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    Chronicles of Ethos

    1. Giant and Lizard Battle (March 7, 2012)

      by , 05-06-2012 at 02:48 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Giant and Lizard Battle

      I was standing on the side of a dirt road at the top of a hill. I knew there was supposed to be a village a few miles from there. For some reason there were hundreds of people walking along the road towards me. They had horses and carriages with them. It looked as if they were evacuating or moving to a new location. I stopped a woman so I could talk to her. "What is everyone doing?" I asked. "We're leaving the city." She said. "Why?" I asked. "Monsters have taken over." She replied before moving on.

      I became lucid at this point due to the mention of monsters. I was able to recognize it as a dream thing this time. The thought of hundreds of people abandoning a city because of monsters made me just a little upset and angry. I wanted to go over the city and stop the monsters. I used these emotions to go into a low level fury mode. I used this new energy to transform into a black dragon. I then took off into the sky and flew at a very high speed with the fury energy. I came close to where the village should have been in about 10 seconds.

      As I was flying I looked down and noticed there was nothing there but a large crater. The town had been completed destroyed and all that was left was a desert. I saw a grey giant thing sitting in the middle of the crater. I was about to attack it, but I sensed the energy of something flying towards me at a very fast speed. I quickly moved downward to avoid it and it stopped right above me. It was some sort of lizard raptor thing and it felt powerful. I put my hands in the air and created a large purple disc of fury energy. I then quickly threw the disc at the raptor. I thought he would have dodged it, but instead he blocked. It exploded when it hit him and damaged him only a little.

      The raptor quickly flew down and threw a punch at me. I blocked it and we got in a very intense martial arts fight while hovering in the air. Neither of us managed to land a solid hit and we appeared to be of equal strength. At one point though I did find an opening and I punched him as hard as I could. He fell towards the ground and created a crater where he landed. I thought I had defeated the raptor, so I flew towards the giant. I hovered in front of the giant's face and started punching and kicking at it. It was enough to irritate him, but it was generally ineffective. I sensed the raptor's energy coming up from behind again as I fought the giant. When the raptor tried attacking me, I blocked him again. I then had to fight both the giant and the raptor at the same time. It was a little too much for me.

      It wasn't long before the raptor found an opening in my defense. He kicked me hard and I flew up into the air. The giant then jumped up and punched me towards the ground. I used the fury energy to create a force field around right before I hit the ground. When I hit the ground, it created a massive crater. My shield broke when I hit the ground, so I was only able to absorb some the impact. It was just enough to save me from being killed. It hurt like hell though and I could hardly move. At this point I realized I wouldn't be able to do this on my own. "Where's Claire when you need her?" I thought out loud. I tried to get up, but I just couldn't. "Claire!" I yelled in desperation.

      Three seconds later, a portal opened in front of me. Claire came out of the portal with her sword and battle armor. I can't remember much more of the dream after this point. I know Claire fought both of the monsters at once to protect me. I also remember she use a lot of lightning bolts as usual. Although I can't remember exactly, I'm pretty sure she won the fight.

    2. Escape Boat, Escape Train, Escape Plane (January 27, 2012)

      by , 01-28-2012 at 04:02 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Escape Boat

      Before this dream started, I was testing day dream awareness. I was day dreaming about odd things because my mind wasn't fully awake. I day dreamed that I was swimming in the ocea after a cruise ship. Just to make a key point, I was climbed onto the ship by a really long ladder. Now onto the dream.

      I was sneaking around a facility (of what kind I do not know) with the elf. I was wearing a backpack that must have been full of a lot of stuff because it was heavy. I was also carrying a couple bottles of Gatorade and some granola bars in my left arm. It seemed that we were looking for supplies and anything useful. She opened a chest in the corner of the room and started digging through a bunch of junk. I think she even tossed out a rubber chicken as she was digging. Inside the chest she found a large old book, a compas, a couple sacks of something, a can of gasoline, and a familiar looking blue crystal. She put the book, compas, and crystal in her satchel bag. She tied a string around the gas can and put it around her other shoulder. She carried the sacks of what I think was fruit in her left arm.

      "I think we have enough supplies now." She said.
      "Agreed. How do we get out of here again." I said looking around confused.
      "That ladder over there." She said pointing behind me.

