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    Thread: Queen Zukin's Dream Journal

    1. #2151
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      Had a rough sleep last night and didn't sleep or remember much, but I did have a fragment about being super high and woke up still feeling it. I also remember a fragment consisting mostly of the color red.

    2. #2152
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      more fragments...

      last night's sleep was pretty brutal. It was one of those nights where I had been drinking enough to be thirsty all night long, compounded with the fact that I was sleeping in a hotel bed shared with the Kestrel and kept waking up a lot. So I don't remember anything. Boo.

      The night before that I had a Game of Thrones dream. It was really long, and was focused on Sansa.

    3. #2153
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      Legume Biostatistics

      I needed to prepare a lecture on the biostatistics of legumes. It was going to be presented at a convention. I did most of the entire thing the night before and raced to complete it through the next day with my partner. It was looked over by a professor. I remember one of the first few slides mentioning how eating some kind of German nut would change the entire statistics of certain legumes. I remember trying frantically to print out my lecture notes on a campus computer before it was lecture time. We were also one of the last lectures of the day.

      Before that entire ordeal, I remember being on campus with my mother. The hills were accentuated into steep mountains.

      GRRR Alarm Clock

      This was during a nap this morning. In the dream, I walked into my grandmother's kitchen and saw my grandmother and Kestrel. I realized that Kestrel should be on the road home by now, so I said, "Kestrel, I think this is a dream!"

      She looked at me and laughed and said something tongue-twistingly confusing about it being not not not not a dream. I did a reality check and then went out the front door. My goal was to do the bonus task of the month: find a door/room, go through it, and then come out and have it be 100 years into the future.

      The sky was blue and it was pretty warm outside. I ran into the neighbor's house. Their house looked as if it was made only of screen door and glass and the inside consisted of only one room, in which was a hammock. I was about to come out of the house when my alarm clock
      woke me up.

    4. #2154
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      My mom bought a chamber pot and I had a bright idea that I'd test it out (wtf). So I go into the living room and decide to #2 in this chamber pot because I have no shame.

      I missed.


      There was shit everywhere. Floor, walls, ceiling, everywhere.

      Living in a Train

      I was living in a converted train car with a friend of mine. It was no longer connected to any rails or anything. We lived in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere. I went out one day to eat some lunch on a picnic table outside when I noticed that there were army planes flying overhead. Hundreds of soldiers in parachutes began coming out of them and they boarded the train. And then the train took off. Leaving me stranded in a fucking field.


      Kestrel and I were out in the woods. We were pretending that certain trees were our homes and we were climbing them. And then we noticed that there were gorillas out here. A lot of them. We tried to avoid them as best as we could, but eventually we learned that these gorillas weren't necessarily aggressive, we just needed to make sure that we didn't startle them.

      There was one point in the dream where we found some sort of bunker. We were feeling edgy about the rising numbers of gorillas in the forest, so we decided to chill out in the bunker for a short while. The bunker was lit with a blue light and the door wasn't very reinforced. It was literally just one of those laundry room doors with the slats. I remember being quiet in the bunker and hearing the noises of breaking twigs of the gorillas walking around in the forest.

    5. #2155
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      Kestrel and I were driving around a town. A shop was having a sell on toys, and they were selling this interesting kinetic sand gizmo. We decide to stop and eat at a newly opened restaurant. It was storming intensely IRL and in the dream and the owners of the restaurant were sitting in the corner of the room at a table talking to themselves. Inside the restaurant Kestrel and I found one of those fabric/cardboard necklace boxes. We opened it up and discovered that there was a spirit attached to it. It was stuck in the necklace box and was like a genie in the sense that when you opened the necklace box, it would appear before you.

      Virtual Sim City

      I was playing a real life version of Sim City on the floor. Little buildings were growing from the carpet. I see an old friend, and we start dancing.

    6. #2156
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      Ren Fair

      I was at a renaissance fair with Kestrel. We were walking around when a Mad Hatter gave me a scroll. I opened it and there was a quest. Which I don't remember.

      Later I was in a small castle-like structure and some guy tried to rip the scroll from out of my hands. Asshole. Later again I saw Izam and his wife and was like fuck no and put up my hood so I wouldn't be seen.

      Chocolate Gold

      I was trying to find a place to sleep for the night. I found a hotel, but I discovered it was actually a brothel. It consisted of only one big room but there were at least 6 king size beds with those fancy tops and decorative bedding. I found a bar of chocolate and opened it, and it was extremely decorative and carved and looked almost gold. The room transformed to being outdoors, and my bed transformed into a cramped car seat. Two seats down from me was a cop and they were friendly AND HOLY SHIT I THINK THAT WAS A MASSIVE SYNCHRONICITY. Real life here: today some asshole punched my car and left fist marks, so I had to call the cops and file a police report it was my first time doing that.

