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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 4 Feb: Riding the dragon Orion, performing a miracle and much more

      by , 02-04-2011 at 05:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)


      “The tourist” meets “Indiana Jones” meets "An Adventure"

      I’m inside an alternative version of the movie “The Tourist”. The cover of the agent played by Angelina Jolie is blown. I am the guy played by Johny Depp. She meets me at some back alley when she is being chased by two bad guys. We fight them but we lose and we are kidnapped.
      I then get out of the body of the guy and I am just my own self. I follow them into some tunnels of mines. Like in Indiana Jones, I am on one of those cars on tracks, going deeper and deeper into the mine. I end up on some gallery which opens above some big cave, with openings to a cliff over the sea. I am being helped by the kids from a Portuguese book collection loosely inspired on Enid Blyton’s books. At least, the group resembles the one from those books, although the only DC which is really clear to me is the geeky guy.
      We come up with a plan to pretend we are ghosts – making sounds, dropping things on the bad guys, etc – hoping to confuse them and scare them away. It has some effect, but it is the police, which ends up arriving, who captures them. Meanwhile the parents of the kids came along with the police and the kids fear their reaction for having got into such dangerous situation. But the police calls them heroes so the parents go easy on them.

      Running tests
      Fragment of a strange LD which started as a thriller and which I use to run some tests on the power of genius intuition vs. logic reasoning for solving a case and the effects of love and passion over something else.


      Stray dogs
      With my dad walking a street. We see a stray dog who seems lost and is walking dangerously in the middle of the road. My dad says he wants to turn some other way, because he can’t watch if the dog gets hurt. I say that we should help him. I run to middle of the road, but the dog runs away from me, not facilitating the rescue. There are cars coming, so I decide to teach him in 10 seconds to fear the road. I scream and scare him away from there. He only feels safe from me when he is on the sidewalk. I hope it will help him in the future to stay out of the road. Then I get on a bus with my dad and we see some lady attending to some other dog who has been hit by a car. It has his guts out, so I don’t think he’ll survive. I tell my dad we can’t avoid meeting with violence or death, even if we try, so it’s better to just face it in the eyes and do our best to help those in danger.


      Deceitful red-head and burglars
      Talking with some friends through a cell phone conference, to arrange a meet-up with dinner. I walk through a city, which feels like Lisbon. I am with two other girl friends and on the phone are some guys who are kind of rockers. They say they want to dine at the Hard Rock Café and I think sarcastically “How original...”
      My two friends are walking a bit further away from me, at some distance from each other. I stop a bit to arrange details about the dinner when I see a really nice wooden medieval door on my left, half-open. I get half-lucid and my curiosity takes me inside. It’s like a stone paved patio with houses around, but with a ceiling. It’s very dark, some purple lights illuminate slightly the windows from the houses around and the ceiling has those LED lights which replicate the effect of stars in the sky. I see some stairs going from the right upper corner of the patio to some unknown place. I’m curious about where it leads, but I want to go back and meet my friends before I lose them. I turn and bump into one of them who followed me there. She says we should go see what’s at the end of those stairs. I agree but what about the other girl? She doesn’t know the city, she’ll get lost. She calls her on the cell phone, to meet us there. Then we head to the stairs, but some attractive red hair girl comes in our way, asking for our purses. I ask if I can take my camera and she says yes, but the rest stays there with her. Hum, ok. Then she leads us through a side tunnel at which end is a card box on the exit to a backstreet. I find that weird and ask if that’s safe. She guarantees it is, because she is always there. No she’s not! What about when she goes inside to bring people here? I find that really odd. I ask, what about some number tags so she doesn’t hand the bags over to the wrong people. Then she hands us some stickers with numbers. I’m still not happy, but I look at her one last time to try to feel if she’s trustworthy. She looks beautiful, elegant and competent. I decide I’ll have to trust her. Usually it’s easy to know who not to trust. The opposite is harder. As soon as we leave and she thinks we went up those stairs, she gets outside to meet some van full of guys. But I actually stayed behind sneaking on her. She hands them something and leaves and the guys get out of the van and head to the box with our purses. Oh no! I run and drag my friends with me to meet those thugs. We keep them off our stuff and try to protect other people’s stuff too, but they are too many and start slapping and pushing us around. I notice there’s a lot of grocery bags in the box, so I offer them the food if they leave the purses alone. I think they agreed, because in the end, I’m checking which food is in there and distributing it to them.


