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    1. Princess Dunn Duty?

      by , 03-20-2014 at 09:20 AM
      Night of March 20, 2014. Thursday.

      As I have said in previous entries, I never include scripted dreams unless my script is only a generic affirmation (such as “I am the continuity of maximum well-being” or “I am of the light of Universal Love”, and so on), as it would not be fair to people who do not have that option or access to how it is done or are even aware that it can be done (and people who would never believe such a thing, especially including those who deny lucid dreams exist). However, I have decided to post some aspects of some scripted dreams from time to time, only regarding the fully “open” branches (meaning the details that are not precisely scripted).

      I create about six or more different scenarios and foundational elements (as a child I sometimes went on and on making a session that was way too long for normal sleep), sometimes using more precise wording, but there is a point at which more precise wording does not work exactly as it should (though it depends which “direction” the consciousness is flowing). I suspect this is due to certain parts of the higher mind during half-sleep to deep sleep to be separated from certain language centers and the fact that many words in the English language have several (even opposite) meanings. Because of how the mind pulses especially during sleep paralysis when it becomes more noticeable, some words are even naturally omitted in sequence; that, and the fact that if the residual pattern is no longer fully going on its own momentum so to speak, there will be hilarious changes (as with the recent white gorilla dream).

      In this case, I have a setup with the potential for purposeful shared dreaming on a regular basis. However, as I have said before, even scripted shared dreaming has “filters” by which each person is set into their own perspective of the scenario - for example, the deliberately shared dream from years ago where a (unscripted aspect) hollow silver ball radiating healing energies doing figure eights above me was actually a toy airplane flying in a figure eight in my wife’s dream - this one being remarkable as there was no mention of sound and no real sound as such at the time - yet we both heard the exact same loud humming frequency in our deeper dream state at the same time. It sometimes happens unintentionally (and as I have learned, another person does not even need to know what the script even is if they sleep next to that person who does). Also consider that two people watching the same movie in real life will “experience” and interpret it in different ways. That does not mean they are not watching the same movie - because they obviously are.

      I used one of my favorite foundations regarding the Enchanted Forest (the more “swampy” section) and the tree-house scenario (which is always different since I leave a lot “open”). In this particular case, the beauty was astounding. Two of the more effective words to use are “beautiful” and “happiness”. These words are remarkable in the power to alter the flow of semiconscious thought, though there are many more that are basic but also powerful. Because I had the special audio pulsing to my right and also had the humidifier going (in rotating mode), it created a “perfect” rhythmic flow of sound and moving air (white noise and patterned sensations on the body). As I have said often before, “healthy” is usually the word to use, not “healing”. With “healing”, the mind forms the unresolved idea of perpetual healing, and in the lucid dream state, makes holes and cysts in your body to be filled or healed in the dream or come up with fictional (in-dream only) scenarios by which you are later partially “healed”. Words take on a life of their own, so the correct ones are important. When using “I am healing” - the phrase triggers the circumstance that the healing is never complete and you might even absentmindedly get into situations where you need additional healing.

      During the first part of the night, before I burned the CD and set up our system, I was talking to Zsuzsanna about the idea of “forcing” myself to believe I had taken a dream enhancement drug of whatever kind. “Convincing” my mind that I had taken a particular drug and actually taking a particular drug makes no difference (which is why I have never taken any in the first place in my lifetime). She said I might also have some of the inherent side effects claimed by some people (even if I did not know what they were or were supposed to be, due to the nature of how the supraconscious works) and, even though the body can supposedly produce any kind of chemical on its own, there may be unknown potential negatives in this idea. Not only that, it is pointless anyway, as I can dream without drugs. In the long run, I do not think it is a good idea to tamper with perceptions of molecules and compounds at the liminal level.

      The marshy forest is beautiful and vivid. The detail of the “tree-house” is amazing. Curiously, though, it looks just like a large old Swiss farmhouse built high in the large branches and with a flower-box midway up on at least one side. I am in this part of my dream for what seems like a very long time, sort of hovering and moving about fairly close to the environment and feeling very blissful, almost ecstatic. I am later on a larger branch or a platform on one of the large branches. During this same time my wife said she had been dreaming of a light coming from under a door.

