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    Exploring My Mind

    My dream journal. I'll try to make things as interesting as possible, and try to recall as many dreams as I can.
    Anything in orange text is just part of a non-lucid. Anything in blue text is a lucid dream. Purple text is a dream sign, or possible dream sign. If the text isn't colored, it's not a dream and it's usually just me commenting on various things.
    I'm hoping to fill this journal with tons of dreams over the coming years, and ultimately, get better at lucid dreaming~

    1. Back to Basics

      by , 03-14-2014 at 12:54 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      I've had work for the past two days at my new job, which required me getting up super early. That threw off my recall a bit, but it's back now, with a vengeance!

      So apparently I was in Australia (I don't find this out till later in the dream). Of course, I've never been there, so the environment I was seeing wasn't based off of it or anything. Me and my ever-present girlfriend were hanging out like we usually do in my dreams, except we were in a house I didn't really recognize. It looked large and well decorated, almost as if the owner had a lot of money.
      There's a gap in my memory to what happened here, but I eventually found myself exploring a weird house that was different from the one I was in before. For some reason, the house reminded me of the house from Gone Home, except stranger. I kept looking through it, bumping into two drunk old men on my way through, and eventually found my way down into a large chasm where a flowing river was going. The chasm opened out to an ocean, and it was night time. I wanted to get on the other side, but going in the water made me wary. I didn't know what might be in there.
      So! Somehow, my dream self thought I could get across by using a super power: sending jets from my feet to collide myself off the surface of the water so I could bounce across. "Genius..." I thought to myself.
      I jumped towards the water and tried using the power, but it failed miserably and I started sinking. It quickly activated as I was sinking, and I could feel SOMETHING slither by my legs. I quickly jetted out of the water and back to the beginning of the chasm.
      As I made my way back upstairs, I was confronted by my girlfriend's grandma, who started scolding me about a lot of things.

      At first I thought this next dream was a separate one, but my dream self literally referenced the previous dream to a friend, so it seems they were connected.
      Suddenly I was in school. My Japanese classroom. However, all the students around me seemed unfamiliar, yet I accepted the fact that I knew them. I talked to one of them about my encounter with my girlfriend's grandma previously. We then were tasked with playing some kind of word game, but sadly I don't remember how that went.
    2. A Random Adventure of Cats, Students, and Candy

      by , 10-25-2013 at 03:41 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      After a 10 day dry spell, I suddenly remembered lots from my dreams last night, which has made me more hopeful for future endeavors. Good amounts of detail remembered from these two dreams.
      The first thing I can recall doing in this dream is attending a class at school. It looked similar to my science class from middle school. I met a girl there who I quickly became friends with, though I can't remember anything she said. She had long brown hair and was, unlike a lot of the girls around her, wearing no makeup.
      The girl and I walked down the school hallway, which also looked like my middle school. We heard a stern voice and looked over to see my high school Japanese teacher yelling at some students for not following the rules and listening to him. The girl and I then attended a version of my middle school English class, except that it was much bigger and more surreal-looking. They were handing out applications for college that let you skip a year and then take a two year course.
      Naturally, I went to go grab a paper, but when I got up there all the papers were buried underneath heavy books and I couldn't get them off. As I was struggling, a kid I know told me to sit down because I was taking too long.