      Just want some peace of mind
      With my BF on some very straight lined building, like a museum from the fascist period. For some reason I feel uncomfortable there and with him, so I try to get away, First slowly, so he doesn’t notice, but then a bit faster. As soon as I am outside, going up some staircase, I decide to fly away. But all I manage is to hover a little bit. I try harder to levitate and as I do it, I become lucid.
      I finally manage to fly high easily and by seeing the terraces over the buildings down below, I chose to sit on one and do a short meditation practice [I decided to try to remember to do it on every lucid I have, even if then I go do something else.] I sit and make a prayer to Guru Rinpoche. I also try to visualize him, but instead what happens is that a bunch of DCs appear sitting by my side, chatting and pushing me, really annoying me. I kick a girl down the building, thinking that she is just a product of my mind, trying to distract me. But I couldn’t help feeling bad for using violence. The doubt in my mind opened a breach and all the DCs jump over me, attacking me furiously. I fly high again trying to get rid of them. I sit at another rooftop. I repeat the prayer and I see the blue orb light I saw once when invoking the medicine Buddha. It is steadily coming in my direction. I’m thrilled but also wondering what it is and why it is coming at me, since I didn't summon the same entity of the last time the blue orb appeared. So many questions make it go away, by making a U-turn and disappearing to where it came from.
      Once again, there are DCs by my side, but these are quieter. On my right side is the geeky guy. I ask him: “By chance, are you my DG? Because you’ve been a lot in my dreams these last few days.” He doesn’t reply, just smiles mysteriously at me. Then some really big guy appears out of nowhere to attack me and I decide this dream is over, I can’t do anything here without DCs beating me up.

      Resuscitating a baby
      I go through the dream fabric, like my DG told me to and it works so well again! All goes a bit dark, I feel my body in SP and I think maybe I'll try out an AP. But I forgot exactly how to proceed and I precipitate to just another LD.
      I find myself in a tiny cubicle with a door in front of me and a lady by my left side, telling me to please go inside. She opens the door and I’m at some surgery room on a hospital. There are two nurses by the side of a surgery table. They look somber. A white sheet covers a very tiny body and they carefully remove it to show me an inanimate baby. They look at me as if they expect my help, but I wonder what I can do. Then I am drawn into passing energy to the baby through my hands. One of the nurses asks me not to touch him, so I do it at some distance from his body. Very soon after he is regaining colours, looking refreshed and healthy and he even talks! The baby repeats “Aleluia! Aleluia!” and I think how freaky that is. The nurses thank me, with tears in their eyes and the lady who brought me in takes me back to the cubicle where I first arrived and closes the door behind me thanking me for the miracle.

      Spicy underground pub
      Everything gets a bit dark again and I feel myself floating through the ceiling and arriving at some other place. The first thing I notice is a kind of comic book hanging on a wall with hand writing on it. I take it down and go through the pages to decipher the message on it. It says something like “You have the opportunity to make a difference. There’s someone (?) who is going to be accused of terrorism (or to be victim of terrorism) and you can help preventing that.” Then it says a location and even some websites for more info, but I just get lost and almost wake up trying to memorize all that data. [On waking up the info didn’t made any sense, although coherent and the place existent. The only web address I could remember led me to a porn website (LOL).]
      I try to stabilize the dream by looking around to where I am. It looks like a bar, a bit dark and spicy. The name of the place is pictorial and phallic and three guys there tell me people call this place by names like “little dick” or “hardon”. I conclude the websites I saw on the paper were probably related to this place and not to the message I read, which could be just a big joke anyway.

      Riding a dragon
      I then see a tiny door on the left wall opening briefly and some weird looking guy with horns peaking briefly. Then the door closes again. I go there and knock. A muscled guy with horns appears and asks what I want. I ask back who is he. He says he’s a dragon caretaker and that he was just peaking but won't go in, because he has to go back to his dragons. I feel excited with the possibility of being around dragons and I ask him if I can see them and ride one. He smiles and says “Sure!” I enter and he closes the door. It is again some kind of small cubicle, and there’s another opening right opposite to the door. I see a dragon’s head peaking and then going away. I go check it out and I see a cloudy sky below me and dragons flying around. The guy calls the dragon back and I ask him “How shall I ride him? How do I command him?” He laughs and tells me “Don’t worry, they speak English.”, “Ah, ok.” The dragon reappears and offers me one of his horns to grab. I do so and then jump to his back. I ask him if it’s ok to grab his horns, he says yes, but I decide it might be uncomfortable to him, so I hold on to a kind of bonny collar he has around his neck. He then plunges downwards and it’s the most amazing lucid thing I ever did! Wooohooo, I’m riding a dragon!!! He flies above the clouds and then we go under the clouds and I see green planes with lakes all over. When things are calmer and he is flying at cruise speed, I ask him is name and what is this place. He says he’s Orion and this is Souldart – I ask him to repeat the name of the land and I understand it clearly [but on waking up, I’m not so sure, it sounded something like Souldart]. He then takes me over some city. The people are beautifully dressed in tunics and they live in what look like fancy roman villas. The dragon takes me across some patio sided by white stone columns and with a rectangular shallow lake in the middle where some kids play together under the care of a lady. He tells me this place used to be magical but it is now dying with the end of the old religion. I want to ask more, but as we slide through the air and I formulate questions in my mind, the dream fades and I wake up.


