Hi guys,

I’ve been away from the forum for a little while and lately I’ve been getting back into LDing and all things related including WILDing and OBE’s... intuitively I feel a much greater success rate than in the past is going to be possible for me now - and so I have been embarking on a massive research effort into all kinds of related areas over the last few months. As part of this I thought it would be a good idea to brush up on my knowledge of Psychic Attack, Psychic Self Defense and related subject matter.
My intention behind this post is purely to help people who may have ever experienced what I will write about below in an effort to spread some knowledge and assistance in this area.

*** I would like to write this disclaimer now that some of the below may be scary and disturbing to some in its content. ***

Again it is not my intention to scare or disturb anyone, merely offer enough information to make the account of the experience and the remedy I believe I achieved understandable. In fact I will highlight the defence I inducted which completely remedied the situation in blue for those who would prefer to skip over the weird stuff and just get to that.

The Setting; I was going to bed with the intention of attempting a WILD. I had taken some supplements throughout the day which I had not been taking previously in this amount which is the combined Nootropic Alpha Brain, and a Vitamin B complex in the morning. The mechanisms through which I was hoping these supplement would work are beyond the scope of what I want to write about at this stage but it did assist in alot of hypnagogic imagery early on. I have other supplements which assist in a much stronger trigger but this was a preliminary kind of attempt.

Environmental Considerations; staying in a hotel in Manila, I’ve stayed here before and it’s a nice hotel without any especially ill feelings etc. Something of note is when I’ve attempted WILD’s and have DILD’s in hotels on the odd occasion I will experience some kind of lower astral phenomena and when I say odd occasion this has probably happened twice, where I sense or see a presence which is usually quite inquisitive in its nature but is also quite either annoying, or unhelpful in its actions. Sleep paralysis was also ensuing at those times.

Other considerations; are that I have been reading alot of material on psychic attack and psychic self defence. I’d like to point out here that it is a very very rare phenomenon and next to impossible to implement at range, I do not believe I was the subject of one of these. I think it is a consideration merely because I cannot say with any certainly what was the cause of my below experience but if my subconscious was processing the content of some of the things I had read then it could have thrown this up.

On going to bed I had a slightly disturbed feeling with some tingling feelings up my spine, I just ignored this. Getting into bed I felt extremely relaxed physically, rolled onto my right side and relaxed, I then started this WILD induction method I use sometimes which is ridiculously simple;

- breath in a meditative relaxed manner
- relax every part of your body
- watch for hynagogic imagery or ‘seed’ visualisations and watch them develop
- optional; various energy work techniques

The rest of the technique would be to basically stay still and let the physical body fall asleep while shifting your consciousness into the dream through the hypnagogic imagery.

This is where it started, basically the precursor hypnagogic images began, a few colours, some odd forms then BAM I had this open palm hit me right in the face with a tremendous amount of force and had me ‘wake up’ immediately. I also know this made my head physically recoil as I heard a click in my neck and felt my face move against the pillow... I think this was more of an auto-response by the physical body to protect itself as it was still somewhat awake. I just thought; “hmmm that’s interesting and weird”, relaxed, and started the induction again.

Then I was getting the imagery of being in a crowd of people, someone to my left was talking to me, I must have been falling asleep quite fast because I wasn’t consciously contributing to the content just watching it. Then I turned to my right and saw this little hooded figure standing extremely close to me, the expression on its face was very peculiar and almost comical now that I think of it this morning but it was almost like ‘anticipating my surprise in a bemused way’... it’s eyes were extremely large – wide open and almost completely white – this instantly woke me up in shock, wasn’t expecting to or have seen something like that in a while.

I then started getting a little more worried and my heart rate elevated, as I felt something was ‘waiting for me’ just across the veil in my dreams. I decided to abandon the WILD attempt and just fall asleep and each time (2-3 times) I would encounter other disturbing images and each time it felt like something was interfering with the normal scene I was seeing. I wasn’t particularly scared just slightly confused and anxious as to what it was.

- I quickly diverted this train of thought and relaxed knowing that nothing can harm me where I was physically.
- I spent 5 minutes visualising white light surrounding me, and breathing in white light
- I sent out some affirmations calling for protection from various light beings (take your pick)
- I attempted to send out a message to whatever I thought this thing was (could have been my subconscious yes), communicating things along the lines of ‘I respect you, and because you are part of the universe you are also part of me and therefore I love you’.
- I then just relaxed and totally ignored everything which had happened.

All of the above may sound pretty ‘fruity’ and weird to some but it completely changed the perceived atmosphere, I was very relaxed and at peace and I fell asleep normally for a good 8 hours which included very vivid dreams which are beyond the scope of this post but needless to say nothing disturbing in the least.

I have not finished reading the material on psychic attack/defense and I want to reiterate I don't believe this is what it was at all, merely that I may have been influenced in some way.

I indend on beginning some experiments with supplement assisted WILDing soon and I'll be sure to post my findings!
