Originally posted by Ex Nine
Ernest Renan (1823-1892)
French historian
\"No miracle has ever taken place under conditions which science can accept. Experience shows, without exception, that miracles occur only in times and in countries in which miracles are believed in, and in the presence of persons who are disposed to believe them.\"
-- The Life of Jesus (1863)
As quoted from www.positiveatheism.org
That is, after all, exactly what the spiritualists and occultists tell us. Believe in miracles and you will think that you see them happening. Absolutely spot on. Atheists concur.
this historian quoted was a Free Mason. And then again, whenever has a French Intellectual ever flinched from lyijng if it would help him to score a polemic point?
We have plenty of instances of Modern Skeptics witnessing miracles. The greatest instance was in 1917 in Portugal, then in the throws of a secular Socialist Revolution well after over 200 years of Intellectual Influence from the Skeptical French Enlightenment, that is, such thinking as we see in the above mentioned French Historian. What we had in Portugal in 1917 was the Most Spectacular Miracle in Human History. After some six successive Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin, in Fatima Portugal, once each month, in October occurred the cresendo with the Miracle of the Sun. 75000 People witnessed it in the Field of Fatima, but it was observed over 500 Square Miles by people who had not intended to be involved. many of the people who witnessed the miracle had been intellectual atheists, of deep European Anti-clerical tradition who had gone to hoot and deride the superstitious old ladies who would believe such 'rubbish'. yet they themselves witnessed what had happened. It all quite let the air out of the Portugese Socialist Secular Revolution.
Lourdes France likewise has a scientific community that believes in miracles, and this in the very land of Voltaire and Diderot -- the Stronghold of European FreeMasonary. The Organization of Doctors started out to debunk the Miracles of Lourdes and ended in being the Organization which certifies them.
One famous Atheistic Miracle involves a Jewish Atheist of Paris who published articles ridiculing the so-called Miraculous Medal which was coined in Paris of the 1830's, perhaps during some of the most Skeptical Years in French History. Indeed, during the Revolution of 1830 Citizens were receiving Community Awards for having murdered Bishops and Priests. Anyway, on a dare, this particular Atheist consented to wear a copy of the Miraculous Medal around his neck for a stated period. As coincidence would have it he went with a friend to keep a meeting at the Notre Dame. Waiting in one of the side chapels, suddenly the entire Cathedral disappeared and he found himself in an open meadow where he had an audience with the Blessed Virgin Herself who had come to vindicate Herself and Her Medal. this Atheist subsequently went through all the trouble to convert to Catholicism and become himself a Priest.
So, that French History was writing in 1892, was certainly entirely full of crap. Any educated person should really know better, or must be intentionally lying.