• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    WILD stands for Wake Initiated Lucid Dream because the dreamer enters a dream directly from the waking state without any lapse in consciousness.

    Under normal circumstances, body and mind fall asleep at almost the same time. When we WILD, we let our body fall asleep first, while we observe the falling asleep process with our minds.

    DISCLAIMER about REM atonia - Sleep Paralysis (SP):

    REM atonia is a normal event, that our body initiates after we start dreaming. This paralyzes our muscles, so we don't act out our dreams and don't hurt ourselves.

    When somethings goes wrong, and our body starts paralysis before we start dreaming, or fails to disengage it after we wake up, we may find ourselves not being able to move (sleep paralysis). For a small percentage of the population with Sleep Paralysis disorder, this may happen more often. For the majority of the population this is a rarely occurring lifetime event (once or twice) and SP is by no means associated with lucid dreaming.

    Unfortunately, some tutorials will claim that you have to experience Sleep paralysis in order to have a lucid dream. They also claim that sensations you may experience while WILDing are SP. None of this is true. Whether you have SP disorder or you don't, you can WILD without any problems.

    Not only is there absolutely no need to experience SP to WILD, it's also impossible to induce as its function is entirely under control of our body. Sleep Paralysis is not a voluntary function.

    Dreamviews recommended WILD for Beginners

    Detailed WILD by Sageous


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