Some common gemstones whose energies are known to be effective at producing lucid dreams, assisting in restful sleep, alleviating nightmares, etc.
Nightmares/Sleep Protection
Agates attract strength. Agate is a protection from bad dreams. It also protects from stress and energy drains. Agates have been used in jewelry since Biblical Babylonian times. They were used to ward off storms. They were prized gems in antiquity. The agates with banded colors were placed at the head of a sleeper to give rich and varied dreams.
Emotionally, malachite stimulates inner imagery, making dreams, imagination and memories more alive and real. It is used in amulets to protect against the evil eye. To help get rid of nightmares, keep a piece of Malachite in your bedroom.
Alleviates recurring nightmares (particularly for children). Chrysoprase helps to make conscious what was unconscious. It strengthens the workings of insight and the higher consciousness.
Lucid Dreaming
This stone promotes inner peace and deep relaxation.
It is an excellent aid to meditation. Scolecite helps one to realize subtle messages from the inner self and from higher sources. It enhances the dream state, facilitating dream recall, lucid dreaming and restful sleep.
For Daydreaming: shows us our real goals and intentions so that we suddenly see their real shape, stimulates the imagination. Labradorite is a power stone, allowing you to see through illusions and determine the actual form of your dreams and goals. It is excellent for strengthening intuitions.
Danburite is a very spiritual stone that carries a pure vibration. It is excellent for relief of stress and worry. Hold a danburite in each hand for a calming effect and to prepare for deep meditation.
Some uses of Danburite are: Restful sleep, lucid dreaming; Promotes angelic communication; Stimulates heart chakra; Opens one to Divine Source; Karmic cleanser
Higher Awareness/Meditation
Power Stone
It is used as a dream stone and to help insomnia. Put an amethyst under your pillow to bring about pleasant dreams, or rub it across your forehead to offer relief from a headache.
Protection Stone
Ancient Egyptians used the amethyst guard against guilty and fearful feelings. It has been worn as protection from self-deception, as well as a protection against witchcraft. The amethyst has long been used to open the spiritual and psychic centers, making it one of the power stones. It is also used as a meditation aid when worn as a necklace.
Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye lets you see everything. Use it for insight and you can be a very lucky person. When used in jewelry the tiger eye may bring good luck and protection from the evil eye to the wearer. It is also known to bring clear thinking and insight.
Healing properties of Tiger Eye
Tiger's-eye or Cat's-Eye is a stone for the mind, not the body. Tiger Eye is used to focus the mind. It will cause the mind to have feeling of oneness and feel more direct in all thoughts. It makes one aware of one's own needs related to the needs of others.
This stone is especially beautiful with its silvery white shimmering patterns on a sea green background. It's name is derived from the Seraphim (Angels of the highest order) and this stone is used to establish connections to the angelic realm. It carries these vibrations: Greater awareness of the Divine Feminine; Restoration of health and balance; Connects the physical with the angelic realm; Encourages living from the heart
Celestite (also known as celestine) offers a gentle uplifting energy that will raise one's awareness. It is an effective stone to use in order to establish and maintain communication with the angelic realm.
This stone is ideal for placement in the bedroom, or meditation space as an environmental cleanser. Celestite is a soft stone (both physically and metaphysically) and its vibrations radiate in all directions. Celestite is an elevating crystal that makes one feel as though floating on a cloud.
Ohio celestite (tabular celestite)
This is considered the most powerful of the celestites. Gentle, yet very strong, this celestite is used to open the third eye to higher dimensions. Ohio celestite is effective in strengthening psychic abilities as well as mental capacity for inspiration, learning skills and discipline.
Above info from: Crystal-Cure
Below info from: Energy Healing Info: Crystals for Lucid Dreaming and Dream Recall
Amethyst for Dream Recall: A crown chakra crystal (7th chakra) that brings a connection to higher divinity. This stone is useful for dream recall. It will also promote peaceful sleep and serenity. It deepens meditations and will aid in deepening dreams as well. It will aid in insomnia.
Ametrine for Dream Wisdom: A crown chakra crystal (7th Chakra). Ametrine is a natural blend of Amethyst and Citrine inclusions. Ametrine will aid you in accessing your higher wisdom in the dream realms.
Azurite for Accessing Intuition through Dreams: A third eye chakra crystal (6th Chakra).Azurite heightens psychic awareness and intuition. It will aid you in opening up to the intuitive potentials of your dreams. This is an excellent stone for use with dream work, and is recommended as one of the top stones to choose if you don't already have one picked out.
Clear Quartz for Amplifying Dreams: All seven chakras. Clear quartz is an amplifier. It is especially beneficial for use in dream work to amplify the vividity of your dreams and the recollection of your dreams upon awakening. Clear quartz is easily programmed for any purpose, and can be programmed to work as a dream stone.
