I think I'm going to try this one. I always get distracted or scared when I hear my alarm going off. It sounds like a good idea, I'll post my results. |
I thought of this idea today, of recording my voice on my phone saying |
Spoiler for Lucid Dreaming Tasks/Goals:
I think I'm going to try this one. I always get distracted or scared when I hear my alarm going off. It sounds like a good idea, I'll post my results. |
Okay, so... I awoke this morning to "Do not move, do not move", and it kinda worked because I didn't move, but I still got distracted, and I remembered to recall my dreams only after I heard my voice saying so. But it doesn't matter, because I could recall 3 dreams, and my average is 1-2. So, yea. It works. |
Yap, tried too. And it kinds works. However I thought at a nicer method. While my alarm was very low (like a whipsering) I placed my phone near my pillow and I recorded :"Wake up! Now stand still! Don't move! Don't move!" and as soon as it started I got conscious and I didn't moved at all. And usually it takes a very loud alarm to wake me up. It took me about 2 minutes to fall asleep again. All I remember now its something like: "Ok I'm sleeping again..." but thats all. Probably I got in a lucid dream for few seconds or so, but I forgot it (I was really tierd last night, usually I remember 3-5 dreams every night). |
There is no such thing as "impossible".
Sounds like a pretty good idea! I had an idea (never carried it out) that involved something similar. I'd set my alarm to go off when I am REM sleep, but the alarm would be my voice repeating over and over "tyler, you are dreaming" "your in a dream". |
Hey thanks for that tip! Usually my alarm freaks me out too, since its pretty noisy and all ("Hey Mickey bring it on" - in case anyone knows that song). |
I have been busy as hell, and i have not been able to attempt this out at anytime, but it's all sweet now. So i'll respond with some info on how i go next week. |
Spoiler for Lucid Dreaming Tasks/Goals:
As I. School is winding down, so hopefully my mind will finally be eat ease. I will post my results as well. |