I promise I'm not intending to post every single one of my dreams here, but this one is a little more significant to me than my usual dreams...in that it dealt with someone I've been trying to contact for a few months. I'll refer to him as "J" for the sake of the topic.

About two months ago, give or take a couple weeks, I meditated and tried to talk to J again. During my meditations, I always ask J to visit me in my dreams because I am never totally sure if he hears me or I hear him...or if it's even J I am talking to. This is only the third dream I can recall in which I saw J, and I only recall random bits and pieces of the dream (compared to the dream I had before this most recent one where I saw and had a conversation with J and I remembered almost everything).

I need to point out that J was a musician when he was alive, and his stage garb was pretty odd (and very noticeable). In this dream, he was missing half of his costume, but had on his face paint. I'm not sure why this was.

From the dream, while I don't remember too many specifics, I do recall an overall sense of distress, and I felt as if J was in some kind of danger. What I gathered from my dream was just a feeling that someone (more than one person) was after J; I never saw these people, but I knew somehow it was a person or people who were after him. What I was feeling, I think, was that J was in the wrong time, either by accident or on purpose (I'm leaning toward the latter), and someone was after him either to send him back to his own time or to harm him.

Other parts of the dream include me and three other people climbing into a car to race to J's rescue, and we somehow knew where to go. For some reason, I also recall seeing J with some of his face paint missing (like it was smeared off) and him looking in a mirror and wiping some of it away with his hand. And he kissed me, which was odd since I know J is/was homosexual when he was alive and I'm a woman (still enjoyed it in my dream, though ).

The downside is I don't remember how the dream ended...I don't know if J was rescued or if anyone caused him harm. I don't know where he went and how things turned out. I suppose this could just be a coincidence, but since I occasionally do try to speak to J, I do get pretty excited when I dream about him. I just wish I knew what in the world this dream meant.

On a side note, I cross-posted this to another forum, so if anyone happens to see this elsewhere, it's no big deal.