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    The Labrynth of the Mind

    Here you will find the accounts of my para-conscious exploits. You will find that some are incredibly dull, and appear to represent an almost automatic screensaver of my mind. Others are rather interesting. It rather depends upon my waking life.

    Lucid dreams are the only ones in which I use a color scheme. I use the conventional Blue for Lucid and Red for Nonlucid in such cases.

    1. 01/1-2/2021 (Nazi Spies)

      by , 01-03-2012 at 12:09 AM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Me vs. the Nazis

      I am at my grandparents' house. I find out that my grandmother works for the Nazis, and is part of a top secret plan. She lets me in on it, because she thinks that I am going to be a part of it. But I have no intention of being a Nazi. I decide to escape, so I make an excuse to leave the room. My granparents have a refrigerator in the garage, so I think perhaps if I go out that way my grandmother won't know I'm leaving. But they have a burglar alarm system that makes a noise to let people in the house know if someone is opening a door. So when I open the door to go outside, I know that she will know where I am going.

      I quickly open the door, running to my car before she can catch up to me. I pull out my keys, and start the car as fast as I can. I know that if she didn't catch on before, she will now that she hears tha car start. As I back my car out of its parking place, I can see my grandmothers car being backed out of the garage. She blocks my way as I try to back into another area to turn around, so I push the car into drive and try speeding away. She quickly pulls her car in front of me, and my heart races as I try to find a way out. The excitement wakes me up.
    2. 12/20-21/2011

      by , 12-21-2011 at 11:05 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Another busy morning. As a result, I had to wait all day to journal so my recall isn't so good.

      Weird vitamins

      I am at my grandparent's house. Someone has made up packets of vitamins for myself and some family members. I look into the packet that I am given at the vitamins. There are some pills and odd looking herbs, and a worm. The longer I look, the more worms appear in the packet. Apparently the worms have medicinal properties and are good for us. I don't like the idea of eating them, but I think I do anyway. It doesn't taste too bad really. More like gummy worms than anything.

      Meeting the Emperor

      I am on a field trip or vacation of some sort. There is a girl there who is kind of cute, but a little odd. For one thing, she is dressed like a leprechaun. I can't tell if I think that is cute or weird, but she seems to like me. We sit near each other and now and then she holds my hand when we walk. We go into a building, going upstairs.

      Somehow, I become a soldier in the revolutionary war. It is still the same setting and the same building, but a couple of centuries earlier apparently. I have to meet the "Emperor" of England to discuss the terms of the American Colonies. I go into a huge room, which is dark and apparently contains a lake. The Emperor is sitting on a throne in the middle of a lake, and people who have been granted and audience are expected to crawl to him along a path over the water. I refuse to crawl, and walk out to the Emperor even before he calls me. I don't like the guy's arrogance, and I'm an American anyway.

      I tell him that the Colonists want independance. He tells me that I will have to schedule an appointment to talk to him. He says that it isn't so much his idea, but people will get mad at us if I don't get an appointment. Not only that, but he is apparently so great that only really extraordinary people can talk to him on such short notice. He suggests that I talk to his receptionist, and pretend that I was dead but came back to life, or something like that. Apparently that is the scale of importance that I have to meet to talk to him.

      I go back into the hallway and find what I think is the receptionist's office. I think instead of saying I was dead and came back to life I will tell her I was blind but now I can see. It turns out though that this isn't the receptionist's office. The lady gives me directions to the receptionist.

      "Go out this door and to your right," she says. "Take the elevator with the red door..." I forget the rest of the directions. I go out into the hallway again, but have some difficulty trying to find the rest of the way.
    3. Another Sucess with Valerian+Melatonin

      by , 03-10-2011 at 03:18 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Before bed I took 800mg of valerian and 0.25mg of melatonin.

      Fragments from early REM period

      I am walking around the halls of my university. There are a lot of people in the halls with me. I believe that I am on my way to class...

      ... I am part of Uru again. There is a linking book somewhere, I think...

      ... I am looking at a computer screen. There is a picture of something entitled "dreamsign". It looks like the logo for one of the filmmaking companies. The kind of Celtic looking thing. As I look at it, it looks more like the Yeesha symbol from Uru...

