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    Percy's Void of Thoughts

    Welcome to My world!

    1. Superman smoking?

      by , 09-21-2014 at 11:30 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Superman smoking? (Non-lucid)


      I believe I might have been superman in this dream, but I did not look like him nor was dressed like him, so maybe I just believed I was superman and had some of his powers.

      I was in a mall, and this mall had a huge tower next to it, apparently, it was owned by some weird people that accused me that I was smoking in a no-smoke place. So I went inside this tower to complain and as I tried to fly up, some guy fought me but I was able to beat him easily while I was flying upwards.

      They thew something at me as I started to feel dizzy and see everything fading, but I was able to focus to get on the top, but when I did, some of they guys threw a small white sphere, that for some reason I had the urge to pick it up before it smashed at the bottom of the tower. It looked something like this:

      I flew fast to grab it, which I successfully did and went back up and got into the office. As I entered, there were a few reclining chairs and some people eating bread. There were two females that appeared to be awakening at a spiritual level and my wife was there too. I was considering in sharing with one of those two ladies that I was no Superman, but a psychic medium and give her a reading, but my wife was not sure if any of them would accept it.
    2. Flight to the Sun: Cancelled.

      by , 09-02-2014 at 11:43 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Flight to the Sun: Cancelled. (DILD)


      I had a False Awakening in my room and I was recalling an interesting dream. As I tried to look for my Dream Journal, I could not find it on my night table, but I was able to find the alarm clock. I tried to lit the light from the alarm clock to find the DJ and write the dream down. But the little light did not work.

      I sat on the edge of my bed trying to focus and try to realize what it was going on. I realized it was impossible that the light was out already, as I could hear the sound of the clock, hence having juice in the batteries.
      I realized it was a dream and upon checking my hands, I was able to confirm it.

      I took of and flew to a big city. As I was flying, I recalled another Dare, which was to fly to the sun and through it. I saw one of those shuttles that go to space to board to space station.

      However, the shuttle had no roof, it was like one of those tour buses, but it was going to space. This shuttle in particular, was going to trip to Mercury to stay there for a few days. I figured it would be easy to just get driven to mercury and from there, fly myself to the Sun, as in other lucids I have been able to get to the moon, but never to the Sun.

      I boarded the shuttle and I believe it was free, as I did not have to pay. I had a few scientists around me and then a family of three including a baby.

      As we were about to take up, I heard to voice of my wife calling me and the dream started to fade.
      My wife woke me up (false awakening) and said she needed some water. I wondered why the heck she did not just drink water herself (she never wakes me up at night as she knows I do LDing.) And I told her she blew up my chance to travel to the sun. Then I woke up for real.
      Tags: dare, fly, lucid, shuttle
      false awakening , lucid , non-lucid
    3. Lucid Hattrick!!! Three dares completed in one shot!!

      by , 08-30-2014 at 10:41 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Lucid Hattrick - Three Dares completed! (MILD)


      Lucid Hattrick!!! Three dares completed in one shot!!

      After waking up and not able to recall a dream, I started to use the MILD technique, something I have been doing for a couple of days and I focused on getting some dares done.

      I ended up forgetting the non-lucid part of the dream, actually, I recalled right away writing down this whole dream in my Dream Journal and getting comfy back in bed, and I hoped to remember it in the morning, but I did not mind if I did not, as it was not a spectacular dream anyway, and well... I forgot it lol.

      So, this dream started with a False Awakening. I was in my room and I was going to write down the dream, but I had some difficulty and I was unable to write the dream down, so I sat on the side of my bed and trying to focus a little bit to be able to write it, but I felt weird and I my wife woke up. I told her I was feeling funny and I said,

      - Imagine I was dreaming.

      My wife laughed and told me:

      - Yeah, right. Go back to sleep. - And she just tucked herself back in bed and I did a Reality Check.
      And I laughed and said, "Well.. I am in dreaming indeed. But my wife was either gone or just she fell back asleep." The dream quality was not great and I had the feeling all the time that I was going to wake up, so I exited the house and started to fly, demanding to get clarity and to anchor myself in the dream. A few times, I lost vision, but I knew I was still dreaming, so I did my best to open my dream eyes while I anchored myself into the dream, with success.

