From time to time I've experienced psychic dreams ranging from seeing my sisters bunk bed before it existed to video games and consoles, but one set of dreams sticks out above the rest. Its meaning isn't exactly clear, and I'm still living out new sections of it. It was a series of two dreams, of similar themes.

The first dream started off as a dream of normal everyday events, mainly that I was feeding my dog. It evening and beginning to get dark. The blinds of the sliding glass door where open about a foot and the door was cracked. My mom was talking on the phone. I went to feed my dog, as usual, but she wasn't coming as she usually did, but dashed back out and then came back onto the patio... As I right this, I'm seeing a possible link that I really didn't want to, but I'll get to that later. I then went to get my dog's food. I brought it out to where we put her food and water bowl and put it there. She ate it like she normally does. I looked out into the backyard and saw two lights, like headlights, approaching from the distance. In my backyard, there are tall bushes and then another neighborhood and house, so seeing that would be impossible. Slightly confused, I went to feed my dog (break down in logic, a common theme in the dreams) when I was getting her food, I heard something in the bushes, which is quite normal, since we have a lot of lizards and toads that often make noise at that time. I put the cover back on the container and turned around to see a person standing there. He was wearing dark clothing, and had black hair and green eyes that were just a tad greener than normal green eyes. The only really noticeable thing was that he seemed to radiate evil. After that, all logic deteriorated, from the disappearance of several of my possessions to an ambulance driving across my backyard. I don't remember everything from that section, only that it was chaos.

The dream interested me a great deal. It bothered me since I've had several other dreams with random things occurring that predicted things in the future, and I feed my dog every other day (my sister and I take turns), but I wouldn't consider it a nightmare. It was a while before I had the second dream, though I'm sure it was within a few months. I remember some parts of it, but I'm not exactly sure how it started. The first thing I remember was that I was jogging on the sidewalk of my neighborhood at night. There was a lot of heat lightning above me and I was looking side to side. I was jogging for a reason, but I didn't know what it was. When I reached the gate, I saw most of my friends there, where the bus stop is. Across from that there is a lake where a fountain is. I looked over towards the lake and saw the same person that was in the previous dream. At the sight of him, I realized that this was a dream, and knowing that, tried to take control. I gave myself the ability to fire an energy beam from my hands. I fired it at him. He was hovering over the lake near where the fountain was. Right before it hit, he did what had to have been the coolest side-step ever and increased the power of the energy beam to a level that would destroy the neighborhood. I guided it around until I realized it was still a dream and merely turned it into foam, which tends to be... less explosive By that time, the mysterious figure was gone, and the dream turned chaotic again. This dream had a built in epilogue. I woke up within the dream and visited a rich neighbor on the other side of my neighborhood (As far as I know, this person has no real counterpart). Whatever traces of lucid dreaming there had been were gone, and I believed myself to be awake within the dream. Within this man's house, which was huge, there were rows and rows of parked cars. I woke up from the dream, this time for real, and tried to remember everything I could. The clearest thing in my head was that there were 40 or 41 cars.

After this second dream, I was pretty convinced that there was something major that it revolved around. I've never had a dream repeat in any shape or form, but this one had happened twice, in different forms, but they were most definitely the same dream. I was expecting some other dream about it, but that never came. The thing that did was much more interesting than a third dream in the series could've been. I began to live the dream in real life. Every once in a while, when I went to feed the dog, I'd relive one of the normal-life scenes from the dream. If it weren't for constantly reviewing the dream, I wouldn't have noticed it, since the events were so common. They reoccurred chronologically, scene by scene, up until the appearance of the strange man, excluding the illogical parts. After reliving every scene from dream 1, I thought about dream 2, which had only one realistic part, although this one wasn't likely to happen. A little while later, My Sister had several friends over for a sleep-over. It had just gotten dark out, and I was bored, so I decided to see what they were doing. I asked my mom were they were, and she told me that they had gone for a walk. I went outside to find them. I was jogging down the sidewalk at night. I looked up and saw heat lightning, and quite a lot of it. I looked side to side a few times, and then I realized that I had just relived the final realistic scene from my dreams.

I decided that I needed to do something to find the next link in interpreting my dream. I remembered a section in Genesis that dealt with dream interpretation where a number of items represented either days or years. I counted out 40/41 days on the calendar. I forget what the exact date was, but I found out several weird coincidences. It was the 31st and final day of the month, which coincided with either a full or new moon, and the start of the Sabbath, which started on the end of the 40th day and ended on the 41st day. Wondering if that would lead any farther, I found that on the Hebrew calendar, that day was the 13th, Friday the 13th. It was also some special Sabbath I had never heard of, which I don't remember now, but its meaning startled me. I could look up pretty easily, but I'd have to wake my parents to learn the day I had picked.

I kept that day marked in my head. I wasn't afraid of it, but it did make me uneasy. I didn't think anything good would come of it. I still had no clue why I was so sure that I had taken the right steps to find the dream's meaning, but I was sure it would be nothing good. When the 31st day of the month came, I was a little uneasy all day, but I was sure nothing would happen until night. When night finally came, I wasn't sure what to expect. At about 10:00 pm, my parents told me that I needed to pack since we'd be leaving for a trip to Georgia (we live in south Florida) tomorrow for a (literally) last minute family vacation. This caught me off guard. It was unlike any trip we'd ever done. We'd always known at least a month in advance when we'd be leaving on a major trip. This reminded me of my dream, and I'm sure that it had something to do with it. It was a break down in logic, which was the beginning of the end of both dreams. I wasn't too happy about going on a major trip on the day I had picked out 41 days in advance; I still had no clue if whatever my dream had predicted had already happened with the surprise trip. The trip went well, and I had a great time. I quickly forgot about any worries the dream had brought about. After that, nothing came about from the dream until I told in on a website forum not too long ago. As I typed it, I thought it would be a good ideal to give line numbers for the section of the Torah I had used to help interpret the dream. The answer gave me a shock, and confirmed just how major the dream might still be. It was Genesis, Chapter 41. There are quite a few links between the dream and the passage. I wondered what the chances of something like that happening randomly were. I scanned through the torah and found that there was exactly one chapter 41, and that it had lines that could almost directly apply to my dream.

The date I had picked out 41 days in advance was July 31st, 2004.
It was not only a full moon, but a blue moon (2nd full moon of the month)
That day was the 13th of Av on the Hebrew Calendar, and Shabbat Nachamu.
extract from
The Shabbat following the Ninth of Av is the Shabbat of joy over our anticipated consolation. It is called Shabbat Nachamu, for the prophetic portion that is read is taken from Chapter 40 of Isaiah which begins with the words Nachamu, nachamu ami - \"Console, console my people, says your G-d.\"[/b]
I'm not one to believe in superstition, but I do believe in irony. That date ended up being a very fun vacation.
Now, if I come at it from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy view, the answer to life, the universe and everything is 42. On the 42nd day after the final realistic scene form the dream happened, I was having a great time on vacation, so if the answer was then, it would mean that it was more or less a practical joke, and a great one at that...

Any comments, questions, observations, etc. would be appreciated. This is the only dream I've had with such intricate ties to reality.