      Going to my Grandparents'

      I am on my way to visit my Grandparents' house. There seems to be a time constraint on this, and my mother and I are trying to figure out the best way for me to get there. In the end, we decide that I will drive part way there, and when I am almost to their house to park the car and take a ferry across a small lake along the way. Somehow I think that this will be cost effective and possibly save time. I will call and schedule the ferry while I am driving.
      Former Workplace

      My mother and I are at my former workplace (a toy store) looking for a specific toy. We look in a few places for this thing (some kind of military hovercraft) but can't find quite what we are looking for. Then I remember that it is probably in the action figure section. I take her over to that area, but when we get there we see that all but one of the shelves are missing. I ask one of the current stockers what happened to the other shelves. He doesn't know (he is new). I ask another employee, but he doesn't know either.

      Lucid at the Fair

      I am walking down the road in the middle of our county fair. It is late in the season, and there are not many people visiting. Many of the stands are closing up for the year, and I look as I walk for familiar games and people. I am in my uniform (as though I were there to staff the public relations booth as I did when I was a park ranger). I am not there as a park ranger, but I have some other reason to go to the fairs. I think how nice it is that I get to go back to these old familiar places, and walk down the road feeling at ease.

      I try to think of why I am at the fair. I can't exactly remember. Then I remember that being at the fair is a dreamsign. I stop walking, and turn to look behind me. Things look OK, but I am beginning to realize that I am dreaming.

      I try to justify my being at the fair, but I can't. "So this is a dream," I say.

      I look up at a concession stand to my right. As I do, I become aware that the dream is losing realism. I am in danger of losing the dream, and consider either preparing for a DEILD or hoping to WILD when I wake up. Then I decide to try my Dream Posession technique to stabilize it, and attempt to summon Monk. I am vaguely aware of somebody's presence at my side, and try to take posession of their body. This is partly sucessful, and I blink a few times to try to get the vision clear.

      I decide to fly, hoping this will further put me in the dream. I float up into the air, and then come down through the top of the concession stand. There is a woman working in there. She is not overly beautiful, but she is pleasing to look at. I decide to kiss her, and do so. Around here I loose the dream.


      I am with one of my colleagues at an archeological excavation. We are back at a rockshelter where we were two years ago, and are at first digging through snow. My colleague, Dr. B., points to a birdbath in the middle of a field and tells me how much he dislikes it. Then he describes a statue that used to sit in it, and how much he hated that. I think the birdbath is kind of attractive, and like the idea of the statue.

      We continue digging through the snow. We try not to make too many footprints in it, but Dr. B. seems to be making a lot. Now the snow is moss, and we are removing layers of it. Now we are no longer excavating, but pulling weeds. And now we are digging through dirt looking for trash.

      There is a lot of trash in the dirt, and we move down a line sorting through rubbish to throw away. I come across a pile of items, with some electronic equipment and stacks of old records. I am happy with this find, since I get to keep whatever I come across.
    4. Beat Up by a DC

      by , 03-05-2011 at 03:02 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      I have been very busy for the past week with exams to study for, and rather stressed. As a result, I have not been keeping up with my dream journal and my recall is getting a little out of shape. Last night I was a little on edge, so I took 800mg valerian. I slept briefly from 12:30am to about 3:00, and then had difficulty getting back to sleep. I took approximately 1/4mg of melatonin at this point. I then briefly attempted a MILD, but my mind was so restless it was difficult to keep any mantra or visualization. Nonetheless, I appear to have been successful in something

      Beat Up

      ... I am part of a much larger adventure. We are in school or a library or something, possibly in Japan. It might even be a hotel. There is a large swimming pool in one room, and we are chasing after some villain. I apprehend this guy in the pool room, which is also some kind of laboratory. Cornered, he turns on me.

      The guy is Japanese, and much larger than I am. I am no match for him, and we circle around a set of shelves containing chemical equipment and some glassware. I think to myself "this is a very odd situation. Not only that, I'm in a school, near a swimming pool, and there are lots of other things that are dreamsigns. I don't ordinarily fight Japanese guys in real life. I'll bet I'm dreaming."
      Sure enough, I soon realize, I am!

      My Japanese opponent takes advantage of my temporary disorientation upon realizing that I am dreaming. As I stand there laughing to myself and patting myself on the back, he jumps around to my side of the shelves and closes in. "Ha ha!" I laugh, "You do realize this is a dream, don't you? You're no match for me!"

      He continues to come towards me. I decide I had better stabilize the dream, so I try a dream posession technique like the one I had great success with in a lucid dream last week. I decide to try to posess my opponent, but he won't stand still. I can see that he won't cooperate for me, and I remember that part of the success last time came from the fact that I posessed my dream self, Monk. I summon Monk.