      She walked past me and started climbing the ladder. I followed right behind her, but she somehow got to the top in like 10 seconds. It took me a while to climb the ladder because of how heavy my backpack was.
      About half way up the ladder I suddenly became lucid because climbing the ladder seemed familiar to me. It may just be coincidence, but I think my day dream might have been successfully helped me become lucid in a way.

      "Guess who's lucid!" I shouted happily as I neared the top.
      "That's nice. Just hurry up." She said as she grabbed my hand.
      "Grouch..." I said as I climbed to the top.

      We started walking through a dimly lit metal hall that felt kind of sci-fi. I started to get a weird feeling as I followed her. It felt like something was about to happen and I think she felt it too.

      She stopped and said, "Be careful, I think there's a trap ahead."
      "Doubt it." I said trying to be positive.

      She slowly started walking forward. Then out of know where I heard a streaking sound and saw blood splatter from her stomach. She fell to the ground and lied there motionless.

      "Holy crap!" I said as I ran over to her.
      I lifted her head and asked her, "Are you okay? Can you move?"

      She could only moan in pain. I looked down and saw a huge gash in her stomach. 100 thoughts went through my mind at once for what I could do to save her. Then the thought of simply healing her wound came to mind.

      "Okay, don't worry, I think I can heal you." I said to her.
      I held out my hands and spoke to myself, "Just focus the magic in my hands..."
      "I'm ready!" I shouted once my hands started to glow white.

      I then placed my hands over her wound and released the energy into her body. She glowed brightly for a moment. I shielded my eyes and when I looked back her wound was completely healed. She opened her eyes and slowly stood back up. She was alive now, but it looked like she barely had enough energy to stand.

      "Awesome! I can heal people now!" I congratulated myself.
      "Just hurry up." She said stumbling to through the hall.
      "What? No thank you?" I said catching up to her.

      The hall led outside. I could see that it was the middle of the night and there was an ocean outside. At the end of the hall was a ladder that went down 10 feet. The elf started climbing down the ladder slowly, but I just jumped straight down. I sat there for a minute or so waiting for her to climb all the way down. We then walked over to a motor boat sitting next the docks.

      "Be very careful, or they'll spot us." She whispered.
      "I know, I know." I said.
      "Take the supplies and put them on the boat while I fill it with gas." She told me.

      She grabbed a bunch of bags that were sitting next to the boat and handed them to me. She then tossed the two sacks of fruit and her satchel on top of that. I quickly lost my balance and I stumbled back. I fell onto the boat and tipped it over and all of the supplies were in the water.

      "You idiot!" She yelled at me.
      "Don't worry! I'll get the stuff back!"
      "Don't forget to bring back my bag!" She yelled as I started swimming.

      I turned the boat back rightside up so she could fill it with gas. Then I started swimming around the harbor gathering the stuff I lost and putting it back in the boat. Right when I thought I had everything I remembered her satchel. I looked around for it, but I couldn't find it. Then I thought about the possibility of it sinking. I dove underwater to look for it, but it was too dark to see. I then remembered that she stuck a blue crystal inside the bag. It seems that crystals glow when I get near them, so I thought it might glow if I put a lot of focus on it. Luckily it worked, and I saw the bag glowing bright blue between two rocks. I grabbed it and brought it back to the boat.

      By the time I got there the elf had already finished filling the boat with gas. She was sitting in the drivers seat ready to get going. I climbed into the boat and we drove away. The dream ended right about here.

      Escape Train

      Me and the elf were sitting in a very large dimly lit room with a bunch of train tracks. We were in another facility again and trying to escape again. We planned to escape by train, but we needed a train first and to change the direction of the tracks. We walked through a door with a light above it. The room we walked into had a series of ladders that we needed to climb. It was kind of like if Donkey Kong was made 3D. We climbed the first ladder onto a platform. When we climbed up to it there were a few scorpions on the ground.

      "Ahh! Scorpions!" I screamed.
      "What do we do?" She asked me.
      "Kick them! Kick them!" I said as I stomped on one and kicked it.

      Once the scorpions were dead we climbed up the second ladder.
      As I climbed the second ladder I became lucid in the same way I did in the last dream.

      "Ladders? Again? What the hell?" I thought out loud.
      "Deal with it." The elf told me.

      We climbed to the second platform and kicked a few more scorpions before climbing to the third. On the third platform there was another door with a light above it. I tried to open it, but it was locked. I was about to think of a way to pick the lock before the elf charged into it. I think it was a bit much to have to break it open, but it worked. We walked into a well lit control room. There were too large windows on each side looked over too different train stations.

