[B]it's just a short dream.

i was walking around the school building, i was wearing a combat boots but i can't see what outfit i'm wearing.
i have two people escorting me to a room,when we entered the room the floor has been dug. when i look down i saw two us navy officers or soldiers,their arms tied on their backs their mouths muffled with fabric. then i heard a guy says an order saying "get that officer up! he will be interrogated by --" i didn't hear the name he mentioned. and so the other guy on my right grabbed the us navy officer and escorted him out the room i was following them, i followed them down the stairs my combat boots that were way bigger than my feet.
as they led the us navy officer through a corridor i see lots of teachers wearing the nazi armbands and chatting to one another i couldn't understand what they're saying, i saw one teacher wearing a checkerd vest and a polo and a tie on his neck,he had a facial hair, he's wearing eye glasses and he's a bit taller than me maybe about 6"2. so as i followed the two nazi soldiers escorting the us navy officer. i felt quite anxious and desperate like i need to save the us navy officers.. then something odd happened, the two nazi soldiers i thought they were. are US Navy Undercover's. then i heard one of them told me " go back! get the other three navy officers! get them out of the building!" they caught me following i suppose, then they raised their guns and pointed it to the incoming nazi officers. so i ran, i went back to the room where the other us navy officers are i startled the two nazi soldiers guarding the room,then i walked to them calmly and told them "the other officers needs to be taken out fuhrer's orders!" and they hurried and grabbed the other us navy officers. then i mouthed the word "now." to the other us navy officers,they kicked and punched the nazi soldiers knocking them out. and we escaped and everything went black.armband.jpg