      Updated 02-04-2011 at 06:25 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    2. 30 Nov: Art inspired by meditation and lucid Reiki

      by , 11-30-2010 at 10:01 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:30 GMT

      Group trip on a van
      (Potential SD)--> I was interacting with some group in a van. Like a 9 seat van. I was outside of the van but talking with some guy sitting in the middle row. He is handing me over something. I think there are two girls by his side, but anyway he was in the middle seat. He had a very strong and sexual presence and I felt both intimidated and attracted to him. Then he tells me to hand over or say something to the guys on the back row, so I slide the door to see who's there. At first it’s undefined. I just notice some younger girl near the door but the other people are not yet clear to me. But as I focus, the person in the middle becomes Marco Polo, my ex-boss, ex-crush. Behind him is a guy from the board of his organization. I’m doing whatever I was instructed to do by the other guy and it puts me in a position power towards Marco Polo. He looks me in the eyes and I see he hasn’t forgotten me and he is hoping I also still nurture feelings for him, so I ease the whatever pressure I’m putting on him. I look cold and distant, like he doesn’t mean anything to me anymore, but inside I feel glad that he misses me. I ask them to get out of the van, which they do but he is using his diplomacy and charm to try to soften me. He asks me if I know about the latest project his office is working on and I say no, that I read their newsletter regularly, but either haven’t read the last one or I just missed the news. But I don’t show any interest in knowing anyway. Then the other guy that gave me whatever mission I was accomplishing was also outside the van and we go arm-in-arm guiding the group to some place. It’s some sort of company building and I can only tell it’s in Japan, because they ask us to take off our shoes and put them in a locker they have in the lobby. I had just picked some brochures from the front desk trying to figure out what this place was. I noticed they were written in Portuguese but before I manage to read anything the lady guide really pushes us to take our shoes off. I tell her I worry my feet might smell and she says there’s nothing to worry because they have refreshing wipes in the toilet room for cleaning the feet. Much better.

      00:30 GMT

      So much wrong put together
      At some house with some guy, my dad’s friend I think. This guy is abusing me, he pulled my pants down and he his touching me. I don’t know how I allowed it to happen, I just was there in the middle of it when I became aware of it. My dad comes in exactly on that moment and sees it. Unfortunately he seems to be more embarrassed that I’m half naked, than with the fact this guy is abusing me. The guy loses his grip so I run and cover my body. The guy then leaves and my dad goes to sleep. I play with the dog. To my horror I notice that the dog has his jaw dislocated and I go wake up my dad to take the dog to the vet. But then my cat is also in the picture and I find out he just broke my dad’s chess marble pieces he kept under the bed. He says I must discipline the cat and then I see more broken pieces. On his bedside table I find a particularly weird object – a crucified Buddha - beheaded by the cat.

      02:00 GMT

      Book of memories
      On my way to some classroom (not in school anymore, something for adults) but I want to arrive there flying to impress everybody. Inside the classroom I see Benny, a co-worker with whom I have a communication problem. I want to use the opportunity to break the ice, but I chicken out and first go to toilet. Inside it I enter the first toilet compartment, but I almost can’t move inside so I get out and try the next one. Better, but then I’m being pressured by some lady who’s also in need to use it. Back in the classroom I see some books that were left on a table – I guess related to our class – and I find one which includes a detailed report from a camp retreat where I was as a child. The date on it is 1995, but I know it was even before that, more likely 1991. As I go through it and see the pictures I am immediately transported to those days and I relive the events. Then I realise this book is from Nighthawk. I didn’t even know he was around. I ask him why he has that book and if I can keep it. It includes group pictures where I appear and it’s both embarrassing that others see it and I would also like to have it for myself as a souvenir. But he says no, he won’t give me the book. He knows how much this upsets me.

      Daycare lady
      On a bus or train with my BF and with my cat on my lap. My BF wants the cat to get fresh air from the window, but I say this is no dog and he might jump out, so I actually ask everybody to close the windows that are open. Some people only then notice I have a cat with me and come to cuddle him. One of these persons is Dulce, a lady that took care of me in the daycare when I was a kid and that keeps showing up in my dreams. I never spoke to her on dreams before, so this time I say hi. As I say hi, she seems to notice me also for the first time and makes a big smile and asks me what have I been doing all these years.