      I found myself in downtown but I still did not feel like myself, so I decided to enter a big building, which was a hotel and eat some food, as I was sure that the taste of food would anchor me further into the dream. I asked a woman I saw there if she knew where I could find an apple, and she directed me to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen, it was not a kitchen, but one of those meeting rooms, with large tables on the side and said tables contained food, veggies, fruits and meats from all times, apparently, the meat was raw and uncooked, but as I was looking for something to eat, I realized my dream was pretty good and clear, so I passed on the fruits and decided to work on some dares. Since I have not been dared yet to anything, I decided to work on the "anyone" dares, and I got started with:

      "Let yourself fall from a great height and hit the ground at full speed (Xanous)"

      I felt it was an easy one and since I was in a huge building, all I needed to do was to climb it, so I started to fly, exited through one of the windows and flew to the top. As I reached the top, I could see that I was in the tallest building of all downtown (I believe this mightn't been the Trump Tower because of the shape.) All the cars and people looked tiny.

      I decided to jump. Before I did, I was laughing with myself because it would be funny the mayhem I was going to cause when I crashed in the ground. So I just jumped off, head first and I flew at full speed. It still took a while, even though the speed of the fall fell amazing on my face. As I was about to hit the ground, I wondered if someone would grab me, but no one did and I crashed hard in the ground. It felt similar to when you fall in bed, but it was a lot harder, but I bounced back. I could hear a big noise type of "splat!" but it did not hurt and it neither affected the quality of the dream.

      So much for thinking I would make a mess... no one seemed to care I crashed in the ground... oh well! Dare completed!!

      I recalled the next task:

      Do a 'trust fall' (free fall backwards) into the arms of the nearest DC. Did they catch you? (Dreamer)

      I had no idea who made this challenge, but I was able to recall it well, so I walked to a plaza that was busy with a lot of people. I walked by a lady who was in her 30s and very good looking, so I thought it would be a great opportunity for this catch.

      I said, "Hi there!" and immediately, gave her my back and I free fell. She indeed grabbed me and asked me if I was okay! I told her, "Sure I am, thanks a lot!! Another Dare completed!!"
      (I thought that I had t be caught in order to successfully accomplish this dare.) The lady appeared to be attracted to me, as she making a lot of eye contact with me and she was like taking care of me, if you know what I mean...

      I recalled it would be another good chance to get one more dare completed, which is:

      Get naked in front of a DC (Dreamer)

      So, since the mood was there, I just found out it would be a cheap way to get this one done, and then, hattrick the dares. I look my clothes off and she started to do so as well, while we were still in the middle of the place, but no one seemed to care. Dare completed!!!!

      I felt this was a great dream, and I did not want to risk it due to having sex with the woman, so I just took of and started to fly away from there.

      I suddenly lost control of the dream and had a false awakening. I felt, "So much for not having sex to save the dream..." As I was about to write down the lucid, I had a funny feeling that my mind was playing games with me. I could not see a thing, so I started to touch my fingers. I could feel five fingers, but something was not right. I had a couple more false awakenings and then I lit a small light in order to see my hands, the light came out to be very pale, but that, I did not notice, however, upon checking my hands I realized I was still dreaming.

      I walked away from bed, and I was still naked, but I did not care, I fly naked many times, so I just took off and I started to fly. It was dawn and it was very foggy:

      It felt great to fly in the nude, as it was fresh, but not cold. While I was flying I thought of a fourth dare to get done while I was at it:

      Apparently, it was not a anyone dare, in fact, I cannot find this dare at all, but I know someone said to do this in Dreamviews recently. It was about applying Photoshop effect to something:

      I landed next to some city lights, and decided to apply the Photoshop effect. I moved my hand, pointing at the city lights and visualized them changing color, which they did successfully. Then, I decided to apply Bevel and Emboss to one of the city lights upon waving my hand into them, I was able to see how it turned thick, like if it was a Photoshop layer. I decided to wrap it up with adding shine light effect to the light bulb of one of them, said bulb turned very shinny and bright.

      As I was about to do something else, I woke up.

    4. Flying in the nude and eating junk food with Dreamer before visiting an alien planet.

      by , 07-06-2014 at 10:24 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Flying in the nude and eating junk food with Dreamer before visiting an alien planet. (DILD)


      I was in some sort of party, somewhere in south california. I was surrounded by people that I have never seen before. I was wondering what i was doing in such party as it did not appear to be anything that I knew before. As I was wondering this, I told myself, "Wait a minute, I moved to Spain, how come I am still here?" After a few moments of confusion I realized I was in a dream. As soon as I did, the dream quality skyrocketed and everything became very clear.

