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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    Warnings: violence, problems with authority, and links to TV Tropes.

    But in all seriousness, this journal legitimately contains the kind of graphic and disturbing content that gives people nightmares, so either that's a selling point or a reason not to read on. Just a heads up.

    As of 2015, dreams are ranked according to three categories:

    Adventure: How much fun and excitement can I fit into one dream?
    Control: How much control do I have over the narrative, environment, and dream powers?
    Fear: How scared and out of control do I feel? (Has very little to do with how Silent Hill the monsters get.)

    Regular dreams are in black (along with notes).
    Semi-lucid dreams are green.
    Lucid dreams are blue.

    1. #187. Trinkets

      by , 02-24-2011 at 05:08 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      Door after door leading to white hallway after white hallway. "You must remember the way," he says, "For you will return alone."

      The next room is an airy loft, warm lights illuminating hardwood floors and brick walls, black leather furniture and red accents. Light streams in from the windows, but I don't look outside. My focus is on the jewelry box which sits on the black coffee table.

      Dark stained oak, cheap brass clasp. Approximately six inches across, four inches tall, five inches deep. I flick open the cheap brass clasp. Red velvet? Darker. Not black, too repetitive. Inside the box is an onyx pendant, oval-shaped, set in silver.

      My mind filters the details automatically, but I'm focused on the brief spark of red energy, invisible threads latching onto my energy reserves and trailing through another level of the dream-world. A horcrux, then.

      Dark. Underground. Cavernous. Walls drip with slime and... blood, yes. No smell, no sensory input other than sight. Area is large, but confining. Can feel the thing trapped here, straining against its bonds.

      Sharp movement. Living, shapeless mass of flesh and grinding bone. Something claws its way from inside, tears the creature open from the inside. A humanoid figure steps out of the bloody, writhing thing. This is the monster.

      "Run," I say to the other man. "You need to get as far away from me–"

      Too late. The room goes pure white in an instant, powered by the horcrux's parasitic bond. A cloaked figure unfurls itself across the room, stands up straight and I make a sharp gesture with my ebony wand, shouting and pulling on the emotions that I need to fuel the spell.


      White noise is deafening and the room gets brighter than should be possible and - nothing.

      He sits poised on the far end of the couch, staring disapprovingly at his cup of tea. Earl Grey in delicate white china, set in a saucer that he holds in his left hand. I'm on the other end of the couch, looking straight at him. I probably have a cup of tea, or maybe it's sitting on the coffee table.

      "So," I say casually, "From one dark wizard to another..."

      He smirks at that. "A dark wizard, Harry? You?"

      "This time around, it's different." I say with a scowl, "What was the first curse I cast at you, again?"

      "As I recall," he says, taking a sip of the tea, "You attempted to cast the killing curse."


      "You lack the hatred required to fuel the spell." He explains, and he meets my eyes. "This version of you does not love, Harry. All you have is apathy."

      Trinkets. Scare Factor: 3.
    2. #87. Mind Games

      by , 06-25-2010 at 07:06 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Thursday, June 24, 2010

      A note to our teenage adventure protagonist: we're totally messing with you.

      Our surroundings are bright, a world of clear glass windows surrounded by sunlight. My footfalls are light and airy, bearing none of the gravity that this situation should require. I am calm, cool, and collected as I approach the dark-haired man at the top of the dias.

      "You should know, Amon," I say, "That you can't possibly win."

      Amon surveys the horizon, his back turned to me. "We don't have to do this," he says quietly. "You could give up the girl..."

      "That's not going to happen."

      Amon turns to face me, dark energy forming in a globe between his hands. He's still young. I barely have time to process the thought. I'm dodging. Blackness swallows up the staircase I was standing on a moment ago.

      I bring my hands together, pull them apart in a quick motion. A lance of energy surges toward Amon, aiming for the heart.

      I'm sitting at a four-person booth in a restaurant, nursing a cup of coffee. I hold it up and breathe in the warm scent, before setting it back down with a clink on the table. I glance up at Amon, who's sitting across from me at the table. The corner of his mouth is twitching up into a smile, though he's trying to suppress it.

      Beside me is the girl I was talking about before, our protagonist, Sasha. I love playing a supporting character. She's glancing up at Amon and back at the table, trying to look for all the world like she's not about to bolt at the first sign of hostility.

      I have to chuckle. "So. Do you think this counts as an anti-climax?"

      Amon's about to point out the double-entendre, but Sasha cuts him off.

      "What the hell, ---?" she says, twisting to face me directly. "He was trying to kill you!"

      "Nah," I say, leaning back in my seat, "Amon and I aren't enemies. Are we, Amon?"

      "Nope," he says, barely keeping a straight face.

      "Tell him about your problem." I say, my expression far too earnest.

      "I can't remember my parents' eye colours, okay? They keep changing!" Sasha springs up from her seat and stomps away to the restroom.

      "Who pays attention to their parents' eye colours?" asks Amon.

      "Weird people. Or very observant ones?" I wonder. "Anyway, I took a look at her memories, and they have been tampered with."

      "And you just got rid of her. Am I thinking what you're thinking?"

      I nod, gleefully. "We should investigate."

      We slip away from the diner and back into the mall we just destroyed. I press a few random buttons on a keypad and the door opens with a hiss. I walk right in, Amon following close behind. We're in the clothing department, where a couple missing parents should be frozen as mannequins.

      "If we have all of the permutations right," I muse, wandering over to a control panel disguised as a jewellery counter, "We should just be able to enter them here."

      Amon presses a few places on a blank wall. As he touches them, the spots light up in squares. He finishes the combination and steps back. I hear a low hum permeate the air around us.

      "I have a bad feeling about this." I mutter.

      Amon shoots me a glare. "I don't like your bad feelings," says Amon. "They make bad things happen."

      The mannequins in the display near us, half a dozen at least, start to twitch.

      Mind Games. Scare Factor: 2.

      Updated 08-13-2015 at 05:35 AM by 31096