      Anyways, so i decide that I don't feel like spending the night in a car seat, so I find a new hotel. I walk until I come across a building. Outside there is a cement catwalk that looks pretty shady. I go up to the door and knock. I open up and discover that this is no hotel. It is a building for deformed catwalk models. The girls were beautiful, but their arms were bent in weird shapes.

      I stepped inside and noticed that the building was fancy. I also noticed a cumber sitting on a rafter on the ceiling. And then another hidden on a shelf on the wall.

      Being Raped by Trump

      That is all I am going to say. It was horrific.

    7. #2157
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      No sleep no dreams no life. Just kidding I slept like 4 hours but didn't recall much aka anything. Waking up early tomorrow to make a 9 hour drive so recall tomorrow might also not be stellar.

    8. #2158
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      I actually did manage to remember a dream!

      Birthday Party

      I was having a birthday party for myself, even though my birthday is still a solid three months away. We were having the party in the city where my grandparent's live, but not their house. Meaning that all my guests would be in for a 9+ hour drive from where most of them live.

      For some reason the birthday party started out with Kestrel, my mom, and I smoking in a hot tub. Then we went down stairs and I found myself in a room full of people. There was about 15 or 20 people and many of them were acquaintances from sometime in my life but a few were people I had never met. I remember one of them in particular was a guy who I had a crush on senior year of high school (6 years ago). Another one of them was a couple who I had never met. I asked them where they came from and they told me that they were in the area, so they thought they'd drop on by for the party (and another synchronicity just happened. I was listening to an audiobook today and the author said that in India it is custom for random strangers to join in on wedding parties (I don't know how true this actually is)).

      I remember after the initial meeting inside the basement of the house we went outside for a walk, but I don't think that many of the guests came. We walked through a path which on one side was a field and on the other was a dense forest. This may be from a different dream, but I remember seeing eight deer somewhere.

    9. #2159
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      Sketchy Bar

      I was in a basement of some kind. On the couch was Kestrel and some other people I know and we were trying to make plans for that night. We decided to go out to a bar. When we got there we realized that there some something fishy about this bar. Stationed at every exit and every bathroom (and looking back in hindsight realizing that this bar had a metric shit ton of bathrooms) were two guards. They were checking everybody's pockets as they passed through.

      I felt a wave of panic sweep over as I realized that I didn't know what was in my coat pockets. I shoved my hands into my pockets and felt around. And then laughed and felt a twinge of sorrow for the guards, because my pockets were nasty. I have this really bad habit in real life about never ever emptying out the contents of my coat pockets and over time weird shit builds up like remnants of tissues and receipts and its gross AF tbh. So I stopped worrying about the guards.

      I think the bar was a let down though, since we wound up just going back home.

      Later (maybe the next dream-morning), I was back there with my sister. The bar featured a small lunch menu. I ordered a lamb burger (which was in a different language at the time and looked like a long Polish word starting with B) and she had conchiglie with peas, carrot, and cheese. I also ordered an alcoholic-slushie drink that turned out to be red yellow and brown.

      My sister started talking about something and got up from her chair. I followed and without even paying we literally walked off into the sunset. The restaurant BECAME the a hill off into the sunset, seamlessly. She took me on her shoulders and I put my hands up in the air and pretended I was flying.

      Later in the dream I discover that we have actually camped out in the front lawn of the bar, which turns out to be a large white mansion. I think there were other campers involved, but they stayed somewhere significantly nicer because this was a disgusting tent. Our tent was more pavilion sized and square shaped. In the corner of the tent was a large wasp nest, which on one corner was molding off and looking like something parasitic or frog eggs. But frog eggs aren't known to grow on tent ceilings, so it was probably something parasitic. On the floor was a large puddle and stacked up against one wall of the tent were water bottles filled with dirt. The walls of the tent were molding, too.

      If you think that our tent situation couldn't get any worse, you are mistaken. Because apparently our tent was also invisible to the known world. We watched as horses ran over our tent and were genuinely surprised when we weren't trampled to death.

      Professor's Son

      My professor and her toddler son were at my grandparents house. I got a strong feeling that my professor's son really didn't like me and neither did the professor.

      Missing Gift

      I was looking for the gift card that Kestrel's mother gave me for Christmas. I was actually worried that I lost it last night because I couldn't find it when I was unpacking. In the dream I found it in my car, mixed in with a trash bag (the present is a gift card, easy to miss) from mine and Kestrel's long drive. When I checked there this morning IRL it was actually there, too. yay!

