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    Krista's Dream Journal

    1. Saving My Cat from Magma, and Seth Rogen to the Rescue!

      by , 09-16-2012 at 04:29 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at some kind of meeting or function. There were lots of people there. I want to say we were outside. I was sitting against a half a wall. Not quite stairs, though the wall could function that way; it's hard to explain. I'll just call them wall/stairs. There were some rooms or other areas up there.

      It was then dark outside. I was still at this function, when I noticed that the wall/stairs was leaking magma in certain areas. There were people, scientists or something, inspecting it and taking measurements. No one else seemed really concerned about the magma except for me and the scientists. I remember seeing some magma flow out onto a black scientist's thumb while he wasn't paying attention, and I thought for sure it would burn him, but it didn't; he didn't even seem to notice.

      I then got up and saw that I had been sitting with my back to a lot of magma flowing from this wall/stairs. I hadn't felt any heat or burning or anything at all. Odd. I watched the scientists some more as they collected samples. Some of the magma being examined had an unnatural glow to it. I watched one of the scientists walk by me with rubber gloves on covered in a reddish residue. I figured it was from the magma. I then watched some of the wall crumble as more magma slowly flowed out.

      Then, on two TV screens up above me (now we seemed to be inside instead of outside), there was a warning being flashed because of the magma, which also had some weird chemicals in it that made it even more dangerous than regular magma. We all needed to evacuate. That's when I realized my home was in danger. I ran up the short wall/stairs and into one of the rooms. There was a guy with me helping me out. He looked like the blonde scientist from Dark City (watched the movie last night IWL).

      The main thing I wanted to rescue was my cat. Apparently, I kept her in a big hamster/bird cage? Anyway, the blonde scientist scooped her out of her litter box. I was glad she was in there at that time, because otherwise, I was afraid I'd lose her. I took her from the scientist, and we both grabbed as much of her stuff as we could. I then walked over to my bed to grab some more things, like clothes and stuff. I sifted through a pile of pajama pants, trying to decide which ones to take. I was saying out loud that I couldn't decide which ones I wanted to take. I wanted to take the ones with Thumper the bunny on them since I saw them first (a pair I actually own IWL, but rarely wear), but there were others that I actually really liked and wore more often that I would rather have. I was in a hurry though, and didn't feel I had enough time to go through them all and decide that way. I just grabbed a bunch, the Thumper ones pink being some of the ones I grabbed. While we were running to a safer place, I noticed I was holding onto the cat too tightly, and loosened my grip a bit. She didn't struggle or anything.

      At some point, we noticed that my key chain had some keys broken off from it. I examined them, and noticed it was only the keys to Jake's apartment, the ones that no longer worked since the locks got changed. All the keys I needed were there.

      We were then in this quiet apartment, though in the same building as we were in, it was safe for some reason. I set up the cage, put her food dish in it, and told the blonde scientist that was with me to open the top of her cage to get the litter box in it. The litter box didn't seem like it should fit at all; it was way too big. But it fit. We put the cat in there too. I then told the scientist I needed to go get her water dish. The scientist picked up a small green bowl that we could use instead, since it was so dangerous where I had previously been. I said we could do that if I couldn't get her original water dish, and to myself, I thought I could grab some more things, like more clothes, out of there as well while I was over there. I ran off.

      When I got to the magma scene, I ran up and down the aisle, looking for my previous location. I could have sworn it was here. I looked to the wall/stairs to my left, and noticed a line of guys standing on top of one of the wall/stairs that was accumulating more and more magma. I had no time to think about why they were doing this; it was total chaos here anyway, the reasons were endless. I ran up and down the aisle a few more times, then, to my right, saw a hallway. I ran down the hallway, and it was light there, more peaceful, no smoke or chaos. At a desk sat my friend, Rachel. We talked about the magma for a second, asking one another if we'd heard about it. Then, I was where I needed to be.

      As I entered, it was smoky, and lots of people were running around in the craziness. I saw a huge section of fold-out chairs in front of me. At the front of them, whom I almost ran by, was Seth Rogen. He was just standing there. As I went by, I said
      "Seth, I need your help."
      He then agreed to help me, while saying to his friends
      "I'm going to go help this girl," with emphasis on the girl part. It was like he was trying to impress his friends, saying he was going to help a female, or something like that.

      I then ran with Seth behind me, looking down the aisles of chairs that were on my right. I knew the water dish was down one of them. There were a few people down all of them, panicking, trying to figure out what exactly they should do. We came to some of the middle sections, and I was sure the dish had to be down one of them. Though I was worried the panicking people would get in the way, I told Seth to go down to the end of one, and the dish should be there. He went down the aisle to look for the dish.