      "Go get the train while I guard the door." She said.
      "Okay, but what levers do I pull and what buttons do I press?" I asked her.
      "I don't know. Just pull all of the levers." She said kicking a scorpion.

      I walked over to the left window that overlooked our train station. There seemed to be something in the way that was blurring the glass. I pressed a red button to the right of it and the blurry glass slid out of the way. I still could barely see anything though because of how dark it was in there. So I pressed another button to the right of the window and the lights in the station turned on.

      "Hey! They told me lights don't work in dreams!" I said.
      "Hurry up. You're wasting time." She ordered me.

      I saw a rope hanging above me and I pulled down on it. A train then appeared on one of the tracks in the station. I then saw about 10 red levers below the window. I flipped them all down and as I did that the tracks started to straighten themselves out.

      "I did it!" I shouted in excitement.
      "Good. Now let's get out of here."
      "Wait. There's something wrong." I said starting to get a horrid feeling.
      "What did you do this time?" She asked me.
      "It feels like there's something down there..." I said trying to find it through the windows.
      "Just go already." She ordered me.

      We ran past the scorpions and jumped straight down the ground floor. When we walked out the door into the station we were both shocked by what we saw. There was some sort of monster in the station. It was 7 feet tall, had purple flesh, and a sword like claw on each hand. He took a couple of steps towards us and licked the blood off his blade. We took a couple steps back in terror of what we were seeing.

      "Look out!" She yelled as he lunged towards us.

      He tried to swipe us both with his two blades, but we both rolled out of the way. Although I really really really didn't want to fight this thing, I morphed into a black dragon.

      "Get to the train!" I told her as I lunged at the monster.

      I gripped with my back claws and started shredding it with my front claws and teeth. The elf then tried running past the monster towards the train. The monster quickly knocked me off of him and turned towards the elf as she ran by. He motioned to take a swipe at her and I slowed down time. I quickly ran between them and attempted to block the attack with arm. The good news was he wasn't able to slice off her head. The bad news is cut my arm really bad and it hurt. I fell to the floor as the elf stood at the back of the train. As the monster was about to take a final stab at me the elf fired a lightning bolt at it. I got up and ran towards the train as fast as I could while the monster chased after me. Once I got inside she pressed a button that closed a strong metalic door. The last thing I remember before waking up was the monster banging on the door, but failing to break it down.

      Escape Plane

      I can't remember the whole dream. I was on a plane trying to escape again from I don't know what. The seats were oddly arranged like a movie theater and there were a lot of fancy people on board. Then I saw two men and a woman from the back row run towards the cockpit. It looked pretty suspicious to me, so I followed them. When I ran in, the two men had their guns pointed at the pilots. I became lucid at this moment. The woman noticed me and pointed her gun at me.

      "What are you guys doing?" I asked.
      "What does it look like? We're hijacking this plane!" She told me.
      "Why?" I asked.
      "Because we're terrorists! That's what we do!" She said.

      I was about to ask her another question, but she was getting a bit annoyed with me and shot me in the head.
      The next thing I know, I'm sitting back in same seat I was before. The only difference now was that I seemed to be the only passenger.

      "Woah, weird lucid day dream." I thought to myself.
      "Waaaiiit a minute...
      I wasn't day dreaming! That was a real dream! And this is still a dream!" I yelled out loud.

      I then got curious about where everyone was and walked into the cockpit. The terrorists were there again and the two men in the group were trying to fly the plane.

      "Hello again." The woman said to me.
      "Where are the pilots...?" I asked loking around.
      "Over there." She said pointing her gun at two dead bodies in the corner.
      "Oh jeez..." I said looking at the bodies.

      I walked over to the two men flying the plane. They were doing a pretty crappy job. The radar showed that we were approaching the landing zone.

      "There's no way you can land this thing without crashing it." I told them.
      "Just wait and see!" She said.
      "We're starting to descend." One of the men said.

      I walked back into the passenger area and sat down. I tried thinking of a way for me to survive this situation. The only reasonable thing I could come up with was jump out. I saw the emergency exit door and opened it. I waited until we were very close to the ground before I jumped out. I did a roll when I hit the ground in an attempt to lessen the damage on me. Hitting a road at over 100mph is still gonna hurt though and I flew all over the place like a ragdoll. When I finally came to a stop I was on my back. I looked over to see the plane crash into another plane on the ground and explode.