      "Monk," I order, "Appear right here." I indicate to the spot next to me. I look, and there he is, waiting. I step sideways until I should be standing in the same spot as him, and blink a few times until I am seeing with his eyes. I am starting to get this posession technique down, but it was not easy to complete last night because the Japanese fellow was still attacking me.

      "Wait a minute!" I say, not quite understanding why he is still playing his part. "Let me stabilize this dream." He doesn't wait, but takes a swing at me. I glance around quickly, trying to notice details and activate my senses. I am partially successfull in this, though it is not easy to do a proper job of it with a huge thug trying to pulverize my skull.

      "OK," I say, visiously turning on my assailant, "If that's the way you want it, fine! You're no match for me, this is my dream. I'm lucid, you know."

      The Japanese thug just sneers at me, and swings at me again. "Watch this," I say. I visualize a force of energy coming out of my finger, and into the stomach of my attacker. Not much happens, so I thrust at him, feeling the energy as I do so. He looks down at his stomach, as though I had just poked him. Then he laughs.

      "You really thought that that would work?" he roars, "Well watch this!" He punches me in the stomach and I double over. Then he grabs me by the shoulders, and throws me into the wall. My breath is knocked out of me. This is not going at all well. Pinning me against the wall by the shoulders, he peers into my face (all this time smiling in a self-satisfied way as though he knows DC's aren't supposed to do this). "What about this?" he says, punching me in the face. "How is the dream going now?" Then he slaps my face a couple of times, pulls back his fist, and delivers a punch directly between the eyes that wakes me up.

      At the Lake

      My famliy and I are at a lake. It is on that I used to dream of more frequently, but have not for a while. We wade a little bit at a beach, and come across some large rocks in the water. My Dad starts climbing around on them, jumping from one to another. There is one jump he is hesitant to make, but when I get out onto the rocks I attempt the jump. It isn't like you fall very far if you miss, the rocks are only a few inches out of the water. I miss one jump, and splash into the water. My parents chuckle, and that's all that happens. Pretty anticlimactic for a dream after taking valerian.

      There be Giants

      We are in a place with many tunnels. I'm not entirely sure who we are, but I think is it something like the crew of the starship Enterprise. But I'm also at my grandparents' house. Anyway, it is more like a huge sewer system. Many adventures take place that are a little fuzzy when I try to recall them, but they invlolve some mythtical creatures and some robots. A robot crawls inside of the Moon, which somehow causes time to stand still. This does something with a giant.

      We now have to defeat this giant. The location is like a shopping mall now. An element of romance has been added, as I am trying to win a girl I believe. There are other people around. I can't remember what they are supposed to be doing. Anway, we can hear the footsteps of the giant down one of the tunnels. They get closer and closer, and we realize we had better seek cover. I try to run up a narrow set of stairs, but the giant follows. There is a scene where two of us and the giant are running around and around the stairs, jumping down to a lower part of the stairwell and running back up again. Then I run into a department store and hide among the shelves.

      The giant is captured, and some of our group sets to work on performing a labotomy or something. They open it's skull, and pour in some liquid. A few minutes later, the giant wakes up. I am afraid that he might turn on us again, so I stay in hiding (for some reason, I was a big coward in this dream). Soon the giant approaches the place where I am hiding. Some of my companions come running in to tell me that everything is OK, and the giant is harmless now.
    5. Drinking Contest and other odd things

      by , 01-30-2011 at 03:53 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      The Drinking Contest

      I am in a Dairy Queen. They are having an advertizement for new treats in their freezer (I mean the advertizement is in the freezer; it's a live action commercial).

      "You've seen all these old treats" says the narrator. "Remember when this was new?" They show some things like an ice cream cake and a Dilly Bar, as well as some frozen canned whipped cream I have never seen before. "But now it's just the same old same old. Well, there's a new treat in town!" The other things are pushed aside, and a giant cake is dropped down, taking their place. It is green, and covered in lots of icing. Upon it's being sliced open, it is found to be filled with frozen coconut filling.

      "Just in time for the Super Bowl, it's a -- Day Cake! [the -- was some name like McNabb, I don't think it was him but it was a celtic name famous in football] It is now being offered at a great price. Or, you can win this cake for free! All you have to do is be here on McNabb's Day (I guess it is some sort of holiday) and drink beer! That's right, you drink beer for 13 hours. Here's the thing - you have to be drinking beer the whole time, and no bathroom breaks can be taken. If you're still here at the end, you get the cake for free!"

