Hi All,

I love dreams, ive spent a lot of time looking into Lucid dreaming and OBE's but never really spent much time with the Dream interpretation.
I had what I thought was quite a strange dream last night and thought I would share to see if I can get any understand of what it may mean.

From what I remember, I spent a good chunk of my dream feeling alone and lonely and I was searching for someone, actually searching for some one who was considered lost, I remember having a board similar to the ones you see on detective shows with pictures and newspaper clippings all over the place. I couldn't make out at the time who I was looking for.
I guess now the dream got a bit fuzzy but I do remember the end very well. I was on a bus, in pretty hot, sandy country. I looked out the window and saw a girl, the girl I was looking for, I got off the bus, ran over to her and we hugged and kissed very passionately. I felt relieved as it seemed like I had been looking for this girl for a very long time.

The strange part about this dream was that this girl was a past girlfriend, one that I have not talked to or even seen in over 10 years. Why her, why was I looking for her, why when I woke up did I feel happy and relieved but extremely sad, like im missing this girl from my life?
The relationship (in real life) was not even a special one, we were only kids and it didnt last long. So im just confused as to my my sub conscious pulled this out of my head?

Has anyone had a dream like this before?

