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    Hyu's Adventures

    I've been lucid dreaming all my life. But it is only in late 2010 that I was introduced to what lucid dreaming actually is,
    and that it is possible to induce lucid dreams. Soon after, I discovered Dreamviews.
    These are the adventures and the curiosities I experience in my dreams.

    Last edited on 2014.07.31

    ~ Recurring Locations ~

    • The Beach (Image)
      A place I often end up in if I get lost, or if I use a means of teleportation without thinking of a destination.
      It is always dusk whenever I am there. Usually the beach is empty, but occasionally something of interest can be found.
      The beach is a place of serenity. A place where I can be alone and safe.
    • Teraluna - Riven (Image) (Image)
      Teraluna is an inhabited moon within a binary star system.
      It is orbiting a blue gas giant. It is only sparsely lit by both suns, which are quite far away.
      Riven is a hidden sky city, hovering over the seas of Teraluna.
      It is a safe haven to all it's inhabitants, and home to Yuya.
      The city is lit entirely by colorful bioluminescent plants and creatures, giving the place a rather surreal and vibrant look.
      Riven is my favorite place to visit whenever I am lucid.

    ~ Recurring Characters ~
    • Yuya (Image)
      She has been in my dreams ever since my early teens.
      Formerly a goddess of water, she now lives in Riven.
      She is my spirit guide (although she does not like to be labeled as such)
      The connection I experience with her is incredible.
      She is my friend, my companion, my love, my ecstasy, my guide and my teacher.
    • Faye (Image)
      She is my dream guide, and often changes her appearance.
      But for some reason she has recently turned evil, and now haunts my dreams.
      She is no longer the same person, and can seemingly no longer be reasoned with.
    • Silver (Image)
      A character from childhood dreams.
      He used to be my rival, but is now my dear friend.
      He is not a man of many words, and I do not encounter him very often.
    • Liv (Image)
      Liv is a succubus, a kind of demon.
      She is young, inexperienced, shy, but immensely kind and compassionate,
      even though at first glance she looks demonic and dangerous.
      Nowadays she lives in Riven. Yuya and I guide her on her path towards adulthood.
    • Shinave (Image)
      Formerly a goddess of ice. She is a wise and intelligent person.
      She is Yuya's mother.
    • Ifrit (Image)
      Formerly a god of fire. A being of terrible force and power, but also incredible wisdom.
      He has lived for many hundreds of years, and still upholds old and conservative ideals.
    • Selene
      A character from childhood dreams.
      She has fallen to the templars a long time ago.
    • Templars
      A vile force of darkness that has threatened my dreams in the past.

    1. Dance in hell

      , 03-16-2011 at 06:41 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I'm on Teraluna with Yuya and Liv.
      Liv is here for the first time.
      The gates would usually prevent any demons from getting into the city, but they let her through because
      she has no dark thoughts.

      Even though everyone is super nice to her she's still extremely shy and clearly feels out of place.
      But she's happy to be here.
      We're sitting at the table in front of Yuya's place talking about all kinds of things.
      There's a bowl with sweets on the table, and I keep sneaking stuff from it because everything is so delicious.
      Lemon marzipan surrounded by black chocolate, yum!

      During the conversation I notice that something is on Liv's mind.
      There's something bothering her, she wants to ask something, but she's too shy.
      I offer her a cookie from the bowl.
      Yuya realizes that there's quite a bit of stuff missing from it.


      I chuckle as she throws something at me. (I think it was a hairpin)
      Liv realizes what's going on and laughs out loud.
      There we go, loose some of that shyness.

      "So Liv, what is it you want to ask?"

      She turns red.
      It takes some time to actually convince her to tell me.
      She finally ends up explaining that she is going to a ball.
      She has to for some reason, and her sisters will be there.
      But she's very uncomfortable going there, because it is common for succubi to seduce someone
      rich or powerful to go with them. She doesn't want to do that though.
      She's known for being shy, which is a bit ridiculous since she's a succubus, and she'll be laughed at if she comes without a 'date'.

      "I don't really see where the problem is."
      "But... I don't..."
      "You could just ask someone to go with you, you know."
      "Nobody would go with me..."

      She's not biting, but I can clearly see it in her face.
      She wants to ask me to go with her.

      "You could ask me for example."
      "Would you.... go with me? ..."

      "Yes, absolutely."

      Yuya says: "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

      "So, where is this ball anyways?"
      "... it's in hell."

      Wait, what?
      I look at Yuya. She doesn't seem concerned, so it probably isn't as dangerous as it sounds.
      Whatever, it'll be an adventure, it's probably going to be awesome...

      ... Liv and I are standing in line... to get into hell I suppose?
      I'm wearing a red and white kimono, as is tradition for dragons according to Yuya.
      Liv's dress reminds me a bit of a prom dress, it's cute, it looks nice on her.
      We're at the entrance... it says "Club Hades".
      I ask Liv:

      "Seriously? Hades?"
      "You know him?"
      "No... he... what?"
      "The club is named after it's owner, he's called Hades."

      I find it funny, but Liv obviously doesn't know about Greek mythology.

      The inside of the club is actually quite awesome. It's in a huge cave, and the place is lit up by pools and fountains of lava.
      I hide my energy at first, because there's a lot of demons here, but that quickly attracts the attention of some predators.
      Some bird-like creature looks at me with an appetite.
      I quickly change my aura and emit some energy to show that I'm a dragon.
      The creature quickly looks away.
      I decide to act confident, as if I have nothing to fear here.

      There are all sorts of creatures here, most of them look humanoid.
      Not all of them appear to be demons though, some clearly aren't and some may very well be human.
      During a conversation Liv explains that this club is some sort of a neutral zone.
      Hades is insanely powerful, nobody would dare to cause any kind of trouble here.

      At some point she introduces my to her sisters.
      There's 3 of them, they're all older than Liv, and clearly not as nice as she is.
      They seduced some men to come with them. The men aren't even aware where they are, they're under complete mind control.
      Her sisters are extremely surprised that she's with a dragon.
      The oldest of them asks how she managed to seduce a dragon.
      I say in a serious and dark voice:

      "She didn't have to."

      That's gonna leave an impression.

      ...I'm a bit surprised that nobody's causing trouble, some creatures look quite aggressive.
      I suppose this place is quite safe indeed.
      Liv is still very shy, but she doesn't show it to the other guests.
      I ask her for a dance. She's quite happy and we go to the dance floor...
      lucid , memorable