Okay, so I'm rather new to lucid dreaming. For years I've had them on and off, practicing as much as I could. When I used to keep a dream journal I had them frequently, but now that I've gotten busy in life I'm unable to practice as much so I only have them maybe once or twice a month. I'm trying to get into the groove again so I've had about two this week. Anyway before I start rambling lets get to the topic at hand.

The other night I realized I was dreaming, I don't remember exactly why but in my dream I was staring in my bathroom mirror and suddenly thought "Am I dreaming?" I did my usual reality check of holding my nose and breathing in and confirmed that I was indeed dreaming. I then had a lucid dream that lasted a few minutes before I woke up, or thought I did, in my bed. I've gotten better at not getting fooled by false awakenings, so as I woke up, and before I 'fell back to sleep' I did my reality check. Now this is where it gets weird, and this ALWAYS happens during my false awakenings. Whenever I have them I always wake up in my bed, do a reality check, realizing I'm still dreaming and go to get up. Though I actually have to fight to get out of bed. Its as if I'm moving in slow motion, like I'm being held down and physically have to push myself to roll out of bed. I literally go "Come on, move!" and my vision is slightly blurry so I just fight with all my might to get out of bed. Now once I get out of the bed the lucid dream becomes clear and I'm able to go off and do what I want. Though sometimes after fighting a few minutes I end up losing it and actually fall back to sleep.

I was just wondering if anyone else has this happen to them, or something similar during a false awakening. Or is it just me?