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    Thread: Is B6 dangerous for young people

    1. #1
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      Is B6 dangerous for young people

      I am 14 years old and my brother is 12(were both into lucid dreaming). I was reading up on B6, is it dangerous for young people. Ohh and is it bad if I take more than 100mg per day?

      Can I take it during a WBTB?

      Does it have side effects when combined with melatonin?

    2. #2
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      1- B6 does not increase lucidity
      2- B6 is a water soluble vitamin like B12 so you can't get intoxicated from it. Your body will absorb what it needs, store what its capable to keep and eliminate via urine the remaining, so you will waste additional intake...
      3- I do not recommend it for a WBTB, is useless and in addition, you will feel pumped up (B6 and B12 helps you if you are in low energy) so its not a good thing to have in the middle of the night.
      4- I do not know what melatonin is, but I do not think it will have side effects (the B6) The melatonin for sure has them, but B6 is a vitamin so it does not conflict with artificial chemicals (medicines)

      Welcome to DV! Stop thinking about drugs and vitamins and take a look over our tutorials, they are a lot of help.

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      Last edited by PercyLucid; 05-17-2010 at 02:02 AM.
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    3. #3
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      Quote Originally Posted by PercyLucid View Post
      1- B6 does not increase lucidity
      2- B6 is a water soluble vitamin like B12 so you can't get intoxicated from it. Your body will absorb what it needs, store what its capable to keep and eliminate via urine the remaining, so you will waste additional intake...
      3- I do not recommend it for a WBTB, is useless and in addition, you will feel pumped up (B6 and B12 helps you if you are in low energy) so its not a good thing to have in the middle of the night.
      4- I do not know what melatonin is, but I do not think it will have side effects (the B6) The melatonin for sure has them, but B6 is a vitamin so it does not conflict with artificial chemicals (medicines)

      Welcome to DV! Stop thinking about drugs and vitamins and take a look over our tutorials, they are a lot of help.

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      I am not into drugs, I have had 2 lucid dreams. I heard(on this site) that B6 increases vividness and recall

    4. #4
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by PercyLucid View Post
      1- B6 does not increase lucidity
      2- B6 is a water soluble vitamin like B12 so you can't get intoxicated from it. Your body will absorb what it needs, store what its capable to keep and eliminate via urine the remaining, so you will waste additional intake...
      3- I do not recommend it for a WBTB, is useless and in addition, you will feel pumped up (B6 and B12 helps you if you are in low energy) so its not a good thing to have in the middle of the night.
      4- I do not know what melatonin is, but I do not think it will have side effects (the B6) The melatonin for sure has them, but B6 is a vitamin so it does not conflict with artificial chemicals (medicines)

      Welcome to DV! Stop thinking about drugs and vitamins and take a look over our tutorials, they are a lot of help.

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      I have heard that theory, but I and others have reported terrible reactions to high doses of B vitamins. I have tried them enough to know that they cause me horrible anxiety and make me feel sick. They can have lots of bad side effects in high doses.

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    5. #5
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      And in normal doses?
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    6. #6
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      I have decided that I will take trypothan and vitamin b complex. If you could be kind enough to give me correct doses, than that will be great.

      Also should I take them at the same time before sleep or at the same time during WBTB

      or take them at different times?

      plz answer

    7. #7
      Just the Wind
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      Too much of anything can be potentialy dangerous. Even water can kill you if you drink too much. And that goes for all ages.

      If you read Universal Mind's link you can see that your body only needs a measly 2mg\day. You probably get more than that just by eating properly.

      My diet happens to be fairly rich in B vitamins and yet I can go for weeks without getting lucid and my recall varies wildly.
      Lucid dreaming (including the recall process) has more to do with training your body and mind than anything else. No wonder recipes, unfortunatly.

    8. #8
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      I don't take any vitamin supplements. I eat balanced meals and get all I need from them. I think vitamin supplements are unnatural for people who don't have medical problems that extra vitamins can help.
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    9. #9
      Newbie louie54's Avatar
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      Sunlight produces serotonin, which is then converted into Melatonin throughout the day. Melatonin is a sleep hormone that basically makes us sleepy at night. I'm not sure what kinds of side effects there would be if you took it with B6, if there are any.

      If you want to try this, don't take more than 200-250mg, and probably not daily. I believe they say 100mg because it provides sort of a safety-net of that extra 100mg or so they think you won't be taking. It's like that there should be no reason for a screw up for such a low dosage, but that's just my opinion. Taking more than that could give you neurological problems.

