Night Seven
“Doubt is testing the E-Project on us?!” His voice was cold as he paced the length of the tiny room. It was, maybe, twenty-five by twenty-five—about the size of a dorm room. “Why is he doing that?!”
“Because of our little performance in the testing area,” I managed, sitting in a corner, cringing when he punch a wall. “Apparently he though it better to test us alone.”
His gaze went to the camera positioned to view the entire room.
“Come here.” It was an order.
I obeyed, standing carefully before walking to him cautiously.
“Pain? What are you—”
His lips came down on mine suddenly and my eyes widened as he kissed me, demanding yet giving at the same time.
“Pain,” I gasped, jerking away. “What are you—?”
His lips reclaimed mine before he turned us to where my back was to the camera.
“I’m making it look as if we’re…lovers.” He said the last word as if he was embarrassed by it. “Just, go with it. If I unclothe you, I promise I won’t do anything.”
Before I could protest his lips were back on mine and he backed me into a wall, using one hand to hold my wrists above my head while the other caressed every available inch of my body.
I closed my eyes, succumbing to him, as his hand slid beneath my shirt and rubbed my back, causing me to shiver before it slipped higher and caused me to let out a gasp.
“Pain,” I managed. “P-Please…Please s-stop.”
He grunted, kissing me deeply before lifting me, bridal style, into his arms and carrying me into the bathroom, shutting the door behind us.
“I’m sorry,” he said immediately, covering my mouth with his hand. “I took things too far. I apologize.”
My mouth fell open as he turned on the water to the shower.
“Do you want to take a bath?” He paused, thinking, before shaking his head. “I’ll stay in the closet.”
“N-No,” I stammered, taking a towel from the rack. “Y-You can…stay. Just…don’t look, okay?”
I looked nervously at the spray and threw a cautious glance at Pain who sat on the toilet, back to me, before undressing as quietly as I could and stepping beneath the spray.
A moan parted my lips as the hot water hit me, soaking me and unclenching tight muscles, causing me to turn to a liquid mesh.
I took care to soap every inch of my skin and wash the blood from my hair. I had no clue how long I had been in this…facility and that meant I had no clue how long the blood had been crusted into my hair.
Finally, I turned off the water, wrapping the towel around my body before facing Pain.
“I’m covered,” I said carefully, sitting on the edge of the tub. “You can turn around.”
Pain turned and looked at me before his eyes widened and he shook his head before standing.
“What are you—”
He tugged his shirt over his head and handed it to me with a frown.
“It’s all I have,” he said sadly. “Sorry. But…I highly doubt—no pun intended—you want to go out there in only a towel. This way it still looks good for Doubt’s experiment.”
Pain turned back around and I threw his shirt over my head, fixing it to where it covered me. It was better than the poor excuse of clothing I had been wearing.
I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind him and leaned my head against his back. Hidden muscles covering every inch of his finely sculpted body.
“Thank you,” I whispered. “But…why are you being nice to me? You should be trying to kill me right now.”
“Pandora,” he rasped, head tilted back, eyes closed. “If you don’t get away from me now you’ll hate me.”
His eyes opened and I stared at them as they burned a fierce blood-like color.
“Let me go,” he moaned, turning, licking the water droplets from my neck. “Before I do something I’ll regret. Before I do something that will cause you pain.”
“Pandora,” he interrupted, nibbling on my collarbone. “Please…”
I closed my eyes, relaxing in the familiar position before he crushed his lips to mine, holding me firmly against him so our bodies connected in every place.
His tongue licked at the corners of my mouth and I moaned, giving him an entrance as he picked me up and sat me on the sink.
“Pain,” I moaned as he slid his hands beneath his too big shirt. “Pain…wait.”
He recaptured my lips with his own as his hands roamed over down my back and over my stomach.
“Pain!” I gasped as he started to pull up his shirt. “No…I can’t. Not here or now or ever. I…I’m sorry. But…Helios…I can’t do that to him.”
Pain looked at me, hurt in his eyes before he pulled away, eyes an icy blood red.
“Of course,” he said coldly, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the room with the camera. He threw me onto the bed and laid with me. “How could I have ever thought differently?
“How stupid of me.”
Pain pulled me to him and I felt his lips at my ear as he spoke.
“Let the nightmare begin.”
I fell asleep as far away from Pain as I could be without it looking suspicious and woke to my body wrapped around his.
An arm was thrown across my waist, fingers linking with the other arm beneath me. My head was on his chest while his face was buried in my hair.
I drew in a breath, meaning to speak, and was choked on the headiness of his scent. No big breaths around him it seemed.
Carefully I dislodged myself, remembering, immediately, the camera and making sure to kiss Pain before going to the bathroom.
I placed my hands on the sink, staring into the mirror at my image. There wasn’t really a difference from the Pandora I saw nearly two months ago to the Pandora I saw now.
I touched my cheek with one hand just below my eyes and blew out a sigh, taking care to brush my hair.
I let out a scream, brush hitting and rattling on the ground, as I clutched my chest.
“Don’t. Do. That!” I gasped, clutching the sink again. “I thought you were Doubt.”
Damn all those days in confinement!
I picked up the brush and resumed brushing my hair, staring at the girl in the mirror.
Pain came up behind me, fingers threading into my newly brushed hair to bring it to his face. His eyes seemed to glow faintly red but I ignored it as he spoke.
“Pandora,” he whispered. “What are you thinking about?”
Helios was the first think that entered my mind but I squashed it and made a quick lie.
“Calleah,” I said slowly. “She’s my best friend.”
“Dashkoff,” Pain asked, dropping my hair. “Calleah Dashkoff?”
“Yes,” I said, turning and looking at him. “Why? How do you know her, Pain?”
Pain was pale, past translucent, and his eyes were distant.
I leaned up and touched his cheek, forcing him to look at me even though when he did he seemed to be looking through me.
“Pain?” I whispered. “How do you know Calleah?”
“Calleah,” he said quietly. “She’s…my sister.”
Please reply. I apologize in advance for any incorrect phrasing or wording. ****It is copied directly from the microsoft word document so font variations have been canceled out****