my dream was this: i was driving down the road with my two children, and the next thing i know i'm standing outside my car knowing that something horribles has just happened. i didn't look inside, i just ran to the nearest neighbor for help. a man and a woman answer the door and ask me " what just happened?" Deep in my heart i knew that something terrible had happened to my children and i fell apon my knees and cried "Oh God!!" That same exact moment i was sucked up into some kind of warp hole, or tunnel, i really don't know, but i was taken in a second to another realm.

The figure standing before me was white and i could not see it's face, only the robe, which was a robe made of braided light, it's hard to describe, but i could see each stitch of the robe as if it were alive.

I was sore afraid and fell apon my knees, i knew that this place that i was in was not where i was supposed to be. I never spoke one word but in my heart i was pleading for the life of my children. the figure standing in front of me ( surrounded by a brilliant white light, which gave off heat i could actually feel) took his arm and waved it in front of me, as to say, all is granted.

Just a second and i was kneeling in front of the man and woman from before, and my children came running up to me from the car.

Be it a dream or not, i will never forget the man in white.