      A younger Caucasian girl comes out, with longer brown hair, and wearing a shimmering orange dress (pure orange, yet also somewhat lamé-like in properties of the material) and a fresh wreath of flowers on her head - she is radiating an almost overwhelming sense of happiness and openness (this always occurs in this type of scene, though) and with a sort of glow about her (the “sped-up” cilia-like energy form I described once in my older online journal from 2008, I think). There is that very precise and vivid feeling of when a person walks up to you and you are aware of the slight change in the scent of the air and a subtle feeling of movement. Anyhow, none of the additional details regarding the setup were scripted. The age, race, style of dress, culture, century of living, etc. - none of those were in the scripting - which was short and very open - just a goddess-like form that could have been any passing-by random entity so long as there were positive intentions and openness only. As I bask in my dream’s full point of lucidity and light, I am aware of a vague second-layer of commentary coming in, almost like a fuzzy radio broadcast. Her name is “Princess Dunn”. Around this time, I hear that it is fully “Princess Dunn Duty”. (It actually seems more like a layered dream at this point - that is, two dreams simultaneously - the overwhelmingly lucid one and a normal one at the same time.) However, I “gasp” myself out of the scene due to not being able to handle the particular state of bliss and move more back into images of trees and forests and my body slowly “recovers” from the “rapidly and continuously melting” effect. Still, it was a good “coloring” of my mind which will last for some time (at least a day or so). I still feel a sense of bliss several hours later.

      Of course, a variation could be “Dudie”, “Doodie”, “Dutie”, and so on, as well as “Dunn” being like “Done”…“Done Duty”.

      But anyway…wait…

      “Princess Dunn Duty?”

      I think it is time to start scripting names…

      Updated 12-09-2015 at 05:33 PM by 1390

      Tags: princess
    2. The Persian Princess and the Towers

      by , 09-11-1990 at 04:29 PM
      Morning of September 11, 1990. Tuesday.

      Of all the continuous precognitive dreams I have had since early childhood (many of which were specifically linked to my wife-to-be, though some of that is now considered as “sent” impressions from her long before we met), this one stands out a bit more as it has several layers of precognition relative to a particular time period (though I have had many like this since childhood, including the “Patches” series which even foreshadowed the exact but highly unlikely imagery from how the house in Cubitis would look many years later). The mood was somewhat similar to the more impersonal missing Malaysian flight dreams I wrote online just prior to the actual events (and one post which still has the original server date for the “cop out” mentality crowd that pretends to have an answer for such things that really could not even begin to be explained in human terms). The odd thing about the missing Malaysian flight (in terms of my precognitive dreams) is perhaps related to the fact that Malaysia also has buildings called the “twin towers”. This is something I have only pondered fairly recently. Pop culture synchronicity and foreshadowing may be more relative to some world events than how my own mind is differently wired.

      Before I get into the more summarized details of this dream (only the more major scenes), I should mention possible (but vague and very early childhood) influence from the May 1952 issue of “Imagination”, one of those digests leafed through before I could read much (in 1965 at age 4) and which a brother-in-law (sister Carol’s first husband) sometimes dried out on a wood stove after retrieving them from the dump. As mentioned in other entries, this cover featured a dark-haired woman with her arms raised and two skyscrapers coming apart in the foreground. This featured the story “Tonight the Sky Will Fall”, which also happened to coincidentally be in the same edition as a hard-to-find book I had in my youth (a particular print of “Space Opera”) but which inexplicably a copy (same edition, even) was on the top of a pile in the Maryborough library - in fact, the first book seen in the first trip to the library after meeting Zsuzsanna my wife-to-be and the last place I would expect to find such a book. This event made even me do a double-take and once again think “what in the world is going on” for a week after, even though I was used to unexplained wide-ranging over-the-top synchronous events by that point. April 9, 1994 was also a relevant date to this dream concerning the “rise of the tower” and seems directly related to the concept of the 99th day: "Jerusalem literally fell on Tam. 9th, 586 BC, which was the 99th day of that year.“ Without intending it, we got married on April 9, 1994. It just worked out that way due to time and VISA concerns. (In my "Kingdom” story, which used details from this dream and others and written during this time period, the date of the event was also associated with 11-9, though Australian month and days are indeed reversed this way. This dream was also partly influenced by Tom Petty’s “You Got Lucky” video, regarding a scene after the supposed apocalypse and my dislike of older video games.)