      I immediately recalled the basic task of the month, which was being naked in public, something I have no problem at all as I have done it previously. I took my shirt off as well as my pants and my boxers. I had no shoes or sok whatsoever so I was completely butt naked.

      I walked through the party and some of the DCs stared at me, a female DC seemed to be very attracted to me. She was very good looking, but I did not want to engage in lucid sex and risk my "to-do" list so I took off right away and started to fly. It felt great to be flying in the nude, it always does since I've done it several times.

      After some quality time flying and being very anchored in the dream, I landed in what looked some sort of downtown, with a lot of tall buildings and a lot of people dressed in business attire. I figured I could cause mayhem being naked in the business district, but I did not care, what I did was entering the building and looking for an elevator.

      The building on the inside, looking like the Ritz hotel. There was a lot of red and green carpeting, windows had silk covers and there were huge chandeliers and a violin-played soft music. I looked for an elevator to enter it for the "advanced" Task of the Month
      (this is a basic task, Opehlia, come on!! LOL You can ride an elevator in waking life) As I entered the elevator, it looked pretty much like the photo posted here on page one (I think I used that photo for another major elevator-dream a few years ago.) Everything appeared to be working efficiently, except for the buttons, which were random numbers, letters and some of them had weird symbols. I felt the excitement rushing through my body, as elevators are amazing in dreams. As I was about to push a button and see what happened, Dreamer entered the elevator and hugged me. She was smiling at me and told me, "I hope you settle soon so we can start to dream together" (this is funny, because Dreamer told me something similar in waking life as I told her I arrived to Europe) I found it funny, because we were already dreaming together, even though I knew somehow that this one could not be a dream-share, since she knew I am still moving and settling.

      I told Dreamer, "Well, you know, the Special Task of the Month is to dream with another Dreamviews member, so I am excited you came."

      Dreamer was smiling and then I could see her excitement in her eyes, so I suggested to ride the elevator. Before I could press a button, Dreamer did and a very strange noise sounded. The elevator started to shake and move oddly. I hopped the elevator would take us to someplace instead of just break down
      (as it happens a lot of times) so I could accomplish the advanced task. The elevator stopped and the doors opened, but it was between two floors. I exalted, "Of course! Why I am not surprised." Dreamer jumped out the elevator and I followed her.

      We were in a big lobby, what appeared to be a brunch buffet of some sorts, but there were no chairs. Just a huge table where over one hundred settings. I recalled another task of the month, where we needed to make/eat as much junk food as we could. There was a huge tray in the middle of the table and suddenly, a lot of stuff spawned around the table. Chocolate cakes, cookies, candies... everything hundreds of calories and sugar. I grabbed with my hands what appeared to be a frozen chocolate cake. Dreamer grabbed some random cookies, marshmallows and other sweets. She tossed them on the tray as well. I tossed some whipped cream, some M&Ms and some strawberry syrup. Dreamer emptied an ENTIRE bottle of corn syrup over the mix
      (Jesus Christ... this is a nuclear bomb) and started to laugh. Somehow I tossed cotton candy over the mix and started to mix everything. I wrapped it up with some chocolate cookies and more random candies.

      We started to eat the monster-junk-food we created. The taste was extremely sweet, too sweet to be honest. Tasted of chocolate, candies, plain suggar and it was so overwhelming, that we both only ate a bite or two.

      With that being done, and while I was with Dreamer I recalled the other advanced task, which was visiting an alien planet. In that moment, I also felt that for the special task I had to actually fly with a DV member, so we both took off and left the Earth. I almost lost the dream here and started to allow the dream to take me away, but I felt it would be cool to accomplish all tasks in one shot, so I kept focused on the dream.

      We flew through a wormhole and it was very dark. I could feel Dreamer's energy so I knew that we flew for a while together, but at this moment, I struggled to keep up with the dream, until I saw a green planet in front of me. I focused on anchoring on the dream and staying lucid. As I was approaching the planet, the dream became more clear again, and to the time I landed in the planet, I did not see where Dreamer went but I felt that the dream would not last long, so I explored the planet for a bit.

      There were some small beings, grey and green colored, non-humanoid that appeared very gentle. I felt they were welcoming me somehow to the planet, knowing I would cause no harm to them.

      I explored this planet for a bit longer. They had houses, but they were made out of green ooze and I did not want to touch them in case i broke them. They sky looked like Earth's, but green instead of blue.