      "Holy crap! This freaking hurts!" I yelled before I woke up.

    3. Sea Monsters, A Running Race, War Against France, A Flying Race (January 25, 2012)

      by , 01-26-2012 at 07:11 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Sea Monsters

      I was swimming deep under the ocean near the sea floor. I didn't pay much attention to the fact that fact that I was breathing underwater. All of my attention was captured by the beauty of this world and exploring it. I could have kept fallowing the bright colorful path of fish and coral, but curiousity and stupidity got the best of me. I could see a trench not too far away to the right and I decided to go see what was in it. As I looked down at the trench I heard a strange noise in my mind that almost sounded like someone screaming. That didn't seem to scare me enough and I slowly descended into the dark parts of the trench.

      Before I could get into the darkest region a giant lamprey came out from the darkness and tried to bite me. The thing was blue, at least 3 times my size, and had spikes on its sides. It charged at me and pinned me against another rock as I was trying to swim out of the trench. I tried to push it away from me, but I didn't have the strength. Right before it was about to latch onto my stomach I managed to morph into a black dragon. I used my dragon strength to push the lamprey away from my stomach. I then put poison into my back claws and slashed its face. The lamprey then backed away and thrashed about in a fit of pain. I focused more poison in my claws and swam back towards it. The lamprey saw me and started spinning in place. I tried to move out of the way, but my left side was cut by the spinning spikes. I quickly swam above it so it would lose sight of me. I charged more poison magic in my tail and claws while I waited for the lamprey to stop spinning. Once it stopped, I dived down and slashed its back about 20 times in 3 seconds. It finally died and fell back down to the ocean floor.

      I swam back out of the trench and was relieved to be out of the dark. I stopped to see how bad the cut was on my side. It looked pretty bad and it really hurt. I noticed I was losing a lot of blood and that it seemed to be flowing towards something. It was flowing towards some tiny fish in the distance. But then as those little fish got closer I realized they were actually great white sharks. They must have been attracted by the scent of my blood. Three of them started circling me and I prepared myself for another fight.

      One of them charged towards me head on, but I hit it in the face with my tail. It backed off and went back to circling me. Then another one came from the left and tried to take a bite at my wound. I stabbed it in the snout with my claws, swung myself onto its back, and kicked it hard to the ocean floor. Another shark dived down at me from above. It tried to take a bite at my stomach, but I pushed against its snout so it couldn't bite me. I then let go of its snout and gripped its tail as it swam past me. As I held onto the tail, the shark swam down deep into the darkest parts of the trench. I then saw a bright light floating in it and the shark threw me towards it.

      When I was thrown towards the light I was completely sucked into it. The light had teleported me into the living room of some house. I shot out of the portal really fast and slammed into a wall. I then fell onto my back and lied in pain.

      "I think I broke my snout!" I said covering it with my paws.
      "I'm going back to human." I said as I let the dragon body evaporate.

      Suddenly all of my pain went away and I was full of energy again. I got off the floor and looked around the room. I looked at the tv and documentary on sharks. I walked through the door and it led to an office room. A large blue crystal sitting on a shelf quickly got my attention. It was in the shape of an egg and there seemed to be a light blue mist moving inside it. I felt like I was supposed to touch it. I placed my hand over it and it quickly started glowing brightly. It looked like something amazing was about to happen, but then a lady came in and moved my hand away. The glow slowly faded away.

      "Don't touch that!" She said with a suspicious look.
      "Why not?" I asked her.
      "Just don't. Okay?" She told me before walking away.

      I was going to touch it again after she left, but I woke up.

      A Running Race

      I was running along a dirt path through a forest as fast as I could. When I saw 3 other guys and a girl trying to outrun each other I realized it was a race. Me and this white haired guy were the fastest and running neck and neck. The man suddenly ran off to the right into the forest. I realized he was trying to take a short cut, so I thought it was only fair to do the same. I ran after him through the bushes and then tumbled down a steep hill. After I hit the ground I started chasing him again. He jumped over a small stream and started climbing a cliff. The path he was trying to take seemed slow to me, so I decided to follow the stream instead. I ran through the bushes for a short distance before I came to a mansion surrounded by electric fencing. That's where the finish line was and I was able to cross it far ahead of everyone.