      5:00 GMT

      A mystical surreal painting
      I just remember the dream from when I became lucid. I was at a empty room, with a big window with no glass. Outside is a golden light shimmering through the leaves of a tree. I decide to sit to meditate and there’s a pillow right there in the middle of the empty floor. I sit but I don’t feel comfortable. I ignore that and focus on visualizing a Buddha I'm supposed to visualize. I face the naked wall, so it becomes easier than on previous occasions. I see his contours starting to form on the wall, like an ethereal coloured outline. But never a solid figure. Suddenly it becomes a ball of light that hits me and knocks me down. I have this freefall sensation I get when I am falling from the dream but I hold on and I get back in. Once again facing the wall, I visualize this Buddha but his outline figure gives rise to a painting, a perfectly drawn, detailed and clear surreal painting. I feel so surprised that I try to memorize it in all details. I go from the centre to the left and then right trying to memorize the figures, the tones and the words written on it, but it’s not easy. It’s in beige and mocha tones. In the centre a bit tilted to opposite sides are the Pisa Tower and the Eiffel Tower. On the side are the names of European cities, like Paris, Rome, etc. Below a giant pair of eyes and this is landed on a flat terrain with a sea on the left. On the right there are buildings and people, like scenes from an urban landscape and on the left facing the sea is Obélix a bit slender than usual and Astérix with a donkey’s head and wings, hovering above the floor. There’s a black guy in the first plan and on some rocky island in the middle of the sea are some nymphs with wings. Sparse along the picture are what seem to be random words, which I tried to memorise, but forgot. I woke up before I got to memorize all the details.

      Doing Reiki to my mom
      (FA)--> I slide in again but I get convinced that I woke up for good, because I “woke up” on my bed on side position as I had fallen asleep and I do a RC to confirm. I conclude I’m still dreaming. On the bed by my side is my BF, but as usual he is just to inside the dream and kind of dragging me down. I almost wake up again but I hold on and find myself lying down again on the bed. (FA)--> Once again I do RC just to be sure and I find out I am still dreaming. I get up and realise this time I’m not in my room, but in my mom’s. I see her on the bed. She woke up and I go to her side and tell her this is a dream and ask her if I can do Reiki on her. She is again not believing me this is a dream but she agrees with the Reiki. She turns belly down and as I channel energy to her body I wish and visualize that all illnesses and bad energies are cast away, that all obstacles to her health and life are removed. But I strange that I’m not feeling any actual energy flowing, so I decide to do an experiment. I ask her for her flask of vitamins she has on her bedside table and she hands it over to me. I try to energize the pills so they become more powerful and they start moving fast inside the flask as if stirred in a washing machine. It’s so crazy to watch. I try to channel energy to objects and that’s what happens to all of them. So I go back to her and do more Reiki, confident that there is energy flowing, but she is very quiet, as if she fell asleep and then she totally faded away, leaving only the clothes behind. I guess she probably woke up, into the RL. I also slip into waking up, but then slide back in. I find myself in some place with other people, like the empty room where I was first lucid this night, but now is full of people and there’s some event going on. I don’t feel interesting in whatever it is taking place so I decide to keep working on my chi. I remember I did a kamehame in some dream before, but now I want to do it in a serious, non-cartoon like version. Just projecting the chi, not balls of fire. So I target objects that are around in the room and I try to knock them down with chi projections. After a while, the objects started to shake, hit by something, but none actually fell. The blasts were too weak. I felt disappointed and thought that at this pace, I will never actually be able to do this in RL, if not even in dreams I master it.
      I fly through the window, pass by the tree branches of that tree I had seen before through the window, but on the ground a guy I know, Fernando, is calling me. I stop and ask what’s up and he introduces me to some geeky guy he says needs a tour around the town. I agree to do it, just so he would let me go. From above the tree I see a fantastic landscape with green hills and valleys. The sun is already setting and it is becoming dark, but on top a hill I see a flat garden and decide to land there to sit a bit more and continue meditation. But when I arrive there, some blond lady jumps from out of nowhere and tells me this place is closed and I must come back during the day. Then I woke up for good.

      7:00 GMT

      NOTE: Good news is my mom felt the effects. I asked her once again if she had anything to tell me and she just said "I don't recall any dream, but at 3 am I went to sleep full of pain in my shoulders and at 6 am I woke up so refreshed and inspired!" She wrote a 5 pages letter between 6 and 7 am, which she was delaying for about a year (delicate issue with a friend) and she said the words just came out flowing like a river, with no hesitation or corrections. Good for her! Then I told her about my little experiment, she was thrilled and asked me to do some more

      Updated 11-30-2010 at 10:09 PM by 34880

      false awakening , memorable , lucid , non-lucid