      I wondered how funny it would be if I found an elevator in that planet and I used it, but as I was thinking this I realized that was dream was fading very fast until I woke up.
    5. Crash Derby at the Colosseum and learning a new Stabilization technique

      by , 10-19-2013 at 04:02 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Crash Derby at the Colosseum and learning a new Stabilization technique (DILD)


      I was in bed, it was night and my wife was awake in the living room. i went to the living room and it looked very dark, it appeared to be a starless night. My wife was in the kitchen and I wondered what the hell she was doing in the kitchen. She started to speak fast and she appeared mad at me.

      I realized I was dreaming as it made no sense that my wife could be in the kitchen at the middle of the night and mad at me out for no reason. I realized that we had a balcony and I recalled that I do not have a balcony in my house, so I opened the doors and I stepped on the edge of the balcony, above the safety bars. My wife told me what I was doing and I told her that we were in a dream. She started to become more angry saying nonsense and told me I was going to kill myself and that I was crazy wanting to go back home to the Pleiades (very long story here, PM if interested) I told her that nah, that we did not even have a balcony and thus, we were dreaming. I jumped off the balcony and realized I did not even do a reality check, but I knew it was a dream, looked at my hand and confirmed.

      As I was about to touch the trees, I glided and started to gain altitude. My dream was very bad quality and I was loosing it fast. I have never been good at stabilizing dreams, usually flyign does it. So I tried to typical "Dream Stable" but it only went to get more blurry "More Clarity" but it did not help until the dream started to fade even more.

      I had a false awakening in my bed and I told my self that I had to do better, so I woke up and went to drink water. As I was going to drink water, I felt the dreamy feeling and looked at my hand. One of my fingers was about a foot long and very thin. I also touched it and followed it with my hands. I laughed at my mind trying to trick me again. Now I was in my regular home, typical place where my lucids starts, so I opened the door and took off.

      It was night and the sky was full of stars, as if there was no city lights contamination. I was in awe as I love the stars as I am never able to see so many. I also saw the moon and a clock with 7:83 time, the clock was like a modern alarm clock, floating around.

      As I flew to the stars, I saw a huge weird mall and decided to land. As I landed, it became day again. I realized that the dream was blurry, so demanded for Clarity with a bit of success. As I went inside the mall, it looked like a Costco store, but I realized it was outdoors, as I felt the wind and the sunlight.

      The dream started to fade,and asking for Clarity did not work. So I told my self that I would pretend to put my glasses on and so, have a better view. I had to do this a few times, and I went from very blurry to a bit more clear, like when you visit the eye doctor. This was not working, so I told myself I would pull my actual glasses out from my pocket, I did with success and the dream went very clear.

      I was walking by some tourist area and there were families having coffee in a terrace and kids running. I went to an area that were selling wine and I saw a bottle of "Vina Tondonia Rioja" labeled as "California Wines" I was like surprised and then reminded myself I was in a dream. A dream Character told me, "Drinking american wine is like drinking water with sugar, this ain't no wine and you know it, go European." I laughed and left.

      I was now next to some expensive liquor and jewelry and there were some security guards looking at me and saying in a whisper that I was suspicious, but I could hear them. I just kept exploring the mall and reminded myself of the Task of the Year... I realizing that being mid October is late to get started, but I wanted to push my self, so I recalled I had to go to the Colosseum and fight a Gladiator.

      I went through some doors and told myself I would find the Colosseum, to only find the female restroom! I tried twice and only found toilets and the janitor room. However, I saw an older door, very rusty. I focused on it and opened to find the colosseum.

      It was kind of buried and in a much worse shape than it is right now but the roof kind of blew away and suddenly, I was in the real Colosseum. I saw a chariot with two horses attaced to it standing in the middle of the Colosseum

      There was a gladiator looking at me and there was a second chariot that was empty. There was no one else and I said out loud, "Public!" And the Colosseum started to fill up with people, cheering at a high volume. I was surprised to be able to summon so many DCs, as that is not one of my best abilities.

      As I was going to jump on the chariot, some other guy did first, but I knocked him out as I had to do the fighting. Rather that the usual Colosseum fights, this one was more of a crashing fight. The horses were gone and even though I was still in a roman chariot, it had now an engine and we started to drive, hitting each other and forcing each other to crash, until his chariot blew up, giving me the victory.

      I was happy I completed the firs ToTY and decided to wake up myself to write it down.