    10. #2160
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      Kestrel and I were exploring somewhere in the woods when we came upon a recently abandoned Nickelodeon studio. There was green slime on the front door. We found that the front door was unlocked so we stepped inside.

      The inside of the building consisted only of two white hallways stemming from a main foyer. Everything was painted white and each of the hallways had many doors. I got the distinctly strong feeling I had been there before as a kid. We went inside the nearest door. The room was full of blue baskets filled with strange slimy things, but slimy in a way that is fun to touch. The next room consisted of a powerful Virtual Reality machine that simulated a game in which the sole purpose was to ride a bike down the street with Big Bird from Sesame Street. You lost the game as soon as you fell off the bike. Once that happened, you would wake up in a hospital bed with Big Bird standing over you with your apparent baby that you and him had and him yelling, "YOU CAN'T HAVE ME OR MY BABY!" And storming out. So weird.

      The other rooms had train/rollercoasters in them.

      Swimming Lessons

      My university graduate program decided that it would have us take mandatory swimming lessons first thing in the morning everyday. On one hand I was pretty opposed to having to wake up so early and then having wet hair all day, but I was also looking forward to being more in shape from it.

      Apparently the teacher had emailed all of us telling us to bring a wet suit and goggles the first day, but only a couple people must have read it because that's how many brought it.

      Near the end of the dream I was getting out of the pool and tripped over a little stone bridge that connected the pool stair exit to the rest of the room.

      Not Feeling It

      I became lucid. I remember looking at my fingers and seeing that I had 6 fingers and something whacky in the dream prompted me to check but I can't remember what. I remember at first looking around in the dream and noticing that I was sitting in a livingroom surrounded by middle aged women having a conversation. I decided to just sit there and take in the moment for a moment. I thought about doing the TOTM in which I get inside an alien spaceship, but for some reason I wasn't feeling it. I thought about doing the pencil TOTM but decided to go fly instead. I remember the pink clouds couldn't decide if they wanted to be 2D or 3D.
      Last edited by Queen Zukin; 01-08-2017 at 07:12 AM.

    11. #2161
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      No recall last night except some fragments related to Stranger Things

    12. #2162
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      My mom, a friend of hers, and I were sitting on lawn chairs in the back yard next to the forest. They were talking about something while I was looking off into the forest brush. I saw movement in between the trees and saw my neighbor walking out there. My mom said that something happened to him that made him want to roam the fields everyday. I kept looking into the fields and saw yet another figure, this time it turned out to be a bear. The bear came up to us and started inspecting us thoroughly. It decided it would pick me up but I was like how about no and ran inside the house. IRL I probably wouldn't have beaten the bear and would have gotten clawed to death, but at least it saved my ass in the dream.


      This dream started off with me being in my aunt's house and the ceiling was leaking.

      Later, I was looking for my little sister (who I don't have) named Lonna. I was out in the fields when I came up to a house and walked inside. Inside there were three fairy hula hooping sisters and Lonna was there and she was a fairy too but she was a bird.


      After class I went home and suddenly noticed there was a festival going on right next to my house. There were a lot of hula hoopers so of course I joined in. And then something about a boy's locker room.

    13. #2163
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      I had many dreams last night but didn't record any of them.

    14. #2164
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      I was driving through a city but I was lost. My GPS wasn't helping and I was running out of battery. I pulled over somewhere to fix the situation and see what was wrong with my GPS. I noticed that I was parked in a junkyard with a really steep dug-out area. In order to even get there you had to cross a rickety plywood bridge. It was nightmare-ish trying to get out of there again.

      Biker Gang

      Something quite vivid about a biker gang. But not vivid enough to entirely remember.

    15. #2165
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      So Far Away

      I was with my dad, his friend, and Kestrel. We were eating sandwiches on a slanted grey hill next to a busy road. Even though I was sitting right next to her, I missed Kestrel so much since I knew she would be gone soon.


      I was the main character of a video game. In the game I was locked between four castle-sized walls and swimming in green water, somewhere outside. The goal was to get out without being seen. I needed to swim under the castle wall to get to a new part of the game.

    16. #2166
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      Northern Lights

      I was laying in my backyard, looking up at the night sky. Above me were the northern lights, with green curtains and smears of pink.

    17. #2167
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      Cliffs and Caves

      Kestrel and I were sitting out on the front porch of my grandparents house, except now they lived in a high rise apartment building isolated in the middle of a grand canyon. We were using binoculars to look at all the depth and details of the canyon before us. There looked like there were some small caves in some parts of the cliff. We decide to go back into the apartment and lay down on the middle of a mattress in the living room. Lying there also is a former housemate of mine and her friend. Kes drinks some weird oil and then leaves to what I believe was the bathroom.

