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    Thread: What is the most unexplained strange thing that ever happened to you?

    1. #26
      Diamonds And Rust Achievements:
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      Hey Methos - I have an idea what that might actually have been. I mean assuming it wasn't a ghost baby. I used to hear a ghost baby that seemed like it was suffering the torments of the damned in my basement, and one night I decided to brave it and try to see what it was:

      Spoiler for if you want to know:

    2. #27
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      [QUOTE=Darkmatters;2232576]Hey Methos - I have an idea what that might actually have been. I mean assuming it wasn't a ghost baby. I used to hear a ghost baby that seemed like it was suffering the torments of the damned in my basement, and one night I decided to brave it and try to see what it was:

      Could have been and makes sense. If the guys turned on the lights to go into the basement to check the sound, the light would probably have scared them away. I'll never know for sure. Never stayed there long after dark after that night.

    3. #28
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      There was this one time,when I was a kid. I was alone in my room, and then I hear a female voice in my ear,loud and clear...It wasn't speech. It was heavy breathing. So of course,I got creeped out. And when I showed that,the breathing stopped. To this day,I have no explanation what or who did that. And one time,at night,I was sleeping and I felt something punch me in the stomach. But I was alone,again.

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