• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. dacher2's Avatar
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    2. joshdamighty's Avatar
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      It was cool but a little too much hippie. The earth is fine, don't cry, you could be starving and not have shelter for the night if man had a brain like every other animal or hippie.
    3. gbxtom's Avatar
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      Wow this was amazing... I almost cried when you said "I thought to myself of the things man had done to earth, and how much more wonderful earth could've been without man, and a tear ran down my cheek for this thing, but i knew it would do the same here, so i leaned in and blew on "her" cheek and the dust slowly blew away into the wind and settle amongst the grass. I knew the planet could sustain itself now and decided I needed not stay so I shot my eyes to the sky and with a thought I shot into space and away from the planet and into the the darkness of space." This was very interesting to read and I'm glad you shared your experience with all of us. I hope to see more amazing dreams like this in the future.
    4. joshdamighty's Avatar
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      Jedi Mind trick actually works.
    5. jmanjohn's Avatar
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      You kicked his ass with words!
    6. Mayatara's Avatar
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      Lucid Dreaming has been around for thousands of years, if there were such a thing as "shared dreaming" it would have been discovered and exploited by now, and it's naive to think otherwise.

      You should definitely dig deeper. Shared dreaming is used by tibetan buddhists to even share high teachings between teacher and disciples and other cultures mention it too. Not to mention all of the people in the world who have shared dreams all the time nowadays, me included! Of course, only the people involved can know for sure. All the others just have to believe in us if they want to, or grunt if they don't.
      Instead of making a mockery of those who have this amazing gift, try to disprove it yourself. First go study some quantum physics and learn about the nature of reality before making such stupid comments that dreams happen "only in our brain". The reason why western modern science does not know about it and does not make use of it, it's because it is still struggling to accept the non-materialistic view of nature that modern physics already demonstrated to be - that all is consciousness and mater is just a manifestation of the mind. The brain is part of the dream not the other way around. Wake up and smell the coffee.
    7. <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Awe, it's kind of cute you actually believe you encountered another dreamer...

      To suggest that two dreamer's could meet on the same plane would mean dreaming takes place somewhere other than your own brain. Sorry bud, but it doesn't. Dreams are the product of a chemical released by the Pineal Gland in the centre of your brain. Various other parts of the brain work in conjunction with each other to form dreams as well, this dreamer was merely a product of your subconscious. You expected to find other dreamers in your dream, so your mind created it for you and made it real - so real you believe it.

      Lucid Dreaming has been around for thousands of years, if there were such a thing as "shared dreaming" it would have been discovered and exploited by now, and it's naive to think otherwise.

      No DJ entries. No posts. Condescending tone. Fallacious argument.
    8. dreaMorpheus's Avatar
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      Awe, it's kind of cute you actually believe you encountered another dreamer...

      To suggest that two dreamer's could meet on the same plane would mean dreaming takes place somewhere other than your own brain. Sorry bud, but it doesn't. Dreams are the product of a chemical released by the Pineal Gland in the centre of your brain. Various other parts of the brain work in conjunction with each other to form dreams as well, this dreamer was merely a product of your subconscious. You expected to find other dreamers in your dream, so your mind created it for you and made it real - so real you believe it.

      Lucid Dreaming has been around for thousands of years, if there were such a thing as "shared dreaming" it would have been discovered and exploited by now, and it's naive to think otherwise.
    9. kidjordan's Avatar
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      Very cool! I need to do this in a dream sometime!
    10. sleepyzac's Avatar
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      wow, that's a seriously impressive dream! i don't know if i've ever had one so deep! really impressive! and i thought it was something when i learned how to "possess" other dream characters bodies! you're creating planets and humanoids!!!
    11. sleepyzac's Avatar
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      wow, very interesting. i've been reading a book called 'Lucid dreaming' by Robert Waggoner, and he talks about how we can reach into sort of a collective unconsciousness; i know this may be far fetched to some people, but what if our planet was created in the beginning from consciousness, just like you felt in your lucid dream.
      " I lowered my arms and a grin crept across my face, i was creating a planet and giving it life"

      i don't think it's impossible to believe that our world could have started in a similar way hope you have many more lucid dreams to come.
      Another interesting thing to think about is the 'expectation effect' as Robert Waggoner meantioned in his book, basically it states that lucid dreams sometimes tend to bend and mold to the lucid dreamers expectations.. and it's abstract to think about how you could have expected this world to exist, and how the situation even came across your unconsciousness...If you could gaid lucidity again, it would be fun to experiment with asking to 'unexpected unconsciousness' to show you planets with other lifeforms...if they exist

      considering the fact that no one can answer this question: "what came before that?" i think this idea of everything being created from consciousness is very plausible... but then you could say "what came before there was consciousness? where did consciousness come from?" it never ends! no matter how far science advances with all the amazing theories on the origin of the universe we are stuck with that question. scientists: "there's the big bang." me:"so before that?" s:"well blah blah blah theory." m:"and before that?"s:" ummm... more blah blah?" m:"and before that?" s:"blah?" lol! it's infinite. and until our consciousnesses expand beyond the incomprehensible idea of "infinity" it will always be out of reach. gah! that's the problem! infinity can't exist within the confines of our minds! there must always be a beginning and an end, something "going on forever" doesn't technically work as it must be "going" from something and "going" toward something else which creates a beginning and an end and defuncts itself.

      wow i went on a totally random rant! lol!
    12. <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Cool man. looking forward to it. So now you know there is no such thing as "my dream", right?
    13. <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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    14. catrina's Avatar
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      by the way, where in the world did you find a picture to suite your dream so well? very nice effect!
    15. catrina's Avatar
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      wow, very interesting. i've been reading a book called 'Lucid dreaming' by Robert Waggoner, and he talks about how we can reach into sort of a collective unconsciousness; i know this may be far fetched to some people, but what if our planet was created in the beginning from consciousness, just like you felt in your lucid dream.
      " I lowered my arms and a grin crept across my face, i was creating a planet and giving it life"

      i don't think it's impossible to believe that our world could have started in a similar way hope you have many more lucid dreams to come.
      Another interesting thing to think about is the 'expectation effect' as Robert Waggoner meantioned in his book, basically it states that lucid dreams sometimes tend to bend and mold to the lucid dreamers expectations.. and it's abstract to think about how you could have expected this world to exist, and how the situation even came across your unconsciousness...If you could gaid lucidity again, it would be fun to experiment with asking to 'unexpected unconsciousness' to show you planets with other lifeforms...if they exist