooking up with me so soon after his breakup. He left, saying he should stay with a friend since this was a bad idea, and I kept trying to assure everyone that it was okay, this is only a dream! But I wasn't entirely sure, so I started trying to check to make sure, at which point I fell head first off the bed into an almost black area where all I could see was the floor, and I was alone. The patterns on the wood floor were moving, and I bounced around strangely, and even though I was alone at this point I said SEE, this IS a dream! But with nothing around me, and several failed attempts to summon a portal midair, I tried to phase my hand through the floor.

      This is the first time I've successfully manipulated a LD! I put my hand to the floor, thought about how it would feel to phase through it, and blamo! I pushed the rest of my body through, looking for a wilderness dreamscape to forage for food in (task of the month!). I get to another empty, warehouse like area, and my sister Anna is there, pointing to a structure that I climbed, leading to an outdoor area. There was woods and grass but also a bar with several bowls of berries and other foods; I open a jar at the far right of the table, and although there are gnats flying around it, I pick a large chocolate chip cookie from the jar, and begin to eat it. Delicious. I wake up.

      I don't move, and allow myself to fall back asleep. I reenter the dream world. I'm in an area with several shops, it's raining. I know I'm in a dream, and I'm walking around (rather awkwardly) looking for a door or other portal. A little girl is following me. I hold out my arms and feel the raindrops hit my skin, my arms are red. I rub my hands together for stability. I find a shop with large windows, press my hand against it, then through it, and then step through. In this room are several tables with members of my family, and on the wall is a picture from my sister Tina's wedding. I feel deep love. I look back to the window, and see my reflection. For the first time, I'm able to change my appearance in front of a mirror. I guess I was hoping to go to the Land of Oz, so I try to make myself look like Dorothy. It doesn't exactly work, and I revert back to my normal reflection. Good effort. As I begin to walk through the window to look for Oz, my cat jumps on my bed and wakes me up.

      When I finally get back to sleep, after writing down notes to remember the previous 3 dreams, I'm somewhere with bad guys, and they're looking for me. I'm able to use telekinesis to throw them around, but from behind a wall, so I don't actually see this but rather experience it as a puppeteer would. I wake up when one of them finds me.

      I've never had MULTIPLE LD's in one night, or managed to do a DEILD. Very happy with my progress!
      Side note: does anyone else dream about writing in their DJ and wake up to realize they didn't jot down any notes? This keeps happening to me. I also seem to remember hearing sounds as if someone was on my roof, thinking it was real, then realizing it was just HH and that this was the in between dream state.
    4. No Memo

      by , 09-05-2013 at 09:53 AM
      No Memory at all from last night. Guess I'll just write down my frame for attaining LD's.

      Bed time
      Normally 10:50pm to 6:50am
      Actually 12:00pm to 7:10am

      So 7-8 hours of sleep on the avg. - Will have to work hard on that one.

      I supplement daily with Zink 30-50mg and Fish oil caps 3-5.
      I heard they have a positive effect on vividness & "strangeness" of dreams, but that's not my primar reason taking them.
      Occasionally noopept 10mg/day.

      Few supplements I am eager to try out:
      Aniracetam + Choline

      Mantras, RCs, ADA
      My daily RC's are every hour to ask myself "Why am I not dreaming right now" and find a logical reason for it. I.e. "I woke up this morning" either that or I try to push my right hand trough my left.

      Stress level
      My daily stress level may be quite high, because I work in a architects office as construct. draughtsman and it gets pretty wild sometimes.

      Will try to actually wake up when my alarm rings at 5am.

      Slept over the last few times..

      Recall Quality
      IF i can recall any dream, the quality is high and i can recal feelings, sounds, emotions and so on.

      Level of control
      None yet, hope to be able to control my dreams troughly.

      None yet, hope to get as as vivid and real HH's as they can get.

      I'm convinced this will get me somewhere in the next few weeks/months.

      Updated 09-05-2013 at 11:17 AM by 65418

      side notes , task of the year
    5. Vitamin Levels

      by , 07-10-2012 at 05:52 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      Fragment 1:

      I am at an herbal medicine shop and I want to purchase magnesium supplements. I sit down with DGS, a guy from my bowling league, and some lady I don't know. DGS tells me that my vitamin B6 levels are too high from jacking off (he used a phrase I have never heard of to describe this but somehow I knew he meant jacking off).

      Fragment 2: Hiking dream
    6. Possessed

      by , 04-19-2012 at 07:00 AM
      I slept for maybe about two or three hours? And the entire time, I kept waking up. I was being "possessed" by something in my dream as I was trying to dream? And I was letting it possess me so I was helping out with a spell. But I kept saying the wrong spell, waking up, and restarting. I woke up probably around 20-40 times. I think the spell was to actually keep me dreaming, rather than letting me be possessed. But they could be interpreted as the same thing. That's all. Oh, and I started taking new uh... supplements and if I have weird dreams again tonight then it's probably because of them.
    7. WILD Within in a Dream

      by , 09-21-2010 at 07:28 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: September 21, 2010 – Morning, 2:00AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      (Note: I have not attempted to WILD yet in waking life.)

      I am preparing to sleep on the floor at a friend's house. The room is a small living room with a couple of couches, a table, and a TV. There are several other DCs preparing to sleep on the couches and other areas of the floor. My laptop is sitting on a small table near where I am laying on the floor. The screen of the laptop is illuminated bright blue, but I cannot read anything on it. I get up and walk outside a sliding glass door onto a dimly lit patio. The air is calm and it is very cool outside. There are a couple of pill bottles sitting on the table. I reach up and pull a shower curtain closed around the table. I open the first bottle and take a tablet out. While holding the first tablet, I open the second bottle and take a large capsule out. I put both of them in my mouth and pick up a glass of water. While tipping the glass to my mouth, I notice that there are more than two capsules in my mouth. I reach in my mouth and remove a couple of partially dissolved capsules and lay them on the table. I think to myself that I'll just save these for later.

      After swallowing the pills, I walk back to the area on the floor which I previously prepared to sleep. I lay down and adjust my pillow, then pull a small blanket over myself. I close my eyes and after a brief moment, my vision begins to flash and my body starts to vibrate. I got excited for a moment when I realized I was having my first WILD. I experienced a FA, placing me back on the floor at the friend's house. I sit up on the floor and become lucid. I realize that I am dreaming, and nearly just had my first WILD inside of a dream. I was lucid at this point, but had no control. Everything begins to fade as I jump up and look around. I try to look at the floor and stabilize the dream, but it's too late. I am already back in my own bed with my eyes closed, staring at the back of my eyelids. This was the dream's exit.

      (Note: I was trying to decide whether to attempt re-entry, or get up and write my journal. I chose the latter.)

      Updated 02-19-2011 at 04:15 PM by 36447 (Added color legend, improved formatting.)

      false awakening , memorable , lucid , non-lucid