      In my dream, the only directly familiar character (aside from the “mystery girl”) is my older brother Dennis (from my mother’s side). For some reason, we seem to be in New York and enter the ground floor of one of the World Trade Center buildings. I find myself gazing intently on “A Young Lady Reclining After a Bath” (Muhammad Mu’min). The painting is covering nearly the entire upper half of the wall. However, it appears mirrored to how it actually appears in reality and at one point seems to become far more lifelike, displaying the familiar “mystery girl” of hundreds of past dreams. The image shifts to where she is also more on her side and seemingly eating a fig. Dennis also looks at it but seemingly for a different reason, as if he is uncomfortable. For some reason, I get the strong impression that this is the “Persian princess” I will marry (even though the “mystery girl” also had Hungarian Romani heritage on her father’s side) and it will be within less than a year that she will make contact (which it was, in March of 1991). I “explain” this to my brother Dennis, though he seems a bit awestruck by other unknown concerns. We go up to the top at one point and it seems to be like the Lake Placid Tower (although it was Carol and her husband that took me there, not Dennis). I feel a strong sense of urgency that we need to get back down to ground-level and so we do.

      From here, a dramatic event unfolds. I start to feel a very strange and unexplainable awareness of motion and change, and a powerful sense of “something coming up from below”. A large tower rises directly from the ground and knocks aside the World Trade Center towers. They collapse suddenly but then seem to vanish. The “new” tower is multicolored but otherwise ancient-looking and I sense that it is Persian. Dennis leaves the area and my dream shifts slightly.

      From there, I see hundreds of people wandering in the streets, seeming confused and some in shock, looking at the “new” unusual skyscraper. The people are looking at numerous posters of missing people on various fences and such (this part being identical to imagery I saw on television after 9-11). I spontaneously say, “Well, it was a nice planet while you had it”. A young male looks at me oddly and somewhat angrily. I look up into the sky and notice two large objects, seemingly pillars of green fire that move horizontally and then arc upwards. They make a sizzling sound and I am not quite sure what they are. I get a sense of something Biblical and cannot quite think of them as spaceships even though I seem to resolve them as such as I wake.

      The missing Malaysian flight was another extreme and unlikely world event which I did manage to post online at least part of beforehand from a few precognitive dreams (and since did not edit - the server date remaining as prior to the event for the typical “cop out” crowd). As I am certain I am not the only one that has experienced this continuously, I have to wonder what is going on with the rest of society (and in fact have wondered this since I was about four).

      Precognition often has extreme and layered detail in terms of overall accuracy, yet is often skewed into unlikely composites linked with one’s own life (but which may also be linked to books or movies you have not yet seen in an artificially personal way as if the fictional event was actually integrated into your own life somehow in-dream), which is why it often seems “wrong” or not correctly “seen” (not counting visually exact remote viewing and similar perspectives). I have been studying the nature of this since childhood. It seems to be a combination of true precognition, skewed metaphors, and visual associations that are more relative to puns or other types of plays. It is also often so trivial and impersonal as to be ridiculous (such as dreaming with more precision about a television commercial or comic book before you see it). The 9-11 pop culture foreshadowing has been more significant and examples of it can be found all over the Internet, which tells me that the majority of people can “see” yet somehow do not acknowledge or express it more socially (but through art, stories, comic strips, and so on). It seems that only long-term dream journalists are the ones the most open and honest about it (and of course for entries already written such as my Malaysian flight going missing, the point becomes moot anyway, I suppose).