Lepidolite for Nightmares and Insomnia: Crown Chakra (7th Chakra). Lepidolite is a calming crystal. It contains the natural substance lithium which has been used by modern science to calm agitated individuals. You can access the calming effects of lithium without resorting to prescription drugs simply by keeping lepidolite in your home or on your body. Lepidolite is useful for people with bad dreams, interrupted sleep patterns,anxiety or insomnia. Often times these three factors will keep a person from having good dream recall. If you frequently experience any of these three factors, consider Lepidolite for your dreamwork.
Moldavite for Transformative Dream Work: All seven chakras. Moldavite is a powerful stone of transformation. If you are wanting to do some serious dreamwork, use moldavite in conjunction with any of the stones listed above. Moldavite can change your life, by working with it in your dreamwork, it will help you to facilitate faster growth in any area you are focused on, whether dream recall, lucid dreaming, or astral travel.
This is for all of you who want the quick and easy answer of how to aid dream recall, depth of dreams, and lucid dreaming. Take a stone you are drawn to and ask it to aid your visions and recall. Place the stone under your pillow and see what happens!
Every night before you go to bed, hold the stone in your left hand and ask it to bring you dreams that will help you discover your higher path in life or that clarify whatever issue is most at hand in your life. For example, if you are confused about a work situation, ask the stone and your spirit guides to bring you a dream that will clarify the path of highest good. If you are worried about disagreements with a loved one, ask the stone and your spirit guides to bring you a dream that will clarify the best direction to take for harmony with your loved one.
These are just examples, focus on the most pressing issue in your life that you want guidance on. Simply ask for clarity from your spirit guides, angel guides, animal totems, Jesus, Buddha, whomever it is that you personally choose to work with. The stone will act as a conduit to bring their higher wisdoms to you. You can use any stone for this exercise. Several good ones are clear quartz, amethyst, azurite, sodalite, moldavite, and zincite.
If you feel like it, program the stone to your specific request before using it. Visit the programming your crystal page for a detailed how-to list on programming a stone. A condensed version focused on programming a stone for dream recall, astral travel, and lucid dreaming is here. Clear the crystal of previous programming or old energies. This can be done by cleansing the crystal thoroughly. If you are short on time, and the crystal has been cleansed recently, simply hold it under running water for a few minutes and ask your higher spirit and angel guides to clear the old programming out of the stone.
First, cleanse your crystal. This can be accomplished by holding it under running water for a few moments as a quick and easy method, or for a more intensive cleansing leave it outside in a bowl of water overnight. Once your chosen dream crystal has been cleansed, meditate with the stone in your hands. It is beneficial to create a calm, serene environment while you are doing this. Some ideas are burning candles or incense, playing a cd of new age music, and smudging your home with sage. Whatever you find peaceful, just make sure you are in a calm, focused state before beginning the programming process. Hold the crystal in your hands and gaze upon it.
As you gaze at the stone, visualize yourself sleeping comfortably in your bed. Envision a soothing blue light encircling you and your entire bed. The blue light is a portal to the dream world. Envision your stone tucked under your pillow or mattress, or sitting on top of your nightstand. The stone is circled in the blue light also. The blue light dream portal is now open to you. With the assistance of your stone, you can travel through the dream portal to the dream world. You can easily pass back and forth, remembering details of this plane and the dream plane.
Now ask your stone to aid you in your dreaming. Ask for increased dream recall, lucid dreaming, astral travel, and guidance in your dreams. Thank your stone for undertaking the task of dream guardian for you. The stone will keep you safe in the dream realms, moving towards your highest purpose, and the knowledge that your higher self wants to share with you.
Seal the intention into your crystal by envisioning a white light surrounding the stone, and emanating from within it. The new vibrations are now stored in the crystal. The dream program will stay until you clear the crystal again.
Every night before you fall asleep, hold the dream stone in your left hand (the left hand is for receiving energies, the right hand is for sending energies) and thank it for aiding you. Say, "Thank you for helping me to remember my dreams tonight. Thank you for helping me receive guidance from my spirit guides in my dreams tonight. Thank you for helping me receive guidance regarding (insert any special issue you are trying to resolve) in my dreams tonight." Hold the dream stone to your third eye for a minute and concentrate your energies on the third eye. Meditate on the energies of your stone. Then place your dream stone near your bed. Common places are under your pillow, under your mattress, under your bed, or on your night stand.
Note: Say the thank you's out loud. There is more power in the human voice than is currently recognized by modern science. Intoning the words starts a vibration that penetrates through to the spirit world. Another tip is to always use a positive affirmation. Instead of saying "Thank you for taking away my bad dreams". "Say Thank you for bringing me joyful dreams tonight."