I have two white falcons with me, gracious and majestic. I took them out my terrace and let them fly to hunt. One of them flew over another gray bird and sat on it clutching both of the wings with its claws. With a powerful pecked in neck the falcon killed the bird instantly.

Another day when i opened the door of my terrace I saw two stray dogs at the corner, left almost killed by my falcons. The falcons I set free rarely came back to me. Once I noticed blood on the carpet, one of our dogs was found very sad. It had wounds on its face. Now I was worried about the recklessness of the falcons.

There are many windows in the living room of the house where I stay now. When I went there I found a big open window that has a view of the top of a beautiful tree, the tree has grown all of a sudden with in a night. The tree had less branches, the trunk was thick and the lives were small (something like a banyan tree). On the branches of the tree was white parrots with black eyes as I walked towards them to take a closer look, they stared at me for a brief time then blinked and looked away. I joined my family near the window. My parents looked younger. My father was awfully surprised to see me. I went and extended my arms towards a parrot but it ignored me. Then I saw one of my friends standing near me on my left side. A parrot jumped on to her shoulders as she extended her arms. I did not appreciate it I just turn around and walked away.

Please interpret this dream form me. THis dream occured a week ago now, as i have feared soon after the dream, lost my job. I belive much more is comeing...

Thanks for your help.