I remember having a few dreams that came true as a kid(simple ones about a game of hide and seek on someones birtday party for example), but now I don't know the details anymore so it could've been just deja vu's (wich I've had plenty too) |
Hello everyone. I'm fairly new here and I was curious to getting to know other individuals who may have odd experiences or 'gifts' like myself. Over the last year I've discovered a great many things about me that I'd personally like to advance. |
"A natural progression happens when you choose to start it."
I remember having a few dreams that came true as a kid(simple ones about a game of hide and seek on someones birtday party for example), but now I don't know the details anymore so it could've been just deja vu's (wich I've had plenty too) |
Even then, what are deja vus? How do they happen and why? A friend of mine doesn't believe in anything spiritual and is extremely agnostic, but still to this day remains baffled with deja vus. |
"A natural progression happens when you choose to start it."
I know we dream our life before it happens, I think that's what deja vu is, no? |
Is there more control than always having lucid dreams? Is there more than what I already have grasped?
I'm empathetic. But I doubt that counts. |
Go insane for me, I'm that selfish you see
We're a wicked rhyme, a line followed
By the darkest picture, making everyone cry
Oh, but it does! I should have labeled the topic to be simply 'Do you have some sort of gift?'" |
"A natural progression happens when you choose to start it."
I just very recently came aware of it. It's a lot stronger with my family. But occasionally (but very rarely) there is this one person I just see randomly out of no where and suddenly a wave of emotions that are not mine overwhelm me. |
Go insane for me, I'm that selfish you see
We're a wicked rhyme, a line followed
By the darkest picture, making everyone cry
sort of but I'm not sure. |
Are you dreaming?
Lucid Goals
Astral Proyection [ ]
Every once in a while, I'll have a precognitive dream. But it's hard for me to tell the difference between a regular dream and a precognitive one. |
LDs- 1
I have done years of study into the subconscious and I am in no doubt that we possess several layers of consciousness. Our ability to access these different layers depends mostly on how much effort we put into trying to access them. Continiously practising and focusing on accessing other parts of your brain or consciousness (like for instance doing regular meditation) will make it more possible to do so. For example, anyone on these boards who has spent time in developing their dreaming capabilities will be able to verify this point. Practising establishes and reinforces the neural pathways in the brain leading to the ability in question (whether metaphysical or otherwise). In your case, Echelon, perhaps the accident managed to disturb one of the neural pathways in your brain leaving your brain to have to find another path, hence your increase in intuitive or "psychic" abilities. Take advantage of this and find a mentor or group to help you develop your newly discovered abilities in a safe way! |
I've had a lot of simularitys in the same but mine are slightly different I get riddles numbers and I don't understand them until latter it's also a gut feeling to me as well when I have one it doesn't go away until it happens but whenever I focuse on it I hear the exsact same thing and it doesn't feel like a thought from my mind and its almost like a voice when I was younger I was a atheist and belived it to be a demon but a good one that protected me and told me the futer. for example one time when I was in a boardingschool where it spoke to me a lot. it told me this one time that the geep that just passed was a under cover cop there was no way for me to know and im not a person that gets parniod at all either I was under age in Utah for ciggerts about 16 and so where all my friends there because you had to be 19 and I told them we had to leave sense I was also the person with the fake id well he ended up being a under cover cop/a cop off dutie/ chief and I got arrested there where several other incidents but I can never rember them shortly after they happen it always happens for me when im in a bad enviorment but I belive you have the gift of healing and I have another gift I don't know what tho. but I would suggest you learn more about couchnuise and energy to better harenst these abilitys don't take in any sodium floride which is in soda water extra look for water that uses a reverse osmosis distler |
i have the dreams like you Echelon i see things which will happen in future. but slightly unlike you in my dreams. i see in my dreams about places which im gonna visit and people i am gonna meet u call this deja vu? |
Last edited by Padmanabha; 04-14-2014 at 07:39 PM.
I also have lots of dreams about the future in symbols. It started happening more often after I begun asking my inner self/god within whatever you want to call it to talk to me through dreams and during waking life. The dream immediately comes to mind as the event occurs and I have noticed that symbols came from both lucids and non lucids. They also seem to be in the last dreams I have (early in the morning) and the event usually takes place almost immediately after I woke (these were mostly minor things, and there are exceptions). |
I have had "feelings" since I was high school. I remember being at a house party when I was 16 years old. I was having a great time!! For 2 hours, I my and a few friends were enjoying ourselves. I remember going to the bathroom and when I was finally alone, I got this overwhelming feeling that we needed to leave. So we left and 5-10 minutes later the cops busted he party. Since it was under aged lots of kids got in trouble. That's the first time I got a "feeling" and they have continued frequently ever since. I have an extremely hard time with public places but force myself to interact with people with my job. Do you have any advice? |
Although there is a fair chance that this is utter bullshit, sometimes it seems like I have an influence on things. Like by focusing my will I can manifest it. Sometimes I will make a statement that is pretty unlikely for no reason and it will come true. Several times I have focused on a storm coming at a certain time and it did. Just stuff like that. But I don't even have 1% of the research or experience needed to make an actual claim, I am just saying what I have observed. |
Birds of the night..