      Updated 10-19-2013 at 04:06 PM by 31830

      lucid , non-lucid , task of the year
    6. Left behind in a country-wide tour

      by , 10-09-2013 at 07:07 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Left behind in a country-wide tour (DILD)


      I was traveling with a group of people through different cities around the States and we would stay one night at a hotel and enjoy the dinner there.

      One night, a friend was left for some reason. I wondered how he would do to catch up with all of us because we were in some sort of all expenses covered tour.

      Another night passed and I had to visit the restroom. When I left the restroom I noticed all my friends left me behind as well. I was wondering why did they and figured I needed to stay at the hotel paying it on my own and figure out something next day (it was late night)

      I went to sleep and woke up the next morning. I was in a totally different room and even hotel.

      I realized anything made sense so I turned lucid. My level of lucidity was very low, I was barely aware I was dreaming, so i jumped off the window and started to fly.

      I saw a nice lake so I decided to jump in and explroe the underwater, but
      the clock woke me up
      Tags: fly, hotel, lucid
      lucid , non-lucid
    7. "OM" Meditation to Astral Project

      by , 04-10-2011 at 06:57 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      "OM" Meditation to Astral Project (DILD)


      I was walking outdoors. It was sunny and warm. I was in a different city where I currently live. It was a city made out of buildings on about 4-5 stories each. The buildings were red, dark read brick colored.

      I remember a street that was going uphill. The street had stairs and buildings on each side. There was a big taller building in front of me. I met with a gal who kissed me a few times. I was going to this building for some psychic convention or something. I was excited. On my way I found some made up friends until I made it to the building.

      I entered the building. There was large walk-in refrigerators and some showers at the bottom. I knew I was going to spend there several hours, so I took a shower. I decided to eat something. I opened one of this refrigerators, made out of stainless steel. Inside, I found a big chocolate cake, a lava cake and some muffings. I did not feel like eating sweet, but I had no other choice.

      After eating, we were going to do some group meditation. It was probably a, "OM"session. We were attempting to Astral Project. I think I was the only one who was actually succeeding. I started to feel my body numb and I felt some vibrations
      (they were not like real vibrations while I try to AP, but dreamed ones) I was feeling my wedding ring too heavy on my finger and it was disturbing me to AP. I told by telepathy to other psychic to remove my ring. She did slowly, but for some reason I said something I cannot recall and lost focus. The lady said,"I felt very bad while I was holding your wedding ring and you said that."

      I ended the meditation session. Now I was in a room where the ceiling, walls and floors were made out of wood. The room was pretty empty and I decided to leave. I walked through this home and I felt someone was looking for me. I decided to check my hands when I saw one of my fingers was broken.

      I turned lucid. I flew away breaking up the window as usual. It was partially cloudy and I was in downtown. The buildings were very high and most were black. The dream was pretty stable so I decided what to do.

      I recalled the Tasks of the Month, but they were done already so nothing. I also recalled I never missed a task of the month so I was good there. I recalled several Tasks of the Year, but I passed, I did not feel like doing them. I decided to put my thoughts in order and plan a few things I needed to do work related and metaphysically related.
      (Too bad I forgot to attempt to jump to the Astral Plane from the Dream Plane... oh well) I stood floating without doing anything "dream related" for several minutes. After while, I spotted a huge dog on the top of a building. I flew to the dog and started to pet it. It was a Boxer, but it was huge, about 5 feet tall.

      I also spotted another dog in other building, so I flew to it and played with him for a while until
      I lost lucidity. I saw a giraffe, but it was all gray and it had huge elephant ears. When I approached it, it was more like a rhino. It trampled me and pushed me out to some sort of garbage disposal. A female employee pushed the button of a small door that said, "Not animals" It was a yellow sign with a black cow on it. I started to get sucked by something and flew away to the interior of the building.

      I realized I was still dreaming. I found my wife who was afraid of something. We went to the top of the building and told her we were in a dream. I told her she was probably going to forget the dream, but that I wanted to try anyway. My wife was acting like if she had waking limitation and vulnerabilities. I told her we could do whatever we liked as we were dreaming. I proved jumping very high, but she was not convinced. I also explained to her that everything in the dream was also material and touchable. I punched a car and made a hole in the door. I told her that even I could do something I could not on waking, the car had some resistance and did not vanish.
    8. I assassinate the assassin, find some flowers and catch a ghost

      by , 04-07-2011 at 08:40 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      I assassinate the assassin, find some flowers and catch a ghost (DILD)


      I was going to a big building that had a bar on the top of it. I needed to go to that bar to complete a compliance audit. That building was well populated with assassins. I was worried that some assassin would spawn from somewhere to try to kill me. The cash I was going to receive was worth the risk. I told to myself that I was good at sensing energies, so I would be able to detect the assassin before he stabbed on my back.

