{warning}I guess I'll start by telling you that I'm in no way an epic expert in this area, though I do know all the steps to becoming a dream yoga master, I've yet to complete them. In fact, the main reason I'm writing this topic is for myself; that is, I want to put down all my collective knowledge on the subject into one easy to read block of text for future reference. (much like I did with my WILDing tutorial){/warning}
<span style="color:#000000">Thats not to say that I know nothing on the subject, just that I don't know everything (yet).
expect me to be updating this topic as I run into new problems or find new solutions to already existing problems that I've come across.
Ok, now for the goods. just to get you a bit educated before I go into detail on them, here's all the steps that I'll be going over:
- Overview of how to think of this method of lucid induction
- meditating daily.
- Becoming acquainted with your surroundings.
- Before bed
- The morning after
I know what your thinking: "What the hell? five steps? I thought he said this would be hard!!"
You'll see...
- Overview of how to think of this induction method:
I was just BSing about this method being incredibly hard. In truth, I adapted to it pretty quickly. What I meant was that
when compared with other induction methods this one is probably the hardest for the average person to get into and become adept at.
Keep in mind the benefits that I stated earlier, if that doesn't get you through the initial pattern setting stages of this technique, nothing I could really say will.
daily meditation is practically a must for the concentration needed for this procedure.
<<How to Meditate>> <---(note: ignore the new age pictures, just take the meditation for what it is)
The reason your meditating daily is to improve your ability to consciously control your mind, and also your learning the ability to let go of the emotional impact you receive from viewing objects (more on that soon)
- Becoming acquainted with your surroundings:
This is the core of Yogic Meditation, the step that sets this method apart from any others that you may have read or heard of: nonstop reality checking.
I'm sure when you read that you had at least one goose bump pop up, I mean, thats just epic, a reality check that lasts forever? thats a pretty incredible thing, but really, what did you expect? this is the method used by the gods of the human mind: yogis
Ok, enough ranting, heres what to do (as well as why you do it):
begin by taking a moment to look around the room your in right this moment (do it).
Did you see anything interesting? If you didn't then don't worry, the reason you didn't see anything interesting is because you probably didn't really see anything at all. Without looking back around the room try building a 3d model of the locations of all the items in the room with your imagination.
Now look around the room and see how accurate you were. How many things did you miss? Probably alot eh? The reason you missed so many items is because throughout your life you've conditioned yourself to only see what needs seen. You see the lion creeping in the bushes (but not the weed thats growing two feet to its left), you see the brightly colored painting thats hanging on your wall (but yet you don't ever seem to notice that book thats lying on the desk beside it), etc.
Back in the day when we had to hunt our food and look for any dangers that we may be walking up on we couldn't afford to see (and consciously remember)
every single object that happened to come into our view. but now we can (thank you civilization), and as it turns out, consciously viewing every object you see in real life in your minds eye is an excellent way to increase dream clarity and realism.
Getting your world view to change:
<span style="color:#000080">Look at something in front of you. I myself am looking at an "Odor-Eaters foot and sneaker spray powder"
If the thing your looking at has text then don't even worry about reading it. just go through the objects attributes in your head (try to use words as little as possible) here's an example of what goes through my head when I look at the above image in front of me:
- "Tube shaped" (I see a tube with its dimensions in my head)
- "Green lid, white bottom" (the tube now has a green lid/white bottom that looks exactly like the real one)
- "Foot spray"
- Now I fill in the details that I think will be on the back and "move behind" the can in my mind, imaging what it would look like if I were on the other side (if you were taking in a whole room you would move through the room as a whole in your mind after you had already built a complete model of it within your head)
- Now I cache the object in my mind, remembering exactly the space that it filled in my room.
- I hold onto the object in the back of my mind until I leave the room, I'll do this whole process over again when I come back into the room (thats much easier to do when its a whole room your doing instead of one object)
When applying this to complete rooms your going to want to recognize each object as an individual in the whole. Each object corresponds to the objects around it.
You'll undoubtedly find this technique hard to pull off for even a small amount of time at first, but soon you'll get better and better, until you finally do it no matter what (that is, your build a 3d model of every room you enter, every time you enter it. Then keep the model in your short term memory)
You may remember hearing Dream yoga described as "realizing reality is a dream". The meaning of this statement is that you should realize that the objects your seeing around you hold no real value. if they suddenly phased out of your reality then nothing would really be lost. The only value that objects hold is what we give them with our emotions and memories.
Just like a dream.
Don't look at the stuff your building your 3d model by with a sense of: "that trophy I won at the fair last year", look at them with the mindset that says: "a trophy plated in fools gold, with the model of a cow on the top of it"
I know that this is probably very confusing, let me lay it out in bullet form
- You walk into a room
- notice and remember every object in the room in a passive way (start at one side of the room and work your way around, remember to look at the ceilings, floors, and everything in between.)
- As your looking at objects don't let yourself get carried away in memories about said object (like if you see a bicycle and suddenly you get a flash of that time you broke your leg bike-riding)
If you let yourself get carried away in these thoughts then you'll forget what you were doing and lose your focus. - Remember to do Reality checks when you notice something weird in a room.
The whole point of doing this is to make it so that you instantly notice screwups in your dreams and become lucid (thus allowing lucidity in every dream of the night) - This entire process should take at max 5 seconds a room (thats after you've done it about 20 times)
When your done reading this topic feel free to ask questions if you didn't get that, I'll amend this section to make it more logical
Reality check more than usual between the time you take a shower and the time you go to bed.
As your lying in bed don't forget to remind yourself that your about to enter another reality.
Get up and write down all your dreams, include all the new extraordinary details you just witnessed.
Start the constant observance of your surroundings all over again.
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If your thinking: "Dream yoga is pretty worthless, I could get the same results doing normal DILD every night" then let me be the first to tell you: your wrong.
Dream Yoga is better than DILD because it teaches you to be aware of your reality
all the time all DILD does is teach you to reality check when you happen to randomly gaze around your reality.
Though its probably the hardest of all methods, dream yoga is also the most rewarding.
You can be carrying on a conversation and also examining the space your in at the same time, its very non intrusive, and gives you the best possible chance of becoming lucid
Its very common for users of this to be lucid in every 9 out of 10 dreams they have.
Whew, comments?[/b]