• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. pontozero's Avatar
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      Hehehe this wasn't my first LD, I have them since a kid and managed to deal with them somewhat. But yes, most of them happen as a DILD. Actually I think I never had a WILD, I always fall asleep and then gain consciousness. Oh well, got to work harder
    2. StingPT's Avatar
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      Congratulations! I like to read about first LDs and they seem to be all DILDs. Its great the sensation you have when you gain counsciousness! My first was wind blowing into my face! but the enthusiasm ruins it waking you up. But it seems that you didnt wake up but entered another dream and you lost counsciousnees. You will loose less over the time I think." É fixe haver um tuga aqui desejo-te boa sorte e se tiveres duvidas podes falar comigo, posso nao ser um grande pro mas ja apanhei algumas coisas e ja senti a paralisia. A gente vê-se por aí! Ah e bem vindo "