      I start to wonder where she has gone after awhile so I look for her and stumble upon a livingroom full of family members sitting in the old TV room at my grandmother's house. When I ask if any of them had seen Kestrel they tell me that she went to bed.

      I have to use the toilet but it turns out the toilet was broken.

      my uncle falls in love

      I was sitting with my back against a wall in my parents' basement with several other people. We needed to stay in the basement for some reason, maybe it was for a tornado. My uncle is sorting books in a corner room. He falls in love with one of the woman with us and they start making out.

      Car Fragment

      I was with my mom in the car. She was dropping her car off at a repair shop to be fixed or something. We stopped at the place and I remembered to not leave my groceries in the car.

      Surprise Flooding

      I remember the sensation of being shocked by realizing that I was standing in several centimeters of flooded water in a dark bathroom. The tiles were green and the more I am remembering it the more I realize it wasn't a bathroom but it was a big dark room like an underground warehouse with small green tiles the room was flooding.

    18. #2168
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      I was on a train. I remember this one scene in particular in which a man in a suit with a white glove reached out for my hand as I stepped onto the train. The inside of the train had red carpeting. And then later Kes was there and something with a pistol.

    19. #2169
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      Slave to Cheese and Crackers

      I was a slave to someone who kept people locked up in cells. My job was to serve them cheese and crackers. I think these people were kidnapped, because the 'cells' consisted of 4-5 doors each side along a long hallway. The doors lead to rooms that couldn't have been bigger than an average bathroom. On the other side of the apartment there was a big dining room where a trial was happening. Inside the big dining room was a very long dining table and at the end sat many politicians, who had also brought chairs along with them to make a semi-circle at the end of the table. I was curious to what was going on so I sat next to them for awhile but I don't remember anything important happening.

      Cute Puppy

      I remember being greeted by a very cute puppy, who I may have adopted. The puppy was white with brown and black spots.


      Jumping around in a rain forest, jumping super high and landing on the opposite side of the forest. Was with other people.

      Driving Fragment

      I was trying to drive with my mother in the passenger seat. The car wasn't driving well for me and I think I backed into something.

      Waiting to Go Somewhere

      I was waiting at what felt like a grandparents house to go and drive somewhere. Something about losing my phone charger.

    20. #2170
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      I was driving a van in the dark near my parents house. Maybe it was because of how awful I was driving or that something happened, but I did a reality check and saw that I had 6 fingers on my hand - dreaming. Of course like always I forgot about all of my goals and just decided to drive super fast down the roads which were rainy. I remember at the end I saw some police lights behind me and was like hahaha oops.


      I was somewhere dark, but I knew I was dreaming. Out of the dark manifested a slenderman-like looking thing. It had long gray fibrous arms that looked like a mummy's and overall it looked like the zombie version of slenderman. Instead of running, I decided to hug it. I read in a book once that you should hug what frightens you in a dream to 'reintegrate' it and maybe see the cause of your anxiety. Well I hugged it and for a moment nothing happened but then five more of them appeared out of the darkness and I had had enough of hugging stinky zombies so I decided to fly away.

      I flew until I no longer found myself in darkness. First I flew over farmlands, which then became mountains. I was amazed at the steepness and depth of the mountains. I land on the top of one of the mountains. On the top of it I look around and find little stones that have been carved to look like eyes. Some of them are carved into humanoid shapes. I found it really intriguing. I decide to fly again and find a mountain that looks like mount everest. I land on top of it.

      Disorientated False Awakening

      I false awakened from something, probably one of the lucids above. When I false awakened, I was already in a walking motion and felt kind of dizzy.


      I went to a YMCA (or something like it) because I wanted to go swimming in a pool. I didn't realize though that you had to be a member to swim in the pool. I had to wait in a really long line to get up to a ticket machine, which when I got there decided to stop working. So I hula hooped instead.

      Recurring Bus Dream

      A few friends and I set up a pavillion with some folding chairs on the lawn of our campus, we were having a club meeting or something. The dream changed to a recurring dream that I often have in which I am about to be late for a bus in high school. I realized it was 2:17, which was about the time we got out in high school (6 years ago...) and I was about to miss my bus home. I ran to put my backpack on the bus and sat down. There wasn't a lot of people on the bus, though the front was more crowded than the back. Our bus driver was a young woman with blonde hair.