      I entered an elevator. All walls were made out of steel. It was a very old school elevator. The ceiling of the elevator was like a regular home, white ceiling. There was a small hole on the ceiling, but it was just a few inches wide.

      I started to realize that an assassin could get through the hole and I was trapped in the elevator. I realized as it was a dream, the assassin could shrink and then grow back. I told to myself to not think in an assassin otherwise, one would probably spawn. I tried to focus in reaching the top floor.

      The elevator's door opened and I had a big bar in front of me as I was expecting. It was as big as a cinema. Where the screen was supposed to be, there was the actual bartender with the drinks. All the remaining area, had cinema seats. I was going to seat next to a guy. The place was pretty crowded. I could see a couple of 40'' TVs that where showing a Boxing fight. When I was about to seat down, a guy told me, "Don't seat here or he will get mad" I realized it might be the seat of a mob or something. I sat somewhere else. I took a few photos and tried to leave.

      A guy told me that if an assassin would spot me leaving while the boxing fight did not end, he was going to kill me. I left the area and there was no elevator. I started to walk down the stairs. The entire building was made out of iron. I found a room that looked alike some storage room. I helped the guy with a few boxes and left.

      I was now at the street. I saw an assassin who looked pissed at me. I told the assassin I just needed to wait for a friend. He told me to wait there and not leave. The assassin ran to a far away car, so I decided to run like ever and get the hell out of there. The assassin spotted me and he outran me. He had a sword on his hand and started to hit me with it. I felt like he was cutting my neck, but it did not hurt.

      I had one of my huge knives from work (for Serrano Ham) and one tiny (for the machengo cheeses) I decided to keep hidden the big knife. I fought the assassin with the little knife. The assassin got confused for a second and I stabbed him with the big knife. I repeated several times until the assassin was no more.

      I saw a few more people running at me. I was worried they would be more assassins. I started to walk home as I did not remember where my car was. I crossed a forest, a river and I got to the Hwy 805. I felt I was far from home, but I had no other chance but walk. I attempted to fly with success. I found funny I could fly in waking life.

      For some reason, I re-spawned at the top of a huge building. The sky was very blue and the building was huge.
      I turned lucid because I realized that I got there magically. I jumped out of the building and started to fly to make it stable. However, the dream was pretty good and I remembered I needed to find a bouquet of flowers. I saw a few of them by the windows of the building, so I picked up one. It had mainly roses and some weird brown flowers. Basic completed. I took flight again and threw the flowers away.

      While I was enjoying the flight, I lost vision. I could feel the wind on my face, the sound of the freeway (wtf) and the smell of the sea. I suddenly felt double consciousness and started to wake up. I increased the speed of the flight and entered the ocean. After a while, I decided to exit the ocean. I had my vision back.

      It was night now and I was flying over a huge town. All the building where very tall and the imaginary was very dark. There was no moon. I could hear some crowded city noises from the far distance. I enjoyed the tranquility of the sky at night. Suddenly, I saw something over a building, shaped like the Empire State. There was a human shape, but about 8 feet tall and with more than one arm. It was invisible but I could see the imaginary blurry behind it.

      I saw this thing was eating souls of some sort. I realized it was a ghost. He was pulling stuff from the Empire State Building, but it was like ghostly stuff, because the building itself never became damaged. I felt he was a threat so I wanted to capture it. I also remembered it was the advanced task of the month.

      I decided to crease a PSI Ball. I was sure that as I was dreaming, I could make it visible. I did within seconds. A second later, the ghost was surrounded by my PSI Ball and it was trapped. I made the PSI Ball smaller. I could see how the ghost was also smaller, trying to get out without success. I made it vanish.

      I lost lucidity at some point and I decided to go to a beach. I saw some wild animals that were attacking humans. I saw a couple of wild-boards, a tiger and a walrus walking (wtf!!) I also got to some tiny boat that I owned in the dream, but it was rocking extremely hard. Harder that if there was an earthquake. The sea was nuts.

      Something else happened with me and a copy of me that was like a sculpture of ice.