      A few people seem to be interested in this deal. Next to me is a table of really good looking girls.

      "Heck," says one of them, "We'll just wait here until McNabb's Day starts. It's just an hour or so."

      I sit down next to her, and put my arm around her. For some reason my mother shows up and sits on the other side of her. The girls begin talking about how much they like to drink, and how great it will be to have free beer all day long. They seem to think drinking constantly for 13 hours is easy.

      I start talking to my mother, loud enough so that they can overhear. "What do you think would happen to someone who drank beer constantly for 13 hours?" I say.

      "I don't know," says my mother, "but it can't be good".

      "I would think you'd get alcohol poisoning," I say. The girls seem to take no heed. I pull the girl next to me a little closer, and give her a hug. I am honestly worried about her. "Here is my prediction. By this time tomorrow night there will be at least one alcohol related death because of this contest."

      "I think you're right," says my mother.

      I now see in my mind's eye the scene of an accident, and someone being loaded into an airplane.

      Strange Goings-on at my Grandparents'

      We are having a family get together at my grandparents' house. It is getting to be late at night, and my brother goes back to bed. My aunt decides to play a trick on him, and changes into a bikini top. She undoes the strings at the bottom, so it looks as though she is in the process of taking it off. Then she goes into my brother's bedroom, pretending to be a strange woman who wandered in from the street.

      Fixing the Computer

      (This may have been a continuation of the last dream, or not. I don't quiet remember. It's one of those that isn't so coherent.)

      Bobcats never let go once they have hold of you. My little cat thinks it's a bobcat at times, but at other times it is just like a kitten. I pet it, but then someone makes it think it's a bobcat. It grabs my hand with it's teeth and claws, getting a wild look in its eyes. I start singing to it, treating it like a little kitten again. It let's go of my hand.

      Now somebody has the cat on his shoulder, and is climbing and running along the top of a moving train. It is a daredevil.

      Now I am in a room somewhere. There are lots of children walking by on a field trip. They have to line up at the door, and they set their books down in front of me. I look at them, and see they are doing the same thing I did when I was their age.

      A telephone rings in the room I am in. A woman answers the phone. "It's for you," she says, "it's Client #9".

      "Client #9?" I say, "uh, that doesn't sound right." I pick up the telephone. I should have known. It's my uncle, who likes to pretend he is weird people when calling family and freinds. He asks if I'm busy, and if I can help work on my Grandfather's computer.

      Now I am at my Grandfather's house with his computer. It has a small problem, but Dell wants over $1,000 to fix it.

      "$1,000?!" I say, "at the most, you'll just have to get a new CPU, or maybe just a new motherboard."

      Now my brother goes to bed. I have my laptop running, and it's been running all day. I decide I had better shut it down.

      Working for Rush

      I get a new job, working for Rush Limbaugh. He is explaining how the job works.

      "When I'm on the mic," he says, "I don't know whether someone is doing their job or not. I don't go around and see how much or how well people are working. What I do is look at their desk. If your desk is clean, you are a good employee."

      I look around the office. Everybody has a nice, perfectly clean desk. I sit down at my desk, and try to organize my things to look nice as well.
    6. Former Job, Grandparents House, Marker Quest (This is getting monotonous)

      by , 12-01-2010 at 03:28 PM (The Labrynth of the Mind)
      Another experiment with valerian, B-6, and melatonin. Did not seem to work overly well this time.

      Hired Back

      I am going to be hired back to my former job. This time, however, the job seems to involve working underwater. This does not seem unusual to me, but the office is now in a town that is about an hour away from the old office. This is actually not bad, because it may be a shorter commute for me...

      ...A lot of things having to do with water. Now my cousin's relatives are coming to our family reunion. That seems odd to me.

      Band in the Desert

      There is a big tent in the desert. There is a band playing in the tent. There are also camels, but most people are driving cars.

      Marker Quest

      I am at my grandparents' house. I am with my brother. We are walking in front of my grandparent's car. Their car doesn't have very good brakes, and I try to convince my brother to walk faster (we are going down hill). We reach the bottom of the hill and I am doing a marker quest (as in Uru). The markers lead out into the main road that this road intersects. I try to dash out quickly to pick up the markers, but as in dreams it is difficult to dash quickly. I eventually get to the other side.

      I pick up one marker that says to examine the original scene more carefully. By this I know it means Eder Gira. I look around where I am a while longer, and find another marker under my kitchen table (it is by the road for some reason).