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    1. #1
      Member carrathanatos's Avatar
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      Nov 2005

      meeting people/getting into someone else's LD?

      side note: I have been able to LD all my life, and have never known anything else. I can control my dreams at will, and have always been able to recognize that I am dreaming--with three exceptions that I am aware of. The only problem I have is that my recall drops after about a half hour after I wake up and leave bed.

      So, my boyfriend Bjandon and I have been trying to get him to LD in order to "meet up" in our dreams, and talk to eachtoehr. Now that I am in Micghain, and he in Arizona, this want has gotten stronger, but we've finally come ot the conclusion that we can't get him to learn to ld before I leave Micgain and get back to Arizona. So he suggested that I lucid dream into one of his!

      Cool. So I try this.... and the first few nights I don't come up with much of anything, but last night.... I think I might've done it. The thing that tipped me off was the fact that overall dream experience cahnged--that is, my dreams tend to have very detailed things in them, and are very solid, darker relaizitc colors. All of a sudden, my dream was very.... blended. Very colorful. Almost surrealistic painting style. This is where my recall fails me (I remember the color change and overall becasue I've never had such a brilliatnyl jsut... beautiful cahnge like that in my dreams. It was ogrgoues....) I remember a huge gear, and I remember bjandon being in the background and I remember flying and somehow or another I was talking to him.

      ANd you know how sounds coming fomr outside are differnet from sounds taht you think in your head, like your thoughts? I have been trying for quite some time to be able to craete sounds from the outside at will (as when youre brain is wandering it tends to do it, but I have never been able to control it), and I HEARD him. Through my left ear (I was laying on my right side).

      I talked to Bjandon about it the next day, and he said taht he didn't remember, but that he idnd't go to sleep intending on remembering his dreams, but that his dreams do tend to look like that.

      Has anyone else tried to do something like this?

    2. #2
      Member suorkaterina's Avatar
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      I've never experienced that but I have been interested in finding out more about "dream jumping" I can only assume it to be possible with people you are close to or have some connection with.

      The hearing him thing I've kinda had all my life. You described it really well. I've always felt like I can hear other people's conversations in my head. Lately I've been hearing one of my friends occasionally. So I truly think this is possible. I deffinately think it has to do with psychic connection.

    3. #3
      Member lackofurgency's Avatar
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      Jan 2006

      omg...sorry this is so long....

      Haha hey, it's me, your adoptee. Fancy that...found this post randomly, and it applies to me. Anywho,
      I think maybe I will be able to help you as much as you can help me. This happens to be the one things I seem to do very well!

      It started when I moved in to a single room efficiency with my two friends Cal and Rene. Rene introduced me to Carlos Casteneda, and I began to pick up my lucid dreaming techniques again. I was dating Cal at the time, Cal and I have since broken up, and now Rene and I are together. Heh..yeah..anyway, so! After like 2 weeks of the three of us sleeping in one large room, we began sharing dreams. Not just talking about them -we would recall our dreams to eachother, but after a while we actually had the same dreams at night. Never "exactly" the same, but involving the same characters, or settings, or plot lines. If one of us dreamt of the other two, the other two also dreamt of all of us, etc. Our dreams proceeded to become more and more similar, and then Cal and I moved out. Cal and I continued to have the same dreams, but Rene appeared in them less frequently, and dreamt of us less often.
      Then I moved to Vermont for my summer job, and left Cal and Rene in Texas.
      There I decided to try meeting up in our dreams again, this time as an experiment to see if it could be done over great distances. 2100 miles, to be precise. I told my intentions to Rene and he agreed to try to. It worked! With less frequency...but it worked none the less. Then suddenly, a dear friend of mine, and Rene's, passed away. That day I dreamt of Rene, and Rene dreamt of me staring him in the face as though trying to say something. The next day he wrote to me and demanded to know what I wanted to tell him. I then had to pass along the message I had just received about our friend.
      Rene and I now live together, and sleep together, and we dream almost every night of eachother in various settings, and often the dreams are shockingly similar. One night Rene woke me up and said "hey, you keep walking away from me in my dreams, come back." I said, "Oh, sorry Rene, I'll come back.". i was dreaming of a revolution conspiracy that involved our friends. We went back to sleep, and the next morning he woke me up and said "you came back in my dream! you made me cornbread muffins and said -'here's some conspiracy cornbread'!"
      That was fun.
      Ok, now, here's my last example, I promise. I have this crazy spiritual friend who's been travelling in Indonesia this past year, meditating, and whatnot. We were writing to eachother and I decided that I needed to see him. Since I'm in TX and have no money to travel I suggested we attempt trying to meet in dreamtime to "catch up". he said he would try, but did not trust his dream travel abilities very well. So, I said I would come to him.
      That very night, I dreamt that I found myself in a jungle with my friend. We talked for a long time in the dream, and even had sex, and it was even good. haha.
      So, here's what I suggest for you. If you can get back to your boy boy, the physical presence of your bodies in proximity will aid your dreamtime meetings. It's much easier to find someone in non-physical reality, when your physical realities are touching. However, if you can't get to him now physically, I think you can get to him in dreamtime. Just will it into existence. Find him.
      I wish my suggestions could be better, but I don't know how else to do it really, and really i'm not sure I know how to do it all. I just do. You will too I bet.
      Good luck.
      Much Love.
      "Recapitulating and Dreaming go hand in hand. As we regurgitate out lives we become more and more airborne." don Juan Matus

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Sep 2005
      24 Sussex Dr
      Talk to Howetzer,

      He's doing research on dream sharing.


    5. #5
      I am God Kastro187420's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2005
      Here is everywhere you are
      Or Aquanina. If I remember right she was helping Howetzer out on that experiment...


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