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    Pissing in a Mall Urinal (graphic warning) & Escaping a Crocodile Swamp

    by AstronomyDomine on 03-11-2020 at 05:12 PM
    1. I am wandering around a dark, indoor mall. I feel very confident as I walk around. I enter a men's restroom and pass a long line of urinals against the wall. It occurs to me I've entered into a military-style latrine. A line of naked men stand against a far wall waiting to use the urinals. Everyone is naked, and I notice I am naked too. All the men are black, and when I pull my out my dick and start pissing I notice I am black too. I piss in my urinal and I piss in my neighbor's urinal as well. My dick is huge and the urine flow coming from it is very strong and forceful, like a pressurized fire hose. I step back and spray the urinals from a distance. I have vitiligo on my big black dick, the same as the guy across from me. He is very muscular and also has vitiligo on his hands and knees.

    2. I am in a swamp with a buddy of mine. It soon becomes clear we have trespassed onto a protected government wetland preserve. We continue to trudge through the swamp together. I see a crocodile up ahead; green, slender with lots of long teeth. It heads toward us -- we scamper away and try to get to dry land, running very fast. I have a jacket and a shirt, shotgun and pistol. There is a sign on the barbed-wire fence that says we are in a "nuclear holding ground for trespassers". I frantically toss my jacket up over the razor wire to get away. Recall fades. Dreamt 3/25/17

    Chinese Violinist & Ugly Female Phlebotomists

    by AstronomyDomine on 03-11-2020 at 04:50 PM
    I'm in some clinic waiting to been by a specialist. The clinic is filled with people. A Chinese guy is making a lecture on musical instruments. As he speaks another Chinese guy stands up and starts playing a violin. As he plays, the lecturer says, "Observe, see. This is the way the violin should be played!" No sound comes from the violin.

    I head to the back of the clinic where I am met by two fat, ugly women who work there as phlebotomists. They ask me if there are any diseases in particular I want to be tested for. I take it to mean they are asking about STDs. I tell the ogre-looking women I haven't been with anyone but my wife, so no. I ask they could screen me for pancreatic cancer. I am told no, since "the symptoms arrive too late." Dreamt 3/17/17

    3 Frags: Military Pranks, Charvel Guitar, Beatles

    by AstronomyDomine on 03-11-2020 at 03:29 PM
    1. Mr. F___ (a man I worked with at the funeral home) is showing me one of his checks on payday. The actual amount is legible in the dream: $1,502.38. As in IRL he is telling me stories non-stop. He is former military and I can see his discharge DD214 paperwork clearly, and in particular the exact date his service ended: 1 NOV 57 and in the dream I calculate the math to twelve years before I was born (IRL it's thirteen years to the day). As I calculate the math, he tells me a story about how he got in trouble when he was in the Air Force by overstuffing toilet paper in the barracks latrine. When someone tried to flush it the thing backfired and everyone had to evacuate. He laughed jollily as he told me this. While he is laughing I'm thinking about how old he looks. His face is bright red.

    2. I am in a pawn shop trying out a red Charvel guitar. The pawn shop employees are all impressed and watching me as I jam out. As it turns out, this pawn shop is on an airplane and we are flying over a gargantuan swimming pool. When we land on the on the other side of the pool I am still holding the guitar and notice the headstock is huge. I consider purchasing it. The pawnshop owner tells me a story of a girl who was thinking of buying a guitar, but in the end decided not to make the purchase. As result she ended up paying even more for the guitar when she later decided to buy it. I listened intently as he tried to persuade me to buy it. In the dream, money was no issue. But, still, I was not 100% sold on getting it.

    3. I was listening to the beginning of the Sgt. Pepper Reprise song, where the drum beat comes in after the 1-2-3-4 count off. I remarked to someone in the dream, "Paul McCartney is a genius.." Dreamt 3/16/17

    Updated 03-11-2020 at 03:31 PM by AstronomyDomine


    In Search of 18 Urns

    by AstronomyDomine on 03-11-2020 at 02:50 PM
    I am with a group of people in a white, antiseptic room which resembles a morgue. We are all funeral professionals and somehow related to each other. We are working with cremation merchandise and there is an older, balding man in charge. We are putting urns in cardboard boxes. The balding guy in charge wants me to "wrap" the urns. I'm not sure what he means by that. I wonder if he wants me to clean the ashes out of them from the inside, but then I realize he just wants me to put them in boxes. He says to "wrap" 18 of them. I leave the room to look for 18 urns.

    (Frag) Now I am on a school bus (looking for the urns perhaps?) and I see my niece and her daughter on an escalator. My niece is dressed up very nicely, which is odd because she hardly ever looks nice. He daughter trails behind her. They are going up on the elevator. I can hear her daughter's voice very distinctly, and when she speaks her words are shown as subtitles on a large screen attached to a wall. It is like they are acting in a foreign film. My niece tells her daughter something and her daughter complains, "No mommy, I am old enough..." and my niece, not wanting to fight with her, turns back around and shakes her head. I think she wanted her daughter to stand closer to her on the elevator.

    I am now in a school, walking down the hallways, still searching for the urns. I am wearing a baseball cap that makes me feel very confident. I think to myself as I stand tall and walk briskly: "I am adult with authority. I am above all the kids in this school. They are not allowed to wear caps while in this school, but I can!" Dreamt 3/15/17

    Updated 03-11-2020 at 02:53 PM by AstronomyDomine


    Alone Amidst a Crowd

    by AstronomyDomine on 03-11-2020 at 02:23 PM
    I am in a posh high-rise penthouse I share with a person who is throwing a party. At this party there are lots of people and stately granite tables and everyone is staying late. I am in another room, trying to fall asleep but can't because of all the commotion. I look out my window and see a woman across the way, in another high-rise. Her window is open. She is laying in her bed and reading. I know her from school. I like to watch her before I close my blinds at night. I feel lonely despite the lively party happening outside my room. I leave my room and go into the kitchen. The person with whom I share the penthouse notices me in the kitchen and begins to wrap the party up. Nobody talks to me. I sit by the fridge and observe everyone leave.

    When everyone is gone I go back to my room and look over at the girl again through my window. A man is now in bed with her. I close my blinds and wonder if they noticed me watching them. I go back to my door and open it halfway and peek out into the room beyond it. Some people (my neighbors?) are seated at a table eating dinner. I see the backs of their heads. They are eating in the dark. I feel homesick and forlorn, the way I felt when I moved away from home for the first time when I went to college in Boston. It seems everyone but me has someone to be with and something to do.

    The dream disjoints and now I am watching an interview on TV, where a man who looks like Chief Inspector Dreyfuss from The Pink Panther is being asked questions. I watch the entire interview and only at the end recognize him as the man with whom I share the apartment. Apparently he has had a scandalous past as his father is a notorious criminal. My brother then appears who knows him and says his name with disgust. It becomes unclear if my adopted brother is somehow related to this criminal through his own biological father. Dreamt 3/14/17

    Updated 03-11-2020 at 02:26 PM by AstronomyDomine
