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    Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self"

    Important notes
    Ordinary dream

    1. Running in czech through building area

      by , 01-23-2013 at 08:51 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      Ocitnul jsem se na nejakym kopci u lesa. Bezim dolu a vidim jak tam jdou nejaky dva kluci. Neco jak ofanda a lada. A hned na me zacnou neco pokrikovat. Chvili jsem si myslel ze je to krysk s Juseppem, ale myslim ze to nebyli oni. Zacli na me neco sakrasrticky, neco o cervenejch a bilech krvinkach. Mel jsem pocit, ze jsme se predtim potkali a ja jsem je neco poucoval. RIkal jsem si ze priste budu drzet hubu.

      Rekl jsem jim at si jsou po svym a ze ja pujdu taky a rozbehl jsem se doprava do kopce. Za chvilicku kolem me zase probhli a smali se. Dobehli na kopec a otocili se a bezeli zpatky. Delal jsem ze si jich nevsimam.

      Potom dobehnu na takovou paseku a tma je vliekej strom prasklej a ohnutej. Je to tma nejak povykaceny a na tom prasklym strome je nejaka kabinka. Ja posloucham nejakou hudbu ve sluchatkach a hraje tam dost dobra pisnicka, snazim se to pistit spatky, ale porad mi tam skace dream theater koncert.

      Potom dobehnu na nejake nove postavene sidliste. Jsou to krasny novy baraky, panelaky, ale jsou tam i takovy bloky se skrinkama. Je to hodne barevny a vsechny jsou otevreny. Divim se ze to neni poniceny nejakym vandalismem. Je to ale vsechno opusteny, jako by sem nemohli dostat lidi. Podom tam probehnu nahoru do vyzsiho patra. Koukam nalevo jak je tam dreveny schodiste nebo balkonek a rikam si, ze by to bylo super pro ty street runnery. Najednou sem na horenim patre a tam je proskleny balkon, a tam vidim sprchu a sporak. Koukam na to a je to studio byt. Hodne peknej, trochu vsechno namackany, ale pekny a novy. Rima si, ze se budu muset zeptat kolik to je.

      Sebehnu dolu schodama a vidim jak za rohem zabehne nejaka sekuritacka s telefonem.

      Pak tam vidim nejaku holku s klukem, tak probehnu kolem nich a slysim, ze mluvi cesky. Skrabu se tam na takovo zidku a ta holka to komentuje jako ze WOW ten je fit a tak. Tak si sundam sluchatka a dam se do reci. Ptam se odkud je, jestli z moravi a ona ze ze severu. Tak se ptam kolik ji je a ona ze je stara, ale nerekla. Potom vytahne nejakou masticku a sunda si triko a podprsenku a zacne si mazat hrudnik, kterej je celej poleptanej, jako ma Zbysek.

      Pak se probudim.
    2. Entada Rhedii

      by , 06-26-2012 at 07:52 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I have just sold 2 of these seeds on the internet and it the whole dream is about my effort to ship it in the morning
      First, I am going to some atelier to visit my friends or perhaps I work there. When I get there, there is Anna and Elham and some other people. They have some dogs there. Its a night time and I realise, that I didn't take with me the ER seeds that I need to ship tomorrow morning. For a moment I thought I just ship it the next day, but I cannot stand the thought of it. So I decide to leave and to get them. Then one of the dogs which looks like Husky just starts playing with me. I am politely pushing it away excusing myself that I have to leave. The dog is still jumping around and then jumps on my and I go on the floor. He starts running around like crazy, playing and particularly focused on my crotch. I am wearing jeans. I am laughing as its tickling me and I force my legs together. The dog keeps tickling me with its paw right on my balls!! I am laughing my ass off as its so ticklish as I am crawling on the floor trying to get away from it. Then I manage somehow and head home. I am walking at night.

      Then, I realise that I have them in Czech, and that I need to get there somehow. I as Barbara E if she can drive me there. She agrees and we heading there. I remember that during the dream I actually forget few times to take the seeds from the place I am going to collect hem. Then I have to come back. When we drive to Czech, I know that I gave the seeds to George and that he hid them at his grand parents house. At one point when we drive away from the place where I needed to collect them and I realise that I don't have them. I tell Barbara to wait that I will run back. The road is really funny, made of big stones and my running on it is pathetic. I see Barbara turning the car around and collecting me. We get there and I come to talk to them. They bring me the bag with seeds and the grandpa is telling me that if I want to plant them, I should do it somewhere far from the house. I look at the seeds and two of them are cracked and one of them is already having small root coming out of it. Grandpa says that it is very aggressive plant and that it takes over everything. "It will even damage electrical wires in the ground if its near" he says. I am pretty surprised by this comment.
      I get back to the car and suggest that I will drive. Barbara looks at "driketa" and says that that house is newly renovated. I offer to drive around so she can see. For some reason I decide to drive up George's garden and also across Hubner's one. I drive slowly not to do any damage. The we get in front of the Driketa. It still looks like an old house, but there are some futuristic glass parts on it, as if green house or observatory. I look around as I see some people there. There is my cousin Marcela with her husband Lada, and he has gun. I am surprised that they are there together as they are divorced. There is also the owner of the house which I don't know. He doesn't look very pleasant.
      I see my nephew there playing. I look at the house and on the left there is a fire place. It is in the glass part. Above it is something that looks like a well polished small model of locomotive and above it are some tanks. It is all connected with well polished bronze pipes. I assume that it is some kind of steam engine. I follow the pipes with my eyes and I see on the right of the house, there is the owner sitting in front of some mechanical control panel. He holds a control manual, on which are circles of different colours organised to some kind of tree, by which one determines what to do with the engine. He looks at it and then comes down to FV or FL final circle. The man then moves control stick of the steam engine to FL or FV option. I think that it is quite primitive and dangerous. I then ask if I can invite Barbara so she can see the place as she is very interested in it. They agree. Barbara come and we stay just for a moment and then we jump back in the car and I drive back to UK. I am surprised how skilful driver I am even though the steering wheel is on the other side. We are driving X5 the whole time. I think Christopher is also in the car.
    3. Many Dark Little Dreams

      by , 05-21-2012 at 10:24 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      I am sorting out some stuff at the back of my car. There are 4 £50 notes and 1000CZ notes packed separately in some plastic. George walks in to the garage and I am afraid he saw it and will come back later to take it. I don't trust him. I think its money from some dodgy business.

      I am working as a driver or delivery guy for some gangster boss. He promises that when I come to his camp, there are loads of pubs and clubs with many people most of which women! I go there and it is really so.

      I was at my old school in Czech. There was a big paper box full of various medicines under the main stairs. I go through it in case there are some pills I could use for lucid dreaming. I came across one that is similar to piracetam, but I want to open it and read the instructions to make sure. Then the box disappears and I know its in the in my house in the attic. I go there and its hidden there with some old books. I go through it and my mom keep asking what am I doing there. I cannot find it.

      I was running some crazy marathon. There were loads of people, but it went through some wrack yard or so. It reminded me of running man. Then we all got to a big room with little rooms on the sides on various levels. There were various mechanisms designed to kill us I believe. It was a bit like Indiana Johns. I tried to solve some of these mechanisms, but I don't know how to describe it here.

      I was cycling with Skrbek through some country side... on a road between farms. Then at one point I got off my bike as I wanted to push it through some deep mud. But Skrbek points out at my rear wheel! Its all funny shaped, almost like a square and the back part of the bike as well! I am confused where it happened. I should have realised it was a dream here!