• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      Rhode Island
      I was wondering if anyone knows how you can tell the difference between these types of dreams.

      I've had countless precognative dreams over the course of my life, which have always led me to be made fun of. I'll never forget trying to talk to my family about them as a child, they still laugh about me wanting to talk "psycic dreams" at the dinner table. Almost all the time I don't realize the dreams will lead to something until it has happened in the waking world.

      A few nights ago I had a dream that has thrown me through a loop and I'm wondering if it was precognative or not. I'd rather not go too far into it yet (I'm brand new here and it's quite personal) but it bounced around as if trying to show me things. I got a few days here and then jumped ahead several months and the same thing. I didn't remember anything leading up to the events in the dream which seemed signifigant (i've never had this before). I also woke up with physical symptoms that have yet to disappear, and this was 3 nights ago.

      Is there anyway to tell if this was preparing me for something or giving me something to look forward to?

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Feb 2007
      Rhode Island
      Any thoughts? Just one maybe?

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Feb 2007


      Quote Originally Posted by Abukuchick View Post
      Any thoughts? Just one maybe?

      Hi, im glad to see someone else besides me considering this possibility. Ive been lucid dreaming for years now and have also had the 'precognitive' types of dreams. Just for example, at one point I dreamed I was swimming in a pool, and a man walked up to the edge and said, Mam, please get out, there are pirahnas in the pool. The next day I was speaking with a friend online who informed me that him and his parents had purchased 4 pirahnas as pets. I was stunned.

      Since then I have had many dreams like this but like you, it is hard to determine if they are precognitive until after the events have transpired and you look back and associate the two.

      First off, this is why it is important to keep a dream journal. This way you dont attempt to associate things with a dream that you can't recall from memory....what i mean is, If you think you had a dream about a fish and you think it was a blue fish, any blue fish you see is going to call out to you as precognitive when in fact it could have been yellow or red or not a fish at all but in fact a snake. Once you wake sometimes it is very difficult to remember parts of dreams that dont seem important to you at the time as well. For instance you may remember seeing someone in the dream who was important to you, which is going to distract you from other aspects of what you are seeing and also can lead to misinterpretation.

      However, even though our dreams present us with similarities to our lives, even days after, im not to sure we can call it precognitive due to the fact that it isnt associated with a course of action until after the fact, negating the 'pre'. However i do believe that a part of our dreams can give us hints as to things that may happen or things that are happening elsewhere that we might not have knowledge of yet. My personal explanation for this is that perhaps instead of having precognitive lucid dreams, we are actually having OBE's (out of body experiences) in which we experience paths of our life we wouldnt normally be able to see, leading us to believe later on that our dream was in face foretelling, when it in fact could have just been that we had already seen it and just associated it with a dream as opposed to actually being there.

      After having a few lucid dreams this week I am currently preoccupied with trying to answer some of my own questions but If you have any more questions of your own or are interested in any of my personal techniques and methods as far as WILDS (ive never really needed or used MILDS) or LD please feel free to message me anytime.



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