      This next dream was a continuation of the previous dream, I think. If it was a different dream, it didn't feel like it.
      I was outside now, this time at a warped version of my old day care. There were multiple cats walking around, mewing and staring at me. I saw my luggage opened up and arranged neatly on a nearby brick wall (I'm on vacation in real life right now). I explored a little and discovered a small tube with the top part of it cut off. Somehow I determined that I had to fill the tube with water to raise a nearby chain and cut the chain to get a prize. Sadly, I don't recall what the prize was. I also noticed a white cat with orange and black spots hanging out near this area, and I tried to pet it, but it ran off.
      I then noticed a small toy on the ground. Picking it up, it turned out to be a Boo from Mario, except it was Blue in color. I opened it up and discovered small boo candies inside of it.
      this reminded me of a toy I have in real life that looks like a Mario mushroom and has mushroom candies in it. I sat down and looked at the candies, but then noticed four hunters with long beards, laughing and walking by. They glanced over at me.
      "Hello!" one said, raising his gun.
      "Sup," I said simply. They laughed and started walking away. "Have fun!!" I yelled. They laughed at that too and kept walking. They gave me a creeped out feeling.
      I woke up and was going to stay up, but fell asleep for a few minutes and had a little dream that I remembered upon waking.
      I walked downstairs in the rental house we're staying at right now, and the guy who owned it and his kids were talking with my grandpa and laughing. I walked out to the porch, where my mom and dad were swinging. "He seems nice," mom said.
      "What're we all doing right now?" I asked.
      "Hanging out with you all!" dad exclaimed.
      And then I awoke. Not terribly interesting, but it's something!
      Thankfully, this dry spell broke~
    3. Psycho Dolphins

      by , 06-23-2012 at 06:04 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Well, some of this is fuzzy since I'm just NOW typing this, but I'll remember what I can.
      "The great, big ocean! AAAH!" I said, breathing out a sigh of contentment. The ocean was the place to be, the perfect place to explore. What's that? Nothin' out there? Avast with ye!
      Okay, so no, I'm just pirate talking because it sounds funny. Let's get this ship on the move!
      Since I've never piloted a boat of any kind, I didn't really know what the hell I was even doing.
      I turned the whatawhat and pushed the giggamajag and set sail. My crew...eh, who were they again? They were staying down in the lower parts of the boat. The boat itself wasn't anything special, but give it some time, and I'd have her upgraded before you know it. It was a pretty small ship, all in all.
      As we sailed farther and farther away from the shore, I started to get this panicky feeling, but didn't know why.
      "Eh?" I grunted, looking out from the front of the boat. Rising out of the water were about 8 or 9 dolphin fins, circling around the boat. At first, I panicked, thinking them to be sharks, but on closer inspection realized that they were indeed simply dolphins. I calmed down and tried to steer the ship forward and out of the ring of dolphins. As soon as the ship passed over one of the fins, I could see a dolphin jumping out of the water out of the corner of my eye. I turned towards it.
      "AAAAAAAH!" I screamed.
      The dolphin flew straight at me and hit me like a cannonball, knocking me off the ship and into the water. I could feel myself resting upon the back of the dolphin, and could sense it swimming impossible speeds out deeper into the ocean. I could barely breathe, the water constantly covering my face, only surfacing for a milisecond of breath, then back down again.

      And then I woke up. The weird part was that I woke up breathing hard, as if I really was running out of air like I was in the dream. I've had that kind of thing happen before in certain dreams. Blah. All in all though, pretty funny dream when you consider the ninja psycho dolphins.
    4. Titanic Basement

      by , 05-06-2012 at 03:33 AM (Exploring My Mind)
      This one goes from...odd to normal within the span of a second.
      I'm in my Grandma's basement. Looks like it always does; tv, computer, comfy carpeting, nice couch, piano, etc. A few other random people were standing around as well. I ignored these people because behind me was none other than Jack and Rose from the movie Titanic. I decided to hang out with them, and we all chatted about something I forget. Suddenly, the windows burst open, and water flooded in at a fast rate. The basement started tilting downwards, with the other side going up. Basically, the basement was the Titanic. As it flooded, I tried to stay near Jack and Rose, but lost my hold on a piece of furniture and fell farther through the quickly flooding basement. A young boy hanging onto a part of the ceiling caught me by the hand.
      "PLEASE! HELP ME!" I screamed, as the basement I once loved was being sunk around me. The boy shook his head. He murmured, "Make your choice." and with that, he let go of my hand, and I fell down to the bottom of the basement hallway, and into the depths of ocean water.
      SUDDENLY. I was in a courtyard. The location looked like my neighborhood.
      My previously freaked out demeanor about the Titanic basement quickly went away when, I noticed my dad walking up. He said, "Let's go home." with a big smile. I walked home with him, and on the way, stopped to talk to a friend who wanted to show me this stuffed animal she got.