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    1. #1
      Dream Shaper onyxdreamer's Avatar
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      Dream Work To Make My Ex-husband Behave

      Even after nine years of divorce, I intermittently have problems with my ex husband when it comes to custody arrangements. Right now, we're going through a rough patch and I really don't have the energy to go back to court, miss work, etc.

      Therefore, I am going to attempt to solve this problem in my sleep. I'm not sure how I'm going to tackle the issue, but it will be a combination of problem solving in my dreams and dream sharing. Maybe, I will explore options, which will help me to see things more clearly when I'm awake.

      I'm not sure if I believe in the concept of dream sharing or entering someone's dreams, but I figure it can't hurt to try to try. My plan is to either enter or share a dream with my ex, where he sees the futility of antagonizing me. Whether the dream sharing or entering his dreams works or not, I figure it will have an effect on my perception and my behavior and maybe, the way I interact with him will have a calming effect on both me and him.

      Has anyone tackled a relationship problem in a dream(s)?

    2. #2
      Dream Shaper onyxdreamer's Avatar
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      I should clarify when I say I don't know if dream sharing works/exists. I actually shared a dream with my daughter one time. We had the same dream. What I mean is that I don't know if I can induce it myself by sheer, conscious will.

    3. #3
      I am become fish pear Abra's Avatar
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      I wonder if dream sharing would work with descendents? They share your genetic code, after all, and that's the only encryption of your consciousness that will remain after you die. In a sci-fi loving world, the daughter dream would seem plausible. But I'm not here to talk about that, nor do I believe it. I do like, however, creating such fabrications.

      I say, don't count on the dream-sharing jumbo at all. It's unreliable, coincidential, rare, and warped by expectation and emotion (which makes it 'real' to some, but only in the imagination).

      I think using a lucid dream to talk to your ex would be better than trying to resolve it by mocking him. Talk to your ex in a lucid dream as if he were real. The way he responds may give you insight to parts of his thought process you might have overlooked while awake. If you talk to him about your options in the dream, you may end up finding the best way to talk to him while awake. In the end, don't rely solely on your dreams to resolve the situation. You'll need to do something in real life to get a real life response. Dreaming may be a crutch to discover for yourself what the best method to get that response is.

      Quote Originally Posted by OldSparta
      I murdered someone, there was bloody everywhere. On the walls, on my hands. The air smelled metallic, like iron. My mouth... tasted metallic, like iron. The floor was metallic, probably iron

    4. #4
      Member apachama's Avatar
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      Indeed, I really wouldn't try using dream sharing like that. Its not magic, I really doubt you'd get as much out of it as you think.

      So yeah, dreaming about this problem may help. But I doubt you could use dreams to get inside another persons subconscious and tell them what to do without serious and possibly impossible experience in dream sharing.
      Apachama: Noun. Slimey things made of dust.

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    5. #5
      Dream Shaper onyxdreamer's Avatar
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      Thanks for the replies.

      I haven't had any dreams about him that I'm aware of. He does seem to have calmed down somewhat, however.
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