Hi there,
First off, thanks for reading this. I'm a dramatic person and this was quite a perplexing and dramatic dream, -so I'm afraid this will be a long one. If you :computer: do read to the end, then I have to say that I will be very surprised and very very grateful.
This is a dream that I already... sort of, have assigned a meaning to in my head. But, it's so interesting to me and felt so action-packed that I wanted to see what you thought of it.
Also, there are still some things in the dream that I don't know the meaning of... for example, who the uncle figure is, and why he is there. Etc.
I should begin with some context.
Meet the characters:
-Laurie : My boyfriend of 2 years, who I have just recently made agree to stop watching porn.
-Abby: Myself
-Becca: My best friend in the waking world
-Eugenia Cooney: The internet personality, and an old flame of Laurie's (they used to talk frequently) -I do not like her.
-Uncle Charlie: My crazy uncle who is possibly the funniest old Scotsman ever.
Lou Middleton: A random girl from school.
Hannah: She doesn't exist in real life.
-Nico: A friend.

The Dream:

It was a very dark night. My dream began in a car park. The tarmac was wet from the previous day's rain, and I was in a nightie, barefoot. On one side of the car park was a large hill, and the road going past it, and on the other side was a small house, with a low, flat roof and a small patio. Laurie was in there, visiting a woman we'd heard about... I forget why. She was shorter than me, similar in body type, but perhaps a bit curvier. Her hair was black with blue ends, and her face was round and pale.
Then, something else must've happened in between. I must have gone inside, too, I vaguely remember that, (The yellow lighting, and a counter, as if this was both a shop and a home.), and came out to find Laurie, butt-naked, in the backseat of a jeep in the carpark, masturbating profusely, his hand on the thigh of this girl we'd come to see, who was fully clothed, and smirking out of the window. I was screaming in anger and shock when I was restrained by a man who beared much likeness to my uncle Charlie. And, from the way I felt toward him it seemed as though he was sort of an uncle figure. I screamed and cried and swore to that girl that I'd get her. She took my Laurie inside, and I screamed at him that it was over, falling to my knees. Uncle helped me up and took me back to his house. We sat in his living room, which looked a bit like Nico's, but bigger, dirtier and with more outdated decor. On the couch (Orange corduroy), was Eugenia Cooney. Lol ikr. It seems that her and I were quite close because she greeted me, happy to see me and empathetically angry about my situation. She'd also had a haircut, her hair was now quite short and choppy at the ends.
We ordered a takeaway and they made and effort to calm me. But I called Laurie. I remember his attitude being sort of... childish and insensitive. I asked him why he'd done this and his response was along the lines of: "why not? Deal with it". He must have been staying at her house. I knew her name was Hannah.
That was it. Eugenia, Uncle and I talked about what to do. We decided to hunt her down.
I went to bed and under it, found my sword. Long and incisive, like a rapier. The metal was blueish silver. I carried it with me when we went to search for Hannah's house.
Lou Middleton was there. She helped us find the town nearest to Hannah's house. It was a bright summer's day. We all walked through the countryside until we reached the town. The buildings were all different colours and each looked like it was one that I knew in real life, but they all came from different places. As we walked, there was a distinct sense of actually putting in effort to find our way. For example, we walked past a restaurant called "Becca" with a backwards B. Somehow, the font made me read it as "Abby'" at first. It must be some warped version of "Zecca" in Amble, Becca's old hometown.
Any way, when we passed it, I somehow remembered walking past it with Becca before and knew the way. I remarked "yes, I think I know where we are now." And proceeded down the hill. As we passed a wheat field, Laurie appeared from the side of the path and tried to divert us. He didn't seem like himself, he seemed under a spell; very hyper with undertones of anger as he followed us closely. His efforts were to no avail; I lead the search now, pretty damn sure of the way. My strides were long and I felt the sword in my hand and smiled. Soon enough, we passed a since that had Hannah on it. It had been there before, but now, instead of portraying Hannah normally, her shirt was torn and she had a sultry expression on that round face.
I sped up. Over a hill, and saw the house. I could sense the others all growing uncomfortable, not knowing what would happen now. "There it is" I said. I felt my pupils dilate and I jumped the fence. I saw that Hannah also had swords but they were kept on the wall. I wouldn't allow her to reach them. As I knocked on the door, and saw her silhouette move in the window to let me in, a grin spread across my face. She was still smirking, and her calmness all throughout what happened next made me think that she knew her fate. After all, I had told her I'd come.
I dragged her out and pushed her to the floor. She landed flat on the gravel and I pinned her. I said something to her, like "No more crying" and then, without a moment's hesitation, before my audience, I took my sword and stabbed her in the heart.
Then I woke, breathing heavily, relieved.

This is the meaning that I put to It, but please help me dig deeper:

If Freud is correct, it means that my subconscious is showing me something. That makes sense here, because as I said, today I managed to guilt-trip Laurie into not watching porn any more. I'd told him that, the way I see it, porn is disgusting. What else is it but gawking, perverted, at another person's naked body, and touching yourself to the sight of it? In my opinion, when you claim to be committed to someone, when you are in love, you should never need to fap to another woman fingering herself, or whatever it may be. If you do, you are directly insulting your poor significant other.
Hannah represented porn. I know this because of a lot of things.
First of all, the first time I'd ever felt worry about Laurie and porn was when he told me the details of how he used to watch babestation all the time, and his "favourite" was a person named Hannah Macintosh. How they'd always speak as he fapped to her, and how he knew her height, shoe size, everything. To me, she looks stupid, old, fake and plastic, but, being a gypsy, I guess Laurie likes more of the beach blond, orange looking femme.
Any way, my subconscious clearly associated the name Hannah with porn, probably for that reason.
Secondly, think about what Laurie was actually doing. Fapping while not really doing anything to her. The connection was there in that his hand was on her thigh, but she didn't really get anything out of it, just like when a guy watches porn; there he is, busting the nut of his life to the sight of this woman shaking her arse in front of a camera, and meanwhile she is fully clothed, perhaps taking her kids to school, taking a shit, or shaving her pits.
This explains why Laurie was visiting her at night, and why her home was advertised as a place that offered a service. That's why Hannah was on the sign, with torn clothes. The house is a porn site, the attraction is her. Specifically, her body.
Also, there's evidence that this is my subconscious showing me that I've overcome this worry in that I killed Hannah.

So I've killed Hannah, the embodiment of porn in my subconscious.
Finally, a side note. Eugenia Cooney also used to be a worry in my relationship, because Laurie was fucking obsessed with her and would try and talk to her on snap chat. Love hearts and all that. The whole thing when she tweeted him a love heart and he said "now I can die happy".
Well, obviously I can't make him hate her, and he already doesn't watch her (to my knowledge, not that it matters) so my subconscious came to terms with that by having me befriend her. It took confidence and that confidence helped me again with this issue, which is why she came to my aid. The reason that I think her hair was so short and straggly is that it's the only thing that makes me threatened by Eugenia on a genuine level. My body, face, style, voice, intelligence, everything, I am secure in when compared with her. But she does have nice hair. In my dream, that was gone. I was no longer threatened by her at all, and nor should I be in waking life.