      I've tried B6 before and although it has given me some weird/f_cked up/long-ass-dreams, I never gotten lucid from them. It just made dreams more vivid for me, but half of them were nightmares.

      For more information, please refer to this guide: http://www.dreamviews.com/community/...ad.php?t=56235 There's information of which types of food have B6 in them (banana, cheese, etc.)
      Last edited by louie54; 05-19-2010 at 04:10 AM.

    10. #10
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      And Louie you never know how much of those dream effects were just placebo. I think people need to just be more patient with lucidity. There is no point to all these threads about crazy stuff you can do to become lucid. I see threads talking about things like sleep deprivation, nova dreamers, Machines hooked up to your face with a wet sponge. Why not just be patient like I have been?

    11. #11
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      Quote Originally Posted by Zebrah View Post
      Why not just be patient like I have been?
      Because you have only had 5 lucid dreams?

      Even if it is all placebo which is highly unlikely, if they are willing to do that then why not? Some of these 'crazy threads' actually do have scientific basis to them.

    12. #12
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      Of course some of these threads do have scientific basis. I am happy with the progress I am making and I want to be able to lucid dream without aids. If I am on vacation or something I might not be able to bring the aid with me. I personaly think you should do what you want but when it starts getting dangerous maybe you should rethink what your doing.
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    13. #13
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      Quote Originally Posted by louie54 View Post
      Sunlight produces serotonin, which is then converted into Melatonin throughout the day. Melatonin is a sleep hormone that basically makes us sleepy at night. I'm not sure what kinds of side effects there would be if you took it with B6, if there are any.
      Actually your body naturally produces serotonin, then the serotonin is converted to melatonin through sunlight, you'll still produce serotonin without sunlight, taking supplements like 5-htp or tryptophan can increase the amount of serotonin and therefore the amount of melatonin, however, to become lucid you need more serotonin than melatonin, this happens during the night which is why WBTBs are so successful, because you reach a point in the night where you have enough serotonin to become aware of your surroundings in a dream but not quite enough to wake up.

      Sorry if there was a lot of commas in that, I never know when to end a sentence
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    14. #14
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      Well, B6 is not dangerous unless you have some very rare condition etc or take crap loads of it. It's actually healthy and helps increase your energy and memory. It's not a drug, it's a vitamin. Just have one multivitamin tablet a day (Higher % is not better) if you want and it should help you be more healthy and help you in dreaming via more vividity -> more awareness during the dream -> better memory of the dream/recall. I advise you to not take it in the night if yo do decide to take them though as it will increase your energy making it harder to sleep and that would give you less time to dream and thus less chance of becoming lucid if you cannot lie in. A couple of hours before you go to bed should be a good time to take it as the energy effect should have gone by then but the increased vividness etc should still have an effect on your dreams. Say, during dinner time? (Tea if that's what you say)

    15. #15
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      I have tried taking B6 before sleep and it does not give me energy. The thing is I think since I have so much serontonin my body is creating to much melatonin, my dream recall went down and I went into a dry spell. It seemed like I had less REM sleep

    16. #16
      Starting from Fresh now.. marcher22's Avatar
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      Unless you have some sort of disorder (and you've actually verified it with your doctor) just eat healthy and incorporate different foods. I know bananas have Vitamin B6 if I'm not mistaken. You shouldn't gain a dependency on taking extra pills in hopes of increasing vividness of dreams. No offense but when I think of Vitamin pills , there for old people (unless some sort of disorder). People have had some quite interesting results with spicy foods..

      In essence don't go screwing up your body and getting sucked into pills. Your 14.
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    17. #17
      Experienced Newbie Genin's Avatar
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      Since I started taking supplements containing vitamin b6 my dream activity went up (to start with I didnt even know what caused it, until I found out that vitamin b6 was behind it). Theres a thread with various supplements/vitamin and some info around it somewhere here. I usually takes a cup or two of warm milk and zink & magnesium & vitamin B supplement before going to bed. Tho I dont take the vitamin b supplement every night. The B supplement Im taking is contanining the entire vitamin b family, like choline etc. Also - I take some extra protein during the day which also can affect dreaming. Since tryptophan needs to be in your system for the above-mentioned to have full effect.

      Tho I must add I dont really take all this for the sake of dreaming - but for my well being and for my training. Sure the milk & vitamin b6 is more leaning towards the dreaming part.
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    18. #18
      Abundant Dreamer Bizarre Jester's Avatar
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      Does it even work? These vitamins are only meant to be taken as supplements, and you shouldn't take any more then what the container says to. I take ginkgo balboa because it supposedly helps memory and dream recall, but there is no miracle pill.

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