By DreamBliss

I stand at the water's edge and watch the tide,
In the distance I see the sun slowly melt into the sea,
At my feet I watch the tiny lappings,
As the waves repeat these movements,
On a much grander scale.

I turn my back and walk away,
The sand grows drier beneath my feet,
After some time I bend down,
Pick up a handful and hold it tightly,
In my clenched fist.

No matter tightly I hold it,
The sand slips through my fingers,
And falls back to the earth,
In the sound of falling grains,
I hear a simple truth.

Sometimes the tighter we hold something,
The more we sqeeze it, attempt to conform it,
All we succeed in doing is to drive it away,
Or distort it beyond all recognition,
We have to learn to just let go.

As I walk home the weight of my thoughts,
Bear down on my shoulders and slow my step,
I realize that knowing a truth,
Is not the same as finding a solution,
It offers no help and no comfort.

Once I walk through my door,
I will still be completely alone,
Just like I have always been,
You can't hold on to or let go of,
Something you have never had.

These feelings are as numerous,
As grains of sand along the shore,
But holding them, letting them go,
Isn't a solution, they just follow you around,
Staying with you as long as you feel them.

Off in the distance I hear the ocean,
Time runs backwards, I remember,
And my tormenters begin their grisly work,
As the emptiness around me becomes my prison,
And the weight of the silence holds me down.