      I was apparently on my phone looking at the GPS during the bus ride, because I discovered that if I got off 10 stops earlier I could cut across some woods and be home sooner. Somewhere along the bus ride, I met a guy who started talking to me. He was probably around 18 and had brown hair. We start kissing and I ask him his name but I only remember it in shapes and colors (grey vertical rectangle, if you were curious).


      Kestrel and I were in a cabin. Sometime later, some people came knocking on the door telling us it was time to leave. I can't remember if they were looking for us or if we knew them, but they separated us and took me out to the middle of a farm. The guy that took me there was pretty attractive, but then he suddenly turned on me and I went running for the car and tried to lock myself in away from him but I wasn't fast enough. And then he turned evil(er) and old(er). Suddenly he appeared in the seat next to me, laughing maniacally.

    21. #2171
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      barely slept last night

      Snapping Turtle

      I was sitting under a canopy/porch with several other people. We were at some kind of camp. For some reason there was a girl locked in a dog cage and then she turned into a snapping turtle. One of the guys removed the girl-turned-snapping-turtle from her cage and placed it on my knee. IRL I have some issues with my knee from athletic overuse and I don't have feeling on the left side of the same leg foot because I broke it hula hooping about a year and a half ago and when I touch where they had to put screws in, the nerves feel all weird and everything. That was happening on my knee where the snapping turtle was walking around and it was a super uncomfortable feeling.

    22. #2172
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      I got the flu so I'm a bit behind catching up

      19th and 20th of January I have no notes, acutely super sick those days.

      January 21st

      cake dream: I was ordering a cake online. It was a holiday and I was ordering a really expensive chocolate cake. I tried some cake (somewhere?) but I was really disappointed that it didn't have any taste. We were going to have a dinner party in a big white kitchen.

      lucid fragment: I was doing a reality check with my hands. None of the light switches around me were working.

      January 22nd:

      Adopted sister: I was driving down the highway when I suddenly recognized my birth sister, who I had just seen for the first time because apparently I was adopted. I pulled over and she pulled over too. She was with her family and she was in some kind of emotional distress and she was about 17 years old. She had long brown hair. The rest of her family went inside a nearby thrift store while I stayed outside to talk to her. We decide to go to the park and for some reason I let her drive my car, which turns out to be a bad idea because I figured out that she didn't know how to drive a car when she started driving in the wrong lane. Apparently she didn't know how to use the brakes either and when we tried to park at the lake...we parked in the lake. Luckily I found my super strength and lifted my car out of the water.

      January 23rd

      Whales: I was on a floating platform in the middle of the ocean or parked near an island. There were giant whales swimming all around us and there were schools of silvery fish swimming in the water. People were fishing and capturing them with their hands. I watched the whales.

    23. #2173
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      I was staying at a hotel in a big city when shit hit the fan. Everything just suddenly became chaotic.

      I went to the main floor where there was a small conveniences store. People had steel bats and were raiding the supplies. Things were making less and less sense as I walked past some commotion and heard a woman shout,

      "THAT WOMAN JUST PELVIC THRUSTED HER TOE AT ME!" I couldn't believe what I just heard. That tiny part of me that somehow always knows I'm dreaming but is too lazy to do anything about it was like, Zukin, you have got to remember that one.

      I went back upstairs to our hotel and gathered with my group and we pretty much realized it was the end of the world in the most dramatic nonsensical way possible. I didn't write down the details of this dream when I woke up from it, but I wish I had because it was so out there.

    24. #2174
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      Boat Ride From Hell

      I was on a ship when they discovered that there was an active shooter on deck. All of us ran to find a room that we could be safe in and we hid, but the shooter found us not long after. He started killing us one by one in that room and I remember thinking, "holy shit this is how I die."

      Luckily I survived with a bullet wound in my hip, which I pulled out myself. Later, the company that owned the ship tried to contact me to apologize and offered a free boat ride. I decided that I had enough of boats for the time being.


      I was getting ready for a music festival and we had pretty much arrived, but we were camping in my bedroom. It was really cold and really wet outside, and I realized that I probably didn't bring warm enough clothes for this time of year. A lot of random acquaintances were there, but Kestrel wasn't which was sad.

      Losing my Shit

      I was at the mall and I kept dropping my belongings everywhere and then remembering that I dropped them and then having to go back to get them but remembering then that I dropped something halfway on the way to get my other dropped thing. It was a mess.

    25. #2175
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      I was a bad dreamer and didn't write down my dreams this morning so I'm going off of memory...


      I suddenly acquired a pet squirrel and it was the best thing ever. It was so cute and ate acorns. And it ran around everywhere. And that's about all I remember.

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