      There were two soldiers there who congratulated me. Even though they said I won, I was given a silver cup instead of gold. One of them opened a chest and pulled out some camo uniform.

      "Put these on." He said handing me the clothes.
      "Why?" I asked.
      "You won. That means you're hired!" He said.
      "I don't want to be hired." I told him.
      "Put them on!" He demanded.

      I had a feeling he would probably shoot me if I said anything else. So I quickly changed clothes into the camo uniform. After I did that the dream changed scenes. It was now night time and I was in a living room similar to the last dream. There were a few girls and guys standing next to some sleeping bags on the floor. I had just walked in at the end of an argument betwen them. The girls took their sleeping bags and walked out the door.

      "Sleep lightly tonight." A girl whispered in my ear.
      "They scare me." I told the group leader.
      "Don't worry. The worst they've done is stick sharp glass in someone's ears." He said.
      "I think I'll go to sleep now." I said.

      I pulled out an orange sleeping bag and tried to go to sleep. As I was about to fall asleep I heard the sound of breaking glass. I looked up and saw a girl picking up shards of glass off the floor and walk towards me. So I did what any reasonable person would do. I hid inside my sleeping bag and woke up.

      War Against France

      I was in the middle of an abandoned city. I don't remember experiencing it, but I remember knowing that we were at war with France. All of the American soldiers in the city had been killed except me. I ran up a street and saw a man with a machine gun. I pulled out my pistol and tried to shoot him, but I was out of bullets. Right before he started firing at me I jumped behind a low stone wall for cover. I found a dead body behind the wall holding a crossbow. I think he was just a civilian. So I took the crossbow and loaded a clip into it. Do they even have crossbows like that?

      When he stopped firing to reload I stood up and fired an arrow into his stomach. I then ran past the dying man into a garage to see what I could find. As I looked around I heard someone come up behind me. I turned around and saw a man with a remote controlled robot. The robot raised its guns and I jumped behind the car for cover. I found a flamethrower just lying there on the ground. When the robot stopped firing I jumped in front of it and lit it on fire with the flamethrower. After the robot was destroyed the flamethrower was out of gas. I picked up my crossbow that I left on the table, but the man had already run away.

      After this I remembered something about a helicopter on the other side of the city. I could have followed the streets or cut through the cemetery. I decided that it would be stealthier to go through the cemetery because it was off the main path. To get into the cemetery I had to jump over a wall with a 10 foot drop. I ran through undetected, but the only way out was through the colosseum. When I walked in I heard gun shots and I hid behind a stone column. I looked back and saw a guy in a tower with a machine gun. I kept running in the shadows where he couldn't see me. When I got to the other side a lizard man showed up and he just so happened to have a lightsaber.

      I tried shooting him with the crossbow, but he blocked that and kicked the crossbow out of my hands. I ducked as he tried to swing his saber at my neck. He then tried to stab me in the head, but I rolled to the right. I kicked the lightsaber out of his hands and it fell into the light. He ran after it and then triggered a mine. Turns out there was a mine field in the middle of the colosseum. I picked my crossbow back up and exited the colosseum. When I was on the streets again, a man came running towards me with a shotgun. I fired an arrow into his leg and then one into his chest. A few more soldiers came after me and I ran through the alleys to get away. The dream faded away as I ran.

      A Flying Race

      I was in a race again. This time I was on top of a mountain in the middle of the night. It was just me and the white haired guy from before. While I was running he was flying ahead of me.

      "You do realize this is a flying race? I don't think you can do it." He teased me.

      I came towards a cliff and I knew I would have to fly to live. So I ran full force and jumped off of it. I quickly transformed into a black dragon and started flying alongside him. This made him mad and he pulled out his sword. He flew towards me and tried to stab me. I turned into a shadow and appeared on the other side of him. I tried to hit him with my tail but he blocked it with his sword. We repeated this a few times before a strong wind blew us back towards the mountain. When I finally regained control of my flight I lost sight of him. He then came at me from behind and held me against the cliff. I released a small burst of shadow fire from my body and quickly let go. I then grabbed him with my claws and dove down along the waterfall. I was planning on throwing him into the sharp rocks at the bottom. Before I got to the bottom, I decided to fly back up and throw him into a cave behind the waterfall instead. I didn't feel like killing him so I left him there and flew away.
