Hi, My name is Sean and i have a potentially tricky question. Hopefully someone can give me an good answer or thier best analysis.
A few days ago, i desided id go to sleep around 12:30AM while leaving the TV on the CARTOON NETWORK and semi watching and listening to a FAMILY GUY episode. I left the volume at a low (but hearable) level and nodded off into dreamland.
I proceeded to have a dream (being 110% sure it was a dream and that i was dreaming) about being in some sort of haunted house or catacomb like place. In this place there were two very distinct and different types of creatures. Monsters, which were green in color, and vampires, which were black.
By no means was this a nightmare, or a scary dream situation. It was a rather light hearted, fun type of situation. I was directly interacting with both types of creatures during this dream, though not entirely sure in what capacity. Another aspect of this dream was there were a small number of the monsters that were changing into vampires (from green to black), as well as reverse, vampires into monsters.
Then i awoke.
Being characteristically groggy when i wake up in between sleep stages, i had noticed the glow of the TV and that i had forgot to turn it off. I found the remote laying close by, and turned off the TV. I took a glance at my alarm clock which read 2:30AM.
I recalled the details of the dream i'd just had as it was still fresh in my memory.
Then i was compelled check what show was on tv before i fell back asleep.
It was a cartoon Id never seen or watched before, i watched it for a minuite and was shocked to see what it was about.
These two crudely drawn characters that resembled for lack of a better description, monsters. They were together and the part i saw they were discussing how to avoid the group of "vampires" (in thier own words) that were chasing them. The backdrop seemed to be a cave or catacomb or something to that effect (it was crudely drawn) just than a group of vampires supprised them by poping around a corner. The two monsters suddenly started "acting" like vampires which momentarily fooled the group of vamps that were chasing them into believing they were Vampires. Though the color of the show seemed to be basicly white (some light coloring in the background) and black outlined drawings. Not the vivid green and black of my dream
From what ive read, when you're in the REM stage of sleep your 5 senses are in a shut down or hybernation mode. Is the correct? even if they are somewhat functional, how could i have been able to discern that much detail of character and plot into my dream from the tv show?
For any skeptics i stake my life on the fact that i was asleep and dreaming before i woke up and realised what was showing on the TV.
Any ideas would be greatly appriciated! THANKS!
(a part time - capible lucid dreamer)