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    1. #1
      I love kebap Ilumirath's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2008

      Trying to achieve an OBE

      A few years ago when I was 9 years old, I suddenly awoke floating above my body with my uncle right of me and my grandfather left of me. Both of them past away before I was born.

      At first I thought I was dead and started freaking out, they started calming me down(wich didn't help) and told me that they did this and explained I was just having an out of body experience and that OBE's are perfectly save. So I asked what is the use of this? And they told me they wanted to show me something. I started freaking out even more cos I thought that my body would die if I the spirit would go to far away from it. So after a long time of them trying to calm me down and explaining everything they said "Alright then, when you are ready we will try again sometime. Think and concentrate of your body and you will be back" And as they said that I felt they would try again when I would be around my twenties

      So I'm 19 and will be 20 in a month and lately almost everytime I go to bed I wake up right at the time my body gets sleep paraylised, sometimes 3-4 times in a row. And I have a feeling it's my uncle and grandfather causing this.

      So what are some techniques for when at sleep paralysis to get out of your body?

      Much thanks in advance
      <a href=http://img405.imageshack.us/i/142310leninpreach.jpg/ target=_blank rel=nofollow><img src=http://a.imageshack.us/img405/4567/142310leninpreach.jpg border=0 alt= /></a>

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      Whatever happens~

    2. #2
      Above the Forest dreamerJon23's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2009
      DJ Entries
      look up robert monroe obe technique

      rolling, and pulling a rope work, but u have to wait until u have dream vision first, otherwise u'll just hurt urself
      I am free

      Focus is like a dream.
      DJ (School 2)

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